Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

Anyone who knows anything knows the Democratic Party invented Voter Fraud. I love it that Trump has called their bluff. California is now refusing to cooperate with an investigation into massive voter fraud in the State. What do Democrats have to hide?

I'm very active here both politically and economically here in California.
So far I have not heard of any investigation. Why in the world they will not cooperate? EXPLAIN.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
The Republicans are as full of $hit about Illegal Aliens -related voter fraud, as a substantive issue, as Democrats are about siding with Illegal Aliens against their fellow countrymen, in order to spawn and cultivate legions of grateful future voters, once they DO become citizens. Both parties are full of $hit in this regard. BOTH.
Anyone who knows anything knows the Democratic Party invented Voter Fraud. I love it that Trump has called their bluff. California is now refusing to cooperate with an investigation into massive voter fraud in the State. What do Democrats have to hide?

I'm very active here both politically and economically here in California.
So far I have not heard of any investigation. Why in the world they will not cooperate? EXPLAIN.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
It Belongs to the Public.
I'm very active here both politically and economically here in California.
So far I have not heard of any investigation. Why in the world they will not cooperate? EXPLAIN.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
It Belongs to the Public.
It does not belong to the federal government. The federal government has no authority to collect that data and it's within the states' right to tell them to go fuck themselves; which is what many states, red and blue, are doing. Imagine the outrage if the federal government asked states to turn over all the data in their possession on gun owners.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
It Belongs to the Public.
It does not belong to the federal government. The federal government has no authority to collect that data and it's within the states' right to tell them to go fuck themselves; which is what many states, red and blue, are doing. Imagine the outrage if the federal government asked states to turn over all the data in their possession on gun owners.
But it's ok when the Press does it.
New York Journal News Publishes Gun Owners' Names In Westchester, Rockland Counties | HuffPost
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.
It Belongs to the Public.
It does not belong to the federal government. The federal government has no authority to collect that data and it's within the states' right to tell them to go fuck themselves; which is what many states, red and blue, are doing. Imagine the outrage if the federal government asked states to turn over all the data in their possession on gun owners.
But it's ok when the Press does it.
New York Journal News Publishes Gun Owners' Names In Westchester, Rockland Counties | HuffPost
No, that's not ok either. Did you even bother to read your own link...?

A New York newspaper is under criticism for publishing the names and addresses of local gun owners on Monday.
Anyone who knows anything knows the Democratic Party invented Voter Fraud. I love it that Trump has called their bluff. California is now refusing to cooperate with an investigation into massive voter fraud in the State. What do Democrats have to hide?

I'm very active here both politically and economically here in California.
So far I have not heard of any investigation. Why in the world they will not cooperate? EXPLAIN.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
The Republicans are as full of $hit about Illegal Aliens -related voter fraud, as a substantive issue, as Democrats are about siding with Illegal Aliens against their fellow countrymen, in order to spawn and cultivate legions of grateful future voters, once they DO become citizens. Both parties are full of $hit in this regard. BOTH.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
If you were telling the truth, you wouldn't be linking a video which cuts off Obama in mid-sentence; when his very next sentence is....

"If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented then you have an even greater reason to vote."

1. The first line from the lovely young lady states the premise: Illegals are citizens, she says, because she claims they contribute to the country.
a. they don't
b. Obama sits there in total agreement.

2. Then, she asks if they will be deported if they (illegally) vote....and Obama says "not true."

@ 1:40 Obama makes this outrageous claim:

"When you vote, you are a citizen yourself."

3. Obama.....being questioned about illegal voting.......encouraging illegals to vote....saying 'don't worry...no one will catch your.'

Obama answers the 'illegal citizen voting and fearful of immigration.'

'Not true,' he says....assuring the illegal voter that 'immigration will not know where you live, or come for you.'

4. Then he gives his verbal wink and a nod...'there is not a situation where the voting rolls are transferred over and people start investigating...."

The message is clear....'vote...nothing will happen to you...you won't be caught.'

