Update! Hunter Biden’s $49,910 Rent Matches Rental Deposit at House of Sweden with CEFC China Energy

It does not matter where the Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center is.

Biden illegally stored TS/SCI documents and left them for 5 years in a building provided by / paid for by the Chinese, leaving the documents unguarded, giving anyone who wanted access to some of the most sensitive Intel Reports / documents the US has.

And you are attempting to minimize / marginalize Biden's extremely serious crimes, like a good little indoctrinated partisan sheep.

While I am still researching for myself, I heard several prominent lawyers on the news stating that Biden's actions meet the technical definition of 'Espionage'. Illegally taking, moving, and storing TS/SCI Intel Reports on Ukraine and Iran in an unsecure, unauthorized location that could very well be accessed by the Chinese...or others over a period of 5 years they were left there.

If you really think this is not serious and / or can't be proven you are an idiot. Almost all of this has already been proven.

Every time Biden goes off-script answering questions he slides the proverbial noose around his own neck a little tighter, and another one of his high-priced defense attornies faints.

The proof requires the compromising of America's foreign policy 'top secret' war crimes in the Ukraine and/or Iran. It has to remain an accusation.

Let us know when that changes!

There can at least be hope in Trump being dumb enough to do it!
According to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, Hunter had requested to end the lease after his agreement with CEFC China Energy collapsed. Previously, the Biden family had made a deal with CEFC in which President Joe Biden (referred to as “Big Guy”) would receive a ten percent ownership in the joint venture.

This really isn't "news"

For the infirmed, retarded and other brain-dead Democrats here.
For normal folk it is just a reminder.
The proof requires the compromising of America's foreign policy 'top secret' war crimes in the Ukraine and/or Iran. It has to remain an accusation.

Let us know when that changes!

There can at least be hope in Trump being dumb enough to do it!

It is not really a secret that the US interferes all over the world.
Shadow Governments.
A coup here, a coup there.
It's what we do.
You just hang out in your igloo and not fret.

It is not really supposed to happen here though.
Occasionally the people vote in a JFK or a President Trump and things happen.
It is not really a secret that the US interferes all over the world.
Shadow Governments.
A coup here, a coup there.
It's what we do.
You just hang out in your igloo and not fret.

It is not really supposed to happen here though.
Occasionally the people vote in a JFK or a President Trump and things happen.
You're just a billie and your brain is too full already. bugger off.
Blah blah blah. Still waiting for you retards to prove any connection of the Chinese to Hunter's office rental. Go.

Ilegally possessed TS/SCI documents

Illegally stored in unsecured, unauthorized building / office for 5 years

No physical security

Clasdified documents left behind / abandoned for 5 years

NO Chain of Custody

No Visitors logs

No crimes committed, right?



Ilegally possessed TS/SCI documents

Illegally stored in unsecured, unauthorized building / office for 5 years

No physical security

Clasdified documents left behind / abandoned for 5 years

NO Chain of Custody

No Visitors logs

No crimes committed, right?

View attachment 748340


It's just joe being joe

Ilegally possessed TS/SCI documents

Illegally stored in unsecured, unauthorized building / office for 5 years

No physical security

Clasdified documents left behind / abandoned for 5 years

NO Chain of Custody

No Visitors logs

No crimes committed, right?

View attachment 748340


So, nothing on Biden's rental agreement and China? Stop proving you are a retard. I get it. YOU. ARE. A. RETARD. :itsok:
What kind of dad charges his son $50,000 per month to live in his house?

The kind who would molest his own underage daughter.
Democrats' Explanation For Biden 'Tax Fraud':

Hunter Biden was a crackhead whose life was totally messed up at the time.

- He was addicted to crack

- He was attempting to make money to feed his crack habit by accompanying his VP dad all over the world and engaging in Influence Peddling, WHICH JOE BIDEN NEVER KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT BECAUSE HE IS STUPID AND HAD DEMENTIA

- He was shooting incestuous porn movies that included his family

- He knew his brother, who died, was his father's favorite, so to get even he screwed his dead brother's widow.

- He was cheating on his wife by screwing a pole dancer, too

- His wife was filing for divorce

After Hunter was kicked out by his wife he asked Joe if he could STAY at the house.

Being the incredible father he is, wanting to help Hunter straighten his life out, Joe told Hunter he could RENT the house for $50,000 per month. Each month Joe deposited the money in an off-shore account in Hunter's name so that when he finally got clean and his life straight Hunter would have all this money waiting for him.

THIS is why Joe Biden never claimed the $50k a month as income on his taxes. It was never really his money - he was just putting the money in an account for Hunter without Hunter knowing.


Hunter once got his sister to try drugs.

Her temperature sky-rocketed, and they were afraid she would suffer brain damage and die. So, Joe stripped his daughter down and held her under a coldd shower for an hour until her temperature started coming down.

They never called 911 because they did not want the scandal to hit the news / become public.

See! Joe Biden is not a pedo or perv. He is a caring, loving father who saved his daughter from a drug overdose.

(If you don't buy those lies Joe has different ones he can tell you.)


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