Unsustainable: Job Losses Now up to 26 Million

You mean like the astroturfers were last weekend? Honestly, again. I never thought I'd see this level of stupid in my lifetime.
But Trump supporters have made it happen.
People don't want to be forced to sit at home watching their precious little resources evaporate when
they could be and should be out working making some money.
Is it "stupid" to want to provide for a family? What's truly stupid are the senseless and capricious directives
from Michigan governor Whitmer.

But I doubt you will be triggered by that stupidity.
So far, over 12 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance. Another 10 million will soon. And, Trump and his base have all but dismantled ACA. Suddenly, there are no more cries of "Repeal Obamacare!" coming from the Right. Meantime, Europe is in the same unemployment situation we are in, but NOBODY there has lost their health insurance. Imagine that! Serves those socialistic nations right!
So far, over 12 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance. Another 10 million will soon. And, Trump and his base have all but dismantled ACA. Suddenly, there are no more cries of "Repeal Obamacare!" coming from the Right. Meantime, Europe is in the same unemployment situation we are in, but NOBODY there has lost their health insurance. Imagine that! Serves those socialistic nations right!
What is it exactly about European socialism that you find so appealing?
The way most of the money you labor to earn will be taken away from you so some bureaucrat can
spend it as he sees fit? Yeah, I can see how that would give you a warm satisfied feeling.

Or the way end of life medical decisions about you and loved ones will be taken from your hands
and given over to medicrats that find life saving surgery for someone later in life is really just a waste of
precious resources? Good call.
You could treat the broken bones of fifty skateboarders for the cost of one single heart valve surgery on
grandma. So do the math. Extending the life of the elderly is fiscally unsustainable.
Oh, and thanks for pouring your money into the National Health Service for all your life, granny.
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So far, over 12 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance. Another 10 million will soon. And, Trump and his base have all but dismantled ACA. Suddenly, there are no more cries of "Repeal Obamacare!" coming from the Right. Meantime, Europe is in the same unemployment situation we are in, but NOBODY there has lost their health insurance. Imagine that! Serves those socialistic nations right!
What is it exactly about European socialism that you find so appealing?
The way most of the money you labor to earn will be taken away from you so some bureaucrat can
spend it as he sees fit? Yeah, I can see how that would give you a warm satisfied feeling.

Or the way end of life medical decisions about you and loved ones will be taken from your hands
and given over to medicrats that find life saving surgery for someone later in life is really just a waste of
precious resources? Good call.
You could treat the broken bones of fifty skateboarders for the cost of one single heart valve surgery on
grandma. So do the math. Extending the life of the elderly is fiscally unsustainable.
Oh, and thanks for pouring your money into the National Health Service for all your life, granny.

So, simply put, you believe that 12 million Americans with no health insurance is better than 12 million Europeans with health insurance. Just boiling it down for you.
So, simply put, you believe that 12 million Americans with no health insurance is better than 12 million Europeans with health insurance. Just boiling it down for you.
What you are doing is over simplifying the matter and making everything about the issue a black and white
binary choice that says socialized health care good...non socialized health care bad.
So, simply put, you believe that 12 million Americans with no health insurance is better than 12 million Europeans with health insurance. Just boiling it down for you.
What you are doing is over simplifying the matter and making everything about the issue a black and white
binary choice that says socialized health care good...non socialized health care bad.
Having spent my 50 year career in mid to high level heal insurance, I believe that I know the flaws in America heal care, and we have the worst in the industrialized world, which can be demonstrated by counting the number of countries who want to switch to our plan.
So far, over 12 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance. Another 10 million will soon. And, Trump and his base have all but dismantled ACA. Suddenly, there are no more cries of "Repeal Obamacare!" coming from the Right. Meantime, Europe is in the same unemployment situation we are in, but NOBODY there has lost their health insurance. Imagine that! Serves those socialistic nations right!
It depends on who is paying for the medical care, doesn't it? We are corrupted and decrepit. With many groups who claim they are being cheated and an endless line of lawyers that suck every dollar they can get and help the cost of anything mushroom. We spend several times more on just education and medical per person then any nation you promote.
Having spent my 50 year career in mid to high level heal insurance, I believe that I know the flaws in America heal care, and we have the worst in the industrialized world, which can be demonstrated by counting the number of countries who want to switch to our plan.
You are being specious in two respects. One, no one says our health care system today is ideal or
works perfectly. I only state that ideally, private health care is superior to socialized health care
in most respects.

