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Untied airlines going full woke like delta

I think you don't understand the issue. Nothing wrong with United's training, as far as we know, but blacks aren't usually smart enough to be able to do this kind of work. If they were, you know, they already would be.
I've cited my comments below with hyperlinks because I realize that someone who makes statements as ignorant and bereft of facts as you have would never take my word that you're wrong nor accept the fact that white racism is the root cause for why there are not more black people flying as commercial pilots. It also takes a fair amount of money to complete the necessary flight training to become an airline transport pilot.

It took a lawsuit to force the U.S. military to train African Americans as pilots circa 1941.
In 1941, the campaign turned to the courts. Yancey Williams, a student at Howard University, filed a suit backed by the NAACP to force the Air Corps to accept him into training. The Corps’ answer was to create a segregated unit to train black pilots and ground crews at Tuskegee Institute in Alabama.​
Complete article here: Tuskegee Airmen

It took another lawsuit around 1963 some 20 odd years later before the airlines would be forced to hire their first black commercial airline pilot.
Marlon Dewitt Green[1] (June 6, 1929 – July 6, 2009) was an African-American pilot whose landmark United States Supreme Court decision in 1963 helped dismantle racial discrimination in the American passenger airline industry, leading to David Harris' hiring as the first African-American pilot for a major airline the following year. Green was subsequently hired by Continental Airlines, for whom he flew from 1965 to 1978.​
Complete article here: Marlon Green - Wikipedia

The Army War College issued a damning statement regarding "the negro" as a military candidate was viewed by the upper echelon of the military:

In 1925, seven years after the end of World War I, the Army War College undertook a study to evaluate the fitness of black soldiers for service in a future war. The study's recommendations emphasized the importance of white officers and strict segregation of black troops; it was generally dubious about the prospects of black soldiers serving successfully in combat roles. Black combat soldiers during World War II, including the Tuskegee Airmen, thoroughly disproved these racist assumptions about their abilities, but it was not until the U.S. war against Korea in 1951 that the military made active moves to desegregate its units. The excerpts below include some of the report's conclusions and the reasoning behind them.
Selected Conclusions​
In the process of evolution the American negro has not progressed as far as the other sub-species of the human family. As a race he has not developed leadership qualities. His mental inferiority and the inherent weaknesses of his character are factors that must be considered with great care in the preparation of any plan for his employment in war. . . .​
In the past wars the negro has made a fair laborer, but an inferior technician. As a fighter he has been inferior to the white man even when led by white officers. . . .​
Negro soldiers as individuals should not be assigned to white units. . . .​
Negro officers should not be placed over white officers, noncommissioned officers or soldiers. . . .​
Negro officer candidates should attend training camps with white candidates. They should have the same instructors, take the same tests and meet the same requirements for appointment as officers as the white candidates. They should be sheltered, messed, and instructed separately from white candidates. . . .​
. . . the eventual use of the negro will be determined by his performance in combat training and service. . . . If the negro makes good the way is left open for him to go into combat eventually with all-negro units.​
Selected Assumptions about the Performance of African-American Soldiers in Previous Wars:​
It is generally recognized that the pure blood American negro is inferior to our white population in mental capacity. . . . The cranial cavity of the negro is smaller than the white; his brain weighing 35 ounces contrasted with 45 for the white.​
All officers, without exception, agree that the Negro lacks initiative, displays little or no leadership, and cannot accept responsibility. Some point out that these defects are greater in the Southern Negro. . . .​
Due to his susceptibility to ‘Crowd Psychology’ a large mass of negroes, e.g., a division, is very subject to panic. Experience had indicated that the negroes produce better results by segregation and cause less trouble. Grouping of negroes generally in the past has produced demands for equality, both during war and after demobilization. . . .​
An opinion held in common by practically all officers is that the negro is a rank coward in the dark. His fear of the unknown and unseen will prevent him from ever operating as an individual scout with success. His lack of veracity causes unsatisfactory reports to be rendered, particularly on patrol duty. . . .​
One of the peculiarities of the negro as a soldier is that he has no confidence in his negro leaders, nor will he follow a negro officer into battle, no matter how good the officer may be, with the same confidence and lack of fear that he will follow a white man. This last trait has been so universally reported by all commanders that it can not be considered as a theory—the negroes themselves recognize it as a fact. . . .​
The negro needs trained leadership far more than the white man needs it, and above all they need leaders in whom they have confidence, and whose presence they can feel and see at all times. . . .​
On account of the inherent weaknesses in negro character, especially general lack of intelligence and initiative, it requires much longer time of preliminary training to bring a negro organization up to the point of training where it is fit for combat, than it does in the case of white men. All theoretical training is beyond the grasp of the negro—it must be intensely practical, supplemented by plain talks explaining the reasons for things in simple terms. . . .​
Black people in America are behind the rest of the races due to liberal social policies that derailed the family unit, excuses poor performance.... hell REWARDS poor performance.
I don't give a damn what color someone is, if you never hold them responsible for their behavior/performance... excuse everything they do - you are setting them up for failure. And Democrats have been doing that for 60 years straight. And THAT is why they are behind everyone else. Has nothing to do with their abilities.
Nonsense. It's been 156 years since slavery ended, so if they haven't made it by now, it's because they just can't. Face facts, people. If blacks are as smart as the rest of us, let them prove it.

