UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election –Call For Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit

Republicans have abandoned Democracy in favor of partisan loyalty.

They are prepared to throw out millions of votes in favor of partisan Republican electors

democrats have abandoned America in favor of Marxism. They are prepared to destroy the Constitutional Republic in favor of Stalinist dictatorship.
Republicans are a fraud

There is no longer any semblance of rational thought or credibility. They have sold their souls to Donald J Trump
They have sold their souls to this country and what it stands for. Trump is an after thought. Americans will not stand for a stolen election. People like you are to selfish and arrogant to realize something like that still exists and they are going to make themselves heard. With or without Republicans.
Republicans have abandoned Democracy in favor of partisan loyalty.

They are prepared to throw out millions of votes in favor of partisan Republican electors
They are going to throw out a swindle.
They are facilitating a swindle
The swindle has happened. It will be explained and proven in no uncertain terms to the American public on Jan. 6th.
I do know, I and a significant portion of the electorate will never take the time to consider these ring leader hold- outs acceptable by their actions, word or deed for national office again in their lifetime or ours.
We actually have data scientists poring over the results of Dominion vote changing machines and absolutely
and scientifically establishing in precise numbers the amount of votes stolen from Donald Trump. In Georgia,
for instance. Your hyperbolic nonsense just makes you seem mentally unhinged.

Yes. Try to hold the people who stopped Joe Biden from stealing the election "responsible" and
see where that gets you. Here's a hint: when you remove all the votes Biden got illegally and look
at the vote totals in honest realistic terms Trump won in a landslide.

Wrap your pitiful mind around that.
January 6, 2021 will go down in history as the greatest Civil Rights demonstration in history! Democrats, TDS 1.6.21 is gonna be running wild so stay home in a fetal position with a mask on and watch the coverage on your favorite Fake News network! :laughing0301:
Trump Devotion Syndrome will reach a fevered peak between 1/6 and 1/20. Then after some opportunistic congressmen reap their rewards in the form of followers and donations for stoking the flames of sedition, most of them — the smart ones — will toss the MAGA clowns into the trash bin, or tuck them away in the junk drawer until they need to use them again. Complete fuckwits like you will still hold on to your delusions while the majority of America continues to laugh at you.
It is so much fun to watch you TDS morons spew your delusions.
So, how exactly will they pull this off, when no court will side with them, votes have been certified, and the Democrat majority in the House will cut their efforts off in Congress?
They aren’t going to throw out shit, you insufferable dipshit. Democrats control the House.

How did that go, Comrade Traitor? Did you Maoists pick up a lot of seats? What with Xi's man picking of gazillions of votes, the Marxist democrats must have swept the house, amirite?
And they still control the House, skid mark
You’ll see on Jan 6.

Get your Trump blankie and My Pillow ready, and prepare for a disappointment. ANOTHER disappointment in a long line of them.
January 6, 2021 will go down in history as the greatest Civil Rights demonstration in history! Democrats, TDS 1.6.21 is gonna be running wild so stay home in a fetal position with a mask on and watch the coverage on your favorite Fake News network! :laughing0301:
Trump Devotion Syndrome will reach a fevered peak between 1/6 and 1/20. Then after some opportunistic congressmen reap their rewards in the form of followers and donations for stoking the flames of sedition, most of them — the smart ones — will toss the MAGA clowns into the trash bin, or tuck them away in the junk drawer until they need to use them again. Complete fuckwits like you will still hold on to your delusions while the majority of America continues to laugh at you.
It is so much fun to watch you TDS morons spew your delusions.
So, how exactly will they pull this off, when no court will side with them, votes have been certified, and the Democrat majority in the House will cut their efforts off in Congress?
How is that a response to what I posted?
January 6, 2021 will go down in history as the greatest Civil Rights demonstration in history! Democrats, TDS 1.6.21 is gonna be running wild so stay home in a fetal position with a mask on and watch the coverage on your favorite Fake News network! :laughing0301:
Trump Devotion Syndrome will reach a fevered peak between 1/6 and 1/20. Then after some opportunistic congressmen reap their rewards in the form of followers and donations for stoking the flames of sedition, most of them — the smart ones — will toss the MAGA clowns into the trash bin, or tuck them away in the junk drawer until they need to use them again. Complete fuckwits like you will still hold on to your delusions while the majority of America continues to laugh at you.
It is so much fun to watch you TDS morons spew your delusions.
So, how exactly will they pull this off, when no court will side with them, votes have been certified, and the Democrat majority in the House will cut their efforts off in Congress?
How is that a response to what I posted?
You’re saying that I’m delusional for stating that the Democrat controlled House will stop this. Therefore, you must think there’s a chance that they will succeed.
So, how exactly will they pull this off, when no court will side with them
It looks like you
realize how biased the courts are.
Fortunately the time for corrupt leftist judges are over. We are entering an area where Constitutional
remedies are being used.

votes have been certified, and the Democrat majority in the House will cut their efforts off in Congress?
Certified electoral votes are being nullified by legislators in crucial swing states due to epic election
fraud. It may come down to a state by state vote, one vote per state. And look and see how many red states
there are vs. blue.