And two, your statement about other countries not wanting privatized insurance says more about
the political system of most countries than it does about health care itself.

Ask our friends in Canada which system they would choose if they had a serious health concern and if they could extricate themselves from Canada's mandated socialized health plan.
Someone waiting on a new kidney or heart valve surgery would most likely gladly choose the American plan
if it meant they didn't have to wait months and years for health care service.

My daughter has used the health care systems of England and Germany and the other one Spain.
I admit they are great if you have some relatively minor health concern i.e. a broken bone or stitches
are required or a cold, etc.
But the greater the need the more health care is rationed and dysfunctional.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.
Wait a minute. You idiots have been screaming from the rooftops that these things are the decision of the STATES. That means that it’s the states (especially those blue states) that made the choices to shut down that get to take the blame.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.
Wait a minute. You idiots have been screaming from the rooftops that these things are the decision of the STATES. That means that it’s the states (especially those blue states) that made the choices to shut down that get to take the blame.

No. States rights have traditionally been the argument of the right wing...until this pandemic. Then, magically, it was the states that shut everything down when their lord and master said it was unecessary. Which is true. But it was only necessary because the poser-in-chief wouldn't get off his large, golfing posterior and act. Therefore, it was up to the governors, mayors, and business leaders to step in and make the tough decisions. And now you covidiots want to see everything start back up again prematurely and you're back to screaming for states rights to operate. Well, which is it? Do the states have the right to decide when to shut down and start up? Or not?
So far, over 12 million Americans have lost their employer provided health insurance. Another 10 million will soon. And, Trump and his base have all but dismantled ACA. Suddenly, there are no more cries of "Repeal Obamacare!" coming from the Right. Meantime, Europe is in the same unemployment situation we are in, but NOBODY there has lost their health insurance. Imagine that! Serves those socialistic nations right!
It depends on who is paying for the medical care, doesn't it? We are corrupted and decrepit. With many groups who claim they are being cheated and an endless line of lawyers that suck every dollar they can get and help the cost of anything mushroom. We spend several times more on just education and medical per person then any nation you promote.

And you think that you are not paying for free health care for indigents, as required by the law that Reagan signed? That is the reason that hospitals are charging your insurance company $60 per Tylenol, and as an insurance company rating executive, and factored that in to your employer's health insurance bill, with the result that Ford has been paying more per car produced for health insurance for employees, than they pay for steel, since 1977. Meantime, Ford, of course, outsources the manufacture of axels, transmissions, etc., to Mexico, where there is no such group health insurance requirement on manufacturers, and you wonder where the jobs went, and why a new Ford Fusion costs $33,000.
Having spent my 50 year career in mid to high level heal insurance, I believe that I know the flaws in America heal care, and we have the worst in the industrialized world, which can be demonstrated by counting the number of countries who want to switch to our plan.
You are being specious in two respects. One, no one says our health care system today is ideal or
works perfectly. I only state that ideally, private health care is superior to socialized health care
in most respects.

And two, your statement about other countries not wanting privatized insurance says more about
the political system of most countries than it does about health care itself.

Ask our friends in Canada which system they would choose if they had a serious health concern and if they could extricate themselves from Canada's mandated socialized health plan.
Someone waiting on a new kidney or heart valve surgery would most likely gladly choose the American plan
if it meant they didn't have to wait months and years for health care service.

