Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Try using words next time, you don't have a mind I can read.
I said you were wrong that would be a yes. Try reading next time.
Now who the fuck deleted my post?
There's nothing to read when you don't post words.

And if you can show illegals who got caught voting in 2016 -- link it.
13% said they voted.
What part of that is hard for you to understand.
They aren't caught because California pollsters don't try to catch them.
Not in 2016, And not anywhere except an unscientific poll. And even among those, many of them also said they weren't citizens when asked again after saying they were citizens.

So I can only take this as you're just as big of a loser as PoliticalHack who also could point to one single illegal alien who voted in 2016.

It's california, with the State Sanctuary law. They wouldn't arrest an illegal for voting if they caught them.
Imbecile, this is as stupid as you posting a link to InfoWars to show Greg Phillip of voterfraud.org claimed, without an ounce of proof, that there were 3 million illegals who voted -- only voterfraud.org said they had never heard of Greg Phillips.

Moron, California became a sanctuary state after the election, so no, illegal voters were not safe from prosecution. Even worse for your lunacy, illegal voting is banned by state law; while being a sanctuary state only means the state won't assist the federal government in apprehending illegal aliens. The state does still enforce state laws.

What a loser you are, making all these wild claims you can't backup with reality.

Illegal alien arrested, charged with voter fraud
LAKE COUNTY, Ill. - An illegal alien from the Philippines was arrested Thursday morning on a felony complaint charging her with 17 counts related to voter fraud in Lake County. The state charges resulted from a joint investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Lake County State's Attorneys Office. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) also provided assistance.

Maria Azada, 53, of Grayslake, Ill., was arrested March 17 by ICE HSI agents and a Lake County State's Attorneys special investigator. Azada faces 17 felony counts in Lake County Circuit Court of perjury, mutilation of election materials, and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen.

The investigation began in February 2009 when Azada admitted to a USCIS officer during an interview for an immigration benefit that she had voted in an election. It is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in national or state elections in the United States.

A subsequent investigation revealed that Azada allegedly voted nine times in primary, general and consolidated elections between 2003 and 2009. According to the arrest warrant, Azada allegedly falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen on two Illinois Voter Registration applications.
Slyhunter, post: 20433747
It's california, with the State Sanctuary law. They wouldn't arrest an illegal for voting if they caught them.

There are Republicans in official positions in California that could force an investigation into illegal voting. But they won’t because there is no there there. On a Federal level Republicans could force an investigative as well since it could sway Congressional elections
Illegal alien arrested, charged with voter fraud
LAKE COUNTY, Ill. - An illegal alien from the Philippines was arrested Thursday morning on a felony complaint charging her with 17 counts related to voter fraud in Lake County. The state charges resulted from a joint investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Lake County State's Attorneys Office. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) also provided assistance.

Maria Azada, 53, of Grayslake, Ill., was arrested March 17 by ICE HSI agents and a Lake County State's Attorneys special investigator. Azada faces 17 felony counts in Lake County Circuit Court of perjury, mutilation of election materials, and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen.

The investigation began in February 2009 when Azada admitted to a USCIS officer during an interview for an immigration benefit that she had voted in an election. It is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in national or state elections in the United States.

A subsequent investigation revealed that Azada allegedly voted nine times in primary, general and consolidated elections between 2003 and 2009. According to the arrest warrant, Azada allegedly falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen on two Illinois Voter Registration applications.

Dumbfuck loser... don’t you know the difference between 2016 and 2009?? :eusa_doh:

Aww, how sad ... :(

Poor, demented, lying PoliticalHack is reduced to bumping her own threads. :lmao:

Does this mean you finally found an illegal alien who voted in the last election?


"Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote
Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can not be deported or jailed, they have nothing to lose. Obama is protecting these law breakers. Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

13% of 60 million is 7.8 million illegal alien votes.

13% of 80 million is 10.4 million illegal alien votes.

Really excellent to see that article....

....of course, now we must get the liars on the record about how many illegal aliens are residing in the USofA....

If they go with the bogus 11 million figure that hasn't changed in over a decade....well, then it's about a million and a half votes for Hillary.

But....if we use the far more accurate 50-60 million.....it's a far more realistic 8 million of so.[/QUOTE]

The only problem with that is..... You are using your link dedicated to anti immigration.
In reality it doesn’t prove anything.

Let me repeat again what I’ve been trying to dig in to your thick skull.

In order for that large numbers of illegal votes. You need a coordinations by both republicans and democrats that works at the polls by the thousands all over California.
So how is that possible?

Not a single one of those Republicans workers complain about illegal votes. Oh lord almighty YOU have evidence.
Illegal alien arrested, charged with voter fraud
LAKE COUNTY, Ill. - An illegal alien from the Philippines was arrested Thursday morning on a felony complaint charging her with 17 counts related to voter fraud in Lake County. The state charges resulted from a joint investigation conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Lake County State's Attorneys Office. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) also provided assistance.

