Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Still irrelevant. :rolleyes:

Again... it's an automated system to register folks at a DMV to vote. No one needs to actually look at the license for voter registration.

"..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?"

C'mon.....don't be afraid, Ugly.
When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

You're sounding dumber and dumber...

Check out what this lady says at 0:52

The woman isn't even speaking at 0:52. :lol:

This is the best you can do?

Soooo....I skewered you again, huh?

For readers.....she admitted that she used an illegal SS #
When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Um, you're talking about people getting an AB60 license, which is for those who cannot provide proof of legal residence. What's your point?

Ready to admit you lied?

Confession is good for the soul.
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)
It's not speculative. Pandering to illegal aliens has become the norm. Fighting racism yada yada. Pandering is pandering.
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)

Soooo.....wadda ya' say about this?

1. How many illegal aliens are living in this country....then we'll compare that to how many voted.

2. Determining the number of illegals is significant. Democrats will want to pretend that it is the lowest estimate....
If there are 12 million or so illegals living here, well...then it's easier to deny that they represent Bill's wife's supposed victory in the popular vote.
But.....if it's a far greater number.......

And it is.

Watch this:

3. James H. Walsh, formerly an Associate General Counsel of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in the United States Department of Justice, writes

"... the U.S. Census Bureau routinely undercounts and then adjusts upward total census numbers of Hispanics and other foreign nationals residing in the United States––counting only, of course, those willing to be counted. For the year 2000, the Census Bureau reported a total U.S. population count of “about 275 million” men, women, and children.

When the states and local governments challenged that number as an undercount, the total was corrected upward to 281.4 million, with no clear count of illegal aliens. The Hispanic 2000 census count was 32.8 million, but on re-count the Census Bureau adjusted this number upward to 35.3 million, a 13 percent increase."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

Increased the totals by 13%!!!

Soooo....if we apply that same 'adjustment' to the fabled 11 million....over a decade of so....we have almost 40 million.

And that isn't counting family members brought in under the law.

But....ask a lying Liberal....and the number is still 11 million.

4. ....not a single leftist defender of Bill's wife's imaginary victory in the 'popular vote' has confronted post #68 which brings the number of illegal aliens to over 40 million.

5. Another way to arrive at the numbers of illegals in the country is to base it on the number of apprehensions and escapes.

"The average number of recorded apprehensions of illegal aliens in the United States now hovers at 1.2 million a year [in 2007]. A DHS report, Border Apprehensions: 2005, documented 1.3 million apprehensions in 2005. For the 10-year period (1996–2005), the highest number of apprehensions, 1.8 million, occurred in 2000, and the lowest, 1 million, in 2003. These DHS statistics contradict persistent statements by other government agencies that only 400,000 to 500,000 illegal aliens enter the country each year.

Journeymen Border Patrol agents (on the job five years or more) estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven. That informed estimate would raise the total number of illegal aliens entering the United States in 2003 to 8 million men, women, and children.

He concludes that:

My estimate of 38 million illegal aliens residing in the United States is calculated, however, using a conservative annual rate of entry (allowing for deaths and returns to their homelands) of three illegal aliens entering the United States for each one apprehended. My estimate includes apprehensions at the Southern Border (by far, the majority), at the Northern Border, along the Pacific, Atlantic, and Gulf of Mexico coasts, and at seaports and airports.

Taking the DHS average of 1.2 million apprehensions per year and multiplying it by 3 comes to 3.6 million illegal entries per year; then multiplying that number by 10 for the 1996–2005 period, my calculations come to 36 million illegal entries into the United States. Add to this the approximately 2 million visa overstays during the same period, and the total is 38 million illegal aliens currently in the United States."
How many illegal aliens reside in the United States? | CAIRCO - Colorado Alliance for Immigration Reform | issues legislation projects research

6. But other Border Patrol agents estimate that a minimum of five illegal aliens enter the United States for each apprehension, and more likely seven......which would give a total of nearly 80 million illegals occupying our country.

The number of illegals would be at least.....at least.....60-80 million at this time.....permanently residing right here is this country.

What percentage of that number would have to vote for Bill's wife's total number to be greater than that of Americans who voted for Trump?

