US Congress prepares to introduce three bills against Hizbollah


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Following months of deliberations, three bills targeting Hizbollah are close to being introduced in US Congress, in a move that marks an escalation against the Lebanese armed party, The National has learned.

US and diplomatic sources in Washington said the drafts for the three bills had been finalised and could be introduced as soon as this Friday. The largest of the three is Hizbollah’s International Financing Prevention Act for 2017 sponsored by US congressman Ed Royce, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

According to a final draft of the bill seen by The National, the text calls for sanctions on any foreign person “assists, sponsors, or, provides significant financial, material, or technological support” for these entities that are all affiliated with Hizbollah: Bayt Al Mal, Jihad Al Bina, the Islamic Resistance Support Association, the Foreign Relations Department of Hizbollah, the External Security Organisation of Hizbollah, or any successor or affiliate thereof; Al Manar TV, Al Nour Radio, or the Lebanese Media Group, or any successor or affiliate thereof; and "a foreign person determined by the president to be engaged in fundraising or recruitment activities" for Hizbollah.

The bill also imposes sanctions on foreign states that support Hizbollah, and targets its “narcotics trafficking and significant transnational criminal activities”. It grants the US resident, after passage in the House and the Senate, power to waive or target individuals or entities with the sanctions.
US Congress prepares to introduce three bills against Hizbollah

How unfortunate.
do they have any of these type laws for salafist jihadists? AQ, al nusra Taliban etc

We have this history of an on again off again relationship with terrorist groups when they are useful. The Muslim Brotherhood is one. I remember when the KLA was considered a terrorist group and then it wasn't. It's a pattern. In some places there is no firm allegiance to one. They can rise and fall rapidly. It's like a damn money pit that does not serve the people of the US.

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