US Coal Plant Closures Likely To Eliminate 30 Million Tons Of Annual Coal Demand

BTW libs are alrdy trying to shut off your nat gas too.

To be expected! How is it going MOTS? I see the F35A is in Europe where the proposed action is going to be. Frankly I can't seem to get into the spirit of Russia wanting another war. They have lost the Union and the manpower needed just is not there. Taking on Europe sans the US would be a tall order for anyone in my opinion. Both Japan and Germany found that out the hard way. Which leads to NK. They will also dial back down for fear Japan will enter and they well remember the Japanese from the last occupation by Japan. But another subject for another time. Just wanted to say hello. Kudos I amso IR
Sadly, many of them do wish that, because they see no alternative. People will beg, fight, and pray for jobs that they know will kill them, if it's the only way they see to feed their families. You can't expect them to just walk away from the mines without training and alternative jobs to walk to. This is the tragic way Trump is failing the people in coal country. He keeps them tied to a dying technology until it will be too late for many to find something else.

Coal mining is really no different than the old manufacturing union jobs that went bye bye with globalization, more mechanization, less demand for coal in general, it really is becoming obsolete. Oil will end up in the same bucket in the foreseeable future.
And it is a simple matter of economics. Renewables are now cheaper than even dirty coal. And they have no emissions.
And it is a simple matter of economics. Renewables are now cheaper than even dirty coal. And they have no emissions.

Cheaper isn't the only criteria for taking over the power generation and commuter fuel biz. Cheaper doesn't do you much good if its intermittent, unreliable or non-scaleable for the demand required. And if the cost of solving any of those issues pushes the renewable cost above the alternatives...well....economics wins, as you've said. And of course renewables have emissions, they just aren't part of OpX, but CapX. Mining, metallurgy, manufacturing and distribution, but I like the idea of front loaded costs (CO2 emissions). And when the engineers go after cost optimization in the manufacturing process, they'll lower per unit emissions at a central point. The same advantages that EVs have, even if powered by coal fired generation. Fix the emissions at the coal plant, and you "cure" the EV at the same time.
And it is a simple matter of economics. Renewables are now cheaper than even dirty coal. And they have no emissions.

Cheaper isn't the only criteria for taking over the power generation and commuter fuel biz. Cheaper doesn't do you much good if its intermittent, unreliable or non-scaleable for the demand required. And if the cost of solving any of those issues pushes the renewable cost above the alternatives...well....economics wins, as you've said. And of course renewables have emissions, they just aren't part of OpX, but CapX. Mining, metallurgy, manufacturing and distribution, but I like the idea of front loaded costs (CO2 emissions). And when the engineers go after cost optimization in the manufacturing process, they'll lower per unit emissions at a central point. The same advantages that EVs have, even if powered by coal fired generation. Fix the emissions at the coal plant, and you "cure" the EV at the same time.

Great idea. I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before now. If they had been looking for a cleaner way to burn coal for the last few decades, they would have found it by now if it existed............Oh wait. They have been looking for that for decades.
. Fix the emissions at the coal plant, and you "cure" the EV at the same time.

Great idea. I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before now.

They have. Are you really so ignorant on this topic that you don't know that? I wasn't speculating on fixing the central emissions point, only noting that centralizing emissions makes it easier to fix the overall emissions problem. And it has been done, and it works, but there is a related issue that comes along with it, and that is the cost. You might find it acceptable to pay $1.25/ kWh for your electricity, but most of the country will not.

BullDog said:
If they had been looking for a cleaner way to burn coal for the last few decades, they would have found it by now if it existed............Oh wait. They have been looking for that for decades.

And they found it. Even if you are dumb as a stump, google is your friend. Try it sometime.

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration | Climate Change | US EPA
. Fix the emissions at the coal plant, and you "cure" the EV at the same time.

Great idea. I wonder why nobody ever thought of that before now.

They have. Are you really so ignorant on this topic that you don't know that? I wasn't speculating on fixing the central emissions point, only noting that centralizing emissions makes it easier to fix the overall emissions problem. And it has been done, and it works, but there is a related issue that comes along with it, and that is the cost. You might find it acceptable to pay $1.25/ kWh for your electricity, but most of the country will not.

BullDog said:
If they had been looking for a cleaner way to burn coal for the last few decades, they would have found it by now if it existed............Oh wait. They have been looking for that for decades.

And they found it. Even if you are dumb as a stump, google is your friend. Try it sometime.

Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration | Climate Change | US EPA

As long as the cost is so high, and the syngas is only marginally cleaner than natural gas, the entire thing is a bust. If coal is really a viable option, why aren't there dozens of new coal plants being built to save all that money?

As long as the cost is so high, and the syngas is only marginally cleaner than natural gas, the entire thing is a bust. If coal is really a viable option, why aren't there dozens of new coal plants being built to save all that money?

What are you talking about, syngas? Do you really know nothing about carbon capture?

And of course coal plants aren't being built, the shale gas revolution put the economic kibosh on them, plus the operators were terrified about EPA rule 111(d). Let me guess, you don't know what that is any more than you do carbon capture and sequestration?

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