4%.....5%........Looks like a sure thing, doesn't it: Donald Trump won both the electoral college and the popular vote if we discount illegal alien votes.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)
It's not speculative. Pandering to illegal aliens has become the norm. Fighting racism yada yada. Pandering is pandering.

It's a quid pro quo....

Democrats get 'em in, and give 'em driver's licenses.

Illegal aliens vote for Democrats.
"With the law about to hit the two-year mark, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that 806,000 illegal aliens have been granted driver licenses, according to the Bay Area’s Mercury News. 14,000 of those licenses were issued in November of this year.

In 2017, new motor voter law AB 1461 will go into effect, automatically registering most licensed California drivers to vote. As the Mercury News points out, concerns have been raised about the crossover of AB60 illegal alien licensees being illegally registered to vote as a result. Some lawmakers have claimed there are safeguards against such a case."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart
Oh, you poor thing. Bless your heart.

You've been posting this nonsense now for months, spanning who knows how many threads. And despite the California laws which expose you as a moron, you persist anyway; making hundreds of posts -- claiming AB-1461 enabled millions of illegal aliens to vote in the 2016 election........

And now you mind numbingly post an article which states AB-1461 went into effect this year, which means it had no effect on the 2016 election. In one post, you not only exposed you're as retarded as they come; but you just undercut everything you've claiming about AB-1461.

"If you are talking about California, the state is apparently relying on the illegal alien to tell the state they shouldn’t be registered. There is still an honor system,” said von Spakovsky, co-author of the book “Who's Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk.”

The problem with California is there is no separate verification of citizenship on voter registration, said Charles Bell, Jr., a partner with California-based Bell, McAndrews & Hiltachk, LLP, a law firm that specializes in election law. Applicants can check a box affirming they are citizens, and this is not checked against any other government database such as federal immigration records."
Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud
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"With the law about to hit the two-year mark, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that 806,000 illegal aliens have been granted driver licenses, according to the Bay Area’s Mercury News. 14,000 of those licenses were issued in November of this year.

In 2017, new motor voter law AB 1461 will go into effect, automatically registering most licensed California drivers to vote. As the Mercury News points out, concerns have been raised about the crossover of AB60 illegal alien licensees being illegally registered to vote as a result. Some lawmakers have claimed there are safeguards against such a case."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart
Oh, you poor thing. Bless your heart.

You've been posting this nonsense now for months, spanning who knows how many threads. And despite the California laws which expose you as a moron, you persist anyway; making hundreds of posts -- claiming AB-1461 enabled millions of illegal aliens to vote in the 2016 election........

And now you mind numbingly post an article which states AB-1461 went into effect this year, which means it had no effect on the 2016 election. In one post, you not only exposed you're as retarded as they come; but you just undercut everything you've claiming about AB-1461.


"..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?"

C'mon.....don't be afraid, Ugly.

Why are you slithering away from this question?

Get it right, and I'll get you a new paper bag with a chin strap!
"One concern, said Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies for the Washington D.C.-based Center for Immigration Studies, is that California issues driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, allowing them to automatically be registered to vote under the federal “motor-voter” laws. Since the AB60 law went into effect in 2015, 806,000 illegal immigrants have received a license.

Even John Podesta, former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, acknowledged in a leaked email that driver’s licenses do provide a loophole.

“On the picture ID, the one thing I have thought of in that space is that if you show up on Election Day with a driver’s license with a picture, attest that you are a citizen, you have a right to vote in federal elections,” Podesta wrote in a February 2015 email leaked by Wikileaks."
Experts: California voter registration system 'highly susceptible' to fraud

If only liberals had to live with illegals, that would be the icing on the cake.
Gee.....every time I mention that millions of the votes for Bill's wife were cast by illegal aliens following Obama's telling them to vote, the Left's acolytes become enraged.

Naw, we just shake our heads and regard you as stupid.

You would have to believe that 30%+ of illegal aliens were somehow registered to vote and voted. (Hillary beat trump by 3 million votes and there are only 11 million undocumented aliens).

That's a pretty good trick, given that only 55% of citizens actually voted.

It's that New Math the RWNJs are so good at.

