Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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That sums the night for you ? Telling

There were 90 minutes of lying and out and out subversion by the moderators.

But that was what caught your ear. Hmm

Can you believe Trump actually believed that story about migrants stealing peoples pets and eating them enough to repeat in front of millions of people?
Trump won. If the voters elect Harris there will be riots, civil war, and a war with Russia.
Why isn't their already war with Russia?

Riots? Who's going to riot if Biden wins? Rich people don't riot. White MAGAs live in rural communities not big cities. Go ahead and riot in Hooterville. If you riot in the Capital again you can bet Capitol Hill police will be ready this time. Just accept losing when you lose.

We're already in Civil War. Didn't you know? Here's 2 Republicans admitting it.

The leader of a conservative think tank orchestrating plans for a massive overhaul of the federal government in the event of a Republican presidential win said that the country is in the midst of a “second American Revolution” that will be bloodless “if the left allows it to be.”

and secretly recorded Alito Supreme Court justice caught saying

In the recordings, Alito seemed to agree with Windsor, who was posing as a conservative Christian, that the U.S. is locked in a culture war between liberals and conservatives, saying at one point that "one side or the other is going to win." He quickly added that "there can be a way of ... living together peacefully, but it's difficult you know because there are differences on fundamental things that can't really be compromised."

You and another guy on this board are taking advantage of social programs, social safety nets and voting Republican? Weird. Vergogna

Well, I think if the bar is that Harris didn’t belly up to the word salad bar, then she did ok, asto what she practiced…When Trump rattled her though, she launched into the typical leftist lies….

Look, we know who she is. She’s the dumb, cackling Marxist that did nothing as America was invaded by millions, and still happening. She’s the installed candidate, who didn’t get one vote in any primary this election season, and won’t sit for a serious interview, or do an unscripted press conference…

Her presentation last night was totally scripted, and she had defenders posing as mods….

She owns inflation. She owns open borders that have killed Americans, She owns the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where she has not once reached out to the families of the dead….This woman is a liar, and a danger to our great nation.

With all of that said, she did ok, for a lying, Marxist skank…But, Trump won.
I have the debate taped. I will watch it again. Often when you see things a second time, you see things clearer with fewer preconceived expectations and catch stuff you missed.
Or when the late shows and Daily show play the best parts. So funny. They're eating dogs!!! Even the mainstream news is saying she got to him. And he doesn't get a do over. And she handled his lies well. Her reactions to when he said stupid shit. Trump looked old. And she's right. We're ready to move on.

He handed her and Biden a mess. Sorry Donald that the voters in 2020 thought you were handling the pandemic poorly. And that you ran the country like a mafia don.

Let me quote Rex Tillerson early on in the Trump presidency. Why did Trump fire him? He got sick of Rex telling him "sorry Mr President you can't do that it's illegal".

You guys seem to want a president who can break the laws. Any laws he wants. And it's all ok because he's acting as President. He can't be criminally charged for what he's doing as his official acts. Then president's would be scared to act. WTF????
Well, I think if the bar is that Harris didn’t belly up to the word salad bar, then she did ok, asto what she practiced…When Trump rattled her though, she launched into the typical leftist lies….

Look, we know who she is. She’s the dumb, cackling Marxist that did nothing as America was invaded by millions, and still happening. She’s the installed candidate, who didn’t get one vote in any primary this election season, and won’t sit for a serious interview, or do an unscripted press conference…

Her presentation last night was totally scripted, and she had defenders posing as mods….

She owns inflation. She owns open borders that have killed Americans, She owns the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where she has not once reached out to the families of the dead….This woman is a liar, and a danger to our great nation.

With all of that said, she did ok, for a lying, Marxist skank…But, Trump won.
She wasn’t checked on her lies, nor was she asked about her flip-flops. Since this was in PA, and it’s a vital state, the mods should have reminded her that she has been against fracking.

But that would have required fair moderators.
Look, we know who she is. She’s the dumb, cackling Marxist

I can’t believe anyone who watched that debate last night came away with the idea that Harris is dumb.

Throughout the debate she remained composed and hit Trump with hard facts and carefully planned his destruction
She wasn’t checked on her lies, nor was she asked about her flip-flops. Since this was in PA, and it’s a vital state, the mods should have reminded her that she has been against fracking.

But that would have required fair moderators.
I’ll agree with this to some extent. The mods clearly were pro-Harris.

but, and I know you’ll never admit this, Trump spouted waaaay more lies then she did. And his lies were far more outrageous.

