Up to 50 Labour MPs could rebel over cut to winter fuel allowance

You are one dateless prick. The hospitals and schools Labour built were built with PRIVATE money. The food contracts were for 25 years. Do you know how many millions of NHS money that should be for staff and operations goes in rent?

And the NHS and education system are still suffering from this, even under your Oh Dear Kier shit show and you have the sheer utter retardness to blurt, "Der, it's Der, it's the Tories fault".

You are from the bell end of society.
Is the NHS in a better state now than it was in 2010 you wanker?
The weird thing is Labour don't really seem to be a part of that club, they end up sharing the left with the Lib Dems, which means they don't get in power very much, compared to the Tories.
The rightwing of the Labour party have always been part of that club that's why when it really looked like Corbyn could win an election along with the Tories the media and the Zionist lobby they threw the kitchen sink at the man.

Amd so they should. Starving old people is a tory policy. Starmer needs cutting doe nto size. I like some of what I am seeing nut he needs a kick in the bollocks over this.
You got large numbers of 3rd world savages to feed and house ...most don't work ...to bad freeze white natives
You got large numbers of 3rd world savages to feed and house ...most don't work ...to bad freeze white natives
I hate talking to low quality shit like you. But refugees are not allowed to work while their applications are being assessed.
And tthe reason there are so many is because the tories stopped processing them. As with everything in our collapsing society it is the fault of the fucking tories.
The weird thing is Labour don't really seem to be a part of that club, they end up sharing the left with the Lib Dems, which means they don't get in power very much, compared to the Tories.
I think that is changing. The last election saw a huge amount of tactical voting. That is why the libs did so well. I acctually voted lib to keep the tories out.
There's only one party that has derided the NHS for many decades, Labour.

If the waiting lists are so bad, please explain why Labour get the asylum seekers immediately medically checked.

You tell me what Labour did to the NHS under Blair, and you tell me what he did to the relationship between doctors and the government. He mortgaged the NHS for 25 years. So the Tories were stuck for the 14 years, and your shit Labour party is stuck with Blair's fall out to. You dateless sod.
You missed out one thing.
The special Tesco barcode that gives refugees free stuff.
How did you miss that one. ?
Is the NHS in a better state now than it was in 2010 you wanker?
Because of Labour, financially worse because of the NHS mortgage they implemented. Relationship with the doctors, better because Blair drove a wedge between the NHS and government, you thick faggot.
Because of Labour, financially worse because of the NHS mortgage they implemented. Relationship with the doctors, better because Blair drove a wedge between the NHS and government, you thick faggot.
Carry on with your nonsense arsehole 14 years of Tory carnage and it's all the fault of labour, the Tories love arseholes like you who suffer from Stockholm syndrome. :ahole-1:

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