Unsustainable: Job Losses Now up to 26 Million

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.

Why do you suppose people should starve for you Karen?
Answer my question.
Take that Karen shit and shove it up your fat ass.

How do you know I'm fat? Are you making assumptions again?
I didn’t say you are fat.

Your games are absolutely juvenile
I don't know what reality you been living in but we're up to almost 49,000 deaths.
Fair enough.
I see my NPR citation is about three weeks behind the times. But the point remains...you act as if sending
most of America back to work so the damage to the country would lessen would insure people die and I'm telling you as it is with all your safeguards in place and the nation shut down people are dying anyway!

So you propose America suffers through a double whammy! People die because we can't guarantee
no one will die from the Covid 19 virus AND millions are out of work needlessly!
What a great course of action you propose.

This is not the flu. Adverse reactions and infections can be reduced and flattened by following protocols. Then you talk about getting back to some kind of normal with restrictions.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 2,676,470 Cases and 187,460 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Hospitals are not overwhelmed by thousands of corona cases as predicted. Computer projections
were ALL found to be wildly overstated. We should be all thinking about getting off the floor
and going back to work very soon.
Last edited:
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

I think they've demonstrated they will

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

Wouldn't bet the farm on that. And even if they do, the experts have already said they won't sign off on it. But Kemp owes his governorship to Trump so he's gonna be the loyal soldier..even if it means people die. See, that's not how you ingratiate yourself to the voters.


Yes, we know Karen. I've heard Nazis and Terrorist too. What else you got? Is it working?

Hmm. I would think the whole death reason would be enough for you. But that's fine if you consider them to be Acceptable Losses. Just don't try to hold yourself out as a Christian. And I know nothing about the other two. They haven't entered into the conversation.

Then don't ever drive a car again. You don't, right?

Stop with the car analogies.
My car is incapable of transmitting a virus to me.
Another human being is.

Yeah, because the car analogy works. And so do a lot of other analogies. When we weigh risk v. benefit to society, we don't hold out as criteria, "must cause ZERO deaths" because we would never be able to operate that way--and you know this. This does not mean each individual death is not a tragedy. It is. But it's dishonest to argue from "If it saves one life" because that's not how we operate.

So really, stop

Again, stop with the car analogies. No comparison. When I hop into a car, there's a risk I get into an accident. But it's small. And there's a better than average chance I can avoid that accident by defensive driving. Zero risk? Of course not.
However, it's a bit different with an invisible virus that is transmitted through the air. Take the amount of people who walk past you or near you every day (when you weren't required to wear a mask). Given that anyone that walks within 6 feet of you could be carrying the virus, that's a really high probability that I will be exposed to it. Then I have to weigh my chances of developing a range of symptoms to the probability that I will be asymptomatic. Those odds ain't great.

Also stop eating peanuts and all nuts in public. My son is allergic and he could die.

Another phony analogy. And one that doesn't really work because your son would only develop a reaction if he breathed or touched the peanut dust or ingested them. Almost like a car accident. Odd are there but they are small.
Now whenever I've been on an airplane and a child that is allergic to peanuts gets on, they don't hand out peanuts to anyone. Kinda like social distancing of peanuts. :)

As another poster just told you, they are all apt analogies that people are making all over.

Society never holds the standards of "no deaths are acceptable".

Epic fail for all your analogies. Oh well, I tried. I get it. Infections and deaths are acceptable losses for you.
Gonna make it tough to get back to work if we experience another surge and you have a mass of people calling out sick.

Right. You just conceded my point. There ARE "acceptable losses".

You prove it every time you get behind the wheel.

If you want to stick to infection and death, every flu season we suffered previously wherein people died and we DID NOT quarantine, society considered their deaths "acceptable losses".

You can try every which way to Sunday to paint me as some kind of ghoul for pointing out the obvious, but every thinking person on this board will see what's what.

I'm not trying to paint you as a ghoul. You're doing a good job of that yourself. Again, the car analogy doesn't work no matter how many times you recite it.
I don't know what reality you been living in but we're up to almost 49,000 deaths.
Fair enough.
I see my NPR citation is about three weeks behind the times. But the point remains...you act as if sending
most of America back to work so the damage to the country would insure people die and I'm telling you
as it is with all your safeguards in place and the nation shut down people are dying anyway!

