Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

You're sounding dumber and dumber...

Check out what this lady says at 0:52

The woman isn't even speaking at 0:52. :lol:

This is the best you can do?

Soooo....I skewered you again, huh?

For readers.....she admitted that she used an illegal SS #

What does someone using an illegal SS# to get hired by a private company have to do with claims that the DMV doesn't ask for proof anything?

You're not even trying to reply to the actual points brought up, are you? :p
Wow. Are you kidding?

Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)
It's not speculative. Pandering to illegal aliens has become the norm. Fighting racism yada yada. Pandering is pandering.

Do you understand what the word speculative means? Saying "pandering is pandering" is not evidence of millions of illegals being registered to vote, nor evidence of millions of illegals having voted for Clinton.
Yeah, do you?
If only liberals had to live with illegals, that would be the icing on the cake.
I bet even Jesus would kick them out and never let them into Heaven..
Yawn. Agnostic, religion is up THERE with whatever octane level you have. But Islam seems fixated on it. Funny that. Beheading and mass murders, it's OK. What would Allah do? Everyone is so fixated with Christianity, they forget the horrors Islam is willing to perpetrate
This thread is not about Muslims..
Kidding about what? Needing to provide proof of identity to get a state-issued ID or driver's license?

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

Sure looks like Democrats produced a scheme to allow illegal aliens to vote, huh?

In your mind, sure. Hell, maybe even in reality. You haven't provided any actual evidence of it, though. Just speculation. ;)
It's not speculative. Pandering to illegal aliens has become the norm. Fighting racism yada yada. Pandering is pandering.

Do you understand what the word speculative means? Saying "pandering is pandering" is not evidence of millions of illegals being registered to vote, nor evidence of millions of illegals having voted for Clinton.
Yeah, do you?

You don't seem to, when you say that Democrats having created a system of registering illegals, who then went on to vote in millions for Clinton, is not speculative.

But maybe you do understand the word. Feel free to provide the proof which would change the claims of this thread from speculative to factual. ;)
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

You're sounding dumber and dumber...

Check out what this lady says at 0:52

The woman isn't even speaking at 0:52. :lol:

This is the best you can do?

Soooo....I skewered you again, huh?

For readers.....she admitted that she used an illegal SS #

What does someone using an illegal SS# to get hired by a private company have to do with claims that the DMV doesn't ask for proof anything?

You're not even trying to reply to the actual points brought up, are you? :p

Nothing at all. But if it involves an illegal immigrant who illegally obtained an illegal SS#, so there, aha!
Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.

Have no fear, RealDumb, I'm here to straighten you out....without the lobotomy!!!

1."The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification."
Of course they are.
Democrats gave them out for exactly that purpose.
And Democrats make the decision at the voting precinct....so, guess what they decide?

2. RealDumb says this: "You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic."
The LATimes says this:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Now...who's the liar, RealDumb?

Say 'duhhhhh..'

Thanks so much for inadvertently (better look that up) proving me correct.

The drivers licenses for illegals state on them that they are not to be used for identification purposes or they are otherwise clearly marked.

They are not proof of legal US residency.

In your own post it says you "can" complete the voter registration....

So NO it is NOT automatic.

You really aren't too bright. Probley why you still wear a costume.

Depends on who is viewing the card, doesn't it.

Sooooo....if you are a Democrat....you let 'em vote.

Right, RealDumb?

If you had a fucking brain you would know that both parties have representation at the polls and can review IDs.
If only liberals had to live with illegals, that would be the icing on the cake.
I bet even Jesus would kick them out and never let them into Heaven..
Yawn. Agnostic, religion is up THERE with whatever octane level you have. But Islam seems fixated on it. Funny that. Beheading and mass murders, it's OK. What would Allah do? Everyone is so fixated with Christianity, they forget the horrors Islam is willing to perpetrate
This thread is not about Muslims..
That's true -- it's about how retarded conservatives are.
We are going somewhere with this? Legitimizing Illegal aliens is just Hispanic Mexicans and their handlers looking for excuses. Plain pure and simple.
A personal note here; The box industry. I have seen all the poor blacks, Hispanics or Anglos disappear in that industry. And how illegals took over that industry, Because it suited popular politics and convenient economics. Hire illegals and displace American workers , I have seen it first hand . That has to end, that's why we voted TRUMP. Really.
Depends on who is viewing the card, doesn't it.

Sooooo....if you are a Democrat....you let 'em vote.

Right, RealDumb?

If you had a fucking brain you would know that both parties have representation at the polls and can review IDs.


Q. What illegal activities should a watcher look for?

A. The election judge may be notified of any activity that appears to be prohibited by law.

If any of the following activities occur, bring it to the election judge’s attention and note the individual(s) involved, including time and place of occurrence:

1. Election workers allowing voters to vote a regular ballot who do not present an acceptable form of photo identification;
Why cut off the sentence? "Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference." It specifies voters. Your claim rests on the assumption that the people at the DMV either cannot or will not determine if the person obtaining a driver's license is a citizen eligible to vote. I can't speak for all states, but in the past couple of states I have lived in, acquiring an ID from the DMV necessitated bringing in multiple documents to prove identity. What reason do you have to assume that all the varied documents that states may require will not allow DMV workers to determine voter registration eligibility? Or are you, instead, claiming a vast conspiracy of DMV workers to knowingly register illegals to vote?

Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before. So far in this thread, all you have done is pointed out that people can register to vote at the DMV (which has been true for about a quarter of a century) and that some states allow illegals to get a driver's license, without explaining why the DMV is unable to differentiate a voting-eligible citizen from a non-citizen. You've repeated yourself, many times, seemingly as a way to avoid giving any details about this hypothesis of yours.

"Why cut off the sentence?"

Because they don't have to.

They are automatically registered......to vote.

They will claim 'but it says I am registered....I didn't know I couldn't vote....as though anyone will stop them.

And lying fools will back the pretense up.
Raise your paw.

"Please, explain how combining the documents for voter registration and driver's licenses allows millions of illegals to register to vote who could not before."

I'm sure you know exactly how this allows it.

It does, and it did.

By the millions.
You are either the dumbest persin on the planet or thew biggest liar.

Consider these facts:

1) The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification.

2) You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic.

3) If you do opt to register to vote, ID is needed & that illegal alien drivers license would not count.

So STFU or Get informed.

Have no fear, RealDumb, I'm here to straighten you out....without the lobotomy!!!

1."The drivers licenses that the undocumented aliens received are not good for use as identification."
Of course they are.
Democrats gave them out for exactly that purpose.
And Democrats make the decision at the voting precinct....so, guess what they decide?

2. RealDumb says this: "You can register to vote when you are at the DMV but it is NOT automatic."
The LATimes says this:
"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.
Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Now...who's the liar, RealDumb?

Say 'duhhhhh..'

Thanks so much for inadvertently (better look that up) proving me correct.

The drivers licenses for illegals state on them that they are not to be used for identification purposes or they are otherwise clearly marked.

They are not proof of legal US residency.

In your own post it says you "can" complete the voter registration....

So NO it is NOT automatic.

You really aren't too bright. Probley why you still wear a costume.

Depends on who is viewing the card, doesn't it.

Sooooo....if you are a Democrat....you let 'em vote.

Right, RealDumb?

:lmao: RealDumb

Damn. It's a no win situation here. Illegals take poor unskilled labor intensive american jobs ( yes they do), then legal immigrants take upper echelon well educated jobs as well. We have this double whammy going on here. My parents were legal immigrants, I am thinking we should be reasonable . Enough is enough. Fair is fair. Let's worry about our own first.
I look at a broad group of folks , white, Hispanic, blacks, displaced by Hispanic "immigrants" of questionable status. Why? Because they work cheaper, are less willing to go to OSHA because they are so willingly co-opt American workers everywhere, selling us out. Yey for illegal aliens! I am not feeling the love here.
When you apply for new DL ---- They ask if you are a US citizen or not. Yes/No you go that way and that way.
Yes ------ You have to provide a proof of citizenship, process, which will coincide with the federal government documents.
Yes ------- but lied. Subject for longer process and rejection.
No ------- You get AB-60.

These illegals with AB60 is only for driving purposes only. They treasure and proud of this document which makes them somewhat legal and their future.
Why would they risk that just for one vote? What if they get caught?
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.

"AB60 licenses are said to require proof of identity, but the use of a Mexican Consular Card has been brought into serious question. A Mexican Federal Electoral Card, Mexican Institute National Electoral Card, Mexican Passport, or Mexican Consular Card are accepted as forms of ID to procure a California driver license. Several other types of foreign identification cards may be used as well."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart

How ya' like dat, boyyyyeeeeeee????

Ah the famous AB 461.
Read and research how Breitbart twisted the technicality of Ab461. You must be desperate.

I probably encountered this AB461 at least 8 to 10 times of the same topic.
Generally speaking, The DMV doesn't ask anyone for proof of anything, I have seen three Mexicans in a booth clearly marked one person per booth only. That was in English. We don't wan't to offend illegals, Hispanics or people that arbitrarily want to disobey laws. Heaven forbid.

The DMV doesn't ask for proof of anything? So you don't have to bring a birth certificate, social security card, passport, bill in your name to prove your address, etc. when you get a license or ID? I certainly had to.

I'm not sure how you equate 3 people going into a booth labeled for one person only to the DMV not asking for proof of anything.
Wow. Are you kidding?

No but you are lying.
Um, no. I think you are in deep deep denial. Pandering to illegals is becoming the norm. And the fact you folks are in a major denial pretending the rest us are "baddies", just cliches it.

Clearly, the object of the motor-voter bill is to register illegal aliens who vote for the anti-American party, the Democrats.

Both of you are defective human being.
"Well known that over 3 million illegals voted in just 3 California counties last November. Democrats love to brag about winning the popular vote but that is pure bullsh*t. There could have been well over 5 to 6 million bogus votes cast for Hillary last November."
California Licenses 800K Illegal Aliens as Motor Voter Law Looms - Breitbart comment

I certainly concur.

