US Designates ANIFTA a Terrorist Organization

..Ft Wayne is like the sweaty armpit of the Hossier state.

My wife is from Ft Wayne. Actually a few miles west off HWY 30. I have been up there many times in the 49 years we have been married. I agree with you.

Indiana is like all the states. The cities are shitholes.

Congrats on 49 years of marital bliss.

I grew up in west central Indiana, country folk and we don't take kindly to city leftist moonbats and their endless BS
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.

About time

More pandering to his already loyal base.
What are your views regarding ANTIFA, FFI?

any US citizen who resorts to violence to promote their political agenda is committing a crime and should be treated as such.

regardless of which political ideology they embrace.
I agree!!

That's why I asked, if designated as terrorist, can they be droned? If not, what's the point?
And i told you the point twice. There is no mystery to the child president. He does not care what antifa does. He cares only about getting adoration from his loyal base.
That's why I asked, if designated as terrorist, can they be droned? If not, what's the point?
And i told you the point twice. There is no mystery to the child president. He does not care what antifa does. He cares only about getting adoration from his loyal base.

And again, you edited part of my quote to fit your narrative.

By the way, do you support these riots?
Yet, you support ANTIFA and BLM
And you support white supremacists. I can play, too.

You can't, since you have nothing to back that up.
Same logic applies here as yours. You support Trump White Nationalist racists support trump. You’re married. At least Joe Biden isn’t pandering for Antifas support like Trump does for racists.

That would be logical if you could back your claim. But since you can't, you're just yapping for the sake of yapping.
Yet, you support ANTIFA and BLM
And you support white supremacists. I can play, too.

You can't, since you have nothing to back that up.
Same logic applies here as yours. You support Trump White Nationalist racists support trump. You’re married. At least Joe Biden isn’t pandering for Antifas support like Trump does for racists.
Joe Biden and his entire staff is financially supporting antifa.
I was born in a spooky little town at the Methodist hospital there.
I think it was called Gtown...
About time

More pandering to his already loyal base.
What are your views regarding ANTIFA, FFI?
Young and stupid anarchists, quite often. Agree with much of their platform. Disagree with their apparently frequent first choice of violence.

Their platform is socialist, and way to get what they want is violence. Pretty much the same as brown shirts did.
Since you're disagreeing with their "choice of violence", you must be agreeing with the socialist part. No surprise there.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.

About time

More pandering to his already loyal base.
What are your views regarding ANTIFA, FFI?

any US citizen who resorts to violence to promote their political agenda is committing a crime and should be treated as such.

regardless of which political ideology they embrace.
I agree!!

I agree too and this is why they need to designate these groups as terrorists:

I suspect they will if Biden gets elected.
Of course no announcement about designating bad cops as terrorist organization.
Yes. Of course. You got one thing right even if that wasn't your intent.
There is no organization of bad cops performing terrorist acts even if you want to claim all cops are
terrorists. It's just a stupid idea.

What took Trump so damned long?
Of course CNN went apeshit when this was announced, saying he doesn’t have the authority to do so, and there is no such thing as “domestic terrorist” designations.
But of course they are full of shit, the USA Patriot Act does allow it:
“acts of domestic terrorism are those which: "(A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended – (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."
You can pretty much automatically discount anything CNN claims as fact.
Of course no announcement about designating bad cops as terrorist organization.
Because bad cops are the exception not the norm! And, they aren’t organized. Dumbass.
Calling citygator a dumbass is an insult to dumbasses everywhere. Yes, he really IS that stupid!
He himself terrorizes common sense and logical discourse. He commits atrocities on rational thought
with every post he makes.

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