US adds massive 287,000 jobs in June.....Quite A Change From Bush's Fiasco

And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent


And think what the employment and economy would be like if we didn't have a president who
  • ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
  • ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
  • has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
  • has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Some companies can no longer compete in today's economy. Obama recognizing that does not change things

Obamagas is $2 a gallon....can't beat that
In the real world, there are 10 million MORE people working than on April 1, 2009.....

And 14 million more people, not fully counting illegals....

Seems you're short....

Care to play again......

14 million?

Where did you get that number?

A couple of days ago it was 350,000 per month to break even.........times 90 months, you're talking 31.5 million.....

I'm thinking that you don't have the slightest idea what you are yammering about....

Civilian Labor Force

sez that the labor force has grown by roughly 4.5 million since Feb 2009.....

The graph I posted related to food stamp use says there are still over 45 million leeches living off the taxpayers.
You do understand that that has nothing to do with whether or not they are working, right?

What I understand is you agree that unemployment has gone way down yet food stamp use is still what it is. If more people are working, logic dictates that less people are relying on handouts. That isn't the case.
More people are working but at wages that still qualifies for food stamps. It is due to poor wages paid by our "job creators". They are making record profits but little trickles down to their employees
And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent


And think what the employment and economy would be like if we didn't have a president who
  • ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
  • ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
  • has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
  • has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Some companies can no longer compete in today's economy. Obama recognizing that does not change things

Obamagas is $2 a gallon....can't beat that

Thanks to GWB and NO thanks to Obama!

The Obama administration ostensibly supports America’s oil and natural gas boom,
but government data shows that they have issued the lowest number of drilling leases since at least 1988.

The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land — the lowest figures since 1988,
which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013, the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits.
This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.
Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years

The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits, encouraged the country's oil companies to do more exploration and therefore
increased production which in turn lowered the cost BY INCREASING THE SUPPLY of national production!
Today thanks to GWB
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category
According to a study

Saudi Arabia has long been synonymous with oil production, but the world’s largest crude exporter may not hold that title for long.

According to a new analysis from oil and gas consulting firm Rystad Energy, the United States is the country with the largest volume of oil reserves, with Russia and Saudi Arabia coming in second and third, respectively.

Rystad’s analysis includes oil in proven, existing fields, oil that has been discovered and will probably be recoverable, as well as an estimate for recoverable oil in as-yet discovered oil fields. More than 50% of the United States oil reserves come in the form of “unconventional shale oil,” with Texas alone containing 60 million barrels of this type of fossil fuel.
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category
Now that Memorial Day is passed we can look forward to cheaper and cheaper Obamagas

I'm predicting $1.50 a gallon Obamagas by Election Day
And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent


And think what the employment and economy would be like if we didn't have a president who
  • ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
  • ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
  • has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
  • has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Some companies can no longer compete in today's economy. Obama recognizing that does not change things

Obamagas is $2 a gallon....can't beat that

Thanks to GWB and NO thanks to Obama!

The Obama administration ostensibly supports America’s oil and natural gas boom,
but government data shows that they have issued the lowest number of drilling leases since at least 1988.

The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land — the lowest figures since 1988,
which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013, the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits.
This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.
Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years

The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits, encouraged the country's oil companies to do more exploration and therefore
increased production which in turn lowered the cost BY INCREASING THE SUPPLY of national production!
Today thanks to GWB
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category
According to a study

Saudi Arabia has long been synonymous with oil production, but the world’s largest crude exporter may not hold that title for long.

According to a new analysis from oil and gas consulting firm Rystad Energy, the United States is the country with the largest volume of oil reserves, with Russia and Saudi Arabia coming in second and third, respectively.

Rystad’s analysis includes oil in proven, existing fields, oil that has been discovered and will probably be recoverable, as well as an estimate for recoverable oil in as-yet discovered oil fields. More than 50% of the United States oil reserves come in the form of “unconventional shale oil,” with Texas alone containing 60 million barrels of this type of fossil fuel.
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category

"The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits,"

You are a moron.....
When he left office, half a million people per month were being relieved of the need to commute to work.....

