US adds massive 287,000 jobs in June.....Quite A Change From Bush's Fiasco

No business was forced to go to part time

In selling out their own workers, businesses cut hours, made workers fear layoffs, slashed health benefits

You got to be kidding! You have NEVER ever run a business have you???

What do you think the net profit is for a fast food restaurant ?
First of all you have to understand what "net profit" means because from your comments you are truly dumb when it comes to how businesses operate!
Here maybe this will help you dummies! - Small Business Operating and Financial Ratios, Benchmarks, and Performance Indicators: Part of the SMBTN™ Network
View attachment 81003

15.1.% go to Salaries and wages

Try to raise minimum wage for the first time in ten years and they scream they will go out of business

Oh...some of the greedy bastards will. Rather than see ordinary folks get an even break they will give up until the economy crashes. They would love for the economy to bottom under a Democrat president because their shit will be in a guaranteed fund....2% APR and they'll still be rich as six feet up a bull's ass.
Anyone who needs $7.25 wages to stay in business doesn't deserve to stay in business

I hate to say this but when women began to work in large numbers is when labor unions began to be voted out. Women never understood unions and that's one big mistake they made. I worked 41 years at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant......I belonged to local 9-288 of the OCAW...Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers. Anyone who was employed there made a good living and retired with a pension. My wife had 43 years there.....she was a computer graphics design technician and was earning $38 an hour when she retired. We have a nice place on the lake with a dock and new pontoon boat. When our pensions and social security are combined we have an income of about $6000 a month. We have IRA's and at last counting were worth $258,000. We moved it from the stock market to fixed about five years ago.......we're too old to gamble.

What is really needed is a global union. As long as foreign companies are allowed to house entire families and work them 12 hours a day for starvation wages their goods and products will be showing up all over the world cheap as dirt. Companies despise unions......that alone should tell workers loud and clear that they are good.
The decline of unions has left workers at the mercy of their employers
You got to be kidding! You have NEVER ever run a business have you???

What do you think the net profit is for a fast food restaurant ?
First of all you have to understand what "net profit" means because from your comments you are truly dumb when it comes to how businesses operate!
Here maybe this will help you dummies! - Small Business Operating and Financial Ratios, Benchmarks, and Performance Indicators: Part of the SMBTN™ Network
View attachment 81003

15.1.% go to Salaries and wages

Try to raise minimum wage for the first time in ten years and they scream they will go out of business

Oh...some of the greedy bastards will. Rather than see ordinary folks get an even break they will give up until the economy crashes. They would love for the economy to bottom under a Democrat president because their shit will be in a guaranteed fund....2% APR and they'll still be rich as six feet up a bull's ass.
Anyone who needs $7.25 wages to stay in business doesn't deserve to stay in business

I hate to say this but when women began to work in large numbers is when labor unions began to be voted out. Women never understood unions and that's one big mistake they made. I worked 41 years at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant......I belonged to local 9-288 of the OCAW...Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers. Anyone who was employed there made a good living and retired with a pension. My wife had 43 years there.....she was a computer graphics design technician and was earning $38 an hour when she retired. We have a nice place on the lake with a dock and new pontoon boat. When our pensions and social security are combined we have an income of about $6000 a month. We have IRA's and at last counting were worth $258,000. We moved it from the stock market to fixed about five years ago.......we're too old to gamble.

What is really needed is a global union. As long as foreign companies are allowed to house entire families and work them 12 hours a day for starvation wages their goods and products will be showing up all over the world cheap as dirt. Companies despise unions......that alone should tell workers loud and clear that they are good.
The decline of unions has left workers at the mercy of their employers
You got to be kidding! You have NEVER ever run a business have you???

