Unsealed Trump Search Warrant - Trump had classified Documents

He far exceeded my expectations, thanks. Here is my own list - enjoy!...

– Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.
– New trade deal with China, replacing TPP.
– Built 450 miles of The Wall.
– Withdrew from Paris Climate Accord.
– Must cancel two new regulations for each one passed.
– Three new SCOTUS justices that are Constitutionalists.
– ISIS pretty much devastated; didn't even hear about them anymore.
– Immigration restrictions for certain countries where a significant fraction of the population is likely to desire harm to the US.
– Obamacare is no longer mandatory.
– Tax bill passed & hundreds of companies invest in the US by hiking wages and giving bonuses.
– Stock market rocketed.
– Fake media is being recognized.
– President shames NFL kneelers.
– US negotiated from a position of strength again.
– Jerusalem was recognized as the capital of Israel.
– Manufacturing coming back after Obama said it would never happen.
– Lowest African American unemployment ever.
– Lowest Hispanic unemployment ever.
– Lowest female unemployment in decades.
– Terminated Obama’s Iran deal, resulting in their economy collapsing.
– Obliterated Iran’s top commander, Soleimani, who orchestrated an attack on the US embassy in Iraq and was planning more.
– North Korea released US hostages and returned remains of 55 soldiers.
– North Korea did not launched long-range rockets nor set off atomic weapons.
– NATO members are paying lots more.
- Started no new wars, which he said is one of his proudest accomplishments.
– Millions of Americans off welfare and food stamps.
– America was leading in energy production again, even exporting oil to China.
– Military and law enforcement were respected by the executive branch again.
– Close to flipping the 9th circuit court, by appointing 10 judges to it, (Obama appointed seven)
– Normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE Bahrain & Morocco. Maybe more countries to come.
- Operation Warp Speed, where the Trump Admin invested in six vaccines, resulting in two remarkably-effective ones in less than one year, an accomplishment the MSM said “would take a miracle.” Fact check: Trump needs 'miracle' to be right about rosy vaccine timeline, experts say

Promises kept. Miracles achieved. America First.
A president that ignores and mocks the constitution, laws, regulations and policy can seem to be a miracle worker. However, it eventually catches up with them. We are now seeing the other side of the miracle worker, attempts to subvert the election process, fraud, irresponsible handling classified documents, and possibly espionage. Leaders like Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un were all considered miracle workers because they gave their supporters what they wanted while undermining democracy which they hated because it was a threat to their political future.
Clearly critical thinking isn't your forte'.

They knew what was and what wasn't in there.
If there was anything in there that was sensitive they put it there....or left it there so they could use it as justification for the raid. They had already been given ample time to remove it in a decent and amicable manner earlier this year.

The fact is.....nobody knows what was in there other than the GSA and the FBI.
Everything else is pure speculation.
Love it, one of the biggest idiots on this website evaluating intelligence of others, while spounting baseless fantasies as if they are facts.
A president that ignores and mocks the constitution, laws, regulations and policy can seem to be a miracle worker. However, it eventually catches up with them. We are now seeing the other side of the miracle worker, attempts to subvert the election process, fraud, irresponsible handling classified documents, and possibly espionage. Leaders like Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un were all considered miracle workers because they gave their supporters what they wanted while undermining democracy which they hated because it was a threat to their political future.
:yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:
Not at all.
The point is that once Trump has read documents given to him, they are automatically declassified to him.
He does not have to declassify them everyone or anyone else.
Once he was given legal possession, then he can then copy and keep them as he deems fit.

Having the documents is not at all even remotely possible to being a crime.
What is potentially illegal is depriving everyone else of access to the documents, under the archives and freedom of information acts.
But it is not clear he was intending to always keep them, if there were already copies, if he was still sorting and copying them, etc.?
The president has total access to all classified information by virtue of the fact that he is Commander in Chief. Donald Trump the ex-president does not enjoy that access. Retention of these documents is not a crime for the president. However, Donald Trump is no longer the president and thus the retention of classified documents is a crime under the 1949 Classification Act.

If Donald Trump actually did declassify hundreds of documents, retention of the documents would not be a violation of the classification act. In fact, all of these documents would be available to the public under freedom information act and thus to enemies of the US. This would include the Top Secret documents containing information about activities of CIA agents in other countries and NSA electronic intercepts.

Donald Trump's declassification of these documents, may save him from being charged with violation of the classification act but not the espionage act which makes it illegal for any government offical to disclose information that threatens national security which is exactly what he did if he actually did declassify all of this information. The DOJ listed the espionage act in the Search Warrant, not the Classification Act. Thus classification becomes irrelevant to charges Trump might face.
Whether they were classified or not remains to be seen.

Even if they were declassified, they still needed to be returned to the government.
Not really. Presidents take tons of documents when they leave office. They will be put in the presidential library or be used in the presidential memoirs.

When will Melania's underwear be returned?
Love it, one of the biggest idiots on this website evaluating intelligence of others, while spounting baseless fantasies as if they are facts.
I'm just saying what needs to be said to ignorant assholes like you.

You need to get a fucking God Damned grip.

Not really. Presidents take tons of documents when they leave office. They will be put in the presidential library or be used in the presidential memoirs.
This is false. The National Archives take the documents, not the president.
I know they weren't looking for anything specific......which means the raid was not a legally served warrant but was a break-in like Watergate.
So basically you have admitted that they committed a crime.
How do you know?
Clearly critical thinking isn't your forte'.

They knew what was and what wasn't in there.
If there was anything in there that was sensitive they put it there....or left it there so they could use it as justification for the raid. They had already been given ample time to remove it in a decent and amicable manner earlier this year.

The fact is.....nobody knows what was in there other than the GSA and the FBI.
Everything else is pure speculation.
Trump knew what was in there;
Not really. Presidents take tons of documents when they leave office. They will be put in the presidential library or be used in the presidential memoirs.

When will Melania's underwear be returned?
Show us the evidence of that.
I'm just saying what needs to be said to ignorant assholes like you.

You need to get a fucking God Damned grip.

Yea, when you read these documents yourself, at your home, out of the closet, it's time to indict. You still want to keep beating that dead horse Jim Bob?
Not really. Presidents take tons of documents when they leave office. They will be put in the presidential library or be used in the presidential memoirs.

When will Melania's underwear be returned?
Still waiting for the proof. Don't get lost running to another thread.
112 pages and these toadies are still playing the dog chasing the tail game.

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