When Obama took office, the prices went back up yet you say nothing about that. They still aren't down to where they were when Bush left. The way I see it, it was better under Bush.

The prices went back up as the world began to recover from the Wages of Supply Side Idiocy......they fell as the world wide glut developed....

It has nothing to do with who is in the WH.

That was the point I was trying to make to Campbell. He is one of those that blames Bush for gas prices going up, gives no credit to the one he blames when the prices come down yet refuses to apply that same concept to the person he supports.

The point, in case you missed it, is that if you're going to blame the person you oppose when something happens be willing to blame the person you support when the same thing happens. More than one like that idiot is willing to say the President can have something to do with gas prices when the person they oppose is in office then denies the President can when the person he supports is in office.
The context was the claptrap about federal leases....

That's not what Campbell's context was. He stated gas prices went up under Bush yet said nothing about them going up under Obama. Pay attention, stupid.
He did so in response to a cretinous bleat from Health....
The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


WOW!!!! A "MASSIVE" 287,000 JOBS!!!!!!! What a feat!!!! 287,000 part time jobs!!!!
What would make you think they are part time jobs?

The vast majority of these "new" jobs were people coming off of strikes. It's fine to shout to the rooftops when July's numbers "look" good. But where were these same folks when May's job numbers were a measly 38,000?

Can't have it both ways, you know.

And, I still say, that anyone believes the unemployment numbers is a moron and a fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate (in spite of the propaganda that Obama puts out) is still closer to 11%. Remember, they have stopped counting those who have given up looking and are living off Uncle Sam now.
If Obama was such a goddamn communist he would of nationalized all these businesses along time ago and actively pushed for the centralize control over our entire economy. Next, he would of taken the wealth away from the rich half of the population and forcefully granted everyone what he thought was best for each individual. He sure as fuck wouldn't be allowing the rich to take most of the wealth let alone allow 95% of the job creation to take place within the private sector. Obama is a capitalist globalist like George Bush. Cheap labor, fine as far as he is concern but he is far from a commie.
The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


WOW!!!! A "MASSIVE" 287,000 JOBS!!!!!!! What a feat!!!! 287,000 part time jobs!!!!
What would make you think they are part time jobs?

The vast majority of these "new" jobs were people coming off of strikes. It's fine to shout to the rooftops when July's numbers "look" good. But where were these same folks when May's job numbers were a measly 38,000?

Can't have it both ways, you know.

And, I still say, that anyone believes the unemployment numbers is a moron and a fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate (in spite of the propaganda that Obama puts out) is still closer to 11%. Remember, they have stopped counting those who have given up looking and are living off Uncle Sam now.
You didn't think I would check?

Job growth occurred in leisure and hospitality, health care and social assistance, and financial activities. Employment also increased in information, mostly reflecting the return of workers from a strike.
The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


WOW!!!! A "MASSIVE" 287,000 JOBS!!!!!!! What a feat!!!! 287,000 part time jobs!!!!
What would make you think they are part time jobs?

The vast majority of these "new" jobs were people coming off of strikes. It's fine to shout to the rooftops when July's numbers "look" good. But where were these same folks when May's job numbers were a measly 38,000?

Can't have it both ways, you know.

And, I still say, that anyone believes the unemployment numbers is a moron and a fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate (in spite of the propaganda that Obama puts out) is still closer to 11%. Remember, they have stopped counting those who have given up looking and are living off Uncle Sam now.

You are either an idiot, or a liar...

Here is what the report says about striking workers returning
Employment rose in telecommunications (+28,000), largely reflecting the return of workers from a strike. Employment increased in motion picture and sound recording industries (+11,000), after a decrease of similar magnitude in May
How can that constitute the "vast majority" of 287,000?

And, I still say, that anyone believes the unemployment numbers is a moron and a fool. The ACTUAL unemployment rate (in spite of the propaganda that Obama puts out) is still closer to 11%. Remember, they have stopped counting those who have given up looking and are living off Uncle Sam now.

The U3 rate is what it is entirely indifferent to your feelings about it. People who study this stuff understand its limitations. The methodology by which it is determined (over which POTUS has no control) hasn't changed in more than 20 years - no one "stopped counting" anything. The U6 rate (which you have been told to get worked up about) is currently below 10% (not 'closer to 11')...

