US Compared to 18th Century France

Memo From A Rich Guy: "The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats"


Memo: From Nick Hanauer
To: My Fellow Zillionaires


I see pitchforks.

At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the 99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.

But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.
If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.

There won't be any need for pitchforks. Voters will take care of this at the polls. We may be 15 to 20 years away, but the Republican Party is slowly isolating itself into a minor party. We will basically have a one party system before too long, although some other party may emerge that is somewhat conservative in nature without all the dingbat nuttiness of the current conservative movement.

It is simply amazing. Under Obama and the Democrats the middle class has suffered the worst economic performance ever. They were better off on the last day of Bush's term in office than at any time under Obama. And yet somehow this is the GOP's fault, despite (actually because of) nearly 6 years of Democrat rule.
No, the Democrats will be swept from office this year and in 2016. The Democrats will be so thoroughly discredited that people will remember them about like they remember the Whigs.
Sounds like a locker room speech to a team that's down 4 touchdowns at the half.
Well, you can start by thanking Obama for printing $58 billion dollars monthly then dumping it into an economy that has zero conduit for creating jobs.


And why would he do that?

The obvious reason is because he hates America, with its traditions of slavery and Manifest Destiny and any of a host of other ills.

But remember that more than anything, Obama—a member of "the Rev." Jeremiah Wright's black liberation theological church for 20+ years—hates Israel.

He knows that multinational corporations will be blamed for the widening of the gap that continually grows on his watch between the super-rich and the poorest of the poor. But the corporations are actually just a puppet for who is in his (and other members of "the Rev." Wright's church) eyes truly to blame:


Want the proof?

Look at the conspiracy theories on this forum alone.

At least 90% of them have something to do with blaming "Zionists" and similar slurs for creating the economic morass America is currently facing.

And the wider the gap gets, the more conspiracy theories about evil Jews with long, pointed noses who control world banks and the like will flourish.

America today is not much different at all from post WWI Germany. And our president knows it.

Knows it! He's counting on it. he needs Jew hating to help his brotherhood of muslims.

In the same thread Obama's accused of being a muslim, and then a jeremiah wright christian. You guys ought to get together and come up with what religious persuasion Obama's is or some will think, correctly, that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Well, seeing that Marxism has alwyas led to serfdom, China and USSR for example, and seeing that Progressives and Neocons have put us on the "Road to Serfdom" with their Big Government, is it any wonder that we are sliding into a Big Gov Police State (NDAA and NSA ring a bell???) ?

And you really want to limit our ability to fight the tyrants when the time comes?

Also, bear in mind that so long as Trial By Jury remains intact, the People have no one , other then themselves, to blame for tyranny. Only the People can convict and destroy their fellow peers.

Thus, you cannot exercise your 2nd Amendment rights unless the Right to Trial by Jury has been abrogated (things like mass genocide and/or herding people into concentration already assume that Trial by Jury/due process is not being administered).

If you really think the People are justified to take up arms at any time they feel, then your a Lawless Liberal, who endorses Mob-ocracy.

You Libbies din't like this post did you, because it showed that you have violent and lawless tendencies when you don't get your way. You're right, we should strictly prevent all of the mentally ill from having firearms, since Progressivsm is a mental disease.

You sick fucks would overthrow this country under a Jacobian/Leninist agenda. Thena super fuckin commie like Stalin would come and take the whole thing over.

Rights come with RESPONSIBILITY, and the Right of the Revolution has the LARGEST of all responsibilities attached to it. One cannot recklesslessly overthrow a Government, when the People themselves are to blame for convciting and destroying one another.

So long as Trial by Jury is in effect, we are STILL of a Government BY the PEOPLE. We're not a Government "for the People," but that's because we convict each other in court (or take plea deals).

Obama and Bush and Holder and Cheney and Hillary and Mccain didn't convict ANY of the innocents that found themselves in jail for possessing a couple of ounces of pot --- THE PEOPLE CONVICTED THEM.

