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US Debt Is Now $23 Trillion And Climbing

I lived through the so-called recession and made a lot of money in the market during those two "terrible years". The only people hurt were the banks who were victims of the democrats bad mortgage policies, I have no sympathy for people who do stupid things.

The fact you had the capital to take advantage of the down market does not have any impact on if there was a recession or not. Are you honestly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

A lot of people were fucking hurt, home prices plummeted, unemployment went to 10%, foreclosures were at near record levels. Your logic is like someone sitting in Kansas going "well, I did not get any rain so there could not have been a hurricane in Florida"

This is stupid even by your mindless partisan standards.

the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

once again, words have meanings. That you pretend they mean something else is not really relevant. You can call a banana an apple, but it is just still a banana.
I lived through the so-called recession and made a lot of money in the market during those two "terrible years". The only people hurt were the banks who were victims of the democrats bad mortgage policies, I have no sympathy for people who do stupid things.

The fact you had the capital to take advantage of the down market does not have any impact on if there was a recession or not. Are you honestly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

A lot of people were fucking hurt, home prices plummeted, unemployment went to 10%, foreclosures were at near record levels. Your logic is like someone sitting in Kansas going "well, I did not get any rain so there could not have been a hurricane in Florida"

This is stupid even by your mindless partisan standards.

the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

once again, words have meanings. That you pretend they mean something else is not really relevant. You can call a banana an apple, but it is just still a banana.
You really hate it when people disagree with the collective don’t you?
I agree, now, when did the division start? Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, Bush 41 and 43, Obama, Washington, Lincoln?

We have always had political differences, but the hate and anger we see and hear today is something relatively new.

I think you have it right, its the DC establishment that wants us screaming at each other so they can stay in power and control. Those are the people who are fighting Trump the hardest, because he isn't one of them and he is exposing their corruption----and yes, the media is part of it.

The division we see today sort of started with Clinton but went into overdrive with Bush II. He pushed the "with us or against us" theme harder than anyone had. Not that I blame him per say as he was just a puppet doing as he was told. It interested with Obama and now Trump has taken it to whole new levels.

The more we fight ourselves, the more the DC establishment gets away with...Trump is not making that better, he is just dividing us more.
Up through Bush 43, we had a Congress that was still bipartisan. Bush received support from both parties

Once Obama became President, Bipartisanship ended completely. There was no compromise and no middle ground. Boehner and McConnell led the charge

I don’t see any way of going back. Too many bridges have been burnt

and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?
After the crash...…….many average Americans were hurt...……..I watched neighbors pack and leave because their jobs were gone. Not because they weren't good workers or good people...……..but because the jobs died.

We took pay cuts at work because of it …….all companies across the board.

So to those that say it didn't hurt people. Don't piss down my back and say it's raining.
You do realize that Obama’s military was stronger than the next eight nations combined?
Any cuts to the military were due to sequestration which did not spare the military from a 10 percent cut

I agree Obama added 9 trillion to the debt while trying to recover from the worst recession in 75 years and fighting two wars with Bush tax cuts impacting revenue

What I cant understand is why Trump is running trillion dollar deficits in a strong economy. Wouldn’t you agree that is the time you should be paying down debt?

We would all like to see the debt reduced. But you are wrong about a couple of things. Obama cut military spending more than required by the sequester, Obama continued the Bush tax cuts and they became the obama tax cuts. Under Obama our military was the weakest it had been since WW2, we were becoming vulnerable. Next, there was no major recession in 08, it was a market correction driven by bad democrat mortgage policy, smart investors made a lot of money in 08-09.
Stock market losing half its value, employers laying off 800,000 a month, banks and auto companies on the verge of collapse and five quarters of negative GDP is not a recession?

I know that you want to give Obozo credit for something, but the things you cite as a "recession" were all the result of democrat and obama policies. But even so, it was a short duration market correction not a recession, many suffered for a short time, but it was quickly turned around and today those same people are doing very well.

I have said many times that I am opposed to deficit spending no matter who is president. Today the dems are doing nothing to balance the budget and every dem candidate for president is calling for more government spending and even bigger deficits.

Hypocrite, thy name is democrat.
Wait a minute
You said it was a minor correction

You are correct that it was turned around, thanks to the efforts of the Great Obama

I didn’t hear the Dems screaming for a balanced budget amendment for eight years......why are Republicans silent once they are pulling the strings?

anyone who uses the word "great" with obama has left our another important word "failure".