Maria Azada, 53, of Grayslake, Ill., was arrested March 17 by ICE HSI agents and a Lake County State's Attorneys special investigator. Azada faces 17 felony counts in Lake County Circuit Court of perjury, mutilation of election materials, and tampering with voting machines in connection with illegal voting by a non-U.S. citizen.

The investigation began in February 2009 when Azada admitted to a USCIS officer during an interview for an immigration benefit that she had voted in an election. It is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in national or state elections in the United States.

A subsequent investigation revealed that Azada allegedly voted nine times in primary, general and consolidated elections between 2003 and 2009. According to the arrest warrant, Azada allegedly falsely claimed to be a U.S. citizen on two Illinois Voter Registration applications.

Dumbfuck loser... don’t you know the difference between 2016 and 2009?? :eusa_doh:

They sure are losers. . Here are a couple more from where I think Sly got his info:

Database Provides Sample of More Than 1,000 Cases of Voter Fraud, Many Involving Non-Citizens and Illegal Aliens

Caught illegal voters were Republicans:

--Joshua Workman (North Carolina, 2003), a Canadian citizen who was one of the youngest delegates to the 2000 Republican National Convention, was charged by the Department of Justice with casting ineligible votes during the 2000 and 2002 primary and general elections in Avery County. He made false statements claiming U.S. citizenship in order to vote. As part of a plea agreement, Workman pleaded guilty to a federal misdemeanor charge of providing false information to election officials and subsequently returned to Canada.

--Rosa Maria Ortega (Texas, 2017), a non-citizen, was found guilty on two counts of voting in the November 2012 general election and the 2014 Republican primary runoff. Ortega claimed she thought she was a citizen and blamed her lack of education for the mix-up, but prosecutors pointed out that Ortega had previously indicated on a driver’s license application that she was a non-citizen. A judge sentenced her to eight years’ imprisonment, after which she faces the possibility of deportation.
Aww, how sad ... :(

Poor, demented, lying PoliticalHack is reduced to bumping her own threads. :lmao:

Does this mean you finally found an illegal alien who voted in the last election?


"Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote
Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can not be deported or jailed, they have nothing to lose. Obama is protecting these law breakers. Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

13% of 60 million is 7.8 million illegal alien votes.

13% of 80 million is 10.4 million illegal alien votes.

Really excellent to see that article....

....of course, now we must get the liars on the record about how many illegal aliens are residing in the USofA....

If they go with the bogus 11 million figure that hasn't changed in over a decade....well, then it's about a million and a half votes for Hillary.

But....if we use the far more accurate 50-60 million.....it's a far more realistic 8 million of so.

The only problem with that is..... You are using your link dedicated to anti immigration.
In reality it doesn’t prove anything.

Let me repeat again what I’ve been trying to dig in to your thick skull.

In order for that large numbers of illegal votes. You need a coordinations by both republicans and democrats that works at the polls by the thousands all over California.
So how is that possible?

Not a single one of those Republicans workers complain about illegal votes. Oh lord almighty YOU have evidence.[/QUOTE]

"You are using your link dedicated to anti immigration."

Stop the lies.

Whenever a Leftist...you....use the term 'immigration' it is to cloud the real issue......illegal immigration.

The Right doesn't care about immigration....it is the criminals who broke into this country.....the ones that Democrats count on to vote for them.
One good thing about Kalifornication and the other 'sanctuary states' is that they're ALL dimocrap scum States.

Good deal. Let them attract the illegals and we can just write them off.

No need campaigning there. No need sending any money there. No need to even worry about them. Tax them and let them wilt on the vine.

I think we saw dimocrap scum intentions when they just recently allowed illegals to vote in Sang Frang....... In the open.

It was happening before but now, they're brave enough to do it in the open. Good.

The problem will become; once they fail (and they WILL) what do we do all the illegals living there?

They'll just migrate into the rest of America and turn it into what they left. Another cesspool.

The places they came from, folks? They are shitholes because of where they are. Some of them have extraordinary Natural Resources.

They're shitholes because of the people that live there. Just that goddamned simple.

There will be a reckoning. And it ain't gonna be pretty
Aww, how sad ... :(

Poor, demented, lying PoliticalHack is reduced to bumping her own threads. :lmao:

Does this mean you finally found an illegal alien who voted in the last election?


"Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote
Thanks to a new poll, we now know that approximately 13% of illegal aliens vote. Since they are already criminals, stealing ID’s or using phony ID’s. lie to get welfare, steal jobs—why not vote as they to lose. Since they can not be deported or jailed, they have nothing to lose. Obama is protecting these law breakers. Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review

13% of 60 million is 7.8 million illegal alien votes.

13% of 80 million is 10.4 million illegal alien votes.

Really excellent to see that article....