So who are you going to revolt against? The PEOPLE?

I'm inviting the following USMB members here: [MENTION=25451]tinydancer[/MENTION] [MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] [MENTION=42380]OriginalShroom[/MENTION] [MENTION=46110]pvsi[/MENTION]

And why would he do that?

The obvious reason is because he hates America, with its traditions of slavery and Manifest Destiny and any of a host of other ills.

But remember that more than anything, Obama—a member of "the Rev." Jeremiah Wright's black liberation theological church for 20+ years—hates Israel.

He knows that multinational corporations will be blamed for the widening of the gap that continually grows on his watch between the super-rich and the poorest of the poor. But the corporations are actually just a puppet for who is in his (and other members of "the Rev." Wright's church) eyes truly to blame:


Want the proof?

Look at the conspiracy theories on this forum alone.

At least 90% of them have something to do with blaming "Zionists" and similar slurs for creating the economic morass America is currently facing.

And the wider the gap gets, the more conspiracy theories about evil Jews with long, pointed noses who control world banks and the like will flourish.

America today is not much different at all from post WWI Germany. And our president knows it.

Knows it! He's counting on it. he needs Jew hating to help his brotherhood of muslims.

In the same thread Obama's accused of being a muslim, and then a jeremiah wright christian. You guys ought to get together and come up with what religious persuasion Obama's is or some will think, correctly, that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Uh, incorrect.

We obviously know a heckuva lot more about his religious persuasion BASED SOLELY ON THE THINGS THAT PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS HIMSELF SAID than you do.

If that's all you got, you best get an account on a Nickelodeon or Sesame Street forum and leave us grown-ups alone.
Bush prosecuted the S&L Fraudsters........ .....dems reward bankers stealing peoples homes.....

Remind me again which party fought the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act tooth and nail.

Both parties are now thoroughly owned by Wall Street.
Remind me how many prosecutions of bankers there have been......even under new regs of Dodd Frank and SARBOX....

He already answered that. I BOLDED it above ^


Too many people, in both parties, are paid shills of the super wealthy interests. We can thank people like Gingrich who argued that millions of dollars from select individuals & corps is "speech".
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And why would he do that?

The obvious reason is because he hates America, with its traditions of slavery and Manifest Destiny and any of a host of other ills.

But remember that more than anything, Obama—a member of "the Rev." Jeremiah Wright's black liberation theological church for 20+ years—hates Israel.

He knows that multinational corporations will be blamed for the widening of the gap that continually grows on his watch between the super-rich and the poorest of the poor. But the corporations are actually just a puppet for who is in his (and other members of "the Rev." Wright's church) eyes truly to blame:


Want the proof?

Look at the conspiracy theories on this forum alone.

At least 90% of them have something to do with blaming "Zionists" and similar slurs for creating the economic morass America is currently facing.

And the wider the gap gets, the more conspiracy theories about evil Jews with long, pointed noses who control world banks and the like will flourish.

America today is not much different at all from post WWI Germany. And our president knows it.

Knows it! He's counting on it. he needs Jew hating to help his brotherhood of muslims.

In the same thread Obama's accused of being a muslim, and then a jeremiah wright christian. You guys ought to get together and come up with what religious persuasion Obama's is or some will think, correctly, that you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

good p;oint. People like [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] are splitting hairs to score cheap political points (in their minds :tinfoil: ) when all of monotheism :eusa_pray: is a sham. (Monotheism= Judaism, Islam, & Christianity) that has been used to keep people. ESPECIALLY WOMEN, down. Look at the current Catholic SCOTUS.
Instead of pitchforks, why not microloans to invest in business education?

There are a growing number of authors and real estate groups
who discovered how to teach people the difference between
"rich dad, poor dad" or "Abundance Mentality" vs. "Scarcity Mentality"
by mentoring people to own and manage their own property as a business.