It was a minor short lived market correction, driven by bad democrat mortgage policy that stupidly claimed the "everyone is entitled to buy a house and the banks must finance them". That stupid policy caused the slowdown that you miss label as a recession.

but to your question: the dems control the house, where is a balance budget bill from them? in fact, where is anything from them?
Dems oppose the Balanced Budget Amendment
It is a Republican initiative that they screamed for while Obama was President.....why are they silent under Trump?
The division we see today sort of started with Clinton but went into overdrive with Bush II. He pushed the "with us or against us" theme harder than anyone had. Not that I blame him per say as he was just a puppet doing as he was told. It interested with Obama and now Trump has taken it to whole new levels.

The more we fight ourselves, the more the DC establishment gets away with...Trump is not making that better, he is just dividing us more.
Up through Bush 43, we had a Congress that was still bipartisan. Bush received support from both parties

Once Obama became President, Bipartisanship ended completely. There was no compromise and no middle ground. Boehner and McConnell led the charge

I don’t see any way of going back. Too many bridges have been burnt

and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
I lived through the so-called recession and made a lot of money in the market during those two "terrible years". The only people hurt were the banks who were victims of the democrats bad mortgage policies, I have no sympathy for people who do stupid things.

The fact you had the capital to take advantage of the down market does not have any impact on if there was a recession or not. Are you honestly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

A lot of people were fucking hurt, home prices plummeted, unemployment went to 10%, foreclosures were at near record levels. Your logic is like someone sitting in Kansas going "well, I did not get any rain so there could not have been a hurricane in Florida"

This is stupid even by your mindless partisan standards.

the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

18 million empty houses, 600,000 monthly job losses, and federal revenues down by 17%. The number of empty houses, alone, steals years of future growth from the residential housing market - normally one of the most reliable growth sectors. That's no garden-variety recession.
The division we see today sort of started with Clinton but went into overdrive with Bush II. He pushed the "with us or against us" theme harder than anyone had. Not that I blame him per say as he was just a puppet doing as he was told. It interested with Obama and now Trump has taken it to whole new levels.

The more we fight ourselves, the more the DC establishment gets away with...Trump is not making that better, he is just dividing us more.
Up through Bush 43, we had a Congress that was still bipartisan. Bush received support from both parties

Once Obama became President, Bipartisanship ended completely. There was no compromise and no middle ground. Boehner and McConnell led the charge

I don’t see any way of going back. Too many bridges have been burnt

and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

The auto bailout was a stupid waste of taxpayer money used to save the UAW. It should never have been approved under either president.

The republicans voted against obamacare because of the way it was handled, Crooked Harry Reid changed the rules in order to pass it before anyone could read it, no floor debate was allowed in either house, and no amendments were allowed to come to the floor. It was the worst legislation in the history of the country and passed in the most corrupt way.

Unless this country finds a way to come together and become one country again, the USA will not survive. We are living in dangerous times and people like you are making it worse.
I lived through the so-called recession and made a lot of money in the market during those two "terrible years". The only people hurt were the banks who were victims of the democrats bad mortgage policies, I have no sympathy for people who do stupid things.

The fact you had the capital to take advantage of the down market does not have any impact on if there was a recession or not. Are you honestly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

A lot of people were fucking hurt, home prices plummeted, unemployment went to 10%, foreclosures were at near record levels. Your logic is like someone sitting in Kansas going "well, I did not get any rain so there could not have been a hurricane in Florida"

This is stupid even by your mindless partisan standards.

the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

18 million empty houses, 600,000 monthly job losses, and federal revenues down by 17%. The number of empty houses, alone, steals years of future growth from the residential housing market - normally one of the most reliable growth sectors. That's no garden-variety recession.
Says a collectivist... Shut the fuck up

fuck your village
Up through Bush 43, we had a Congress that was still bipartisan. Bush received support from both parties

Once Obama became President, Bipartisanship ended completely. There was no compromise and no middle ground. Boehner and McConnell led the charge

I don’t see any way of going back. Too many bridges have been burnt

and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
Then why did Republicans support these initiatives when Bush asked for them but unanimously reject them under Obama?
Up through Bush 43, we had a Congress that was still bipartisan. Bush received support from both parties

Once Obama became President, Bipartisanship ended completely. There was no compromise and no middle ground. Boehner and McConnell led the charge

I don’t see any way of going back. Too many bridges have been burnt

and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

The auto bailout was a stupid waste of taxpayer money used to save the UAW. It should never have been approved under either president.

The republicans voted against obamacare because of the way it was handled, Crooked Harry Reid changed the rules in order to pass it before anyone could read it, no floor debate was allowed in either house, and no amendments were allowed to come to the floor. It was the worst legislation in the history of the country and passed in the most corrupt way.

