Urine Test For My Job

Kitty, it isn't true that people that don't work can get lots of food stamps. In my state, one of the requirements is that you must work 20 hours a week to be eligible. Able-bodied, childless people can only get three months of food stamps in a three year period. I imagine your state has similar requirements.
When you live with a majority of the people who get welfare for several years, you do get to know who is getting it for what reason.

oh, so YOUR experience is the standard by which welfare is manipulated.. gotcha.

Kitty, it isn't true that people that don't work can get lots of food stamps. In my state, one of the requirements is that you must work 20 hours a week to be eligible. Able-bodied, childless people can only get three months of food stamps in a three year period. I imagine your state has similar requirements.

You have better state requirements. Mine is based ONLY on how much you make, those who make nothing get the full amount.
I have the right to vote for people who might legislate such into law. I think that you do lose some “human right” when you are financial burden. Parents can, to a degree, tell their children what medical procedures that can or can’t have. When you are under someone else’s roof – when someone else is taking care of you – you do as they say or you find someone else to take care of you.

This is news to me. I’m sorry but when I speak of government welfare handouts, I’m not just speaking of actual checks. There are other forms of assistance: assisted housing, food stamps, etc. Men and women who don’t work and have no children can get welfare. No. I am saying that while she is on welfare, she should be prevented from having more children. Perhaps the children that she can’t care for, since she can’t even care for herself, would be better supported by the state. I wonder. If a parent risks losing her child if she does not straighten herself out, is that an incentive for her to straighten herself out?

Nope. People are not dominos. I do not buy that argument. We manage to permit smoking cigarettes and not permit people to smoke marijuana. If we allow the consumption of marijuana, it does not follow that we must allow people to consume cocaine.

Sure. YOu can vote to violate the human rights of people, and elect leaders who will do so.

It's still a violation of human rights.
You have better state requirements. Mine is based ONLY on how much you make, those who make nothing get the full amount.
I tried to find the requirements for your state, but they aren't very detailed. There is a work eligibility requirement, but I can't find what it is.
It seems Soggy's problem (well, one of them) is that he thinks all or most welfare recipients are black ghetto dwellers. Some hidden bigotry in his posts, mmm?

What is with you and your assumption that if someone thinks badly of a group of people, it HAS to be because of their race?

I'm honestly beginning to think you have a serious race issue, and I'm not jokig about it this time.
oh, so YOUR experience is the standard by which welfare is manipulated.. gotcha.


As with all statistics, it is a section of the population of those who do, and a BIG section. Living in a shelter you don't get privacy, all your shit is in the air for everyone else there as well. You get to know them all well. I am talking about several shelters every day, one closes for the night you go to one of the daytime ones to get things done before going back to the nighttime one. So you encounter approximately 100 homeless per day, and the ones you encounter in the daytime change frequently depending on who has money when and who works, and whether they are on drugs. A majority were working, still on welfare trying to get housing of some sort. A small percentage were junkies, and of them only a very few qualified for welfare. Our state has a limitation, any felony conviction and all they can get are food stamps.
What is with you and your assumption that if someone thinks badly of a group of people, it HAS to be because of their race?

I'm honestly beginning to think you have a serious race issue, and I'm not jokig about it this time.
Read his posts on this thread. He continually refers to crack whores and the ghetto. And before you jump all over me for assuming he means crack whores are black, he once argued with the Bass for weeks that they are.
Sure. YOu can vote to violate the human rights of people, and elect leaders who will do so.

It's still a violation of human rights.

welfare is not a human right. Say it with me: WELFARE IS NOT A HUMAN RIGHT. rinse and repeat.
Read his posts on this thread. He continually refers to crack whores and the ghetto. And before you jump all over me for assuming he means crack whores are black, he once argued with the Bass for weeks that they are.

Indeed.. I know very well that there are white and latino crack whores in the ghetto too. Say, Ravi.. why do you assume anyone talking about the ghetto MEANS AFRICAN AMERICANS? Indeed, tell me more about your racism radar and how accurate it is!

Hey Ravi,

Cut Soggy some slack, he's from Missouri. They're all racists out there.

I've been clear with the demographics I refer to. If you assume that only blacks live in ghettos and smoke crack then I'd invite you to climb off of Ravi's wrist someday and check it out for yourself.
Read his posts on this thread. He continually refers to crack whores and the ghetto. And before you jump all over me for assuming he means crack whores are black, he once argued with the Bass for weeks that they are.

