Unsolicited mail in voting WILL BE the downfall of our nation

Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.

These are the only states that do what you claim is so bad.

No need to cheat, we just need to count every legitimate vote of their citizens.

Counting votes is not cheating gramps! And California only has about 60% or thereabouts of their votes counted.... Could be another week for any close house races to be called....! Most house races have been called in Calif, just the closer ones are left that need more votes counted to Project winners!
California is irrelevant imo
And there are the KEY WORDS

I just learned yesterday, that the Dems are paying college kids for their votes.

And guess what - across state lines!

That means it's a DNC operation.

Someone needs to unravel the DNC. There's a bunch of evil shit happening inside there somewhere.
Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.

It's not mail in voting that's at the heart of our destruction, although that's certainly the vehicle currently being used to manipulate outcomes in certain areas, and should be banned. But in my opinion it's the complete take over of most of the D party, a good percentage of the R party, and the 'media' by those with the means to buy politicians. Until we make becoming a US politician completely transparent, i.e. you have no right to privacy while holding office, financial or otherwise, including immediate family, it will continue. These people are totally compromised and winning a seat is a ticket to becoming a millionaire, or making millions more if you're already one. We also need term limits, 2 terms and you're done, no one should be getting rich while serving the American people. Until safe guards such as this are put into place, all you have is a cabal of self serving, egotistical charlatans who are only out for themselves and what they can gain. They are mostly all up for sale, and very few haven't been bought.
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The piddle that was the red wave, nonsense that I bought into, cannot be written off to mere fuckery, piss poor candidates are largely to blame.

That might be true if there were any good D candidates that those R's lost to, but that is not the case.

That argument just defies logic, and the lefties on this board love to go around smugly preaching about what should be done to 'fix' the R party, because apparently they won because their candidates were stellar. That's just a flat out lie. They either won due to fraud, or they won because they own the 'media', they represent the big money (compare how much money was spent by D vs R). They have unlimited free advertising by most of the 'MSM', which reports 98% negative or not at all about R's. When you have a populace being lied to on a daily basis by their 'media', this is the end result. When you have a generation that was raised to only care about themselves and 'what's in it for me', this is the end result. I laugh daily at the rubes in here that still think the D's are for the 'little guy', nothing could be farther from the truth.
And there are the KEY WORDS
What do you want to hear or perceive in your head, illegitimate votes?

I vote absentee ballot, and MY VOTE is just as important to count as yours or anyone elses!

Trying to cut off legitimate votes from citizens that followed the rules, because someone else is slow to count it, is utter bull shit, wouldn't you agree?
Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.
I call it JUNK MAIL VOTING because of these factors:
signature examiners have 5 seconds to determine validity!
When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours.
But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds.
Which signature is the real one...remember the voter mailed the ballot in signed the envelope and these people are
comparing the envelope signature with the voter form signature. I'm going to shout!


Verifying voter signature on ballot envelope
This ^^^ is pure abject IGNORANCE.

Willfully so, most likely.

Ask ANY security professional what these ^^^ words mean.

'WTF do I care, as long as CNN tells me everything's okay?"

THIS ^^^ person wouldnt know a proper control if it bit him on the butt. He is TOO DAMN IGNORANT to know what a proper control is.

THIS ^^^ person thinks a proper control is signature verification on a mail in ballot.

And he's too full of himself to ask the pros, so he just keeps on bleating the insanity from CNN.

"What difference does it make?" he says.

It makes a LOT of difference, pal. A LOT.
Oh, dearie-me, but you DO have Anger Management issues over losing so often, don't you? :itsok:

It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference whether the ballot is in-person or mail-in or electronic or solicitied or unsolicited...

So long as there are reasonable controls to ensure One Citizen One Vote and to preclude widespread outcome-changing fraud...

What business is it of yours whether I show-up in person (I did, by the way) or vote by mail or electronically or whatever?

So long as my State ensures that I - and only I - get to vote as ME, and that I only get to vote once... it's all good... MEH... no big deal.

And it is none of your concern whether my State sent me a ballot unsolicited or whether I wrote-away for one... so long as I only cast one legitimate ballot.

You Korrupt Klown-Kar Rumpians had sixty-two court filings after the 2020 general election and you got laughed out of court with your idiotic assertions.

Oh, and, by the way, when it comes to knowledge of "security"...

I started my adult working career post-university as a computer programmer on centralized systems long before the advent of Windows and the Internet...

I have written many security barriers (pre- and post-Internet) and auditing and alarming code and designed dozens of database multi-layered defenses...

Not to mention spending a fair amount of my career as a part-time process engineer with SME -level understanding of chains-of-custody and tripwires...

I've FORGOTTEN more about security than you'll ever know...

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Many EU countries don't allow mail-in ballots because its too easy to cheat.
But the Constitution allows state legislatures to set the rules, so I'm curious how the USSC would view a Federal ban on unsolicited/unjustified mass mail-in ballots.

The Union has finally cracked up!

Tick-tock, tick-tock.....
Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.
The right’s war on democracy continues.
Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.

Mail-in ballots should be available to anyone in the nation who wants them. What we are witnessing is democracy in action.
Hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballots were mailed out to people who couldn't care less about elections.

