US Customs and US Armed Forces Conducting Fast Action Drills Along Border...

In South Texas, the First Signs of a Border Swathed in Military Might


A show of force up and down the border by our Customs and Enforcement Officers and Special Forces... Doing fast deploy and retreat drills while heavily armed... Looks to me like Trump is serious when he stated he would close the border if necessary.

Fast action?! :eek:

$100 million for a political stunt. Ridiculous. I guess it's better than Trump spending that much to bomb that Syrian airport runway that was back in use the next day.
Go fuck yourself black fag...

These Men and Women are the people who give you the right to be an uneducated piece of shit and spout your rhetoric.

A show of force is sometimes the push necessary to gain compliance with US law and protect US interests. But I wouldn't expect an idiot like you to understand that...

Continue in your left wing fantasy land...
They’ve been sent to parade around in the desert while a caravan 800 miles away stalls so a politician can use it for politics. I’m sure that’s what they signed up for :rolleyes:

100 million dollars. Good grief.
/—-/ Yup and its working. The border is being secured.
Last month broke records for entry. MAGA!!!

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