And all that aside, it was no excuse for the degree to which he descended into rambling nonsense
I can’t believe anyone who watched that debate last night came away with the idea that Harris is dumb.

Throughout the debate she remained composed and hit Trump with hard facts and carefully planned his destruction
It was three-against-one, and the mods let her get away with lies and flip-flops.

Let’s see how she does in a fair debate that isn’t a set-up to help her make Trump look bad.

Ever notice NATIONAL Republicans like to rile up voters by using very very small stories and acting like it's happening!!! They're invading!! Eating your pets. Holy fucking cow. Trump is pandering to the lowest common denominators.

Like late term abortions. Happens so rare and for reasons. Not because someone wants to do it. Because it has to be done.

Gays. Very small percent of our population. So easy to pick on them.

Blacks, muslims, etc.

Pit us against each other. The rich/Republicans use these things to sucker YOU into voting with THEM.
Or when the late shows and Daily show play the best parts. So funny. They're eating dogs!!! Even the mainstream news is saying she got to him. And he doesn't get a do over. And she handled his lies well. Her reactions to when he said stupid shit. Trump looked old. And she's right. We're ready to move on.

He handed her and Biden a mess. Sorry Donald that the voters in 2020 thought you were handling the pandemic poorly. And that you ran the country like a mafia don.

Let me quote Rex Tillerson early on in the Trump presidency. Why did Trump fire him? He got sick of Rex telling him "sorry Mr President you can't do that it's illegal".

You guys seem to want a president who can break the laws. Any laws he wants. And it's all ok because he's acting as President. He can't be criminally charged for what he's doing as his official acts. Then president's would be scared to act. WTF????
So, let me ask you a serious question, to gauge what you think…

What did anyone hear last night on Kamala’s policies she wants? Anything of substance?
Trump, what will you do about...

Healthcare - Immigrants!
Inflation - Immigrants!
Housing - Immigrants!
Russia - Putin loves me!
Israel - Benjamin hates Kamala!
Immigration - They are eating Dogs and Cats!
Economy - Tariffs!
Election - I won!
Jan 6 - They were treated so badly!
Kamala - She isnt black! But I dont care. But she isnt black!
ACA - I saved it! I have a concept!
I can’t believe anyone who watched that debate last night came away with the idea that Harris is dumb.

Throughout the debate she remained composed and hit Trump with hard facts and carefully planned his destruction
Jon Stewart said it best. Kamala could nail an answer and Republicans will just say she's pandering.

We admitted Trump crushed Biden. Okay our come back was that Trump lied but wasn't that true?

And nothing else matters. Taylor Swift just made Kamala president. Taylor, if you're hearing me. You should have waited and given us an October surprise.

Dick Chaney. Fuck off.
I can’t believe anyone who watched that debate last night came away with the idea that Harris is dumb.

Throughout the debate she remained composed and hit Trump with hard facts and carefully planned his destruction
She's a former prosecutor. She knows how to rattle someone. The best was when she said people leave his rallies early. Hannibal Lecter. LOL.

I’ll agree with this to some extent. The mods clearly were pro-Harris.

but, and I know you’ll never admit this, Trump spouted waaaay more lies then she did. And his lies were far more outrageous.

And all that aside, it was no excuse for the degree to which he descended into rambling nonsense
What lies? Don’t you think her lie that Trump incited a riot was outrageous when he wanted the NG there - and Pelosi denied it - and asked for a peaceful and patriotic rally?? That Trump said “there were fine people” among the Charlottesville Nazis? (That lie has been debunked repeatedly, and she just lied about it again.) all she did was to try to smear him personally, with lies.

The extent to which she addressed policy were vacuous and unbelievable. Is she for a wall now? is she for fracking now? Why wasn’t she asked about her belief that illegals should be among those to get a $25,000 house downpayment?

Also, the mods let her get away with not answering a question, when they hammered Trump. She was asked if she had any regrets about the Afghanistan withdrawal, which cost 13 brave soldiers their lives, and she didn’t answer. They let it slide. When they asked Trump about Jan 6, they kept asking, and asking, and asking.

Very little stock should be put in a debate where the mods gang up to protect one candidate and take down the other.
The Neo-GOP was embarrassed by an unhinged old man who hates America last night. When will the Neo-GOP start talking about replacing him on the ticket?

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