Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.

Fawn believes in voter fraud as well, he and his evil party DEPEND on voter fraud.

I didn’t bother to read what you’re responding to but I’m sure you’re right.
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.

Fawn believes in voter fraud as well, he and his evil party DEPEND on voter fraud.

I didn’t bother to read what you’re responding to but I’m sure you’re right.

No worries, you're far too stupid to understand it anyway.... :thup:
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
Fucking lunatic.... your article doesn't say even one illegal alien voted. :eusa_doh:

Don't you ever get embarrassed by the nonsense you post?
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.

Fawn believes in voter fraud as well, he and his evil party DEPEND on voter fraud.

I didn’t bother to read what you’re responding to but I’m sure you’re right.

No worries, you're far too stupid to understand it anyway.... :thup:
My estimate is candycorn is at least 18 times smarter than you.
You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
Fucking lunatic.... your article doesn't say even one illegal alien voted. :eusa_doh:

Don't you ever get embarrassed by the nonsense you post?

Fucking liar

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.

Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study that every two years questions a sample size of tens of thousands of voters. Some acknowledge they are noncitizens and are thus ineligible to vote.

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.}

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

You DEPEND on voter fraud and promote it as if your life depended on it.
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
"The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible."

By the way, that's a flat out lie.

In California, the DMV was not registering anyone to vote upon making a transaction. What they are actually doing, in accordance with their laws, is applying for such folks to be registered.Which they do by transmitting said data to the Secretary of State's office, where the applications are electronically validated. Such applicants are only registered to vote if they prove to be eligible.

And more to the topic of this thread, which is about illegal aliens ... NO illegal aliens' records are submitted to the Secretary of State's office for registration. Undocumented aliens can only qualify for an AB-60 driver's license and AB-60 driver's license data is not transmitted to the Secretary of State's office to be registered to vote.
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
Fucking lunatic.... your article doesn't say even one illegal alien voted. :eusa_doh:

Don't you ever get embarrassed by the nonsense you post?

Fucking liar

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.

Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study that every two years questions a sample size of tens of thousands of voters. Some acknowledge they are noncitizens and are thus ineligible to vote.

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.}

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

You DEPEND on voter fraud and promote it as if your life depended on it.
Raving lunatic.... this thread is about "illegal aliens" voting in our elections. Nothing you're posting shows even one has. Calling me a liar when I'm accurately pointing out you're failing miserably to prove this thread is based on anything factual only serves to demonstrate just how crazy you are.

You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
they not only found one or more they posted on this forum about it. You can't expect them to counter your lie every single time you emite it.
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
they not only found one or more they posted on this forum about it. You can't expect them to counter your lie every single time you emite it.
Oh? How many did they find?
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.

Fawn believes in voter fraud as well, he and his evil party DEPEND on voter fraud.

I didn’t bother to read what you’re responding to but I’m sure you’re right.

No worries, you're far too stupid to understand it anyway.... :thup:
My estimate is candycorn is at least 18 times smarter than you.

Probably not. Just more honest. Not caring is incredibly liberating.

That the trumpians have so completely given up on any hint of honesty is what makes them all sound so crazy. Again, if you look at the board from 2-2015, there is almost no mention of illegal immigration. Today, these losers are ready to declare a national emergency over it....a phrase that was never brought up once during the campaign.
When white baby boomers were denied good jobs in the 1970's and at least half of the 1980's I started to read literature on our system. Progresive socialists were in power back then also. Anyway in the city I lived in the economy was terrible and a Republican running actually had a chance to win about 25 years or so ago or more. The candidate was winning by a margin of at least several thousand vote and more but at the last minute form the worst neighborhoods in the city a massive wave of votes showed up to beat him. That is when I started to believe in voter fraud. For every accusation is hate.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
Fucking lunatic.... your article doesn't say even one illegal alien voted. :eusa_doh:

Don't you ever get embarrassed by the nonsense you post?

Fucking liar

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.

Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study that every two years questions a sample size of tens of thousands of voters. Some acknowledge they are noncitizens and are thus ineligible to vote.

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.}

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

You DEPEND on voter fraud and promote it as if your life depended on it.
Raving lunatic.... this thread is about "illegal aliens" voting in our elections. Nothing you're posting shows even one has. Calling me a liar when I'm accurately pointing out you're failing miserably to prove this thread is based on anything factual only serves to demonstrate just how crazy you are.


You fuckwads think you can do your clown dance and reality will just vanish.


  1. You're a lying fuck
  2. You're not sane
  3. Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
  4. California’'s illegal alien voting law is secession
  5. Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily
  6. You're a lying fuck
  7. Psychopathic disorder such as you suffer from is mental illness.
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
they not only found one or more they posted on this forum about it. You can't expect them to counter your lie every single time you emite it.
Oh? How many did they find?

Learn to read, psychopath.
Thanks for your input but it has absolutely nothing to do with my post you responded to.

You are Marxist, ergo you lie.