Unless this country finds a way to come together and become one country again, the USA will not survive. We are living in dangerous times and people like you are making it worse.

Once again...

Democrats voted for TARP, auto and bank bailouts when Bush asked
Why did not a single Republican vote in favor when Obama asked?
The fact you had the capital to take advantage of the down market does not have any impact on if there was a recession or not. Are you honestly this stupid or is it just an act for the internet?

A lot of people were fucking hurt, home prices plummeted, unemployment went to 10%, foreclosures were at near record levels. Your logic is like someone sitting in Kansas going "well, I did not get any rain so there could not have been a hurricane in Florida"

This is stupid even by your mindless partisan standards.

the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

18 million empty houses, 600,000 monthly job losses, and federal revenues down by 17%. The number of empty houses, alone, steals years of future growth from the residential housing market - normally one of the most reliable growth sectors. That's no garden-variety recession.
Says a collectivist... Shut the fuck up

fuck your village

A retarded troll avoiding a fact. The odds against that must be astrological.
the media and democrat claim of a "great recession" in 08 has been overstated at best. That claim was made for partisan reasons to make Obama look better than his record. If you are unable to comprehend that then there is nothing more to be said.

people are hurt in this economy every day, its called life.

So now it is just the "great" part that is wrong....your story seems to be changing.

call it whatever makes you happy, I really don't care since I know what it really was.

18 million empty houses, 600,000 monthly job losses, and federal revenues down by 17%. The number of empty houses, alone, steals years of future growth from the residential housing market - normally one of the most reliable growth sectors. That's no garden-variety recession.
Says a collectivist... Shut the fuck up

fuck your village

A retarded troll avoiding a fact. The odds against that must be astrological.
You do realize progressive means... progressively worse for the side that disagrees? Lol
and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
Then why did Republicans support these initiatives when Bush asked for them but unanimously reject them under Obama?
TARP was an establishment slushy fund...……….The establishment is on both sides salivating over who gets rich off the program...…….

Stuff like the high speed choo choo In California...…..State bail outs...……...imagine that...…..

Banks didn't need it...….they already got a money machine with the Fed Reserve.

Both sides killed Glass Steigel…………..then both sides point at each other when the markets implode...…...both sides saying the other is a boogy man...…….all the while they laugh at us behind closed doors...…………...
and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

The auto bailout was a stupid waste of taxpayer money used to save the UAW. It should never have been approved under either president.

The republicans voted against obamacare because of the way it was handled, Crooked Harry Reid changed the rules in order to pass it before anyone could read it, no floor debate was allowed in either house, and no amendments were allowed to come to the floor. It was the worst legislation in the history of the country and passed in the most corrupt way.

Unless this country finds a way to come together and become one country again, the USA will not survive. We are living in dangerous times and people like you are making it worse.

Once again...

Democrats voted for TARP, auto and bank bailouts when Bush asked
Why did not a single Republican vote in favor when Obama asked?
A Trillion scam turned into a 2 Trillion scam...…...

Fool me once shame on you.

Fool me twice shame on me...

The gov't and that kind of free money via loans makes them salivate...……..because they put so much of it in their pockets...………..

People don't trust the gov't for a reason.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
Then why did Republicans support these initiatives when Bush asked for them but unanimously reject them under Obama?
TARP was an establishment slushy fund...……….The establishment is on both sides salivating over who gets rich off the program...…….

Stuff like the high speed choo choo In California...…..State bail outs...……...imagine that...…..

Banks didn't need it...….they already got a money machine with the Fed Reserve.

Both sides killed Glass Steigel…………..then both sides point at each other when the markets implode...…...both sides saying the other is a boogy man...…….all the while they laugh at us behind closed doors...…………...
Then why did Republicans vote for it under Bush but not a single one voted for it under Obama?
the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
Then why did Republicans support these initiatives when Bush asked for them but unanimously reject them under Obama?
TARP was an establishment slushy fund...……….The establishment is on both sides salivating over who gets rich off the program...…….

Stuff like the high speed choo choo In California...…..State bail outs...……...imagine that...…..

Banks didn't need it...….they already got a money machine with the Fed Reserve.

Both sides killed Glass Steigel…………..then both sides point at each other when the markets implode...…...both sides saying the other is a boogy man...…….all the while they laugh at us behind closed doors...…………...
Then why did Republicans vote for it under Bush but not a single one voted for it under Obama?
You already had one...……….....why the hell another...…………..