I'm just saying. Every time you bring up some horrible racist comment....which you attribute to the inner thought process of someone else, of course, I'm actually shocked because UNTIL YOU BRING IT UP I'M NOT EVEN THINKING ON THOSE LINES and I'm assuming that most others aren't, either. THe ones who are generally say so.

And it takes quite a bit to shock me.

And if crack whores are generally black, and someone has a problem with them, I'd say it's most likely because they're CRACK WHORES and NOT because they're black. If there are more black crack whores than white ones, I'd say perhaps that's something that needs to be addressed by the black community, if they choose to continue to consider themselves a separate entity from the white community. But to notice it isn't being racist.

Your comments, however, are. It doesn't matter who you attribute them to. You're the one saying them and putting them out there for people to pick up on and ponder.
I'm just saying. Every time you bring up some horrible racist comment....which you attribute to the inner thought process of someone else, of course, I'm actually shocked because UNTIL YOU BRING IT UP I'M NOT EVEN THINKING ON THOSE LINES and I'm assuming that most others aren't, either. THe ones who are generally say so.

And it takes quite a bit to shock me.

And if crack whores are generally black, and someone has a problem with them, I'd say it's most likely because they're CRACK WHORES and NOT because they're black. If there are more black crack whores than white ones, I'd say perhaps that's something that needs to be addressed by the black community, if they choose to continue to consider themselves a separate entity from the white community. But to notice it isn't being racist.

Your comments, however, are. It doesn't matter who you attribute them to. You're the one saying them and putting them out there for people to pick up on and ponder.
Whatever you say, dear.
Shogun, I don't get how an Obama supporter can sound like the wingnuts so much.

careful.. we can both start hurling balls of shit across the room, yo.

And, I don't find that being responsible with fiscal directives of tax based social programs is a wingnut idea. Indeed, enabling this kind of bullshit is EXACTLY why so many people want to scrap the entire fucking program. The fact is, if you collect tax money for income then YOU are not of the same strain of Americans who are self-sufficient. Welfare was never meant to facilitate a class of people for life. It was meant as a TEMPORARY support for unemployment.

But stick around.. One of my other infamous Great Shogun plans is to remove foodstamps altogether and extract welfare from the major grocery chains and make nothing but generic brands available to welfare outlets where the fringe products are not mingled with the welfare products. Don't like eating generic foods instead of name brands? Get off of welfare.
Whatever you say, dear.

no, whatever YOU say, bitch. Again, if YOU attribute the ghetto with black thats not my problem. Thats your lazy ass attempt to construct a strawman since you have nothing better to offer a thread.
no, whatever YOU say, bitch. Again, if YOU attribute the ghetto with black thats not my problem. Thats your lazy ass attempt to construct a strawman since you have nothing better to offer a thread.
Yeah, sure. pwned and you know it.
careful.. we can both start hurling balls of shit across the room, yo.

And, I don't find that being responsible with fiscal directives of tax based social programs is a wingnut idea. Indeed, enabling this kind of bullshit is EXACTLY why so many people want to scrap the entire fucking program. The fact is, if you collect tax money for income then YOU are not of the same strain of Americans who are self-sufficient. Welfare was never meant to facilitate a class of people for life. It was meant as a TEMPORARY support for unemployment.

But stick around.. One of my other infamous Great Shogun plans is to remove foodstamps altogether and extract welfare from the major grocery chains and make nothing but generic brands available to welfare outlets where the fringe products are not mingled with the welfare products. Don't like eating generic foods instead of name brands? Get off of welfare.

Actually, the foodstamp program is a good one. It doesn't cost that much, it helps farmers out, and it is invaluable to a huge portion of the population.

And they get enough that it really doesn't matter what they buy, they will have enough to get through the month. The whole concept of making them purchase crappy food because they're on foodstamps is just segregation, class warfare. You have no idea how difficult it is for some families who can't afford to give their kids a treat once in a while, or buy a store-bought birthday cake if the kid wants one.

I've gotten to the place where I actually would rather make the kids' cakes, though, even though we can get store-bought fancy ones. I just don't LIKE those cakes. And there's the whole process of making the cake, it's always a hoot. And my cakes are sooooooo good. BTW I recommend the Hershey's cocoa chocolate icing on the back label of the can. It's YUMMY and incredibly easy...

ANyway, Shogun..I wouldn't get all het up about dismantling the foodstamp program just yet. It would put people out of work, hurt the ag industry, and people really would starve.

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