US Defending / Protecting ISIS, Making 'War' Harder

Why should our children be sent overseas to die or be maimed when the Arabs themselves should be fighting to wipe out the terrorists who are anchored in their countries?

I'm good with leaving the hell alone, BUT...

DON'T IMPORT THEIR TERRORISTS HERE! Tell the Syrians, 'Sucks to be you' and insist the U.N., Saudi, UAE, etc handle it. It's not our job to be 'Homeless shelter' for the world.

Eventually those terrorists will come HERE. The intent is to fight them over THERE so they don't come here...and DESPITE that intent, our President is now BRINGING THEM HERE....
Why won't the GOP approve the AUMF against ISIS for which Obama has been asking for over a year?
We've already answered that one...Obama does not want to fight ISIS - he wants to go after Assad...and Russia and Iran who is protecting him.
Easyt is asking to continue a zero sum game. The USA cannot and will not maintain an Army in the ME again. If we do, we will lose again.

Only the Arabs and Muslims can defend their own freedom. We can arm, train, supply, and help with air and naval assets.

But we will not send in another Army.

We can continue the fight over there the way I have described.
We haven't been? What do you call the recruiting office attacks, the school attack, Fort Hood? Since they didn't happen simultaneously, I guess you don't consider them atracks, right?
What France is doing is bombing. What we did was for show, only. No real effort.
LOL!!! France and Russia just recently join us in bombing ISIS and they're the heroes?!?! The wingnuts apparently care more about bashing Democrats than they do about truth and their country.

France is putting on the show . 20 bombs over a target that one bomb can take care of .

But I don't blame them. They were personally attacked .
Not Iran. He is willing to return billions to the greatest funder and creator of terrorists there is.
Why won't the GOP approve the AUMF against ISIS for which Obama has been asking for over a year?
We've already answered that one...Obama does not want to fight ISIS - he wants to go after Assad...and Russia and Iran who is protecting him.
Why won't the GOP approve the AUMF against ISIS for which Obama has been asking for over a year?

the one the House voted down (139-288) ????

apparently Obama made them.
We haven't been? What do you call the recruiting office attacks, the school attack, Fort Hood? Since they didn't happen simultaneously, I guess you don't consider them atracks, right?
What France is doing is bombing. What we did was for show, only. No real effort.
LOL!!! France and Russia just recently join us in bombing ISIS and they're the heroes?!?! The wingnuts apparently care more about bashing Democrats than they do about truth and their country.

France is putting on the show . 20 bombs over a target that one bomb can take care of .

But I don't blame them. They were personally attacked .
Whether "atracks" or "attacks", yes, they are acts of war against us. You are under the impression we can stop all attacks here in the homeland You are wrong. But we can severely limit them and have done so.
Easyt is asking to continue a zero sum game. The USA cannot and will not maintain an Army in the ME again. If we do, we will lose again.

Only the Arabs and Muslims can defend their own freedom. We can arm, train, supply, and help with air and naval assets.

But we will not send in another Amry.

YOU LIE...or actually you SUCK at trying to speak for me. I agree we can't stay there forever; however, refusing to fight when they come after you, like Paris, is not an option. Pin-prick drone strikes is not 'fighting. Paris' President GETS IT - when they attack you, you respond definitively, aggressively, NO MERCY, with the intent to hurt them so badly they will nt want to F* with you ever again.

Obama doesn't have the b@lls or the nerve to do that....or maybe he likes them too much....

Arm, train, and supply them? How was that (FAILED) policy worked out for Obama? He spent millions to train 6 guys - 5 converted to ISIS, 1 was killed by Putin, Obama lied about ISIS since 2012, claimed he had 'contained' them, and hours later ISIS reigned down hell on Paris, making Obama look like a clueless dumbass.

If Obama doesn't want to lead, as per the article I posted earlier, FINE...just get the hell out of the way so our allies like France can do it. France said that trying to launch attacks on ISIS is extremely difficult because the US keeps telling them what they can and can't strike. This is WAR for SURVIVAL...not a gentleman's war. NO MERCY! If the US doesn't have the stomach for it get the hell out of the way.
Here is the "US Defending/Protecting ISIS":

Why should we lead?

I'm tired if these macho meatheads getting all mad that we don't have troops coming home in body bags . We've done our time in the Mid East.

Let the countries over there take the lead and we"ll help them. They have far more to lose than us .

So your solution is to just let em continue to kill Americans....genius,pure genius.
Whether "atracks" or "attacks", yes, they are acts of war against us. You are under the impression we can stop all attacks here in the homeland You are wrong. But we can severely limit them and have done so.

No one says you can stop all attacks here in the United States...but after Paris, who in the hell is stupid enough to IMPORT TERRORISTS to give them every opportunity to d to us what they did in Paris?! Oh yeah, that would be OBAMA! :rolleyes:
Easyt, we are attacking them. Study the graphic above.

"Arm, train, and supply them? How was that (FAILED) policy worked out for Obama?"

Iraq is still standing.

If we fight it your way, we will lose.
Will the French surrender monkeys invade Syria and take on ISIS?

Consulting Magic 8 ball...

"Reply Hazy. Try Again."
Yeah. 24 bombs will hurt ISIS so badly they will never fuck with France again.

Drone strike on an individual:
New #1 tomorrow.

24 Bombs on an ISIS HQ in Raqqa, Syria:
1 HQ Destroyed
Message sent 'We can reach your ass anywhere, and we're coming back'

France is just starting and is doing a helluva lot more than Obama has / is doing.
No, he is not, but if you get your way, Iran will get nukes.

"uh-uh!" :crybaby:

You're an idiot.

Iran is the leading exporter of terrorism in the world, responsible for 100+ American deaths due to IEDs, threatened genocide of Israel and to nuke us...Obama gives them BILLIONS, allows them to keep their underground base with thousands of centrifuges operating - they get to inspect themselves, no entry into their underground facility, and thanks to Obama there is going to be a nuclear arms race in the ME.

:clap: ...dumbmass
Easyt, we are attacking them. Study the graphic above.

"Arm, train, and supply them? How was that (FAILED) policy worked out for Obama?"

Iraq is still standing.

If we fight it your way, we will lose.

We have tried to fight your way.....result? PARIS!

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