Unless you can account for every cent spent...….you shouldn't give them a damned thing.
and why did it change when obama came into office?

could it be

"we won, we will decide how things are done"
"republicans need to move to the back of the bus"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I was never proud of my country"
"we landed under sniper fire"
"I apologize for america"
the obama care bill being written in secret by dem staffers and then passed with no time to read it, no floor debate, and no amendments allowed.

Obama, Clinton, and the dem congress is responsible for much of the division we see today, add a biased lying media and you have the mess we are dealing with right now.

and I think it can be turned around, the american people are not as dumb as the media thinks they are. They see what is going on and don't like it. Those emotions are why Trump was elected, the people are sick and tired of the corrupt DC establishment and its lies. That establishment hates Trump because he is exposing them and he cannot be controlled by them.
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan the Stimulus......they refused
Obama brought Republicans to the table to plan healthcare.....they refused

Democrats supported Bush programs throughout his presidency.....Medicare Part D, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, Afghanistan, Iraq, TARP

Can you point to a single Obama initiative that Republicans supported?
Just one?

the obama agenda was not supported by anyone with the common sense of a frog. But on the topic of working with a president, what have the democrats done for the last 3 years? NOTHING BUT TRY TO OVERTURN THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE IN 2016.

I wish that congress would get back to doing their jobs instead of all the partisan bullshit. Clinton and Newt did it, Reagan and O'Neill did it. Who in the dem party is able/willing to work with Trump to get things done for US?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

The auto bailout was a stupid waste of taxpayer money used to save the UAW. It should never have been approved under either president.

The republicans voted against obamacare because of the way it was handled, Crooked Harry Reid changed the rules in order to pass it before anyone could read it, no floor debate was allowed in either house, and no amendments were allowed to come to the floor. It was the worst legislation in the history of the country and passed in the most corrupt way.

Unless this country finds a way to come together and become one country again, the USA will not survive. We are living in dangerous times and people like you are making it worse.

Once again...

Democrats voted for TARP, auto and bank bailouts when Bush asked
Why did not a single Republican vote in favor when Obama asked?

because those programs were a waste of taxpayer money no matter who was president. voting against them was the right thing to do
When the GOP took over Congress in January 2015, the federal deficit was $439 billion. They immediately set to work doubling it.

Budget deficit smashes $1 trillion mark, the highest in seven years

When Trump was sworn in, the federal debt was $19.9 trillion.

As of this moment:


Trump: I will eliminate U.S. debt in 8 years

This past fiscal year, Trump spent more than anyone in the history of the Universe. He exceeded Obama's worst year of spending by a trillion dollars.

So much for being the party of small government.

Before you try to claim it isn't Trump's fault for some reason, you should know that I will find your posts where you blamed Obama for every penny of the debt accrued on his watch.

Before you try to say "Let me know when he's got more debt than Obama" bullshit hypocrisy, remember that you pseudocons started in on Obama's spending habit right at the beginning. You did not wait until he had beaten Bush's record.

So i guess all you're left with is to blame darkies and Muslims.

You called out the GOP on its failing. What is your side’s plan specifically to fix the problem? How are you going to reduce the debt? Tax the wealthy into oblivion? Then what? Will you ever support cutting spending?
Really? Then why did Republicans approve TARP funding under Bush but not a single one voted for TARP funds under Obama
Why did they approve an auto company bailout under Bush but reject it under Obama?
Obamacare was modeled after Romneycare and the Health plan proposed by Republicans in the 90s. Why did not a single Republican vote for it?
Why did Republicans vote for Infrastructure projects under Bush, but not under Obama?

Bail out the banks...…………...lol

They went to the back door of the Federal Reserve and got trillions at near zero interest...…..But they needed the loans...……..lol

They paid it back with the back door...…..and then the talking heads said...…...see......they paid back the loans LOOKY HERE...……….

It was a joke...……...and to mask what really went down.
Then why did Republicans support these initiatives when Bush asked for them but unanimously reject them under Obama?
TARP was an establishment slushy fund...……….The establishment is on both sides salivating over who gets rich off the program...…….

Stuff like the high speed choo choo In California...…..State bail outs...……...imagine that...…..

Banks didn't need it...….they already got a money machine with the Fed Reserve.

Both sides killed Glass Steigel…………..then both sides point at each other when the markets implode...…...both sides saying the other is a boogy man...…….all the while they laugh at us behind closed doors...…………...
Then why did Republicans vote for it under Bush but not a single one voted for it under Obama?
You already had one...……….....why the hell another...…………..

Unless you can account for every cent spent...….you shouldn't give them a damned thing.

Didn’t see them demanding Bush account for every cent

Why is it that Democrats supported Bush but Republicans did not support Obama on a single vote?

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