What do you think the net profit is for a fast food restaurant ?
First of all you have to understand what "net profit" means because from your comments you are truly dumb when it comes to how businesses operate!
Here maybe this will help you dummies! - Small Business Operating and Financial Ratios, Benchmarks, and Performance Indicators: Part of the SMBTN™ Network
View attachment 81003

15.1.% go to Salaries and wages

Try to raise minimum wage for the first time in ten years and they scream they will go out of business

Oh...some of the greedy bastards will. Rather than see ordinary folks get an even break they will give up until the economy crashes. They would love for the economy to bottom under a Democrat president because their shit will be in a guaranteed fund....2% APR and they'll still be rich as six feet up a bull's ass.
Anyone who needs $7.25 wages to stay in business doesn't deserve to stay in business

I hate to say this but when women began to work in large numbers is when labor unions began to be voted out. Women never understood unions and that's one big mistake they made. I worked 41 years at the Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant......I belonged to local 9-288 of the OCAW...Oil Chemical and Atomic Workers. Anyone who was employed there made a good living and retired with a pension. My wife had 43 years there.....she was a computer graphics design technician and was earning $38 an hour when she retired. We have a nice place on the lake with a dock and new pontoon boat. When our pensions and social security are combined we have an income of about $6000 a month. We have IRA's and at last counting were worth $258,000. We moved it from the stock market to fixed about five years ago.......we're too old to gamble.

What is really needed is a global union. As long as foreign companies are allowed to house entire families and work them 12 hours a day for starvation wages their goods and products will be showing up all over the world cheap as dirt. Companies despise unions......that alone should tell workers loud and clear that they are good.
The decline of unions has left workers at the mercy of their employers
I do miss unions and the industry they destroyed...I loved being a scab and getting free tires and paint jobs for my vehicles damaged by union thugs from their union dues.....
This is why I think the conservative movement is dead. They are stuck in time, unable to fathom the issues impacting us today because they refuse to see and absorb new information, the only thing they want is 'the way is used to be', 'make America great again', they'll die off and then we can approach our problems with less drag.

Nuh, someone will always yin that yang ;)

If you mean we'll wheel along wingnuts into the 21st century, of course we will and they'll go along with it to stay relevant. Hell, they finally picked up on the Iraq war not being such a great thing.

I'm saying someone will always be on the right and someone will be on the left side of issues...even if completely different issues. There is no absolute left and absolute right, just two forces pulling the close-issue rope in different directions.

Conservatives, after having a period of clarity in the 80s through early 2000s now find themselves not being able to soberly deal with realitiy while they are fearing and loathing somewhere out in the desert looking for their soul again. They'll be back, but for now they have their hands full with a mirage called Trump.
So what's your explanation for Clinton not being able to put Sanders away,the same ailments that infect repubs,dems suffer the same.

You think Sanders on the left is like Trump on the right? Think again.

Sanders is leftie's leftie consistently delivering what he has been talking about for a long while now.

Trump? He is an entertainer, entertaining his crowd to their preference, there is no there there, just a mirage.
I doubt many Sanders supporters would move to Trump

Their positions are complete opposites
And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
Nuh, someone will always yin that yang ;)

If you mean we'll wheel along wingnuts into the 21st century, of course we will and they'll go along with it to stay relevant. Hell, they finally picked up on the Iraq war not being such a great thing.

I'm saying someone will always be on the right and someone will be on the left side of issues...even if completely different issues. There is no absolute left and absolute right, just two forces pulling the close-issue rope in different directions.

Conservatives, after having a period of clarity in the 80s through early 2000s now find themselves not being able to soberly deal with realitiy while they are fearing and loathing somewhere out in the desert looking for their soul again. They'll be back, but for now they have their hands full with a mirage called Trump.
So what's your explanation for Clinton not being able to put Sanders away,the same ailments that infect repubs,dems suffer the same.

You think Sanders on the left is like Trump on the right? Think again.

Sanders is leftie's leftie consistently delivering what he has been talking about for a long while now.