Those ballots then become the vehicle that the Democrats use to win competitions they would otherwise lose if left up to the voters who actually care about the issues.

I don't know if we're past the point of no return but mail in voting MUST BE BANNED nationwide.

Applying for and receiving a absentee ballot is fine. What we're witnessing now is not.
You are WRONG
Oh, dearie-me, but you DO have Anger Management issues over losing so often, don't you? :itsok:

It doesn't make the slightest bit of difference whether the ballot is in-person or mail-in or electronic or solicitied or unsolicited...

So long as there are reasonable controls to ensure One Citizen One Vote and to preclude widespread outcome-changing fraud...

What business is it of yours whether I show-up in person (I did, by the way) or vote by mail or electronically or whatever?

So long as my State ensures that I - and only I - get to vote as ME, and that I only get to vote once... it's all good... MEH... no big deal.

And it is none of your concern whether my State sent me a ballot unsolicited or whether I wrote-away for one... so long as I only cast one legitimate ballot.

You Korrupt Klown-Kar Rumpians had sixty-two court filings after the 2020 general election and you got laughed out of court with your idiotic assertions.

Oh, and, by the way, when it comes to knowledge of "security"...

I started my adult working career post-university as a computer programmer on centralized systems long before the advent of Windows and the Internet...

I have written many security barriers (pre- and post-Internet) and auditing and alarming code and designed dozens of database multi-layered defenses...

Not to mention spending a fair amount of my career as a part-time process engineer with SME -level understanding of chains-of-custody and tripwires...

I've FORGOTTEN more about security than you'll ever know...


Credentials or not, you're still an asshole. :p

So you're a software guy. Okay. Been there done that. It means you know A LITTLE. Not a lot, just a little.

If you're smart though, it makes the rest of the stuff intuitive. You need some enterprise scale physical installation, you need some biometrics, you need to meet some of the PEOPLE in the game...

It's more than just writing code. A lot of it is physical access. Schmoozing with the receptionist, friends on the inside, however it works.

It's not good to forget about security. Not good at all

Credentials or not, you're still an asshole. :p
Oh, to be sure... although by the look of your posts I certainly have company.
So you're a software guy. Okay. Been there done that. It means you know A LITTLE. Not a lot, just a little.
A software guy. And a systems designer. And a database administrator. And a staff manager. And a fact-gatherer. And a project manager. Etc... etc... etc.

If you're smart though, it makes the rest of the stuff intuitive. You need some enterprise scale physical installation, you need some biometrics, you need to meet some of the PEOPLE in the game...
Enterprise -scale physical plant? How about nationwide healthcare systems and controls run by the Feds? More biometrics and informatics than anyone else.
It's more than just writing code. A lot of it is physical access. Schmoozing with the receptionist, friends on the inside, however it works.
Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou... how fortunate I am to have you on-hand to teach me these things. :auiqs.jpg:
It's not good to forget about security. Not good at all
Never said it was. All I said was that given the proper controls that there was nothing whatsoever wrong with vote-by-mail... solicited or unsolicited.

The rest of the exchange was the result of you making poor assumptions and prattling-on about security as if you possessed superior knowledge. You don't.


Hell, I'm all for electronic voting with multi-factor authentication and instantaneous tabulation and fast-tracking of results and impeccable audit capabilities.

And if you don't think that I understand implications nor the policy issues nor the mechanical aspects of such an undertaking, go ahead and push your luck.
Oh, to be sure... although by the look of your posts I certainly have company.

A software guy. And a systems designer. And a database administrator. And a staff manager. And a fact-gatherer. And a project manager. Etc... etc... etc.

Enterprise -scale physical plant? How about nationwide healthcare systems and controls run by the Feds? More biometrics and informatics than anyone else.


VA? :p

Golly-gosh gee-whiz, Emmy Lou... how fortunate I am to have you on-hand to teach me these things.

So why are you bullshitting us?

Just a couple of weeks ago there was a guy that stuck a USB drive in a voting computer.

And you're bleating about no evidence, and everything's secure, all hunky dory.

Never said it was. All I said was that given the proper controls that there was nothing whatsoever wrong with vote-by-mail... solicited or unsolicited.

Okay, so you tell me Mr Security Expert, do we have proper controls?

The rest of the exchange was the result of you making poor assumptions and prattling-on about security as if you possessed superior knowledge. You don't.

Actually I do. But I ain't gonna argue with you about it. I'm not here to engage in a credentials battle, I'm here to solve problems

And that's kinda the point. I'm here to solve them. You're not.


Hell, I'm all for electronic voting with multi-factor authentication and instantaneous tabulation and fast-tracking of results and impeccable audit capabilities.

And if you don't think that I understand implications nor the policy issues nor the mechanical aspects of such an undertaking, go ahead and push your luck.
I believe you. (Having no reason not to).

Well, if you worked for the feds, you're aware that technology is almost never an issue, and money is rarely an issue, which leaves politics.

In Maricopa County, they use a contractor called Runbeck that has some high speed sorting machines. The state could buy these machines themselves, at 1.1 million each, but they'd only use them every other year, so they hire Runbeck for a few "runs" at 50k a pop or some such thing.

So now, tell me how this looks to you from a security standpoint.

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