Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Ever notice NATIONAL Republicans like to rile up voters by using very very small stories and acting like it's happening!!! They're invading!! Eating your pets. Holy fucking cow. Trump is pandering to the lowest common denominators.
What these illegal immigrants are doing to America is appalling…No surprise you want to down play the worst stories.
Like late term abortions. Happens so rare and for reasons. Not because someone wants to do it. Because it has to be done.
Gosnell disagrees with you.
Gays. Very small percentage of our country. So easy to pick on them.
You’re right, small percentage…So, why such a hard push to make Americans bend a knee to them?
Blacks, muslims, etc.
Blah, blah, blah…
Pit us against each other. The rich/Republicans use these things to sucker YOU into voting with THEM.
The division in this country is owned, lock, stock, and barrel by Democrats…it’s shocking that you would gaslight that.
I admit I took my dog for a quick walk after about 45 minutes but came back in time to see what Trump did after she questioned his rallies
Hope you brought the dog back in with you when you got back

There’s immigrants out there!
So, let me ask you a serious question, to gauge what you think…

What did anyone hear last night on Kamala’s policies she wants? Anything of substance?
She said she wants to give other people’s money to those who can’t afford a house, and other people’s money to give more money to people woth newborns.

I would have asked about the latter this way: are you saying a young woman with four illegitimate children who is getting food stamps, a Medicaid, a subsidized apartment, should get an ADDITIONAL $6,000 the year her fifth illegitimate child is born in addition to the free food, medical, and housing?
I think the peppers for the former pitus need to be let go. Replace with coaches who teach calmness and positivity. That would help.
It’ll be over soon, who do you think won?
I think the moderators won. So biased. Oh, and there is no fucking way Harris is going to stand by her bullshit promise to support fracking. She comes from the far left and is not autonomous enough to stray from the radicals that put her here. They won’t let her.
I can’t believe anyone who watched that debate last night came away with the idea that Harris is dumb.

Throughout the debate she remained composed and hit Trump with hard facts and carefully planned his destruction
Yes, she can memorize a script….good for her…All she did was repeat her rally speech that she’s given word for word since she was installed.
Did you hear what they did to the beautiful, lovely swan? Such a peaceful creature, and they were savage barbarians.
If the swan belonged to someone else, yeah they committed a crime. But beyond that, I really don’t see what makes killing and eating a swan better or worse than eating a duck or a chicken or something
The debate moderators were terrible and never questioned any of Kamala's false statements.
Trump was right.. only the alien eating cats isnt from Haiti..

God wanted Trump to lose the debate.

She usually gets her way.
I’m certain you agree with the following.

There's a viral tweet from Glenn Greenwald going around that says "The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government."

Greenwald is correct. Nobody with any real power cares all that much who the president is. The president doesn't even need to have a functioning brain. This whole show is being run by people who don't ultimately care all that much whether Democrats or Republicans are in office, including the party leadership of the Democrats and the Republicans.

You think Democrats have enjoyed playing the face of the evil empire these last few years? You think they've enjoyed having their political rallies interrupted by anti-genocide protesters and having their feel-good progressive image completely discredited in front of everyone? They'd all be having a lot more fun if the terrible things being perpetrated by the Biden administration were being done by Trump instead, so they could go back to playing the good guys.

They're happy to lose, which is why they're acting like they're happy to lose. They're doing absolutely nothing to appeal to progressives or energize their base. They're not articulating any real policies besides more of the same. They're not changing anything about any of the things that make normal people hate Democrats in the year 2024, and if they lose again in November they will continue to not change anything. -Caitlin Johnstone
I’m certain you agree with the following.

There's a viral tweet from Glenn Greenwald going around that says "The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government."

Greenwald is correct. Nobody with any real power cares all that much who the president is. The president doesn't even need to have a functioning brain. This whole show is being run by people who don't ultimately care all that much whether Democrats or Republicans are in office, including the party leadership of the Democrats and the Republicans.

You think Democrats have enjoyed playing the face of the evil empire these last few years? You think they've enjoyed having their political rallies interrupted by anti-genocide protesters and having their feel-good progressive image completely discredited in front of everyone? They'd all be having a lot more fun if the terrible things being perpetrated by the Biden administration were being done by Trump instead, so they could go back to playing the good guys.

They're happy to lose, which is why they're acting like they're happy to lose. They're doing absolutely nothing to appeal to progressives or energize their base. They're not articulating any real policies besides more of the same. They're not changing anything about any of the things that make normal people hate Democrats in the year 2024, and if they lose again in November they will continue to not change anything. -Caitlin Johnstone
In other words they’re (gasp) politicians trying to win an election
Yes, she can memorize a script….good for her…All she did was repeat her rally speech that she’s given word for word since she was installed.

An hour and a half of picking Trump apart

Trump looked confused and irate

Just the way Harris wanted him

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