People who don't understand what the U rates are should focus on the nominal jobs data, which has been quite strong over the past 4 years.....

And of course one month of decent job growth proves everything, right?! I mean, never mind that Obama's recovery is the weakest in modern history. Never mind that this "recovery" has included several months of either negative GDP growth or virtually zero GDP growth. Never mind that median family income still has not returned to its pre-recession level. Never mind that we're now $19 trillion in debt. Never mind that we're running a huge trade deficit. Never mind that labor force participation is still near an all-time low. Never mind that the U-6 unemployment rate, which Bernie Sanders correctly called the "real unemployment rate," has been substantially higher on average than it was during the Bush years.

Nah, never mind all those troublesome facts. Just focus on one month!
It is eight solid years of decent job growth leading to ten million new jobs and dropping the unemployment rate from 10.1 percent to 4.9 percent


And think what the employment and economy would be like if we didn't have a president who
  • ever said he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies!
  • ever said "" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.”
  • ever wanted "I prefer higher gas prices".
  • has ever said he wanted "told Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
  • has ever said "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Some companies can no longer compete in today's economy. Obama recognizing that does not change things

Obamagas is $2 a gallon....can't beat that

Thanks to GWB and NO thanks to Obama!

The Obama administration ostensibly supports America’s oil and natural gas boom,
but government data shows that they have issued the lowest number of drilling leases since at least 1988.

The total number of oil and gas drilling leases issued in 2013 reached a nearly three-decade lows, according to the Bureau of Land Management.
The bureau says it issued 1,468 drilling leases last year, totaling 1.17 million acres of federal land — the lowest figures since 1988,
which is the oldest year for which the BLM has data.

When it comes to actually approving drilling permits in 2013, the Obama administration approved the lowest number since 2002 — only 3,770 drilling permits.
This is down from 6,617 drilling permits that were approved in 2008, the last year of the Bush administration.
Obama admin. leases the lowest amount of federal land in 25 years

The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits, encouraged the country's oil companies to do more exploration and therefore
increased production which in turn lowered the cost BY INCREASING THE SUPPLY of national production!
Today thanks to GWB
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category
According to a study

Saudi Arabia has long been synonymous with oil production, but the world’s largest crude exporter may not hold that title for long.

According to a new analysis from oil and gas consulting firm Rystad Energy, the United States is the country with the largest volume of oil reserves, with Russia and Saudi Arabia coming in second and third, respectively.

Rystad’s analysis includes oil in proven, existing fields, oil that has been discovered and will probably be recoverable, as well as an estimate for recoverable oil in as-yet discovered oil fields. More than 50% of the United States oil reserves come in the form of “unconventional shale oil,” with Texas alone containing 60 million barrels of this type of fossil fuel.
America Now Leads the World In This Surprising Category

"The reality is the lower gas prices came because GWB signed more drilling permits,"

You are a moron.....

NO you simpleton! GEEZ... That was ONE factor... But of course being simple minded person you extrapolate and exaggerate this.
I NEVER said that was the ONLY FACTOR dumb F..k!

The reality is lower prices came because NOT only did Bush sign more leases BUT now the dumb ass you voted for has pushed more EPA /OSHA/etc. rules and
regulations making production costs even higher so now the dumb ass is seeing prices go up!

"And while this would not apply to the vast numbers of existing rigs, well pads and auxiliary equipment that have driven a historic boom in domestic oil and gas production, the agency also signaled that it plans to regulate these as well. It issued a new request for more information from industry to help study how to contain emissions from these sources.
It all adds up to a suite of new or planned regulations, by the outgoing administration, to curb fugitive emissions of a gas that is drawing ever-more attention, despite debate over precisely how much the United States is emitting and how severely that contributes to climate change.
The new policies “will help combat climate change and reduce air pollution that immediately harms public health,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said on a media call Thursday.

