US Defending / Protecting ISIS, Making 'War' Harder

why are you screaming? I asked you a question. your hysteria tells me that you think we should just let people die because they come from a certain area. I think that's immoral.

so again, how do you TELL? I agree we need safeguards. you're missing the point because you went into overdrive.

what safeguards which would allow us to do what our national morality demands we do:? -- pointing out that if these were white Christians, there wouldn't even be a discussion. that said, I understand the discussion and i'm asking HOW?

I am not screaming, Jil, just emphasizing to make a point.

Libs say 'not our fight', 'we're not the world's policemen', why should we send our kids there to die'; yet, they are all for importing terrorists so they can kill our kids here. The US doesn't have to do it. This is one reason why the U.N. EXISTS! make the U.N. actually do it's job for once!

Which safeguards? That's my point - I am not sure but neither it our government, and the idea of just bringing them here without knowing and without putting those safeguards into effect is CRIMINALLY irresponsible.

You ask 'what if they were Christians'? Bogus question..
1) Christians are not beheading people, burning them, and did not attack Paris. That would be Islamic Extremists, ISIS...

2) Even if they CLAIMED to be Christians from Syria right now, sorry but you're not getting in until we can figure out who you are and establish the safeguards we are talking about.

I'm a lib. I'm moderate on issues of war and peace. I don't believe in stupid and fraudulent wars. I understand when wars are necessary. and I fully understand the conflict between wanting to do what's right and a real risk. I get it. i'm a new Yorker. I used to work in WTC2 when I was in school. I ride subways. I go through tunnels and over bridges... go to the threatre, go to concerts. I wandered around the 11th arondissement in paris where the attacks were only two years ago. i've been to israel three times as well as to gaza, the west bank and Jordan. get it now?

i think people need to be vetted when they come from that area, too.

so again, how? what are the logistics rather than us being disgusting and turning them away like was done with the boats in WW2. (and yes, i know generally Christians don't blow stuff up... but timothy McVeigh sure did.... Dylann Roof sure did.) and by the same token MOST muslims don't blow up stuff either. so how do you maintain humanity and not succumb to bigotry and fear.?

and yes, it's a quandary.
Terrorist attempt to inflict culture changing fear when they inflict acts of terror on a culture or society. Refusing to accept refugees is a sign of weakness and highlights the success the terrorist act has accomplished. Taking the hits with an attitude that you will not retreat or surrender is a sign of strength. Retreating and surrendering only invites future attacks.
Refusing to accept refugees from Syria right now - after ISIS said they would send terrorists mixed in with them and then attack host nation countries...and then did so in Paris, is extremely SMART and demonstrates extreme common sense! Until you can fully determine who they are and put in safeguards, blindly accepting 100,000 unknown refugees a year is asking for multiple Paris'' in the US!

I am NOT afraid of terrorism right now in the US because we HAVE done the smart things to prevent it from coming here...until NOW. We just watched Paris BURN as a result of doing what Obama is about to do right now! THAT is what scares the hell out of me.

After 9/11/01 under Bush there were no more successful terrorist attacks against the US on our soil. Under Obama there haven been quite a few - Ft hood, the Boston Marathon, the Navy Recruiting Stations.... The Boston Marathon bombing and Benghazi exposed some REALLY BIG questions about Obama's judgment, too:

1. Benghazi: Hired an Al Qaeda-associated militia to protect a US ambassador, ignored multiple warnings, when every other foreign govt there pulled their people out we kept Stevens there, ignored over 600 requests for additional security - after 2 terrorist attacks on his compound, and finally took away 16 of his security detail members before the final attack in which he was killed....

2. Boston: Told well in advance about the terrorists and still failed to prevent the attack.

I am certainly going to add #3 - AFTER seeing Paris, brining in THOUSANDS of Syrians into the US without guaranteeing who they are.

Once they are here, they are HERE! You can't take that one back! It is much better to be safe - DELAYING bringing them here until you can definitively know who they are is not unreasonable.
Almost 100 times the number of victims died under Bush's regieme in the US than Obama's.

This admin has been quite good a preventing a major attack. The lone wolf attacks are much hard to stop, and the admin has still a good job.

easyt has not offered a comprehensive, integrated way to fight terrorism short of sending another army to the ME, which is not going to happen
Almost 100 times the number of victims died under Bush's regieme in the US than Obama's.

This admin has been quite good a preventing a major attack. The lone wolf attacks are much hard to stop, and the admin has still a good job.

easyt has not offered a comprehensive, integrated way to fight terrorism short of sending another army to the ME, which is not going to happen
If there is an attack in the US like what just happened in Paris, we will be sending an army to Syria and Iraq to fight ISISBOOMBAH.

And the next President of the United States will be monitoring how much milk you use in your cereal.
Almost 100 times the number of victims died under Bush's regieme in the US than Obama's.

This admin has been quite good a preventing a major attack. The lone wolf attacks are much hard to stop, and the admin has still a good job.

easyt has not offered a comprehensive, integrated way to fight terrorism short of sending another army to the ME, which is not going to happen
If there is an attack in the US like what just happened in Paris, we will be sending an army to Syria and Iraq to fight ISISBOOMBAH.

And the next President of the United States will be monitoring how much milk you use in your cereal.

I doubt it... that would completely RUIN the obomanations LEGACY as a do nothing, PUSSY, and COWARD....perhaps a STERN LETTER would be called for here?!.....Ask Putin if you don't believe me!

No, there won't, unless Congress declares war not just a force authorization.

The admin needs the declaration to crush the far left (PMH, eg.) and the far right (like Vigi) who are too busy fighting each other to worry about the welfare of the country. Put them in camps.
No, there won't, unless Congress declares war not just a force authorization.

The admin needs the declaration to crush the far left (PMH, eg.) and the far right (like Vigi) who are too busy fighting each other to worry about the welfare of the country. Put them in camps.

The JakeAss, as usual, has nothing but a TROLLING EXPEDITION to take up valuable space on USMB! But, he is a very pathetic sort of way! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
No, there won't, unless Congress declares war not just a force authorization.

The admin needs the declaration to crush the far left (PMH, eg.) and the far right (like Vigi) who are too busy fighting each other to worry about the welfare of the country. Put them in camps.

The JakeAss, as usual, has nothing but a TROLLING EXPEDITION to take up valuable space on USMB! But, he is a very pathetic sort of way! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
I decided to out meme Vigilante.

I am Zorro, and he is the dumb sergeante.

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