My daughter has used the health care systems of England and Germany and the other one Spain.
I admit they are great if you have some relatively minor health concern i.e. a broken bone or stitches
are required or a cold, etc.
But the greater the need the more health care is rationed and dysfunctional.

In spite of the RW hysteria about Canada's health care system, I repeat, they are not interested in changing to ours. In fact, in the 1970's, I used to work with Crown Life and Health in Canada, and they are no longer in the health business. Maybe you should ask Sarah Palin what she thinks about Canadian Health care. She used to take advantage of it from her home in Alaska.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.

you mean the job losses caused due to the repeated incompetence of the Chinese Communist Party & their lack of concern over the value of human life?
This trend will continue until the idiots in charge understand there is never going to be a perfect risk free moment to start opening things up again and easing these restrictions. I’m not saying you just start everything up again like switching on a light but you are going to have to start taking steps to do so if you want to see this trend change.
The only way we have cut down on the infection rate is to isolate the people. Ending isolation will just start the process all over again

Until when? Our entire economy collapses & we have basically Detroit from sea to shining sea?
Why are you guys blaming Democrats?

You have control of 2.5 branches of our government. Do what you want and then deal with the consequences. But don't sit there and blame the other side when you're in control.

Trump is the one who signed the stimulus bill. And he's currently tweeting that he's not ok with some of Georgia's businesses starting back up this soon.

You get up every morning
From your white house warning
Get the corona nitty gritty
There's a warning from above
Spooks are lurkin, no one’s workin’
And the ghouls in jackboots look pretty
And if your checks on time
You can skip work all the time
And start your Che Guervara lifestyle way
But don’t you get annoyed
At the Gub’Mit unemployed
They love to work at nothing all day
And they’ll be

Tankin’ every business (every day)
Tankin’ every business (every way)
they’ve been tankin’ every business (all the time)
Tanking every business ,just can’t earn a dime
Lock out

It’s the economic fad
You could be a comrade
If you could fake a market gone mellow
pass that Fed cookie jar
Chances are we'll go far
Just lockdown the right bunch of fellows
People see you having fun
Just a-slummin’ in the sun
Tell them that you like it this way
It's the work that we avoid
Cuz we’re all un-employed
We love to work at nothing all day
And we be

Tankin’ every business (every day)
Tankin’ every business (every way)
they’ve been tankin’ every business (all the time)
Tanking every business ,just can’t earn a dime
Lock out


~S~ w/apologies to BTO
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

Jobless claim filings continued at a historically unprecedented pace last week with 4.4 million new signups for unemployment insurance, bringing the total of the past five weeks to 26.4 million, the Labor Department said Thursday.

The total represented a decline of 810,000 from previous weeks, but the five-week sum has now surpassed all of the job gains since the financial crisis.

The entirely industry will pass away, not only new created jobs.
Thereafter you will receive the NWO 'vaccine' for free and die within one year.

The Finale of Covid-19 FAKE Pandemic.
The Earth is 'saved', only 100m humans remain.

This trend will continue until the idiots in charge understand there is never going to be a perfect risk free moment to start opening things up again and easing these restrictions. I’m not saying you just start everything up again like switching on a light but you are going to have to start taking steps to do so if you want to see this trend change.
The only way we have cut down on the infection rate is to isolate the people. Ending isolation will just start the process all over again

Until when? Our entire economy collapses & we have basically Detroit from sea to shining sea?
The rest of the world is on pause
We will survive
Why are you guys blaming Democrats?

You have control of 2.5 branches of our government. Do what you want and then deal with the consequences. But don't sit there and blame the other side when you're in control.

Trump is the one who signed the stimulus bill. And he's currently tweeting that he's not ok with some of Georgia's businesses starting back up this soon.
They don’t call it the TRUMPvirus for nothing
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

You're right. Trump really did fuck this up.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

Oh, Islamophobic Twat, maybe you need to go inject some Lysol like Dear Leader told you to.


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