Trump? He is an entertainer, entertaining his crowd to their preference, there is no there there, just a mirage.
I doubt many Sanders supporters would move to Trump

Their positions are complete opposites
About 25% will....that's all we need....
And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent

Forty percent of Americans who are capable of working but who don’t have a job say they have completely given up looking for work, according to a new report.
More than half – 55 percent – of those out of work for more than two years say they have given up, while 21 percent of those out of labor force for three months or less say the same.
"As Americans started going back to work and businesses started hiring, a strange thing happened: the [labor force participation rate] kept going down,” states the report. “More and more Americans were still leaving the labor force, even with the economy growing again.

According to the report, historical declines in unemployment have correlated with growth in labor force participation.
The current, dramatic drop in the labor force participation rate defies this precedent.

Sometimes the good news of a falling unemployment rate hides the bad news of dispirited workers leaving the labor force,” states the report.

We cannot continue to make the mistake of overlooking the dropping labor force participation rate and this almost unprecedented trend we’re facing,” said Bob Funk, a former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and CEO of Express Employment. “If we do, we are ignoring millions of struggling Americans—and that is unacceptable. This isn’t just about an aging population; it’s about a not-so-hidden weakness we must confront.”
Americans Giving Up on Jobs
And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent


And think what the employment and economy would be like if we didn't have a president who
  • ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
  • ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
  • has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
  • has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."
I got to hand it to Barack Obama. The guy has grown our private sector even at a time that our public has been slashed to the smallest in the past 60 years. The guy has added tens of millions of jobs.

Thank you mr president!
China thanks him for all our jobs....

Stupid fucking Obama voters....

Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?
You got to be kidding! You have NEVER ever run a business have you???

What do you think the net profit is for a fast food restaurant ?
First of all you have to understand what "net profit" means because from your comments you are truly dumb when it comes to how businesses operate!
Here maybe this will help you dummies! - Small Business Operating and Financial Ratios, Benchmarks, and Performance Indicators: Part of the SMBTN™ Network
View attachment 81003

15.1.% go to Salaries and wages

Try to raise minimum wage for the first time in ten years and they scream they will go out of business

Oh...some of the greedy bastards will. Rather than see ordinary folks get an even break they will give up until the economy crashes. They would love for the economy to bottom under a Democrat president because their shit will be in a guaranteed fund....2% APR and they'll still be rich as six feet up a bull's ass.
Anyone who needs $7.25 wages to stay in business doesn't deserve to stay in business

Have YOU ever run a business?

If you require your workers to need public assistance to work for you, you do not belong in business

Why should taxpayers subsidize your low wages?


Why should taxpayers subsidize someone's low level skills that is getting paid an equivalent wage to those skills?

If your skill level only allows you to make a wage where it isn't enough to support yourself, the problem isn't with the business but with the low skill level person. You blame a business for paying someone what their skills are worth yet say nothing about the low level skills the person offers being the cause of their low wages.
I got to hand it to Barack Obama. The guy has grown our private sector even at a time that our public has been slashed to the smallest in the past 60 years. The guy has added tens of millions of jobs.

Thank you mr president!
China thanks him for all our jobs....

Stupid fucking Obama voters....

Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?
The democrat congress did let it get up there....
I got to hand it to Barack Obama. The guy has grown our private sector even at a time that our public has been slashed to the smallest in the past 60 years. The guy has added tens of millions of jobs.

Thank you mr president!
China thanks him for all our jobs....

Stupid fucking Obama voters....

Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.
China thanks him for all our jobs....

Stupid fucking Obama voters....

Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.

In 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013, only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands
According to a new report from the Congressional Research Service, since 2009 oil production on federal lands is down by 6 percent and natural gas production on federal lands is down 28 percent.