I'm from Missouri, I have to be shown.



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The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.
Why are you assuming and convinced that women and black people cannot be the best candidates?
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​
Tucker needs to watch it.
He's once again implying women can't competently do something--this time, flying planes.
And the people of color, of course, but I doubt if a lot of poc watch him anyway.

Why ARE there so few women and poc pilots? How does one learn that trade, anyway? Unless you're well off enough to own planes or take flying lessons, you learn it in the military, right?

Back to Tucker's earlier screed how women are ruining the military.

He's always been a snide asshole, but he's really going out on a limb lately.

Why are the nurses predominantly women, why were Telephone operators women.............. why were eementary school classrooms filled with women teachers.......

Yeah you dislike what he says, but you offer nothing critical of him either, thus you spin your wheel.
Because those are occupations in which women were traditionally allowed to work.

I could always find office work typing or being a secretary but the minute I had my degree and tried to get a job as a software developer the excuses were endless as to why I couldn't be hired. I was told repeatedly that my degree was worthless without experience yet no one wanted to allow me to gain any experience.
There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.

No. What they are doing is omitting the best potential pilots based on race and gender. That's what Carlson's complaint is.
Again, why are you assuming that the best candidates are male and white?
He's saying they are going to choose less qualified pilots over more qualified pilots based on race and gender.
Oh my gosh, that's not what he's saying.

Almost all of the white racists on this board are convinced that the language of the Executive Order than created affirmative action stipulates preference be given to non whites and that simply is not the case, however the agency that enforces workplace affirmative action is called the Equal Employment OPPORTUNITY Commission, opportunity being key.

What the CEO is saying that they're going to be doing is what is known as diversity hiring:

What is diversity hiring? A definition
Diversity hiring is hiring based on merit with special care taken to ensure procedures are free from biases related to a candidate’s age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics that are unrelated to their job performance.​
In the United States, many organizations follow the Federal EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines.​
Confusion over diversity hiring sometimes lies in the mistaken perception that the goal of diversity recruitment is to increase workplace diversity for the sake of diversity.​
The goal of diversity hiring is to identify and remove potential biases in sourcing, screening, and shortlisting candidates that may be ignoring, turning off, or accidentally discriminating against qualified, diverse candidates.
Black people in America are behind the rest of the races due to liberal social policies that derailed the family unit, excuses poor performance.... hell REWARDS poor performance.
I don't give a damn what color someone is, if you never hold them responsible for their behavior/performance... excuse everything they do - you are setting them up for failure. And Democrats have been doing that for 60 years straight. And THAT is why they are behind everyone else. Has nothing to do with their abilities.
Nonsense. It's been 156 years since slavery ended, so if they haven't made it by now, it's because they just can't. Face facts, people. If blacks are as smart as the rest of us, let them prove it.

I'm from Missouri, I have to be shown.
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View attachment 477905
You post all of that and still endorse basing hiring on skin color instead of merit. You’re a Jamaal Crow hypocrite.
There's nothing to say a woman, a Latino, or a black taken into the program won't be as good a pilot as a white dude. They TRAIN them. At school. That's like saying don't admit women to college because they're not as smart as men.

Nuh uh.

No. What they are doing is omitting the best potential pilots based on race and gender. That's what Carlson's complaint is.
Again, why are you assuming that the best candidates are male and white?