So you propose America suffers through a double whammy! People die because we can't guarantee
no one will die from the Covid 19 virus AND millions are out of work needlessly!

This is not the flu. Adverse reactions and infections can be reduced and flattened by following protocols. Then you talk about getting back to some kind of normal with restrictions.
Coronavirus Update (Live): 2,676,470 Cases and 187,460 Deaths from COVID-19 Virus Pandemic - Worldometer
Hospitals are not overwhelmed by thousands of corona cases as predicted. Computer projections
were ALL found to be wildly overstated. We should be all thinking about getting off the floor
and going back to work very soon.

Agreed. The argument is not, "is there a virus" or "is it very contagious" or "Will it kill some people".

The argument is: is the near-total shutdown worth economic destruction its causing.
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

I think they've demonstrated they will

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

Wouldn't bet the farm on that. And even if they do, the experts have already said they won't sign off on it. But Kemp owes his governorship to Trump so he's gonna be the loyal soldier..even if it means people die. See, that's not how you ingratiate yourself to the voters.


Yes, we know Karen. I've heard Nazis and Terrorist too. What else you got? Is it working?

Hmm. I would think the whole death reason would be enough for you. But that's fine if you consider them to be Acceptable Losses. Just don't try to hold yourself out as a Christian. And I know nothing about the other two. They haven't entered into the conversation.

Then don't ever drive a car again. You don't, right?

Stop with the car analogies.
My car is incapable of transmitting a virus to me.
Another human being is.

Yeah, because the car analogy works. And so do a lot of other analogies. When we weigh risk v. benefit to society, we don't hold out as criteria, "must cause ZERO deaths" because we would never be able to operate that way--and you know this. This does not mean each individual death is not a tragedy. It is. But it's dishonest to argue from "If it saves one life" because that's not how we operate.

So really, stop

Again, stop with the car analogies. No comparison. When I hop into a car, there's a risk I get into an accident. But it's small. And there's a better than average chance I can avoid that accident by defensive driving. Zero risk? Of course not.
However, it's a bit different with an invisible virus that is transmitted through the air. Take the amount of people who walk past you or near you every day (when you weren't required to wear a mask). Given that anyone that walks within 6 feet of you could be carrying the virus, that's a really high probability that I will be exposed to it. Then I have to weigh my chances of developing a range of symptoms to the probability that I will be asymptomatic. Those odds ain't great.

Also stop eating peanuts and all nuts in public. My son is allergic and he could die.

Another phony analogy. And one that doesn't really work because your son would only develop a reaction if he breathed or touched the peanut dust or ingested them. Almost like a car accident. Odd are there but they are small.
Now whenever I've been on an airplane and a child that is allergic to peanuts gets on, they don't hand out peanuts to anyone. Kinda like social distancing of peanuts. :)

As another poster just told you, they are all apt analogies that people are making all over.

Society never holds the standards of "no deaths are acceptable".

Epic fail for all your analogies. Oh well, I tried. I get it. Infections and deaths are acceptable losses for you.
Gonna make it tough to get back to work if we experience another surge and you have a mass of people calling out sick.

Right. You just conceded my point. There ARE "acceptable losses".

You prove it every time you get behind the wheel.

If you want to stick to infection and death, every flu season we suffered previously wherein people died and we DID NOT quarantine, society considered their deaths "acceptable losses".

You can try every which way to Sunday to paint me as some kind of ghoul for pointing out the obvious, but every thinking person on this board will see what's what.

I'm not trying to paint you as a ghoul. You're doing a good job of that yourself. Again, the car analogy doesn't work no matter how many times you recite it.

Then you're a ghoul too. ANYONE who engages in ANY activity that could, knowingly or not, cause the death of another is a "ghoul".

You can't even live by your own dunderheaded rules. That's the sign of a terrible argument.
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

I think they've demonstrated they will

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

Wouldn't bet the farm on that. And even if they do, the experts have already said they won't sign off on it. But Kemp owes his governorship to Trump so he's gonna be the loyal soldier..even if it means people die. See, that's not how you ingratiate yourself to the voters.


