Unsustainable: Job Losses Now up to 26 Million

This trend will continue until the idiots in charge understand there is never going to be a perfect risk free moment to start opening things up again and easing these restrictions. I’m not saying you just start everything up again like switching on a light but you are going to have to start taking steps to do so if you want to see this trend change.

Actually, you'll probably see a second round of layoffs over the summer when the other shoe drops.

Even when the restrictions are lifted in June, a lot of companies are going to start laying people off when they realize they are going to be pressed by their debts.

American Corporations ran up 10 Trillion in Debt in the last few years. International Corporations ran up 29 Trillion in debt. This is despite the big Trump Corporate Tax giveaways, they borrowed like there was no tomorrow to finance stock buybacks and acquisitions. That means when they aren't hitting their profit expectations, they are going to look for places to cut expenses and the top place to look is personnel.
We won't forget who was screeching at us all like Menopausal Karens to "stay safe, stay home"

It wasn't Trump sweetheart, it was you pack of thumb suckers

Naw, Trump was the one who called it a "Hoax", dismantled the Pandemic Response Team because it was Obama's idea, and went golfing when his advisors were screaming for him to do something.
This trend will continue until the idiots in charge understand there is never going to be a perfect risk free moment to start opening things up again and easing these restrictions. I’m not saying you just start everything up again like switching on a light but you are going to have to start taking steps to do so if you want to see this trend change.
The only way we have cut down on the infection rate is to isolate the people. Ending isolation will just start the process all over again

Until when? Our entire economy collapses & we have basically Detroit from sea to shining sea?
The rest of the world is on pause
We will survive

the world was on pause during the Great Depression too. That helped us get into World War 2
We won't forget who was screeching at us all like Menopausal Karens to "stay safe, stay home"

It wasn't Trump sweetheart, it was you pack of thumb suckers

Naw, Trump was the one who called it a "Hoax", dismantled the Pandemic Response Team because it was Obama's idea, and went golfing when his advisors were screaming for him to do something.

He didn’t dismantle the Pandemic Response Team, he streamlined the NSC. But don’t take my word, why don’t you listen to the guy who actually lead it...as usual, the Left takes out of context much like the hoax stupidity...
It took us a year to recover from the trillion dollar hit to our economy because of 911.

The recovery from Pandemic this will not be near as rapid as we would like. Too much structural damage.

If Trump is reelected we will probably be back to his 3.5-4.0% unemployment by the end of his next administration.

If Biden is elected we are probably looking at 7-8% unemployment for the foreseeable future.
He didn’t dismantle the Pandemic Response Team, he streamlined the NSC. But don’t take my word, why don’t you listen to the guy who actually lead it...as usual, the Left takes out of context much like the hoax stupidity...

Um, yeah, when you "Streamline" something, that usually means, "We really don't give a shit about it"... which is pretty clear from the fact that no one on the Trump NSC (which is on it's fourth director now, I think) was really spending a lot of time thinking about pandemics.

It took us a year to recover from the trillion dollar hit to our economy because of 911.
The recovery from Pandemic this will not be near as rapid as we would like. Too much structural damage.
If Trump is reelected we will probably be back to his 3.5-4.0% unemployment by the end of his next administration.
If Biden is elected we are probably looking at 7-8% unemployment for the foreseeable future.

What do you base that on?

Let's look at the historical record, shall we?

Bush-41 inherited a 5.4% unemployment rate from Reagan, it was 7.30% when he left.
Clinton inherited a 7.3% unemployment rate from Bush, it was 4.2% when he left.
Bush inherited a 4.2% unemployment rate from Clinton, it was 7.8% when he left, and going up!
Obama inherited an 7.8% unemployment rate from Bush, it was 4.7% when he left.
Trump inherited a 4.7% unemployment rate. It's going to a lot higher when he leaves next January. I'm going to be conservative and say it will be about 8%.

Sorry, man, the unemployment rate goes up when Republicans are in charge, it goes down when Democrats are in charge. If you really want low unemployment again, vote for a Democrat.
In spite of the RW hysteria about Canada's health care system, I repeat, they are not interested in changing to ours. In fact, in the 1970's, I used to work with Crown Life and Health in Canada, and they are no longer in the health business.
I never said Canadians would prefer an American type system.
I'm sure they like hockey better than baseball too. Or Molsons better than Coors.

