US Designates ANIFTA a Terrorist Organization

That's why I asked, if designated as terrorist, can they be droned? If not, what's the point?
And i told you the point twice. There is no mystery to the child president. He does not care what antifa does. He cares only about getting adoration from his loyal base.

And again, you edited part of my quote to fit your narrative.

By the way, do you support these riots?
I did nothing like that. You keep asking me what the point of putting them on the list is. I keep telling you. It's like talking to a wall.

I support the protests, but not the rioting.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.

Time to go through the closet and make sure I dont have any black hoodies, black skinny jeans or black sneakers.
It'll bring down the full weight of, DHS, DOJ, FBI, etc.

ANIFTA is so screwed

Ya gotta wonder how many skinny white kids are sitting in mom's basement shitting themselves right now?
But,but,but...they said we couldnt be touched,that we'd be protected!!!!
Yet, you support ANTIFA and BLM
And you support white supremacists. I can play, too.

You can't, since you have nothing to back that up.
Same logic applies here as yours. You support Trump White Nationalist racists support trump. You’re married. At least Joe Biden isn’t pandering for Antifas support like Trump does for racists.
Joe Biden’s campaign staff pays their bail.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.

Have you turned in any names yet? you know...of people who
About time

More pandering to his already loyal base.
What are your views regarding ANTIFA, FFI?

any US citizen who resorts to violence to promote their political agenda is committing a crime and should be treated as such.

regardless of which political ideology they embrace.


and any person who engages in criminal/violent activity/actions, regardless of political ideology, should be punished.

any ANTIFA member

any KKK member

who commits a criminal/violent act should be punished.

I am certain that you will still not understand that.
About time

What now... do we just shoot the terrorists, or drone them?
Neither . You sit there in your state of faux agitation until trump is out, then you cry as they are removed from the list. That's about how this will go.

So are you saying groups that riot are not terrorists?

What then makes a group, terrorists?
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.

Have you turned in any names yet? you know...of people who
About time

More pandering to his already loyal base.
What are your views regarding ANTIFA, FFI?

any US citizen who resorts to violence to promote their political agenda is committing a crime and should be treated as such.

regardless of which political ideology they embrace.


and any person who engages in criminal/violent activity/actions, regardless of political ideology, should be punished.

any ANTIFA member

any KKK member

who commits a criminal/violent act should be punished.

I am certain that you will still not understand that.
What? I applaud that 100%. I couldn't agree with you more.
Good to see ! Finally ! :clap:
If you're responding to my post (not sure), my original post to this conversation
was in support of the First Amendment and against the violence. Sorry for the confusion...Post 51
About time

He's been saying it for years but hasn't done it. I'll believe it when I see it. And then some leftist judge will order them off the list and Trump will follow orders instead of telling the Court to bring their army and they can face off with his army to enforce the stupid order.
I hope this means that they will be hunted down now and rooted out.
It means..very little, actually. But it's a good PR move....the base is lovin' it. I doubt that the going to hunt any harder for antifa leaders..than they do now. It's a hard antifa has no hierarchy..and the hardcore anarchist cells that are the real danger have assumed all along that the govt. was out to get them.
Like a boomerang



I said to my wife last Friday night while the fires were being lit in Minneapolis that I was thinking when Trump was going to scapegoat Antifa for the escalation...I just had a gut feeling! Only took 2 days for that predictable piece of shit to get his Sharpie ready.

When one believes it can't get any worse, Trump comes up with another disgusting and embarrassing act to humiliate the Nation, keeping the pot stirred! What a waste of oxygen that fat bastard truly is!

Trump didn't scapegoat them, they did it to themselves. And you and everyone else who support ANTIFA are just as scum as they are.
Trump didn't scapegoat them, they did it to themselves. And you and everyone else who support ANTIFA are just as scum as they are.
Damn you're a fucking IDIOT! If ANTIFA did it to themselves as you claim, where is the proof the group known as ANTIFA was at all involved in the rioting over the last few days in so many US cities at the same time, you bloody fool? Where are the disclosures from the media or the cops or other authorities, dipshit? Where is the video you fucking FOOL? All you have are Trump tweets and other lie sources to try and pin that tail on an asses ass! And where is your proof that I support ANTIFA you asswipe? I get could give a shit about the truth... its all about following your fucking TRIBE!

Don't forget to take your meds daily, shit shedder!
Like a boomerang




I miss the informative button! Thanx...I'm immediately put in mind of the Spanish Civil War...The leftist brigades! They came to a very bad letting a State, USSR, dictate their destiny.
I doubt these guys are state-supported at all But to the point--their movement has battle-hardened troops available. Gives one pause. ANTIFA has a solid core of Black Bloc and other Anarchists hiding in's a very smart cover...these Anarchists are the Bakunin variety...not the warm and fuzzy libertarian types.

All one needs to be ANTIFA--is to say they're ANTIFA.

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