Yes, we know Karen. I've heard Nazis and Terrorist too. What else you got? Is it working?

Hmm. I would think the whole death reason would be enough for you. But that's fine if you consider them to be Acceptable Losses. Just don't try to hold yourself out as a Christian. And I know nothing about the other two. They haven't entered into the conversation.

Then don't ever drive a car again. You don't, right?

Stop with the car analogies.
My car is incapable of transmitting a virus to me.
Another human being is.

Yeah, because the car analogy works. And so do a lot of other analogies. When we weigh risk v. benefit to society, we don't hold out as criteria, "must cause ZERO deaths" because we would never be able to operate that way--and you know this. This does not mean each individual death is not a tragedy. It is. But it's dishonest to argue from "If it saves one life" because that's not how we operate.

So really, stop

Again, stop with the car analogies. No comparison. When I hop into a car, there's a risk I get into an accident. But it's small. And there's a better than average chance I can avoid that accident by defensive driving. Zero risk? Of course not.
However, it's a bit different with an invisible virus that is transmitted through the air. Take the amount of people who walk past you or near you every day (when you weren't required to wear a mask). Given that anyone that walks within 6 feet of you could be carrying the virus, that's a really high probability that I will be exposed to it. Then I have to weigh my chances of developing a range of symptoms to the probability that I will be asymptomatic. Those odds ain't great.

Also stop eating peanuts and all nuts in public. My son is allergic and he could die.

Another phony analogy. And one that doesn't really work because your son would only develop a reaction if he breathed or touched the peanut dust or ingested them. Almost like a car accident. Odd are there but they are small.
Now whenever I've been on an airplane and a child that is allergic to peanuts gets on, they don't hand out peanuts to anyone. Kinda like social distancing of peanuts. :)

As another poster just told you, they are all apt analogies that people are making all over.

Society never holds the standards of "no deaths are acceptable".

Epic fail for all your analogies. Oh well, I tried. I get it. Infections and deaths are acceptable losses for you.
Gonna make it tough to get back to work if we experience another surge and you have a mass of people calling out sick.

Right. You just conceded my point. There ARE "acceptable losses".

You prove it every time you get behind the wheel.

If you want to stick to infection and death, every flu season we suffered previously wherein people died and we DID NOT quarantine, society considered their deaths "acceptable losses".

You can try every which way to Sunday to paint me as some kind of ghoul for pointing out the obvious, but every thinking person on this board will see what's what.

I'm not trying to paint you as a ghoul. You're doing a good job of that yourself. Again, the car analogy doesn't work no matter how many times you recite it.

George Friedman made the car argument, of GeoPolitical Futures. Is he a ghoul and an idiot?

USC and Stanford have done studies that show nearly fifty times the number of people who were thought
to be infected have had the disease and developed anitbodies immunizing themselves.
That means the death rate percentage goes way down. We are groping around in the dark when it
comes to the corona virus.
We have now erased ALL jobs gained since the end of the Great Recession. In little over one month. You're done for Endless Quarantine Karens. Done for. America won't stand for this.

I think they've demonstrated they will

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

Wouldn't bet the farm on that. And even if they do, the experts have already said they won't sign off on it. But Kemp owes his governorship to Trump so he's gonna be the loyal soldier..even if it means people die. See, that's not how you ingratiate yourself to the voters.


Yes, we know Karen. I've heard Nazis and Terrorist too. What else you got? Is it working?

Hmm. I would think the whole death reason would be enough for you. But that's fine if you consider them to be Acceptable Losses. Just don't try to hold yourself out as a Christian. And I know nothing about the other two. They haven't entered into the conversation.

Then don't ever drive a car again. You don't, right?

Stop with the car analogies.
My car is incapable of transmitting a virus to me.
Another human being is.

Yeah, because the car analogy works. And so do a lot of other analogies. When we weigh risk v. benefit to society, we don't hold out as criteria, "must cause ZERO deaths" because we would never be able to operate that way--and you know this. This does not mean each individual death is not a tragedy. It is. But it's dishonest to argue from "If it saves one life" because that's not how we operate.