In a nation with a massive inferiority complex liking their stuff over American stuff is a point of pride.

That all says nothing about the relative merits of socialized vs. private health insurance, however.

Maybe you should ask Sarah Palin what she thinks about Canadian Health care. She used to take advantage of it from her home in Alaska.
Okay...next time I see her. :icon_rolleyes:
He didn’t dismantle the Pandemic Response Team, he streamlined the NSC. But don’t take my word, why don’t you listen to the guy who actually lead it...as usual, the Left takes out of context much like the hoax stupidity...

Um, yeah, when you "Streamline" something, that usually means, "We really don't give a shit about it"... which is pretty clear from the fact that no one on the Trump NSC (which is on it's fourth director now, I think) was really spending a lot of time thinking about pandemics.

It took us a year to recover from the trillion dollar hit to our economy because of 911.
The recovery from Pandemic this will not be near as rapid as we would like. Too much structural damage.
If Trump is reelected we will probably be back to his 3.5-4.0% unemployment by the end of his next administration.
If Biden is elected we are probably looking at 7-8% unemployment for the foreseeable future.

What do you base that on?

Let's look at the historical record, shall we?

Bush-41 inherited a 5.4% unemployment rate from Reagan, it was 7.30% when he left.
Clinton inherited a 7.3% unemployment rate from Bush, it was 4.2% when he left.
Bush inherited a 4.2% unemployment rate from Clinton, it was 7.8% when he left, and going up!
Obama inherited an 7.8% unemployment rate from Bush, it was 4.7% when he left.
Trump inherited a 4.7% unemployment rate. It's going to a lot higher when he leaves next January. I'm going to be conservative and say it will be about 8%.

Sorry, man, the unemployment rate goes up when Republicans are in charge, it goes down when Democrats are in charge. If you really want low unemployment again, vote for a Democrat.

You live in state of confusion, don't you?

I based it on the fact that Leftest economics is always a disaster.

Just look at the Obama/Biden administration where poverty increased, family income increased, debt soared, millions were put on the welfare rolls, taxes increased and we had dismal economic growth.

Biden is a fucking idiot that is a joke that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Trump has, decreased poverty, increased family income, lowered taxes, took millions off welfare and created a roaring economy.

You not understanding that speaks volumes of your Moon Bat ignorance.

This country would be absolutely idiotic to elect Biden to deal with the economic fallout from the Pandemic. It would be like the country shooting itself in the head.
You live in state of confusion, don't you?

I based it on the fact that Leftest economics is always a disaster.

Just look at the Obama/Biden administration where poverty increased, family income increased, debt soared, millions were put on the welfare rolls, taxes increased and we had dismal economic growth.

Funny, I remember it differently... I remember it as he inherited the worst recession in 80 years, and brought up back to prosperity...

Biden is a fucking idiot that is a joke that doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. Trump has, decreased poverty, increased family income, lowered taxes, took millions off welfare and created a roaring economy.

The whole country is on welfare now thanks to Trump.

This country would be absolutely idiotic to elect Biden to deal with the economic fallout from the Pandemic. It would be like the country shooting itself in the head.

The economic fallout happened because Trump is incompetent..
Funny, I remember it differently... I remember it as he inherited the worst recession in 80 years, and brought up back to prosperity...

You are really confused about this even though I have explained it to you and the other Moon Bats several times.

The Bush administration was doing fine for six years until that filthy 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over. The one with Barney Queerboi, Tits Pelosi and Dirty Harry, including the worthless affrimative action Negro Senator from Illinois.

Then the Democrat CRA chickens came to roost and the Democrat controlled Congress did nothing in their oversight role to prevent a housing credit meltdown. Imagine having the Democrat bill that used the power of the government to put pressure on lenders to give creidit to people that neither had the means nor the inclination to ever pay it back? You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Dumbest bill ever, wasn't it?

Meanwhile using the baseline of when the worthless Negro and his clown old White Man buddy took over poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared to $10 trillion, health care was fucked up, the military was depleted, economic growth was dismal, millions of Illegals flooded into the country and were put on welfare, we had race riots and the US was the laughing stock of world with Obama kissing the ass of the Muslims and Communists.

Trump fixed many of the things that Obama fucked up and this country would be idiotic to elect that clown Biden to get us out of the economic mess caused by the Chinese Pandemic.