Biden has lost his vote lead in Georgia due to election fraud and Pennsylvania and Arizona are on the same path. If Biden loses his lead in votes, as he will, he cannot steal the presidency in any scenario.

His legs will be cut out from under him.
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So, how exactly will they pull this off, when no court will side with them, votes have been certified, and the Democrat majority in the House will cut their efforts off in Congress?

They won't. The intent is to inform the American people of the deep corruption of this election, of what it is the Communist party did.

The first step back toward free and fair elections is acknowledging the fact that we don't have free and fair elections now.

look, democrats have engaged in election fraud since the days of Tammany Hall. But Boss Tweed was upright and honest compared to Xi's democrats of today.
DONT GET IT? Did Republicans not do well in this election? If Democrats rigged the election why did they not get more seats in congress & senate. wouldn't flipping the senate been a better move?
It looks like Republicans will release the Kraken on Jan 6. It will be fun watching the Republicans explaining to the entire country why Biden is a fraud.

Ten US Senators are discussing plans to join Senator Josh Hawley in objecting to the 2020 fraudulent election results.
According to Jack Posobiec they are upset with Mitch McConnell’s ABSOLUTE failure to follow President Trump’s lead and issue $2,000 checks to the American people.
Seven GOP senators signed the letter and FOUR GOP Senators-elect signed on!
Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.)
Four Senators-Elect signed on:
Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)
Here is the joint statement released on Saturday.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lauren Bianchi: [email protected] January 2, 2021
Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) issued the following statement in advance of the Electoral College certification process on January 6, 2021:
“America is a Republic whose leaders are chosen in democratic elections. Those elections, in turn, must comply with the Constitution and with federal and state law.
“When the voters fairly decide an election, pursuant to the rule of law, the losing candidate should acknowledge and respect the legitimacy of that election. And, if the voters choose to elect a new office-holder, our Nation should have a peaceful transfer of power.
“The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities.
Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes.
“And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are widespread.
Reuters/Ipsos polling tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.’ That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).
Some Members of Congress disagree with that assessment, as do many members of the media.
“But, whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, that deep distrust of our democratic processes will not magically disappear. It should concern us all. And it poses an ongoing threat to the legitimacy of any subsequent administrations.
“Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election fraud. Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined.
“On January 6, it is incumbent on Congress to vote on whether to certify the 2020 election results. That vote is the lone constitutional power remaining to consider and force resolution of the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud.
At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged.
“The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in three states—Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina—were alleged to have been conducted illegally.
“In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.
“We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.
Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’ (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed.
“We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit—conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20—would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.
“These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy.”
When are you kids gonna realize gateway pundit is not news. It's for entertainment purposes only.
GP is 1000 times more credible than CNN or any "news" source you frequent.
Only in the bizzaro alternate reality occupied by tRump supporters.
Why is shit like that all that you have? Scan the ballots. Prove there was no fraud.
lol. prove there was no fraud, he queefs.
Then stop asking Trump for his taxes. Scan the ballots or admit guilt.
We've seen that there's no fraud.

Nobody has seen his taxes.

False equivalency is FALSE.
Wrong, shit for brains. We've seen abundant evidence that this election was a swindle.
then present the evidence to courts. I am sure with your expertise you will be able to find Trump appointed judges and will be able to save Trump’s ass.
All you proved is that you're a jackass. You can't present evidence to a court if that court refuses to look at it.
The courts did look at what was presented and it wasn't evidence so they dismissed the cases as they should. What you Trump boot lickers can't seem to understand is that allegations are not proof..and oh ya..signed affidavits are just allegations.
Wrong. They didn't look at any evidenc.e
Exactly! There is no evidence.

Look up, Comrade traitor...
I'd rather look up the 59 law suits that were lost over non-existent voter fraud. That's more fun.

You'd do anything to avoid the mountains of evidence proving the massive fraud by you Communists.
View attachment 436724

Funny how you can't refute a single point, nor can your bosses in the CCP.
Lol, all of those "points" (they aren't points) have been refuted, debunked, disproven, and basically systematically destroyed by everyone who has looked at them.

There is no need for us to do it again and again just to amuse you useless seditionists.
And they still control the House, skid mark
You’ll see on Jan 6.

Get your Trump blankie and My Pillow ready, and prepare for a disappointment. ANOTHER disappointment in a long line of them.

The last time the party of a newly elected president lost seats in the house was James Monroe in 1816.

And remember, in this "election" so many ballots had no down ballot selection - just Xi's man - nothing else.