So really, stop

Again, stop with the car analogies. No comparison. When I hop into a car, there's a risk I get into an accident. But it's small. And there's a better than average chance I can avoid that accident by defensive driving. Zero risk? Of course not.
However, it's a bit different with an invisible virus that is transmitted through the air. Take the amount of people who walk past you or near you every day (when you weren't required to wear a mask). Given that anyone that walks within 6 feet of you could be carrying the virus, that's a really high probability that I will be exposed to it. Then I have to weigh my chances of developing a range of symptoms to the probability that I will be asymptomatic. Those odds ain't great.

Also stop eating peanuts and all nuts in public. My son is allergic and he could die.

Another phony analogy. And one that doesn't really work because your son would only develop a reaction if he breathed or touched the peanut dust or ingested them. Almost like a car accident. Odd are there but they are small.
Now whenever I've been on an airplane and a child that is allergic to peanuts gets on, they don't hand out peanuts to anyone. Kinda like social distancing of peanuts. :)

As another poster just told you, they are all apt analogies that people are making all over.

Society never holds the standards of "no deaths are acceptable".

Epic fail for all your analogies. Oh well, I tried. I get it. Infections and deaths are acceptable losses for you.
Gonna make it tough to get back to work if we experience another surge and you have a mass of people calling out sick.

Right. You just conceded my point. There ARE "acceptable losses".

You prove it every time you get behind the wheel.

If you want to stick to infection and death, every flu season we suffered previously wherein people died and we DID NOT quarantine, society considered their deaths "acceptable losses".

You can try every which way to Sunday to paint me as some kind of ghoul for pointing out the obvious, but every thinking person on this board will see what's what.

I'm not trying to paint you as a ghoul. You're doing a good job of that yourself. Again, the car analogy doesn't work no matter how many times you recite it.

This "car analogy" article from MSNBC is whining about the analogy but only calls it a "false analogy" because of the numbers dead. It's from March 24, back when we believed the busted up models of how many people might die of COVID. Now we don't. The article concedes we might shut down the highways if half a million people died on them every year.

Well, we're not even going to come close to touching that with COVID.

So the analogy is pretty good.

Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.

Why do you suppose people should starve for you Karen?
Answer my question.
Take that Karen shit and shove it up your fat ass.

How do you know I'm fat? Are you making assumptions again?
I didn’t say you are fat.

Your games are absolutely juvenile
Show me where I called you fat.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.
I have no sympathy for any of you covidiots who lack common sense.
Wanna protest? Knock yourself out, if you get the virus because of your stupidity you deserve to die.
And when they are fine and back to work in three weeks while you are suffering from the consequences of 'flattening the curve, YOU deserve to die.
I still go to work every day.
I’m fighting for the economy while you lazy fucks stay home.
Get your ass back to work then...........stop posting on the boards......unless that is your job LOL

You cried to the mods didn't you.......LMAO
I did no such thing.
Your post got deleted.
Why are you posting here when you are supposed to be at work...........hmmm.

You see.....when I finally get to go back to work......I simply will not have the time to post here.

AMAZING ISN'T IT...........
Its called multitasking.
Baloney...........it's called an employee who doesn't do squat for a living anyway..........You been posting all morning .

Doubt that you have done anything useful your whole life.
Your ignorance is showing.
Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.

Why do you suppose people should starve for you Karen?
Answer my question.
Take that Karen shit and shove it up your fat ass.

How do you know I'm fat? Are you making assumptions again?
I didn’t say you are fat.

Your games are absolutely juvenile
Show me where I called you fat.
Sue is NOT fat
She just retains a lot of water
Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.

Why do you suppose people should starve for you Karen?
Answer my question.
Take that Karen shit and shove it up your fat ass.

How do you know I'm fat? Are you making assumptions again?
I didn’t say you are fat.

Your games are absolutely juvenile
Show me where I called you fat.
Sue is NOT fat
She just retains a lot of water
I never called her fat
OK Libs. You want Trump to be KING? Fine, let's have him dictate to States and be in violation of the Constitution. Go ahead Don. You libs are all IDIOTS.
Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.
You`re asking a pretty simple question to someone who can`t differentiate between a deadly virus and preventable accidents. Good luck.
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.

