Update: Prof who wished death on NRA children suspended

Yes, he should be fired...but there is probably some type of "process" required to get rid of him if he has tenure.
Tenure is perhaps the WORST concept ever invented regarding education.
No one deserves absolute job security. No one.

Well! With a well thought out and convincing argument like that....who could possibly disagree?
You are one sick asshole.

No I'm not. I want policy changes in reaction to gun massacres. I want fewer gun deaths. You're the sicko for be okay with gun massacres.
I don't see anyone here being okay with gun massacres except you wanting NRA members to be victims in the next one. You appear to be the only sicko speaking out here...except for your idiot friends that thank you for your ludicrous posts.[francoHFW (Today)...just in case he removes it.]

You and your friends are MUCHO SICKO!

FRanco is a flyspeck. Nothing but an angry irrational lib who cannot control himself. He is a drooling self pissing spineless liberal who has never contributed anything but far left wing moonbat drive by posts. He is without testicles.
Where the fuck are Mac and Fox? This clear infringement on this man's free speech rights at the hands of the right wing PC police is a danger to the survival of the 1st Amendment!

Egads! And......alas!

Free speech rights are not to be infringed upon by the government. Employers have every right to see that employees do not cast them in a bad light with their public utterances. A university certainly has the right to suspend or fire someone for publicly supporting murder.

We agree 100%. How does that make you feel?
Proud of you.
I'm glad he is suspended but I also think it's a little messed up that he was suspended.

Ahhhhh! Honesty!

Both are possible. Which is why this entire freak out about "PC" endangering our 1st amendment rights is bogus. We all have different opinions about what is and is not acceptable speech. The people who pay this dude can penalize him if they like.......and he can sue them in court if he feels that he has been treated unjustly.

That is how our rights are protected.

Thanks for the honesty.

If I say your children should be stabbed to death to prove a point about gun control...is that an opinion?


It's stupidity.

For a professor, a fella who is supposed to be the smartest of us, to exhibit such poor judgement...it's sad.

For you to be defending him is even sadder.
How many is meaningful? Lets have some perspective.

It is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Remind me how we want to ban bathtubs cause people drown in them, or Poison cause people die from it. Hell close to 200,000 people a year die due to doctor mistakes. That is over 6 times the rate of ALL firearms deaths and close to 20 times that of murder by firearms.

Please. You must know the flaw in the bathtub argument and the accidental poison argument. You MUST.

And..if we did not heavily regulate medical practice...your number would be much higher on doctor error. Don't you agree?

I asked you how many firearms deaths is meaningful to you. You did not answer.

Lets talk when it reaches one percent shall we? As for the rate it is steadily going DOWN. And has been for 20 years. Further studies now confirm that less gun control and more legal firearms equals less deaths and less crime.
I'm glad he is suspended but I also think it's a little messed up that he was suspended.

Ahhhhh! Honesty!

Both are possible. Which is why this entire freak out about "PC" endangering our 1st amendment rights is bogus. We all have different opinions about what is and is not acceptable speech. The people who pay this dude can penalize him if they like.......and he can sue them in court if he feels that he has been treated unjustly.

That is how our rights are protected.

Thanks for the honesty.

If I say your children should be stabbed to death to prove a point about gun control...is that an opinion?


It's stupidity.

For a professor, a fella who is supposed to be the smartest of us, to exhibit such poor judgement...it's sad.

For you to be defending him is even sadder.

You clearly do not understand my position on this issue.

Try again.

BTW...if I were a pussy like many of the weak nutters here, you'd be reported for alluding to the stabbing death of my children. But...since I recognize that you used that as an example only to prove a point ( however misguided), I will do no such ridiculous thing.
It is a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Remind me how we want to ban bathtubs cause people drown in them, or Poison cause people die from it. Hell close to 200,000 people a year die due to doctor mistakes. That is over 6 times the rate of ALL firearms deaths and close to 20 times that of murder by firearms.

Please. You must know the flaw in the bathtub argument and the accidental poison argument. You MUST.

And..if we did not heavily regulate medical practice...your number would be much higher on doctor error. Don't you agree?

I asked you how many firearms deaths is meaningful to you. You did not answer.

Lets talk when it reaches one percent shall we? As for the rate it is steadily going DOWN. And has been for 20 years. Further studies now confirm that less gun control and more legal firearms equals less deaths and less crime.[/QUOTE

Well....I am glad to know that any number of unnessesary Americn gun deaths below 1% is meaningless and not worthy of our attention.

And....I am also pleased to know that you have done all the research necessary to conclude that the existence of more guns is a sensible way to reduce the number of firearms deaths. You have effectively closed this discussion with impenetrable logic. Well done.
No I'm not. I want policy changes in reaction to gun massacres. I want fewer gun deaths. You're the sicko for be okay with gun massacres.

There are so few GUN deaths as to be meaningless , NOW. Murder is 4.7 per 100,000. That is a percentage of .0047 so small as to be meaningless.

How many is meaningful? Lets have some perspective.

which cause of death left is absolutely content with you want to compare with?

drownings? falls? vehicle accidents? how about beatings?

and what about a mysterious cause of deaths ( which us HIGHER at least 5 times than mortality because of mass shootings per year) named in the CDC reports as mortality due to legal intervention? Is it a PC name for police killing innocents?