You are not going to be a Moon Bat idiot and vote for that shithead Biden, are you? Because if you are that would pretty well prove you are a moron, wouldn't it?
The Bush administration was doing fine for six years until that filthy 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over. The one with Barney Queerboi, Tits Pelosi and Dirty Harry, including the worthless affrimative action Negro Senator from Illinois.

Uh, it was hardly "Doing fine" We were in recession from 2001 to 2003, we got into a war based on a lie, a major city got wiped out by a hurricane... you have a funny definition of "doing fine".

The Oughts kind of sucked compared to the 90's or the Teens.

Then the Democrat CRA chickens came to roost and the Democrat controlled Congress did nothing in their oversight role to prevent a housing credit meltdown. Imagine having the Democrat bill that used the power of the government to put pressure on lenders to give creidit to people that neither had the means nor the inclination to ever pay it back? You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Dumbest bill ever, wasn't it?

The CRA was passed in the 1970's and had nothing to do with the meltdown, which was caused by the banks selling mortgages as investments and misrepresenting their value. NEXT lame Hate Radio argument.

Meanwhile using the baseline of when the worthless Negro and his clown old White Man buddy took over poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared to $10 trillion, health care was fucked up, the military was depleted, economic growth was dismal, millions of Illegals flooded into the country and were put on welfare, we had race riots and the US was the laughing stock of world with Obama kissing the ass of the Muslims and Communists.

All these statement are kind of wrong... Poverty increased because of Bush's recession, but it went down as the recovery took effect. Economic growth happened for years, from 2009 up until this Pandemic. Even the number of undocumented went down from 12 million in 2011 to about 10 million now.

Trump fixed many of the things that Obama fucked up and this country would be idiotic to elect that clown Biden to get us out of the economic mess caused by the Chinese Pandemic.

You are not going to be a Moon Bat idiot and vote for that shithead Biden, are you? Because if you are that would pretty well prove you are a moron, wouldn't it?

Again, Trump is the guy holding the bag on this pandemic and the new "Worst Recession since the Great Depression." It was kind of like Bush fucked it up and Trump said, "Hold my beer."
The Bush administration was doing fine for six years until that filthy 2006 elected Democrat Congress took over. The one with Barney Queerboi, Tits Pelosi and Dirty Harry, including the worthless affrimative action Negro Senator from Illinois.

Uh, it was hardly "Doing fine" We were in recession from 2001 to 2003, we got into a war based on a lie, a major city got wiped out by a hurricane... you have a funny definition of "doing fine".

The Oughts kind of sucked compared to the 90's or the Teens.

Then the Democrat CRA chickens came to roost and the Democrat controlled Congress did nothing in their oversight role to prevent a housing credit meltdown. Imagine having the Democrat bill that used the power of the government to put pressure on lenders to give creidit to people that neither had the means nor the inclination to ever pay it back? You know, for social justice reasons. What could possibly go wrong? Dumbest bill ever, wasn't it?

The CRA was passed in the 1970's and had nothing to do with the meltdown, which was caused by the banks selling mortgages as investments and misrepresenting their value. NEXT lame Hate Radio argument.

Meanwhile using the baseline of when the worthless Negro and his clown old White Man buddy took over poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared to $10 trillion, health care was fucked up, the military was depleted, economic growth was dismal, millions of Illegals flooded into the country and were put on welfare, we had race riots and the US was the laughing stock of world with Obama kissing the ass of the Muslims and Communists.

All these statement are kind of wrong... Poverty increased because of Bush's recession, but it went down as the recovery took effect. Economic growth happened for years, from 2009 up until this Pandemic. Even the number of undocumented went down from 12 million in 2011 to about 10 million now.

Trump fixed many of the things that Obama fucked up and this country would be idiotic to elect that clown Biden to get us out of the economic mess caused by the Chinese Pandemic.

You are not going to be a Moon Bat idiot and vote for that shithead Biden, are you? Because if you are that would pretty well prove you are a moron, wouldn't it?

Again, Trump is the guy holding the bag on this pandemic and the new "Worst Recession since the Great Depression." It was kind of like Bush fucked it up and Trump said, "Hold my beer."

TDS is s terrible mental health disease, especially to those that are uneducated and low information. Having your head stuck up a Libtard ass doesn't help much either.