No. He wanted to open up the country ON EASTER and it was YOU ALL that screeched at him like Menopausal Karens off our meds
These people have trouble keeping their stories straight. Our President is forced to lead a nation back to sanity where half the population has been worked up to an hysterical mob
You`re asking a pretty simple question to someone who can`t differentiate between a deadly virus and preventable accidents. Good luck.
So you've been doing laps in the stupid pool too? Way to go. :icon_rolleyes:

There is no argument that driving a car and catching the corona bug are not the same thing.

What people, who are sentient thinking humans, should be considering is both things contain some
amount of risk! Risk...get it?

We don't ban driving even though there is some amount of risk attached.

And likewise even though there is some amount of risk in letting people out of their cages, and we don't even know how much risk since computer programs greatly exaggerated the amount of people who would be infected and of those people, most who get the virus completely recover (assuming no pre existing poor health concerns) and become immunized.

63% recovery rate. Is the corona virus a death sentence? Hardly.

The same fools beating the fear drum before are doing it still, mostly for political gain. The liars know better
but don't care.
Last edited:
"Another 4.4" already trending on Twitter.

You lost, Leftists. You lost again. And don't @ me with how this is not political, you were only ever concerned about people's lives. Please. The party of late-term abortions is NEVER concerned about people's lives, or livelihoods, only power.

And you track from division pimp to abortion. Nice segue.

The country is shut down because your savior decided it was more important to hold his ginned up pep rallies. If he pays attention to his actual job, maybe none of this is necessary. But you just won't hold him accountable.
If you're going to give him credit for job gains that started in the Obama era, you have to give him the blame for the job losses on his watch.

No. He wanted to open up the country ON EASTER and it was YOU ALL that screeched at him like Menopausal Karens off our meds
These people have trouble keeping their stories straight. Our President is forced to lead a nation back to sanity where half the population has been worked up to an hysterical mob

You mean like the astroturfers were last weekend? Honestly, again. I never thought I'd see this level of stupid in my lifetime.
But Trump supporters have made it happen.
Georgia is going back today. So are many other states.

The thumb suckers were crying about it, but now with the writing on the wall, they're trying to backpedal. Right on this thread.

The reality is close to 3/4 of the country approve of these stay at home orders and relative mitigation efforts.

Support is falling among all but Democrats. That's the important thing. As the virus recedes and more importantly, as we learn the truth that the virus never was that big a threat in the first place, the economic devastation will set in more and more. (Scroll down midway through the link and see the difference in polling between March and mid-April)

The media is doing all they can to drum up as much panic as they can. For now, it's working. But I can tell you I live in the "hot zone" and even here, it's not working so very well anymore. You can see the erosion in support here on the ground.

Interestingly, among Republicans and "all adults", support for all measures is falling--but among Democrats support is hardening--AS THE CURVE FLATTENS.

Now what does that tell us?
More republicans will die.

You know there's staying alive and there's living. Which includes quality of life

I'm convinced many many liberals either do not understand or do not appreciate the difference
Hard times got you down, Sue?

Got no answer, I see. I get that a lot. That's because I have good arguments, and you have insults.

I win
No insult intended.
What you consider to be a low quality of life is what some people go through every day.

You have a job, which you have admitted. YOU want OTHER people to go jobless so YOU can have your life sustained. You want people to be hungry, maybe even the nation fall, so you can hang onto your life.

Selfish and short-sighted.
I think if people are worried about dying from this virus they should not be forced to go to work.
Why do you want people to die?

You don't want people to work. You want them quarantined at home so they won't infect YOU.

Why do you want people to starve so you can stay alive?
Why do you want people to die?

Sweetheart, I used to BE a liberal. If you think this insultingly STUPID names and poo-flinging work on me, you better think again.
Why do you want people to die?
Its a pretty simple question even for you.

Why do you suppose people should starve for you Karen?
Answer my question.
Take that Karen shit and shove it up your fat ass.

How do you know I'm fat? Are you making assumptions again?
I didn’t say you are fat.

Your games are absolutely juvenile
Show me where I called you fat.
Sue is NOT fat
She just retains a lot of water
I never called her fat
Well, She is NOT Fat
She is just Big Boned

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