So THIS figure is NOT disturbing to you?
(page 107 table 13)
Please. You must know the flaw in the bathtub argument and the accidental poison argument. You MUST.

And..if we did not heavily regulate medical practice...your number would be much higher on doctor error. Don't you agree?

I asked you how many firearms deaths is meaningful to you. You did not answer.

Lets talk when it reaches one percent shall we? As for the rate it is steadily going DOWN. And has been for 20 years. Further studies now confirm that less gun control and more legal firearms equals less deaths and less crime.

Well....I am glad to know that any number of unnessesary Americn gun deaths below 1% is meaningless and not worthy of our attention.

And....I am also pleased to know that you have done all the research necessary to conclude that the existence of more guns is a sensible way to reduce the number of firearms deaths. You have effectively closed this discussion with impenetrable logic. Well done.


we are NOT going to talk about FIGURES YET.

Let's first decide what are we going to compare WITH, since there are plenty more deaths per year from much more mysterious causes than mass shooters and which are apparently absolutely of no interest to the antigun nuts.
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There are so few GUN deaths as to be meaningless , NOW. Murder is 4.7 per 100,000. That is a percentage of .0047 so small as to be meaningless.

How many is meaningful? Lets have some perspective.

which cause of death left is absolutely content with you want to compare with?

drownings? falls? vehicle accidents? how about beatings?

and what about a mysterious cause of deaths ( which us HIGHER at least 5 times than mortality because of mass shootings per year) named in the CDC reports as mortality due to legal intervention? Is it a PC name for police killing innocents?

So THIS figure is NOT disturbing to you?
(page 107 table 13)


I was just discussing this very topic with someone who is far more prepared than you to carry the torch. Why would I then engage you? It is pointless.
He didn't violate any laws so he's good there. The school he teaches at is no doubt a state school receiving state funds. hence I see some possible 1st amendment abuse here. But then again he just embarrassed his employer.
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Love it, the fanatics changing the subject again.

If he had been a conservative business owner , a gun shop owner perhaps, who said the children of gun grabbers should be stabbed, he would be in jail within hours, looking at several charges ranging from threats against a minor , to conspiracy to commit murder, to terrorism.
That is the fact of it.
But he is a liberal, the law works differently for those who lean left.
If if he has tenure and is unfireble (doubtful given his assistant professor status), he can expect everyone and their brother to crawl up his butt and find any reason to terminate him just to keep the school in the public's good graces. It's what got Ward Churchill fired (technically it was plagiarism, but nobody cared until his mouth gave his employer a black eye).
Love it, the fanatics changing the subject again.

If he had been a conservative business owner , a gun shop owner perhaps, who said the children of gun grabbers should be stabbed, he would be in jail within hours, looking at several charges ranging from threats against a minor , to conspiracy to commit murder, to terrorism.
That is the fact of it.
But he is a liberal, the law works differently for those who lean left.

He would?! Wow! That's awful. Your fantasy land is just awful.
Love it, the fanatics changing the subject again.

If he had been a conservative business owner , a gun shop owner perhaps, who said the children of gun grabbers should be stabbed, he would be in jail within hours, looking at several charges ranging from threats against a minor , to conspiracy to commit murder, to terrorism.
That is the fact of it.
But he is a liberal, the law works differently for those who lean left.

I'm playing devil's advocate here a a little bit, and while I believe you're correct, I don't think saying so and so should be killed constitutes a threat.
Love it, the fanatics changing the subject again.

If he had been a conservative business owner , a gun shop owner perhaps, who said the children of gun grabbers should be stabbed, he would be in jail within hours, looking at several charges ranging from threats against a minor , to conspiracy to commit murder, to terrorism.
That is the fact of it.
But he is a liberal, the law works differently for those who lean left.

He would?! Wow! That's awful. Your fantasy land is just awful.

So fantasy?


No weapons.
No bombs.
Just threats.

They did have a list!
A list of weapons that would be used.
A list, very dangerous.
We need more list control !!
A register of lists!!
A 5 day waiting period for a list!!

Even a grocery list!!
It was a damn dumb thing to say.

All the rationalization in the world isn't going to change that.

Should he lose his job?

Probably not...I think he has likely learned his lesson.

Who hasn't said something stupid in the pursuit of a passionately held belief?

But if this would have been something along the lines of "These liberals should have a family member murdered, then they wouldn't be so opposed to the death penalty", Liberals would be up in arms over it.
Pennsylvania town fires sheriff for pro-gun comments | Rare

GILBERTON, Pa. (AP) — A small-town Pennsylvania police chief’s profanity-laced Internet tirades about the Second Amendment and liberals have earned him a measure of notoriety — and now, his bosses intend, a pink slip.

Gilberton Borough Council members said Thursday night they plan to fire Mark Kessler, nearly two months after voting to suspend the only full-time member of the town’s police force.

Kessler, who’s active in gun rights circles and started an armed group that critics call a private militia, posted videos of himself shooting borough-owned automatic weapons and cursing liberals and others who he said want to erode the constitutional right to bear arms.

Kessler said the council’s decision was “no surprise” in light of the incendiary videos. “We knew it was coming,” he said.
- See more at: Pennsylvania town fires sheriff for pro-gun comments | Rare

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