And this tread proves same.

Another bullshit don't you ever get tired?
In order to make that happen------ You need thousands with S of both Republicans and Democrats to coordinate that kind of massive fraud.
Do you have any link to support your lies?
I have known plenty of immigrants, from Lithuania or Hungary. They came here legally and fled from valid threats, LEGALLY. Now, why can't Mexicans? They ignore our immigration laws because it's convenient for them? Is that how this works now?

Now, be fair to Mexicans.....they do it because Democrats tell 'em to.

"Most Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border Believe They Are Eligible for Legal Status. Obama’s Actions Make That No Surprise."
Most Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border Believe They Are Eligible for Legal Status

The half-heads arguing in this thread pretend they are surprised.

Coming from Daily Signal? An ultra hard right wing bias ----- mostly fake news. You've got to be kidding me.
Are you new here?
I have known plenty of immigrants, from Lithuania or Hungary. They came here legally and fled from valid threats, LEGALLY. Now, why can't Mexicans? They ignore our immigration laws because it's convenient for them? Is that how this works now?

Now, be fair to Mexicans.....they do it because Democrats tell 'em to.

"Most Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border Believe They Are Eligible for Legal Status. Obama’s Actions Make That No Surprise."
Most Illegal Immigrants Crossing Border Believe They Are Eligible for Legal Status

The half-heads arguing in this thread pretend they are surprised.

Coming from Daily Signal? An ultra hard right wing bias ----- mostly fake news. You've got to be kidding me.
Are you new here?
Really? Well before You, and I will probably here be long after you are gone and forgotten kiddo.

The scam is designed to allow illegal aliens to flash that card....

....and vote!

A california drivers license is only useable for voting in california. Which firewalls AB-60 voter registrations. So you can only use a California drivers license to vote in other states.

Maybe Americanchic has a point. People with AB-60 california drivers licenses, can use it to vote in the other 49 states.

From the AB-60 guide book. Seems to be fairly clear the politicians in California are telling everyone else, they don't give a crap.

If I applied for a driver’s license in California using a fake name or social security number in the past, will I be at risk if I apply for an AB 60 license?
The concern for anyone who used fake information in a prior driver’s license application to the DMV is that the DMV could refer the person to criminal prosecution for fraud. BUT the DMV’s current policy is not to refer anyone to criminal prosecution who previously applied for a license using false information so long as the false information did not cause any harm.

If I applied for a driver’s license in California using someone else’s social security number, will I be at risk if I apply for an AB 60 license?
The DMV’s current practice is not to refer people who have used false information to obtain a driver’s license for criminal prosecution unless that false information caused harm to others.

I have a deportation order, but I did not leave. Will this affect my ability to apply for an AB 60 license or place me at risk if I apply?
People with deportation orders, especially recent ones, may put themselves at risk of being discovered by ICE if they apply for an AB 60 license. Anyone ordered deported since January 1, 2014 is considered a priority for enforcement and deportation. While the DMV will not volunteer your information to ICE, if ICE is already looking for you and asks the DMV for information about you, the DMV will provide it. If you believe that ICE is looking for you, or if you have a recent deportation order, applying for an AB 60 license could place you at greater risk and is not advisable.

I am in removal proceedings. Will this affect my ability to apply for an AB 60 license or place me at risk?
Immigration history is not a factor in eligibility for an AB 60 license. The information that the DMV could share with ICE includes a person’s name, address, and photograph. Because you are already in removal proceedings, and assuming ICE already knows your name, address, and what you look like, there does not seem to be any risk to your immigration situation in applying for an AB 60 license.

I am eligible for deferred action (DAPA or expanded DACA) based on President Obama’s executive action. Should I apply for a license now or wait to see if I can apply for deferred action?

This is ultimately your decision. But the new deferred action programs have not begun yet. They are being litigated in court and it is unclear if or when they might start. Even once they do begin, it could take a long time before the applications are approved. In the meantime, if you get an AB 60 license now, you can drive lawfully while we wait for the deferred action process.
So? An AB-60 license cannot be used to register to vote. From that same document...

How can I use an AB 60 license?

An AB 60 license is valid for driving and for state ID purposes. An AB 60 license is not a federal ID and cannot be used for certain federal purposes, such as entering restricted parts of federal buildings. It does not give anyone the right to work, vote, or receive any benefits that the person wasn’t already eligible for.

How many government employees care enough to read the license....zero, ok, that may not be fair. How about 1 out of 100.

Pure nonsense. One out of 100? Prove it.

Are you saying that when these AB 60 people applied for federal aid, register to vote or anything they just give it away without even looking at the DL? Since when that is the norm?
How do the hell they even know the name without looking? I can assure you 100% that AB60 is only for driving benefits and to secure car insurance. Nothing more.
Are you aware that there are Republican observers at the polls?
Did you hear anyone from them witnessed any illegal or voting fraud? NONE.

Prove it !!! Really? When's the last time you went into a DMV?

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