Lifestyles Unlimited - The education and mentor group for real estate investors
^ Here is one mentorship group I promote as a model to build a program for Vets
to help buy up property to house and teach other Vets to become independent:

This is the concept for the nonprofit campus plans to save a national historic district:
Freedmen's Town Historic Churches and Vet Housing

Anyone can take the same campus model and use it to teach
PROPERTY ownership and management to break the poverty cycle.

[MENTION=19031]Star[/MENTION] If you believe in this Zillionaires' idea of giving back to the community,
there is nothing wrong with microlending and mentoring local owners
to buy up and manage their own school districts, businesses and homes
and even incorporate their own townships so all people can learn govt management.

Can you contact him or other people who might be interested in investing
in education WITHOUT handouts, where all money invested is paid back
or leveraged off the value of the businesses or school programs created?

Memo From A Rich Guy: "The Pitchforks Are Coming&#8230; For Us Plutocrats"


Memo: From Nick Hanauer
To: My Fellow Zillionaires


I see pitchforks.

At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country&#8212;the 99.99 percent&#8212;is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.

But the problem isn&#8217;t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won&#8217;t last.
If we don&#8217;t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn&#8217;t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It&#8217;s not if, it&#8217;s when.

Last edited:
good p;oint. People like [MENTION=33658]Katzndogz[/MENTION] are splitting hairs to score cheap political points (in their minds :tinfoil: ) when all of monotheism :eusa_pray: is a sham. (Monotheism= Judaism, Islam, & Christianity) that has been used to keep people. ESPECIALLY WOMEN, down. Look at the current Catholic SCOTUS.

Yes and no.

Yes the patriarchal system of passing power through the male side of the family
supplanted the egalitarian matriarchal cultures where women naturally knew whom their heirs were by birth, and didn't need the whole patriarchal system of church and state controlling marriage, women and children as assets of the men's estates.

NO, that is not the purpose of Christianity to continue this Antichristian injustice that has always been in the world since laws were used to start controlling land and people.

The purpose of Christianity is to BREAK the cycle of abuse and oppression, starting with our relationships with our neighbors and bringing "equal justice and truth" into those relations first. Then from there we can transform the rest of the world as a result.

[MENTION=28132]Dot Com[/MENTION] we cannot yet control the relationships between whole nations and institutions at war for control over people. But we can start with controlling ourselves instead of trying to control our neighbor.

How we address each other here, with respect as equals, is one step.
If everyone takes even one step to being more forgiving when we make corrections,
that is the same steps we are asking whole groups to make that seem out of our reach.

We take care of what we can do and control, and trust that is enough to lead by example.
Otherwise we spin our wheels and waste our words, "worrying" what "other people" and "other religions" are doing and teaching, instead of focusing on what example we set.

Thank you, Dot Com.
Well, seeing that Marxism has alwyas led to serfdom, China and USSR for example, and seeing that Progressives and Neocons have put us on the "Road to Serfdom" with their Big Government, is it any wonder that we are sliding into a Big Gov Police State (NDAA and NSA ring a bell???) ?

And you really want to limit our ability to fight the tyrants when the time comes?

Also, bear in mind that so long as Trial By Jury remains intact, the People have no one , other then themselves, to blame for tyranny. Only the People can convict and destroy their fellow peers.

Thus, you cannot exercise your 2nd Amendment rights unless the Right to Trial by Jury has been abrogated (things like mass genocide and/or herding people into concentration already assume that Trial by Jury/due process is not being administered).

If you really think the People are justified to take up arms at any time they feel, then your a Lawless Liberal, who endorses Mob-ocracy.

Yeah, it was " Progressives" who crashed the world wide economy *shaking head*

Regulators and policymakers enabled this process at virtually every turn. Part of the reason they failed to understand the housing bubble was willful ignorance: they bought into the argument that the market would equilibrate itself. In particular, financial actors and regulatory officials both believed that secondary and tertiary markets could effectively control risk through pricing. of Disaster_0.pdf

What a CROCK!

