US budget increased 66% this May from May 2017

Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse. RINO-DEM Ryan dumped $1.3T short term spending and ran for his walled Dem compound in Wisc. 90% are working against Trump.

No one in cuffs, no wall funding, no docs, no reports and he is 1.5 years in. MSM too.

Shameful USA Dem RINO congress. clean it up.
Lol, it's hilarious that you are trying to blame Democrats when republicans wrote and passed the budget.
Maybe Democrats should pay all the costs of illegal immigration per year, 116 billion in 2016 just on taxes alone, that would help.. Yup, send each and every Democrat a bill, they would be glad to pay it..

Heck, add in all the other costs, education, medical, law enforcement etc. and send them a bill for that as well, they would be ecstatic, no doubt.


View attachment 198191

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Maybe you should stop trying to deflect and address the topic at hand.

What do you think about the 66% increase in the budget deficit last month?
Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse.

There is no Dem congress ignoramus, congress has been under Republican majority control since 2014.

Revenues are down 10% (217B vs 240B last May) instead being higher like all the pre-tax-cut months in this fiscal year.

Trump and fiscally feckless Republicans did that, to Dem's unanimous objection.
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Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse.

There is no Dem congress ignoramus, congress has been under Republican majority control since 2014.

Revenues are down 10% (217B vs 240B last May) instead being higher like all the pre-tax-cut months in this fiscal year.

Trump and fiscally feckless Republicans did that, to Dem's unanimous objection.

the stupid shits want to run the country and they have no idea who is driving the bus ..
Maybe Democrats should pay all the costs of illegal immigration per year, 116 billion in 2016 just on taxes alone, that would help.. Yup, send each and every Democrat a bill, they would be glad to pay it..

Heck, add in all the other costs, education, medical, law enforcement etc. and send them a bill for that as well, they would be ecstatic, no doubt.


View attachment 198191

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
There was a surplus in April. Did illegals go back to Mexico in April and come back in May?

You must drive a dodge...
You're dodging. You must explain how there was a surplus in April if you think illegal immigrants control the budget deficit.
Lumpy must drive a Dodge.

Nope, I don't have to do that and I never said illegals control the budget deficit, they grossly add to it and Democrats promote an irresponsible fiscal policy all American citizens are being screwed over with.
Maybe Democrats should pay all the costs of illegal immigration per year, 116 billion in 2016 just on taxes alone, that would help.. Yup, send each and every Democrat a bill, they would be glad to pay it..

Heck, add in all the other costs, education, medical, law enforcement etc. and send them a bill for that as well, they would be ecstatic, no doubt.


View attachment 198191

The Cost of Illegal Immigration to US Taxpayers | FAIR
Quit sending the buill to the democratic states they pay for every thing every year. The red states are takers on federal taxes, the blue states pay more than they put in.Stupid repugs are the ones needing to poney up. They run the deficits up and then want others to pay normal repug stratagy.

What, you're not personally willing to financially support Democratic Party failed policies and take responsibility for the costs that add to the national debt.?
Considering the debt soars under repug leadership and not during democrat leadership and the mainly democratic states get less back than put in no the repugs are responsible. Your orange fool is also responsible for doubling the cost of steel and aluminum. ohio is geting destroyed by tarrifs, it is a swing state and it will not go trump next time. So say good by to the orange fool. Republicans use to be the party of personal responsibility and they take no responsibilty for any thing today. Own both houses and the pres and still can pass no laws, what a joke. You can not stop pulling each other shair not alone govern! How does it feel to be a member of a party that can not even agree with it's self?

Your first sentence was a stretch and it only got more pathetic form there. It also seems that Democrats always devastate the military in favor of servicing their dedicated freeloaders and illegal voters..Sure though, Democrats hating on the military for their special interest losers requires a responsible response.
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Before the end of his second term, Trump will be the first President since Coolidge to pay down debt

He won't pay down the debt and there will be no second term.


He will be reelected

You'll understand why he won't as the deficits rise each month from this point on. He might be impeached by 2020.

Huh? If we impeached people for spending...that Jaboni we had between 2008-2016 would have been executed by 2010.