The people you use this "the best" argument in opposition to hiring more women and people of color as pilots fail to realize that a female and/or non-white person who is on board an aircraft also wants "the best" at the controls. In the event of an accident, s/he would be just as dead as everybody else.
The people you use this "the best" argument in opposition to hiring more women and people of color as pilots fail to realize that a female and/or non-white person who is on board an aircraft also wants "the best" at the controls. In the event of an accident, s/he would be just as dead as everybody else.
Makes no sense. That is nonsense.
In a skill based job where literally 100's of lives depend on those skills every single day you work - then the people who recruit those folks better be using a merit based system to hire.
Hiring based on skin color and sex is incredibly irresponsible. As irresponsible as you can get.
he people you use this "the best" argument in opposition to hiring more women and people of color as pilots fail to realize that a female and/or non-white person who is on board an aircraft also wants "the best" at the controls. In the event of an accident, s/he would be just as dead as everybody else.

Which is why those people should fly with any other company except United.
He's saying they are going to choose less qualified pilots over more qualified pilots based on race and gender.
Oh my gosh, that's not what he's saying.

Almost all of the white racists on this board are convinced that the language of the Executive Order than created affirmative action stipulates preference be given to non whites and that simply is not the case, however the agency that enforces workplace affirmative action is called the Equal Employment OPPORTUNITY Commission, opportunity being key.

What the CEO is saying that they're going to be doing is what is known as diversity hiring:

What is diversity hiring? A definition
Diversity hiring is hiring based on merit with special care taken to ensure procedures are free from biases related to a candidate’s age, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics that are unrelated to their job performance.​
In the United States, many organizations follow the Federal EEOC (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) guidelines.​
Confusion over diversity hiring sometimes lies in the mistaken perception that the goal of diversity recruitment is to increase workplace diversity for the sake of diversity.​
The goal of diversity hiring is to identify and remove potential biases in sourcing, screening, and shortlisting candidates that may be ignoring, turning off, or accidentally discriminating against qualified, diverse candidates.

Same thing really. The reason United is pulling this stunt is because the airlines industry got billions from the Democrats, and maybe hoping for billions more. I guarantee they wouldn't be doing this if Republicans had leadership of the House and Trump was still our President.

You can give this all the cute titles you like, but the bottom line is it's still race/ gender based hiring over experience and history. If any company hiring employees was selecting equal or less qualified whites over women and minorities, they would have been taken to court repeatedly as it's been against the law to do that for decades.

In any profession, you have not so good people at it, average people, and outstanding people who do that job. United has always hired minorities and women pilots but based on their experience, not their gender or race.

After they get this program going, if you want to fly United, be my guest. If I need to fly anywhere, I'm staying the hell away from them if possible.
I had my admin book me some business class flights to Monterey MX for a golf tournament next month and I reminded her "No fucking Delta and NO FUCKING UNITED." She smiled..... she gets it.

All I can do is my part.
Why are you assuming and convinced that women and black people cannot be the best candidates?

I never said they weren't. But if they were the best candidates, then they got the job and that's the way it should still be.

You unfortunately end up having heart trouble and the only way to save your life is with a heart transplant. Because of your age and other medical conditions, they give you a 70/30 chance of survival against you. Do you not research the potential heart surgeons to get the best one, or do you look for a female or minority heart surgeon? I mean.....after all, they are all heart surgeons, right? It doesn't make a difference which one you pick because a heart surgeon is a heart surgeon, right?
The word "equity" means "fair and impartial."

Okay. So you're in dire need of reeducation, clearly. Well, it's your lucky day, I'm in the mood.

Let's start with crayons.


Got that?

Now. How does this get enforced? Who will be the arbiter of taking from some and redistributing to others? Who will determine the hierarchy of needs?

Barrel of a government gun?

Seems to me it's the only way that it could be. Which should logically serve as confirmation that it's actually government itself that is the most biased entity on the planet. How much force will be required to implement your agenda?

Is freedom even possible in such an environment? What makes you think that everyone wants to be the same or even should be the same? Just because you oppose the fundamental principles of Individualism and Individual responsibility in favor of forced collectivism doesn't mean everyone else wants that.

Which brings us around full circle to the real agenda that you (and people who think like you) are actually promoting here.

''From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs''

That's what your 'equity' is all about. It's what it has always been about. And it is what it will always be about.

Let me also ask this, please. What's with the infatuation that you people have with living in a Marxist/Communist society? Why do you hate America so much? Why do you hate the concept of personal responsibility for oneself so much? Why do you prefer theft and redistribution at the barrel of a government gun over the Individual's right to his life, his liberty and the fruits of his labor so much? Why do you believe that communism is preferable to the Founders concept of the compound Republic?