This is particularly striking because since 2009 overall oil production on non-federal land is up by 61 percent and natural gas production on non-federal land is up by 33 percent. Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER
AND WHY is oil and gas production DOWN on federal lands???
Besides taking an enormously long time to process permits, the number of leases on federal lands is down dramatically under the Obama Administration as the chart below shows.
The average number of onshore leases that the Bureau of Land Management issued during the Obama Administration is more than 50 percent less than the average number issued by the Clinton Administration and over a third less than those issued by the Bush Administration.
In fiscal year 2013, 2,278 fewer leases were issued compared to fiscal year 2006 (1,468 leases in FY 2013 compared to 3,746 in FY 2006).
SO while Obama can't do anything about increasing or decreasing oil/gas production on non-federal lands..
I'm going to shout now!!!
HE HAS SIGNED 50% LESS then Clinton did and 33% less then BUSH DID!
Obama could have signed the SAME amount as Bush and kept Federal oil/gas production steady but INSTEAD he's reduced the oil and gas production on FEDERAL Lands by 13%!!!!
In the mid eighties, we made a pact with the devil and sold out our working class. The one percent saw incredible wealth while those who generated the wealth saw a smaller and smaller piece of the pie

Smaller piece of the pie you say? Where are your facts BECAUSE here are the facts!
The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Owns 40 Percent Of The Nation’s Wealth: How Unequal We Are: The Top 5 Facts You Should Know About The Wealthiest One Percent Of Americans
That means that 99% of Americans own 60%!!!!

So what has been the history of the poor downtrodden 99%???
From 15 million households owning equities in the 80s to 56% in 2005!!!

View attachment 81002

Before DC plans, people benefited indirectly from equity ownership through their defined benefit plan......
Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.

In 2010, 36 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands.
Due to Obama Administration policies, by 2013, only 23 percent of our nation’s oil production took place on federal lands
According to a new report from the Congressional Research Service, since 2009 oil production on federal lands is down by 6 percent and natural gas production on federal lands is down 28 percent.

This is particularly striking because since 2009 overall oil production on non-federal land is up by 61 percent and natural gas production on non-federal land is up by 33 percent. Oil and Gas Production on Federal Lands Still a Disappointment - IER
AND WHY is oil and gas production DOWN on federal lands???
Besides taking an enormously long time to process permits, the number of leases on federal lands is down dramatically under the Obama Administration as the chart below shows.
The average number of onshore leases that the Bureau of Land Management issued during the Obama Administration is more than 50 percent less than the average number issued by the Clinton Administration and over a third less than those issued by the Bush Administration.
In fiscal year 2013, 2,278 fewer leases were issued compared to fiscal year 2006 (1,468 leases in FY 2013 compared to 3,746 in FY 2006).
SO while Obama can't do anything about increasing or decreasing oil/gas production on non-federal lands..
I'm going to shout now!!!
HE HAS SIGNED 50% LESS then Clinton did and 33% less then BUSH DID!
Obama could have signed the SAME amount as Bush and kept Federal oil/gas production steady but INSTEAD he's reduced the oil and gas production on FEDERAL Lands by 13%!!!!

Stop being a moron.....

The trend in oil production has been to apply fracking technology to previously developed reserves.......this has brought the success rate of drilling to over 95%......If you're a driller, are you going to risk your money on a 50/50 proposition, or a 95/5 one?
China thanks him for all our jobs....

Stupid fucking Obama voters....

Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.

When he left office, half a million people per month were being relieved of the need to commute to work.....
Every president since Richard Nixon is responsible for this reality. Reagan made it far easier to outsource along with both Bush's. So just to blame Obama for this is without understanding of the subject.
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.

When he left office, half a million people per month were being relieved of the need to commute to work.....
And 8 years later, Obama relieved millions more as gas returns to those low prices under bush....
Our country has put its faith in its job creators. Lower their taxes, cut down on regulation and watch them go

They did go. Record profits. But that rising tide never helped the workers who saw job security diminish along with wages and benefits


Pretty damn simple you won't get any jobs when you have a President who hates businesses forces businesses to go to part time or even worse NOT hire any more because if in the case of Obamacare"
Employers with 50 or more full-time employees, including full-time equivalents, that do not offer health insurance to their full-time employees (those working 30+ hours/week) and their dependents, or that offer coverage that is not affordable or that does not provide minimum value, may be required to pay an assessment if at least one of their full-time employees receives a premium tax credit to purchase coverage in the new individual Marketplace. Refer to the IRS’s ALE Information Center for the latest information on the Employer Shared Responsibility rules.