It won't be long before the OP will be saying it was billions of illegal aliens.

ET, phone home ...


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Poor, deranged, PoliticalHack. She's drowning in her own dementia. Despite all the lies she tells about illegal aliens being registered to vote, even her own source, the L.A. Times calls her crazy...

Here's how California's new voter registration law will work

What about people in the country illegally who are able to obtain driver's licenses in California under a law passed in 2013?

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."​


See what I mean about my posts making you crawl back?

Sooooo....why don't you want to answer the question?
..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?

Is it because it is another of my posts that wins the argument?

Remember....you can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber.
Aside from already answering the question, how many illegals there are the U.S., it's quite irrelevant. What is relevant is whether or not illegals can register to vote. And despite your unabashed lying, California says, "no," they cannot register to vote. More salient is that unlike U.S. citizens, they are also not automatically registered to vote.

Here's how California's new voter registration law will work

What about people in the country illegally who are able to obtain driver's licenses in California under a law passed in 2013?

Padilla noted that there is already a separate process for residents in the country illegally to apply for special licenses. Although citizens are currently offered the opportunity to register to vote at the DMV under an earlier federal law, noncitizens are not. That will continue under the new registration process. People applying for the special licenses will not be asked about their eligibility to vote and will not be asked if they’d like to opt out of registration.

We’ve built the protocols and the firewalls to not register people that aren’t eligible,” Padilla said. “We’re going to keep those firewalls in place."​

Sooooo....why don't you want to answer the question?
..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?
I answered it. What part of my answer can you not understand?

"..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?"

You wrote:
"I answered it. What part of my answer can you not understand?"

Any who read that will recognize that answering it would take less effort than what you wrote, indicating that you didn't answer it and don't want to.

Folks like you are the reason this nation has to put directions on shampoo.
Spits the idiot who still can't understand I answered her question. :cuckoo:
When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?
Only if you're crazy.
When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Um, you're talking about people getting an AB60 license, which is for those who cannot provide proof of legal residence. What's your point?
She has no point other than to lie because she lacks even the minimal character required to admit she's wrong.
Sorry, not buying illegals aliens as comparable to Immigrants. They aren't . People that accept them don't understand the system or what immigration is all about.
"With the law about to hit the two-year mark, the California Department of Motor Vehicles announced that 806,000 illegal aliens have been granted driver licenses, according to the Bay Area’s Mercury News. 14,000 of those licenses were issued in November of this year.

In 2017, new motor voter law AB 1461 will go into effect, automatically registering most licensed California drivers to vote. As the Mercury News points out, concerns have been raised about the crossover of AB60 illegal alien licensees being illegally registered to vote as a result. Some lawmakers have claimed there are safeguards against such a case."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart
Oh, you poor thing. Bless your heart.

You've been posting this nonsense now for months, spanning who knows how many threads. And despite the California laws which expose you as a moron, you persist anyway; making hundreds of posts -- claiming AB-1461 enabled millions of illegal aliens to vote in the 2016 election........

And now you mind numbingly post an article which states AB-1461 went into effect this year, which means it had no effect on the 2016 election. In one post, you not only exposed you're as retarded as they come; but you just undercut everything you've claiming about AB-1461.


"..how many illegal aliens reside in this nation?"

C'mon.....don't be afraid, Ugly.

Why are you slithering away from this question?

Get it right, and I'll get you a new paper bag with a chin strap!
Yeah, prolly a good idea to ignore you just completely and utterly destroyed your own position.

If only liberals had to live with illegals, that would be the icing on the cake.
I bet even Jesus would kick them out and never let them into Heaven..
Yawn. Agnostic, religion is up THERE with whatever octane level you have. But Islam seems fixated on it. Funny that. Beheading and mass murders, it's OK. What would Allah do? Everyone is so fixated with Christianity, they forget the horrors Islam is willing to perpetrate
The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)
It's not speculative. Pandering to illegal aliens has become the norm. Fighting racism yada yada. Pandering is pandering.

Do you understand what the word speculative means? Saying "pandering is pandering" is not evidence of millions of illegals being registered to vote, nor evidence of millions of illegals having voted for Clinton.

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