Up to 50 Labour MPs could rebel over cut to winter fuel allowance

Good point if the state pension was at a civilized level there would be no need for all these other benefits on the side, that's if they qualify in the first place, we have the lowest pension than in many other so called civilized Countries.

And the biggest problem is that spending is at about the same level as under Labour, but spending on essential things like the NHS, education, the police, infrastructure etc has gone down.

So where did the money go? (Rhetorical question, it went in the Tories' huge pockets.)
And the biggest problem is that spending is at about the same level as under Labour, but spending on essential things like the NHS, education, the police, infrastructure etc has gone down.

So where did the money go? (Rhetorical question, it went in the Tories' huge pockets.)
It's like the 15 billion that was stolen with the PPE scam when covid was running riot, that is much more than they will save with the winter fuel cut, they should go after those scumbags, if i remember one was a Publican where Hancock was a regular that was worth £26million even though the guy knew nothing about PPE while other companies who had experience were not given contracts.
It's like the 15 billion that was stolen with the PPE scam when covid was running riot, that is much more than they will save with the winter fuel cut, they should go after those scumbags, if i remember one was a Publican where Hancock was a regular that was worth £26million even though the guy knew nothing about PPE while other companies who had experience were not given contracts.

Well, it's going to be difficult, because if Labour do go after them, they'll pull the Trump tactic of it being "political".

They need to go after the Grenfell Tower people too. But they won't.

That's the problem with Labour, they have an inferiority complex. Labour should push Proportional Representation because the ONLY election where the Tories got more votes than Labour and the Lib Dems was 2019 and that was by less than 1000 votes, and the Tories got 25% of the seats EXTRA. But Labour won't because.... they're weird.
Well, it's going to be difficult, because if Labour do go after them, they'll pull the Trump tactic of it being "political".

They need to go after the Grenfell Tower people too. But they won't.

That's the problem with Labour, they have an inferiority complex. Labour should push Proportional Representation because the ONLY election where the Tories got more votes than Labour and the Lib Dems was 2019 and that was by less than 1000 votes, and the Tories got 25% of the seats EXTRA. But Labour won't because.... they're weird.
When i look back over the decades it's been one scandal and one cover up after another, the contaminated blood scandal, Hillsborough, bloody Sunday over thirty years, the post office scandal and Grenfell and there are others all smoke and mirrors and cover up, not one of the guilty have gone to prison so i don't hold out much hope, it's the corrupt system responsible.
When i look back over the decades it's been one scandal and one cover up after another, the contaminated blood scandal, Hillsborough, bloody Sunday over thirty years, the post office scandal and Grenfell and there are others all smoke and mirrors and cover up, not one of the guilty have gone to prison so i don't hold out much hope, it's the corrupt system responsible.
America is a lot more direct on this. Weinstein and Epstein went to jail. Prince Andrew not so much.
It was a policy put in place by the Tories to buy support from old people. If they can't get by without it, then the pension needs to go up. This is only a few hundred pounds per pensioner, like a week's pension.

but how many pensioners are dying because the NHS is falling apart? Would the money not be better spent elsewhere?

Its not great is it.

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