Obama administration announces historic new regulations for methane emissions from oil and gas
ALL the while PROOF that "global warming" is a myth! PLUS dumb ass!!!
You tell me have you ever heard of Carbon Sequestration as done by trees? Of course not because YOU are a simpleton!!!
A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, and can sequester one ton of carbon dioxide by the time it reaches 40 years old.
Tree Facts | American Forests

In 2011, utility coal plants in the United States emitted a total of 1.7 billion tons of CO2.
coal power: air pollution

According to the last forest inventory, there are almost 247 billion trees over 1 inch in diameter in the U.S.
Tree Facts | Facts About Trees
So according to my figures...
70.8 billion of the 247 billion trees or 28% can absorb ALL the 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emitted each year by all the coal fired utility plants.
Carbon sequestration: Managing forests in uncertain times
So what the hell is this stupid dumb ass administration wanting to saddle the OIL and gas production even more?
Geez you guys are so stupid!
Obama admin says new safety rules may delay drilling, raise gas prices

Katie Howell, E&E reporter

Greenwire: Friday, October 8, 2010
The Obama administration is acknowledging that its new offshore drilling safety regulations will raise costs for the oil and gas industry -- and may also delay some offshore development, slightly increase gas prices and kill some jobs.

The new rules unveiled last week would increase operating costs by an estimated $1.42 million for each new deepwater well drilled with a floating rig, $170,000 for each new deepwater well drilled with a platform rig and $90,000 for each new shallow-water well, according to an Interior Department notice released yesterday.

Interior says the cost of compliance with the new rules is "not an insignificant amount" but would add on less than 2 percent of the cost of drilling a well in deep water and 1 percent for shallow-water wells. Typical deepwater wells drilled with floating platforms usually cost about $90 million to $100 million, Interior says in the notice to be published next week in the Federal Register.
Obama admin says new safety rules may delay drilling, raise gas prices

Katie Howell, E&E reporter

Greenwire: Friday, October 8, 2010
The Obama administration is acknowledging that its new offshore drilling safety regulations will raise costs for the oil and gas industry -- and may also delay some offshore development, slightly increase gas prices and kill some jobs.

The new rules unveiled last week would increase operating costs by an estimated $1.42 million for each new deepwater well drilled with a floating rig, $170,000 for each new deepwater well drilled with a platform rig and $90,000 for each new shallow-water well, according to an Interior Department notice released yesterday.

Interior says the cost of compliance with the new rules is "not an insignificant amount" but would add on less than 2 percent of the cost of drilling a well in deep water and 1 percent for shallow-water wells. Typical deepwater wells drilled with floating platforms usually cost about $90 million to $100 million, Interior says in the notice to be published next week in the Federal Register.

$2 a gallon Obamagas ...$1.50 by Election Day.

The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...

That number is not worth a shit, you think that's a good number you're a fucking delusional retard. The bar is very low when it comes to progressive government.... Lol
The U.S. added 287,000 new jobs in June, according to the Labor Department report ...


When Bush 43 took office everyone that wanted a job already had one, thanks to the Republican Congress that kept Clinton in line. The average UE was 5.7% under Bush 43.
And 14 million more people, not fully counting illegals....

Seems you're short....

Care to play again......

14 million?

Where did you get that number?

A couple of days ago it was 350,000 per month to break even.........times 90 months, you're talking 31.5 million.....

I'm thinking that you don't have the slightest idea what you are yammering about....

Civilian Labor Force

sez that the labor force has grown by roughly 4.5 million since Feb 2009.....

The graph I posted related to food stamp use says there are still over 45 million leeches living off the taxpayers.
You do understand that that has nothing to do with whether or not they are working, right?

What I understand is you agree that unemployment has gone way down yet food stamp use is still what it is. If more people are working, logic dictates that less people are relying on handouts. That isn't the case.
More people are working but at wages that still qualifies for food stamps. It is due to poor wages paid by our "job creators". They are making record profits but little trickles down to their employees
That's terrible....what person would negotiate to work for what trickles down? Here in America, people are free to negotiate their worth before starting.
Now that Memorial Day is passed we can look forward to cheaper and cheaper Obamagas

I'm predicting $1.50 a gallon Obamagas by Election Day
Sounds about right, with 94,044,000 people oit of the work force, there isn't a big demand for it....

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