Well, democrats are dedicated to making America Venezuela, banana republic elections are the first step. :thup:
Lol, all of those "points" (they aren't points) have been refuted, debunked, disproven, and basically systematically destroyed by everyone who has looked at them.

There is no need for us to do it again and again just to amuse you useless seditionists.

Even if what you of the CCP claimed were true, it isn't, but even if it were, that wouldn't alter the fact that you have been presented mountains of evidence. That you ignore and blatantly lie about the evidence is the point.
It looks like Republicans will release the Kraken on Jan 6. It will be fun watching the Republicans explaining to the entire country why Biden is a fraud.

Ten US Senators are discussing plans to join Senator Josh Hawley in objecting to the 2020 fraudulent election results.
According to Jack Posobiec they are upset with Mitch McConnell’s ABSOLUTE failure to follow President Trump’s lead and issue $2,000 checks to the American people.
Seven GOP senators signed the letter and FOUR GOP Senators-elect signed on!
Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Mike Braun (R-Ind.)
Four Senators-Elect signed on:
Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) Roger Marshall (R-Kan.) Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.) Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.)
Here is the joint statement released on Saturday.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lauren Bianchi: [email protected] January 2, 2021
Joint Statement from Senators Cruz, Johnson, Lankford, Daines, Kennedy, Blackburn, Braun, Senators-Elect Lummis, Marshall, Hagerty, Tuberville
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), James Lankford (R-Okla.), Steve Daines (R-Mont.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), and Mike Braun (R-Ind.), and Senators-Elect Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.), Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), Bill Hagerty (R-Tenn.), and Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) issued the following statement in advance of the Electoral College certification process on January 6, 2021:
“America is a Republic whose leaders are chosen in democratic elections. Those elections, in turn, must comply with the Constitution and with federal and state law.
“When the voters fairly decide an election, pursuant to the rule of law, the losing candidate should acknowledge and respect the legitimacy of that election. And, if the voters choose to elect a new office-holder, our Nation should have a peaceful transfer of power.
“The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities.
Voter fraud has posed a persistent challenge in our elections, although its breadth and scope are disputed. By any measure, the allegations of fraud and irregularities in the 2020 election exceed any in our lifetimes.
“And those allegations are not believed just by one individual candidate. Instead, they are widespread.
Reuters/Ipsos polling tragically, shows that 39% of Americans believe ‘the election was rigged.’ That belief is held by Republicans (67%), Democrats (17%), and Independents (31%).
Some Members of Congress disagree with that assessment, as do many members of the media.
“But, whether or not our elected officials or journalists believe it, that deep distrust of our democratic processes will not magically disappear. It should concern us all. And it poses an ongoing threat to the legitimacy of any subsequent administrations.
“Ideally, the courts would have heard evidence and resolved these claims of serious election fraud. Twice, the Supreme Court had the opportunity to do so; twice, the Court declined.
“On January 6, it is incumbent on Congress to vote on whether to certify the 2020 election results. That vote is the lone constitutional power remaining to consider and force resolution of the multiple allegations of serious voter fraud.
At that quadrennial joint session, there is long precedent of Democratic Members of Congress raising objections to presidential election results, as they did in 1969, 2001, 2005, and 2017. And, in both 1969 and 2005, a Democratic Senator joined with a Democratic House Member in forcing votes in both houses on whether to accept the presidential electors being challenged.
“The most direct precedent on this question arose in 1877, following serious allegations of fraud and illegal conduct in the Hayes-Tilden presidential race. Specifically, the elections in three states—Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina—were alleged to have been conducted illegally.
“In 1877, Congress did not ignore those allegations, nor did the media simply dismiss those raising them as radicals trying to undermine democracy. Instead, Congress appointed an Electoral Commission—consisting of five Senators, five House Members, and five Supreme Court Justices—to consider and resolve the disputed returns.
“We should follow that precedent. To wit, Congress should immediately appoint an Electoral Commission, with full investigatory and fact-finding authority, to conduct an emergency 10-day audit of the election returns in the disputed states. Once completed, individual states would evaluate the Commission’s findings and could convene a special legislative session to certify a change in their vote, if needed.
Accordingly, we intend to vote on January 6 to reject the electors from disputed states as not ‘regularly given’ and ‘lawfully certified’ (the statutory requisite), unless and until that emergency 10-day audit is completed.
“We are not naïve. We fully expect most if not all Democrats, and perhaps more than a few Republicans, to vote otherwise. But support of election integrity should not be a partisan issue. A fair and credible audit—conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20—would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President. We owe that to the People.
“These are matters worthy of the Congress, and entrusted to us to defend. We do not take this action lightly. We are acting not to thwart the democratic process, but rather to protect it. And every one of us should act together to ensure that the election was lawfully conducted under the Constitution and to do everything we can to restore faith in our Democracy.”

If 12 Republican Senators love the democrats, why would they try to overturn the rigged election?


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