The rich will get on their little private jets and leave. They will go to Singapore like Eduardo Savarin, Macau like Steve Wynn or some jazzy chalet in Switzerland. Then they will carefully choose their servants and let the poor eat one another.

PLEASE let them pull a Galt. Not like the US has problems getting capital right? lol
Say did Obama prosecute any bankers for all the laws they were breaking that kicked off the last crisis...........

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street : NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - Los Angeles Times

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI ? Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


Memo From A Rich Guy: "The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats"


Memo: From Nick Hanauer
To: My Fellow Zillionaires


I see pitchforks.

At the same time that people like you and me are thriving beyond the dreams of any plutocrats in history, the rest of the country—the 99.99 percent—is lagging far behind. The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.

But the problem isn’t that we have inequality. Some inequality is intrinsic to any high-functioning capitalist economy. The problem is that inequality is at historically high levels and getting worse every day. Our country is rapidly becoming less a capitalist society and more a feudal society. Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear, and we will be back to late 18th-century France. Before the revolution.

And so I have a message for my fellow filthy rich, for all of us who live in our gated bubble worlds: Wake up, people. It won’t last.
If we don’t do something to fix the glaring inequities in this economy, the pitchforks are going to come for us. No society can sustain this kind of rising inequality. In fact, there is no example in human history where wealth accumulated like this and the pitchforks didn’t eventually come out. You show me a highly unequal society, and I will show you a police state. Or an uprising. There are no counterexamples. None. It’s not if, it’s when.

There won't be any need for pitchforks. Voters will take care of this at the polls. We may be 15 to 20 years away, but the Republican Party is slowly isolating itself into a minor party. We will basically have a one party system before too long, although some other party may emerge that is somewhat conservative in nature without all the dingbat nuttiness of the current conservative movement.

It is simply amazing. Under Obama and the Democrats the middle class has suffered the worst economic performance ever. They were better off on the last day of Bush's term in office than at any time under Obama. And yet somehow this is the GOP's fault, despite (actually because of) nearly 6 years of Democrat rule.
No, the Democrats will be swept from office this year and in 2016. The Democrats will be so thoroughly discredited that people will remember them about like they remember the Whigs.

You mean there are CONSEQUENCES of Dubya/GOP great ponzi scheme? shocking

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."


Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources. Later in 2004 Dubya allowed the leverage rules to go from 12-1 to 33-1 which flooded the market with cheap money!

The "turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007," the President's Working Group on Financial Markets OCT 2008

Bush prosecuted the S&L Fraudsters........ .....dems reward bankers stealing peoples homes.....

Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street


Why Prosecutors Don't Go After Wall Street : NPR

“When regulators don’t believe in regulation and don’t get what is going on at the companies they oversee, there can be no major white-collar crime prosecutions,”...“If they don’t understand what we call collective embezzlement, where people are literally looting their own firms, then it’s impossible to bring cases.”

The FBI correctly identified the epidemic of mortgage control fraud at such an early point that the financial crisis could have been averted had the Bush administration acted with even minimal competence.
William K. Black: The Two Documents Everyone Should Read to Better Understand the Crisis

Dubya was warned by the FBI of an "epidemic" of mortgage fraud in 2004. He gave them less resources.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - Los Angeles Times

Shockingly, the FBI clearly makes the case for the need to combat mortgage fraud in 2005, the height of the housing crisis:

Financial Crimes Report to the Public 2005

FBI ? Financial Crimes Report 2005

The Bush Rubber Stamp Congress ignored the obvious and extremely detailed and well reported crime spree by the FBI.

THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION and CONGRESS stripped the White Collar Crime divisions of money and manpower.


^ be careful. rw'ers heads, like Stephie's & The Rabbi's are going to explode. That is if they can read more than one sentence or two t one sitting.

Seriously, eXtreme rw'ers here have been trained to hate the less well-off. They like dynasties for some reason.
Having only one TV channel contributes to that, no doubt.

I'm a right winger and, as such, I hate to see natural right being violated as much as Jefferson did.