....of course, now we must get the liars on the record about how many illegal aliens are residing in the USofA....

If they go with the bogus 11 million figure that hasn't changed in over a decade....well, then it's about a million and a half votes for Hillary.

But....if we use the far more accurate 50-60 million.....it's a far more realistic 8 million of so.

The only problem with that is..... You are using your link dedicated to anti immigration.
In reality it doesn’t prove anything.

Let me repeat again what I’ve been trying to dig in to your thick skull.

In order for that large numbers of illegal votes. You need a coordinations by both republicans and democrats that works at the polls by the thousands all over California.
So how is that possible?

Not a single one of those Republicans workers complain about illegal votes. Oh lord almighty YOU have evidence.

"You are using your link dedicated to anti immigration."

Stop the lies.

Whenever a Leftist...you....use the term 'immigration' it is to cloud the real issue......illegal immigration.

The Right doesn't care about immigration....it is the criminals who broke into this country.....the ones that Democrats count on to vote for them.[/QUOTE]

Lies? Prove to me where I lied.
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries. That interview was so close to the election that even if your delusions were real that Obama told illegals to vote, and even if your hallucinations were valid that illegals could register — they still wouldn’t have been able to get registered in time to vote in the election.

Which is actually more evidence that you’re batshit insane. :cuckoo:
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries. That interview was so close to the election that even if your delusions were real that Obama told illegals to vote, and even if your hallucinations were valid that illegals could register — they still wouldn’t have been able to get registered in time to vote in the election.

Which is actually more evidence that you’re batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Illegals were already registered...

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

I'd suggest you cease lying....

...but then you'd be mute.

Obama told them to vote.....

....and they did.
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries. That interview was so close to the election that even if your delusions were real that Obama told illegals to vote, and even if your hallucinations were valid that illegals could register — they still wouldn’t have been able to get registered in time to vote in the election.

Which is actually more evidence that you’re batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Illegals were already registered...

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

I'd suggest you cease lying....

...but then you'd be mute.

Obama told them to vote.....

....and they did.
If they were already registered, why would they need to be told to vote?
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries. That interview was so close to the election that even if your delusions were real that Obama told illegals to vote, and even if your hallucinations were valid that illegals could register — they still wouldn’t have been able to get registered in time to vote in the election.

Which is actually more evidence that you’re batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Illegals were already registered...

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

I'd suggest you cease lying....

...but then you'd be mute.

Obama told them to vote.....

....and they did.
If they were already registered, why would they need to be told to vote?

Your post is so weak, it's practically a white flag.

I accept it.
"...an outright majority of Democratic voters whose signaling on immigration now apparently requires them to advocate the franchise for illegal immigrants. They want people who should not be in the country to be able to vote and thus impact elections and public policy.

... because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.

Did you break our laws on your way into our country? Terrific, not only can you stay, here's a voter registration card!
This is myopic, radical madness. Destroying our national sovereignty to own the cons is disgraceful stuff."
YIKES: In New Polls, 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting

Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.
Your stupidity knows no boundaries. That interview was so close to the election that even if your delusions were real that Obama told illegals to vote, and even if your hallucinations were valid that illegals could register — they still wouldn’t have been able to get registered in time to vote in the election.

Which is actually more evidence that you’re batshit insane. :cuckoo:

Illegals were already registered...

"12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration - ProCon.org

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

I'd suggest you cease lying....

...but then you'd be mute.

Obama told them to vote.....

....and they did.
If they were already registered, why would they need to be told to vote?

Your post is so weak, it's practically a white flag.

I accept it.

It actually destroyed your nonsense, which is why you flee from it.


If illegals were already registered, that means they’re already planning on voting and don’t need to be told to vote.

So even had Obama wanted to tell illegals to vote, he wouldn’t speak to them.

AND if illegals weren’t already registered, it was too late to register to vote in that election.

So even had Obama wanted to tell illegals to vote, he wouldn’t speak to them either.

Meaning.... in your drunken stupor, which is your natural state, you’re claiming Obama told illegals to vote whom he would not tell and by telling folks illegals can’t vote.

Do you see now why most folks on this forum think you’re nuts?
PoliticalChic, post: 20494241
Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.

You are a liar. Obama never told anyone but Gina who is a citizen herself and all other citizen voters to vote.

You can’t provide a quote where Obama told illegals to vote. You are a deplorable liar.
Last edited:
PoliticalChic, post: 20494241
Which explains why Hussein Obama told the illegals to rush right out and vote.

You are a liar. Obama never told anyone but Gina who is a citizen herself and all other citizen voters to vote.

You can’t provide a quote where Obama told illegals to vote. You are a deplorables liar.

I never lie.....and, simple enough to prove that you do:

Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

And, Obama did say those exact words, in the exact order I’ve provided them.
Still can’t show any significant numbers of illegal aliens voting

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