5. There would be no reason to comfort a legal voter in that way.

Or...are you claiming that those 30 seconds of video are doctored in some way.

Are you?

Liberals don't think we're this stupid. They just have not a fucking ounce of respect for people whom disagree with them. It's funny watching that clip and the CNN interviewer is acting like this issue is just made up out of thin air. They've went full blown into advocacy. They are no longer journalists in any respect.

It's the other way around bud.
We can disagree however you want but you cannot even ------- repeat -------- you cannot even produce a single thread of evidence that millions of illegals voted.
If you believe a pathological liar president------ Ask yourself who are the ignorant and stupid.

People like you don't like CNN when Faux News broadcast a lot of fake news far more than CNN.

STFU. I don't need your hyper partisan denial bull shit. One illegal in TX was convicted just the other day for illegal voting. And that's just one case. So, take your "single thread of evidence" and shove it up your ass. I don't do this Saul Alinsky bull shit. You replied to like 15 of my posts. I'm done even looking after two. If you don't take yourself seriously, I won't take you seriously either.

Do you expect me to believe that one illegal convicted in Texas? When you keep posting lies after lies. Is that supposed to represent California?

Dude you keep posting your bull shit and you cannot even come up a shred of evidence that 3 to 5 millions voted illegally.
Yes your are one big bull shitter LIAR. At the same time defending your liar girlfriend.

Why the hell you keep saying you don't take people seriously? When you keep posting lies after lies. Then get pissed off because you cannot support your lunacy. Dude grow the fuck up moron.

You have not answered any single questions I asked you. Meaning you don't really know what the hell you are talking about.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
I'm very active here both politically and economically here in California.
So far I have not heard of any investigation. Why in the world they will not cooperate? EXPLAIN.
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:
More Than 20 States Are Refusing To Fully Cooperate With Trump's Voter Fraud Investigation

California is refusing to allow the public public access to their voting records even though they are supposed to be open to the public. Guy on Fox showing proof that people listed on voters rules aren't citizens by comparing the states voter rolls with the federal tax rolls
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Wouldn't it take far less space to simply answer the question.

Unless....you're lying about having answered it.
Why should they release such information to the federal government?
It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Wouldn't it take far less space to simply answer the question.

Unless....you're lying about having answered it.
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.

It's public record supposed to be available for anyone who wants it.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Wouldn't it take far less space to simply answer the question.

Unless....you're lying about having answered it.
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


I've never had any meltdown....I'm been mocking you throughout.

Everyone who read your pretense knew you were lying.

And now....this is pretty much an admission that you've been lying all along?
How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Yea, why should you take 5 seconds to answer when she could go digging through the pages for your answer (that may or may not be there)?

If you weren't such a pussy, you'd take my bet; since you doubt I'm telling the truth when I say I already answered.
The data belongs to the state, not the federal government.

"Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children"
Illegal Alien Allegedly Tazes, Scalds, Rapes Mom in Front of Children

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?
Asked and answered. Just how senile are you to keep asking the same question over and over and over when I already answered it? :cuckoo:

Wouldn't it take far less space to simply answer the question.

Unless....you're lying about having answered it.
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


I've never had any meltdown....I'm been mocking you throughout.

Everyone who read your pretense knew you were lying.

And now....this is pretty much an admission that you've been lying all along?

Yeah, suuuure you haven't....

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?


I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

I asked you how many illegal aliens are living in this country.

Why are you afraid to answer?

Who are you afraid of informing by answering the simple question....

How many illegal aliens are living in this country?

:blowup: :blowup: :blowup: :blowup: :blowup:
It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


This only speaks to your lack of maturity, not hers.
Also, it speaks to your inability to win the debate at hand.

Yeah, cause repeating a question a hundred times that's already been answered is so mature.

It would be faster; but it's way more fun watching you meltdown over it.


This only speaks to your lack of maturity, not hers.
Also, it speaks to your inability to win the debate at hand.

Yeah, cause repeating a question a hundred times that's already been answered is so mature.


Nobody knows your answer. Just give it and be done with it; unless that is, you're playing games.

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