Further, why do you believe that the white male doesn’t need great teaching or individual support, while the black male does?

Additionally, why do you believe that abolishing the family unit is another such 'solution' to your Marxist 'level playing field' agenda given that more parents are placing their children into private education atmospheres? I mean that's just evil. What I'm really curious about is just who do you think you are? lol.

Explain, please. Thanks!
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Why are you assuming and convinced that women and black people cannot be the best candidates?
Because they haven't been. Show me. Show me. Show me.

Not that women have to do what men do ----- we're busy, sorry, can't run around flying your planes and hiking with big rifles in uniform.

The best way to know whether people can do things is if they do them already.
The gist of the editorial is that hiring more women and black people as pilots will make United Airlines less safe apparently because "people of color" and women could never possibly be the "most qualified". Surprisingly 13% of their pilots are POC while only 7% are women.

I guess letting go is REALLY hard to do and change is scary.

"Only 7% of United pilots are female!" fretted CBS. "Only 13% aren’t White!" OK, but why exactly should we care about those numbers? An airline pilot’s job is to land the plane safely. Everything else is irrelevant. If 100% of United pilots were Black women, or Malaysian Muslims, or for that matter, White men from Alabama, not a single sane person would complain about it as long as the airplanes didn’t crash. Safety is all that matters.​
But you’ll notice the CEO of United didn’t mention safety. Safety is no longer that airline’s top concern. Identity politics is. United will dispute that characterization, of course. In fact, they disputed it in a statement to "Tucker Carlson Tonight" Wednesday.​
"United Airlines will continue to uphold its high standards," they told us. But they’re lying. We know they’re lying — and you know it too — because in the airline business, there’s only one standard that matters, and it’s not race or gender. It’s competence. The way people look is totally irrelevant. How they perform is all that matters. Once you forget that, airplanes tend to crash.​
Everyone knows that’s true, very much including the people who run this country. Many of them don’t fly United. They don’t fly commercial.​
They use NetJets, the largest private airline in the world. Has NetJets embraced equity or hiring quotas? Of course not. Check out the NetJets website if you have a minute. They’ll tell you exactly what they’re looking for in an airline pilot they hire. Here’s the first line: "We seek individuals who demonstrate an unwavering dedication to safety." That’s the first requirement on their list. We couldn’t find any mention of race and gender. That shouldn’t surprise you, because once again, race and gender are literally irrelevant to who flies your airplane. Nancy Pelosi and John Kerry and the rest of our private-jet-dependent ruling class know that perfectly well. They won’t be demanding quotas at NetJets any time soon. Their families fly on NetJets airplanes.​
So if hiring on the basis of irrelevant criteria will, over time, get people killed, why are they demanding it? Because they don’t care. They’re ideologues. They’re suffering from an incurable brain disease called wokeness. Reality means nothing to them. It’s merely an impediment to their plans.​
The new head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, a Black supremacist called Kristen Clarke, admitted as much. As she told us a few years ago, equity is more important than safety.​

His point was that hiring people based on gender and race over choosing the best regardless of those things can be dangerous.
Why are you assuming and convinced that women and black people cannot be the best candidates?
Faulty logic.
The people you use this "the best" argument in opposition to hiring more women and people of color as pilots fail to realize that a female and/or non-white person who is on board an aircraft also wants "the best" at the controls. In the event of an accident, s/he would be just as dead as everybody else.
Makes no sense. That is nonsense.
In a skill based job where literally 100's of lives depend on those skills every single day you work - then the people who recruit those folks better be using a merit based system to hire.
Hiring based on skin color and sex is incredibly irresponsible. As irresponsible as you can get.

If you think for one second that an airline would hire someone who was not qualified, you are a total idiot. Hiring comes before training, then the person hired has to successfully complete the training and testing. Nobody is going to spend the big bucks to train someone that they don't think will succeed.

You again are pushing the false premise that someone who is female and/or a person of color is inherently less qualified than a white male, which is an assumption based solely the race and sex of the white male. As you said, "Hiring based on skin color and sex is incredibly irresponsible. As irresponsible as you can get."

United says that it plans to train some 5,000 pilots by 2030, "at least half of them women and people of color," which means half of them will not necessarily be women and people of color. It will be interesting to see how this other half does.

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