No matter how much reality and moral clarity is presented you still remain confused. Pathetic, isn't it?

Given the record of the worthless affirmative Action Negro and his clown sidekick and given Trump's great record it takes a real moron to think that the clown sidekick should be President, doesn't it?
Given the record of the worthless affirmative Action Negro and his clown sidekick and given Trump's great record it takes a real moron to think that the clown sidekick should be President, doesn't it?

Trump's great record is all of us cowering in our homes and 26 million of us finding ourselves on the unemployment line.

Trying to debate somebody is that is so confused as to think the worthless Negro Obama did a good job is like trying to debate somebody that thinks Hitler was justified in exterminating the Jews. About the same level of intelligence and nothing you can say will change their confusion.
He didn’t dismantle the Pandemic Response Team, he streamlined the NSC. But don’t take my word, why don’t you listen to the guy who actually lead it...as usual, the Left takes out of context much like the hoax stupidity...

Um, yeah, when you "Streamline" something, that usually means, "We really don't give a shit about it"... which is pretty clear from the fact that no one on the Trump NSC (which is on it's fourth director now, I think) was really spending a lot of time thinking about pandemics.
it means it was bloated just as
He didn’t dismantle the Pandemic Response Team, he streamlined the NSC. But don’t take my word, why don’t you listen to the guy who actually lead it...as usual, the Left takes out of context much like the hoax stupidity...

Um, yeah, when you "Streamline" something, that usually means, "We really don't give a shit about it"... which is pretty clear from the fact that no one on the Trump NSC (which is on it's fourth director now, I think) was really spending a lot of time thinking about pandemics.

Streamline means make it more efficient just as the article suggests. I think I’ll listen more to words of someone who was there & worked it every day. And I challenge you to find any global leader who was up night & day thinking about (another) disease outbreak caused by the stupidity of the Chinese Communist Party.
Trying to debate somebody is that is so confused as to think the worthless Negro Obama did a good job is like trying to debate somebody that thinks Hitler was justified in exterminating the Jews. About the same level of intelligence and nothing you can say will change their confusion.

So you really can't get over your racism.

Spoiler alert, Obama is going to look a lot better than the guy who preceeded him or the guy who followed. Kind of how Lincoln stands so tall being bookended by Buchanan and Johnson.
Streamline means make it more efficient just as the article suggests. I think I’ll listen more to words of someone who was there & worked it every day. And I challenge you to find any global leader who was up night & day thinking about (another) disease outbreak caused by the stupidity of the Chinese Communist Party.

No one had to be up day and night. The thing is, Germany, South Korea, Japan have all handled this crisis pretty darned well, and have minimum disruptions to their economies because of it.

Trump, on the other hand, has got us to the point where one out of four people who've died from this are Americans.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.
Wait a minute. You idiots have been screaming from the rooftops that these things are the decision of the STATES. That means that it’s the states (especially those blue states) that made the choices to shut down that get to take the blame.

No. States rights have traditionally been the argument of the right wing...until this pandemic. Then, magically, it was the states that shut everything down when their lord and master said it was unecessary. Which is true. But it was only necessary because the poser-in-chief wouldn't get off his large, golfing posterior and act. Therefore, it was up to the governors, mayors, and business leaders to step in and make the tough decisions. And now you covidiots want to see everything start back up again prematurely and you're back to screaming for states rights to operate. Well, which is it? Do the states have the right to decide when to shut down and start up? Or not?
No, no, no. YOU morons have been crying about the states deciding when to open, not Trump. Gee, it’s your asshat DIM governors getting protested and revealed as dictators and wannabe kings. Pathetic deflection attempt.
Streamline means make it more efficient just as the article suggests. I think I’ll listen more to words of someone who was there & worked it every day. And I challenge you to find any global leader who was up night & day thinking about (another) disease outbreak caused by the stupidity of the Chinese Communist Party.

No one had to be up day and night. The thing is, Germany, South Korea, Japan have all handled this crisis pretty darned well, and have minimum disruptions to their economies because of it.

Trump, on the other hand, has got us to the point where one out of four people who've died from this are Americans.

South Korea had recent experience from MERS a few years ago & got their ass handed to them. Neither Germany or Japan have our population numbers, so nice faulty generalization.

All of the blame for this virus lands at the feet of the Chinese Communist Party.

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