Fewer than 50 employees? Firms of this size are generally not affected by the Employer Shared Responsibility rules and do not have to pay an assessment if their full-time employees receive premium tax credits in the Marketplace.

Employers with 50 or More Employees | The U.S. Small Business Administration |
So Once again the rules and regulations happy Obama administration discourages EMPLOYERS from hiring more people!
As a result the Obama butt kissing CNN states this:
It's been uttered by every opponent of health care reform: Obamacare will kill small businesses.
But the new law's rules don't apply to the vast majority of small businesses. The employer mandate, which forces firms to start providing insurance in 2014, pertains only to companies with at least 50 full-time workers.
That's a tiny fraction of small businesses.
As of 2010, there were roughly 5.7 million small employers, defined as those with fewer than 500 workers. Some 97% of them have fewer than 50 employees. That means Obamacare's employer mandate applies only to 3% of America's small businesses.

That's about 200,000 companies.

The overblown Obamacare myth about small business

RIGHT!! so let's assume that say 20% of these 200,000 companies WANTED to hire more employees and that brings them over the 50 employee limit!
That would be 40,000 employers hiring just one more employee or 40,000 NEW JOBS!
Who's fault is that then????
No business was forced to go to part time

In selling out their own workers, businesses cut hours, made workers fear layoffs, slashed health benefits

You got to be kidding! You have NEVER ever run a business have you???

What do you think the net profit is for a fast food restaurant ?
First of all you have to understand what "net profit" means because from your comments you are truly dumb when it comes to how businesses operate!
Here maybe this will help you dummies! - Small Business Operating and Financial Ratios, Benchmarks, and Performance Indicators: Part of the SMBTN™ Network
View attachment 81003

15.1.% go to Salaries and wages

Try to raise minimum wage for the first time in ten years and they scream they will go out of business

NO you didn't read the chart RIGHT!!!!
Labor under cost of goods 3.6%
Employee benefits... 0.1%
Salaries and wages...15.1%
Taxes mean FICA/Medicare 3.9%
Total: 22.7% 2nd largest cost...
So assuming the average wage is now $8.00 and you increase to $15 that is a 87% increase in labor/wage/taxes cost..
OR 41% increase in labor costs... OH and guess what then???
A) either raise prices of the food, or B) go out of business because you idiots don't seem to understand the simple concept...
Something has to give and by making NO profits they eating place goes out of business. Brilliant! Now you've laid off people that can't get any jobs because
all they know is being on time and being on the job! That's their skill set.

Also you idiots crying for doubling the minimum have NO idea of how many people work at minimum wage ...HERE ARE THE FACTS!!!
Of the 3.5 million working at minimum wage:
50.6% or 1,797,000 were mostly employed teenagers age 16 to 24 years
Tables 1 - 10; Characteristics of Minimum Wage Workers: 2012
And idiots like you want them replaced with robots is that ok???

View attachment 81007

What do you believe this chart demonstrates?
Presidents don't make laws.....
They sign executive orders. Obama also has signed fewer Federal land leases for oil exploration which means 5 years from now because of his stupidity once again
we'll be paying $4 to $5 for gallon of gas!
He also wants to destroy 1,400 companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes while employing 450,000 people! He's admitted that!
But of course idiots don't think about these consequences...they just want it to sound nice! Idyllic. Fantasy.

Have you already forgotten the price of gas when TX oil man Bush had the reigns?

When he left office, it was $1.81 where I live. After he left office, it went back up and has yet to come down to where it was when he left. Seems your BOY is the cause of that.

When he left office, half a million people per month were being relieved of the need to commute to work.....
And 8 years later, Obama relieved millions more as gas returns to those low prices under bush....

In the real world, there are 10 million MORE people working than on April 1, 2009.....


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