We'll get to Pennsylvania in a moment, but first, a backdrop: A number of weeks ago, we mentioned that the state of California had been forced -- kicking and screaming -- to agree to purge its voter rolls, after an investigation revealed that the number of registered voters in the Golden State exceeds its population of eligible citizens. In populous Los Angeles County, registrations stood at 112 percent of eligible voters. California officials said they were actively investigating whether non-citizens were able to vote in elections. A Sacramento Bee story reported that as of early January, the state still hadn't determined whether or not that was the case. In a follow-up to that story, an editorial writer at the Orange County Register warns that even more lax voting laws enacted by California Democrats are poised to further threaten the integrity of the vote:

The DMV was required to automatically register any person making a transaction, unless they opted out or stated that they were ineligible. The result? Tens of thousands of registration errors and a meltdown that may have prevented hundreds of eligible voters from casting ballots. Still more changes are coming. In 2020, local polling places will be replaced by vote centers where people will be able to register to vote on Election Day, change their address, switch their party preference, obtain a replacement ballot and, of course, vote. No ID or documentation will be required. Where are the safeguards against tampering or voter impersonation?}

Revealed: Pennsylvania Forced to Disclose More Than 11,000 Non-Citizens Registered to Vote in State

It's all falling apart fuckwad.
Fucking lunatic.... your article doesn't say even one illegal alien voted. :eusa_doh:

Don't you ever get embarrassed by the nonsense you post?

Fucking liar

A research group in New Jersey has taken a fresh look at postelection polling data and concluded that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is likely far greater than previous estimates.

As many as 5.7 million noncitizens may have voted in the 2008 election, which put Barack Obama in the White House.

The research organization Just Facts, a widely cited, independent think tank led by self-described conservatives and libertarians, revealed its number-crunching in a report on national immigration.

Just Facts President James D. Agresti and his team looked at data from an extensive Harvard/YouGov study that every two years questions a sample size of tens of thousands of voters. Some acknowledge they are noncitizens and are thus ineligible to vote.

Just Facts’ conclusions confront both sides in the illegal voting debate: those who say it happens a lot and those who say the problem nonexistent.}

Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated

You DEPEND on voter fraud and promote it as if your life depended on it.
Raving lunatic.... this thread is about "illegal aliens" voting in our elections. Nothing you're posting shows even one has. Calling me a liar when I'm accurately pointing out you're failing miserably to prove this thread is based on anything factual only serves to demonstrate just how crazy you are.


You fuckwads think you can do your clown dance and reality will just vanish.


  1. You're a lying fuck
  2. You're not sane
  3. Noncitizen illegal vote number higher than estimated
  4. California’'s illegal alien voting law is secession
  5. Trump Is Right — Millions Of Illegals Probably Did Vote In 2016 | Investor's Business Daily
  6. You're a lying fuck
  7. Psychopathic disorder such as you suffer from is mental illness.

Why do you insist on continuing to make a complete fool of yourself?

Dumbfuck, the thread topic is “illegal aliens” voting. Not legal aliens voting.

they not only found one or more they posted on this forum about it. You can't expect them to counter your lie every single time you emite it.

Fawn thinks that lying is more powerful than documented fact. If he just SHOUTS his lies with hyperbolic cartoons, then reality is defeated.

Fawn is a psychopath.
Thread topic is still about illegal aliens voting.

Let me know when you find your first one. :mm:
You ever notice how any sourcing is automatically rejected by Trumpians unless the source is Trump itself? And even then, if it is pointed out that he has changed his story 90 times, the Trumpians still support the latest version of events.

You ever notice how leftists created this fake "fact checking," where the radical left is supposedly imbued with mystical powers to claim what is true and false, even after notorious hacks like Snopes are busted dozens of times flat out lying to promote their radical left agenda?

Recently, however, the site has tried to pose as a political fact-checker. But Snopes’ “fact-checking” looks more like playing defense for prominent Democrats like Hillary Clinton and it’s political “fact-checker” describes herself as a liberal and has called Republicans “regressive” and afraid of “female agency.”

Snopes’ main political fact-checker is a writer named Kim Lacapria. Before writing for Snopes, Lacapria wrote for Inquisitr, a blog that — oddly enough — is known for publishing fake quotes and even downright hoaxes as much as anything else.

While at Inquisitr, the future “fact-checker” consistently displayed clear partisanship (RELATED: Snopes Caught Lying About Lack Of American Flags At Democratic Convention)

She described herself as “openly left-leaning” and a liberal. She trashed the Tea Party as “teahadists.” She called Bill Clinton “one of our greatest” presidents. She claimed that conservatives only criticized Lena Dunham’s comparison of voting to sex because they “fear female agency.”

She once wrote: “Like many GOP ideas about the poor, the panic about using food stamps for alcohol, pornography or guns seems to have been cut from whole cloth–or more likely, the ideas many have about the fantasy of poverty.” (A simple fact-check would show that food stamp fraud does occur and costs taxpayers tens of millions.)

Lacapria even accused the Bush administration of being “at least guilty of criminal negligience” in the September 11 attacks. (The future “fact-checker” offered no evidence to support her accusation.)}
Fact-Checking Snopes: Website’s Political ‘Fact-Checker’ Is Just A Failed Liberal Blogger
What I notice is we’re on a thread where almost 2 years later and thousands of posts and a multitude of rightards, some claiming tens of millions of votes were cast by illegal aliens......

.... and not one of you has been able to find even one single illegal alien who voted in the 2016 election.
they not only found one or more they posted on this forum about it. You can't expect them to counter your lie every single time you emite it.
Oh? How many did they find?

Learn to read, psychopath.
I suggest you take your own advice. You still don’t know what this thread is about.


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