But natural right is violated in a different manner today than it was in 18th century France. The playing field has been tilted to the advantage of a select few in ways that will not be solved by raising taxes.

Not SOLELY resolved by increasing taxes on the rich, but yes, that's one way to lessen inequality!

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory

The conclusion?

Lowering the tax rates on the wealthy and top earners in America do not appear to have any impact on the nation’s economic growth.

This paragraph from the report says it all—

“The reduction in the top tax rates appears to be uncorrelated with saving, investment and productivity growth. The top tax rates appear to have little or no relation to the size of the economic pie. However, the top tax rate reductions appear to be associated with the increasing concentration of income at the top of the income distribution.”

These three sentences do nothing less than blow apart the central tenet of modern conservative economic theory, confirming that lowering tax rates on the wealthy does nothing to grow the economy while doing a great deal to concentrate more wealth in the pockets of those at the very top of the income chain.

Non-Partisan Congressional Tax Report Debunks Core Conservative Economic Theory-GOP Suppresses Study - Forbes
Bush prosecuted the S&L Fraudsters........ .....dems reward bankers stealing peoples homes.....

Remind me again which party fought the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act tooth and nail.

Both parties are now thoroughly owned by Wall Street.
Remind me how many prosecutions of bankers there have been......even under new regs of Dodd Frank and SARBOX....
The French Revolution was driven by hunger and poverty. Obviously there are people in the US that are having a tough time but if we were to look at poverty as it exists in different countries around the globe, what percentage of the poor own mobile phones and are obese? Have microwaves, refrigerators, air conditioning, cars, TVs, computers......... How many people classified as poor in the US have these things?

Conditions like that leading to the French Revolution? Too funny!

This is simply the politics of envy.

"Never underestimate the power of jealousy and the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that."
Oliver Stone


Heritage Foundation talking points? lol

You know conservative economics is a failure when they have to keep reminding us how much better our poor is than the poor in 3rd world countries!

Neo-Liberalism/Conservatives is/has destroyed the American Economy in favor of the so called "Job Creator"... In reality are "Job Exporters"...

80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America: Wealth, Income, and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

Third World countries. One of the things they all had in common was a small, very rich elite, small middle class, and a large lower class. They also shared very low economic growth as a result. This has been known for at least 50 years. The US has been going in this direction for at least the last 30 years as we have gradually de-industrialized and government policies (such as trickle down economics) have promoted the shift of wealth from the lower and middle classes to the economic elite
Well, seeing that Marxism has alwyas led to serfdom, China and USSR for example, and seeing that Progressives and Neocons have put us on the "Road to Serfdom" with their Big Government, is it any wonder that we are sliding into a Big Gov Police State (NDAA and NSA ring a bell???) ?

And you really want to limit our ability to fight the tyrants when the time comes?

Also, bear in mind that so long as Trial By Jury remains intact, the People have no one , other then themselves, to blame for tyranny. Only the People can convict and destroy their fellow peers.

Thus, you cannot exercise your 2nd Amendment rights unless the Right to Trial by Jury has been abrogated (things like mass genocide and/or herding people into concentration already assume that Trial by Jury/due process is not being administered).

If you really think the People are justified to take up arms at any time they feel, then your a Lawless Liberal, who endorses Mob-ocracy.

Yeah, it was " Progressives" who crashed the world wide economy *shaking head*

Regulators and policymakers enabled this process at virtually every turn. Part of the reason they failed to understand the housing bubble was willful ignorance: they bought into the argument that the market would equilibrate itself. In particular, financial actors and regulatory officials both believed that secondary and tertiary markets could effectively control risk through pricing. of Disaster_0.pdf


Bubbles cant exist in 100% fractional reserve banking system (no reserve banking) based on commodities (gold, silver, plat, etc).

It's Progressives that champion fiat currency, and it's fiat currencies (that are guaranteed to fail, as history has proven 100% of the time) that lead to bubbles.

Yes, Progressives caused it.

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