That was the country's fault though...electing somebody whose definition
of mass transit was multiple vines in the trees.
Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse. RINO-DEM Ryan dumped $1.3T short term spending and ran for his walled Dem compound in Wisc. 90% are working against Trump.

No one in cuffs, no wall funding, no docs, no reports and he is 1.5 years in. MSM too.

Shameful USA Dem RINO congress. clean it up.
The BIG SPENDING congress is controlled by Trumptards Republicans, not Dems. Trump said he was going to spend, spend, spend the US into Bankruptcy!!! Borrow & Spend Repubtards can NEVER create a surplus or Great economy!!!

Bill Clinton Created More Jobs than Any President in History!!! Clinton built THE strongest economy the world has ever seen. Clinton Created a Surplus & Lowered Crime More than Any President in History!!! Clinton had NO recessions & Created More Jobs than Repubtards Reagan + Bush 1 + Bush 2 + Ford Combined!!!

Clinton & Democrat Congress Slashed Spending in 1993 & taxed Creating SURPLUS. It was NOT the Gingrich Repubtards!
Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse. RINO-DEM Ryan dumped $1.3T short term spending and ran for his walled Dem compound in Wisc. 90% are working against Trump.

No one in cuffs, no wall funding, no docs, no reports and he is 1.5 years in. MSM too.

Shameful USA Dem RINO congress. clean it up.
Democrats have no power. The GOP controls both houses, the presidency and the Supreme Court.

How can you not know that?
Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse. RINO-DEM Ryan dumped $1.3T short term spending and ran for his walled Dem compound in Wisc. 90% are working against Trump.

No one in cuffs, no wall funding, no docs, no reports and he is 1.5 years in. MSM too.

Shameful USA Dem RINO congress. clean it up.
What dem congress is that, genius? Sanford just got defeated calling for fiscal responsibility.
Dem congress is trying to spend Trump into collapse. RINO-DEM Ryan dumped $1.3T short term spending and ran for his walled Dem compound in Wisc. 90% are working against Trump.

No one in cuffs, no wall funding, no docs, no reports and he is 1.5 years in. MSM too.

Shameful USA Dem RINO congress. clean it up.
What dem congress is that, genius?
I know, right?
Remember the glee in this board regarding the April budget surplus? Well, that didn’t last.

U.S. Posts Biggest Monthly Budget Deficit in May Since 2009

Great job, Sargeant Bonespurs.

Uh, why aren't you blaming the ones who insisted on jacking up spending as their condition for not filibustering the budget bill? Hey? Senate Dems insisted on vastly higher spending than the Republicans wanted as their price for not filibustering the funding bill and not shutting down the government. Why aren't you blaming them?

If you really, really care about spending and the deficit and the debt, then you should be sure to vote for Republicans in the mid-term elections, especially in Senate races.
Remember the glee in this board regarding the April budget surplus? Well, that didn’t last.

U.S. Posts Biggest Monthly Budget Deficit in May Since 2009

Great job, Sargeant Bonespurs.

Uh, why aren't you blaming the ones who insisted on jacking up spending as their condition for not filibustering the budget bill? Hey? Senate Dems insisted on vastly higher spending than the Republicans wanted as their price for not filibustering the funding bill and not shutting down the government. Why aren't you blaming them?

If you really, really care about spending and the deficit and the debt, then you should be sure to vote for Republicans in the mid-term elections, especially in Senate races.
Republicans are increasing the deficits. Your stupidity is impressive!
Let's (only) blame Obama for more than doubling the national debt.. how much is that costing now...

5 Ways to Reduce the Interest on the Debt
It's sad that with all their tax cuts for the rich, Republicans were able to cut revenue while handing Obama an economic crisis.

It's logical that if you make more money and your higher percentage is slightly reduced, you get a larger tax break. It's also logical that if your a freeloader that pays nothing, you're just a whiny loser that bites the hand that feeds.

Blacks that support Democrat ghettos and the oppression, the traitors of their people

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More Keynesian Reaganism.
Keynes only said run deficits during recessions & pay it back during decent economy. We are at the mercy of Oligarchs who profit off our misery. They are never paying it back creating a debit disaster to fleece all hard working citizens.

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