US Designates ANIFTA a Terrorist Organization

Maybe an investigation will reveal who is behind this group and where the funding is coming from. Antifa appears to be an enforcement arm of the democratic party. The arm isn't the enemy. It's the controlling democrats that are the enemy.
The arm is the enemy.
That's why I asked, if designated as terrorist, can they be droned? If not, what's the point?
And i told you the point twice. There is no mystery to the child president. He does not care what antifa does. He cares only about getting adoration from his loyal base.

And again, you edited part of my quote to fit your narrative.

By the way, do you support these riots?
I did nothing like that. You keep asking me what the point of putting them on the list is. I keep telling you. It's like talking to a wall.

I support the protests, but not the rioting.
Actually you did, you removed the part of my quote, and used only the part that suits your narrative.

Here is the full quote, you removed highlighted part.

Got a source that isn't run by chronic liars?
Are you going to argue that he didn't say it? That's just plain weird. Call CNN and the ACLU because they're both up in arms over what Trump didn't say.

The left rag Slimes is carrying it.

Got a source that isn't run by chronic liars?
Are you going to argue that he didn't say it? That's just plain weird. Call CNN and the ACLU because they're both up in arms over what Trump didn't say.

The left rag Slimes is carrying it.

Democrats do not recognize the President's authority to govern. They would not find that he has the right to order anything.
What’s the running body count?

Well, they didn't get your cuck ass, so there's that.
Let me guess. You went to Berkeley? Maybe Umich? You have an amazing command of the English language and impeccable debate skills. Cuck? That’s brilliant. Give us some more!
Give us more? Why should I? Your type of male deserves fuck all. You are the type of white male who has given this country away.
Let me guess >60...voted D in every election and proudly consider yourself progressive...against your troglodyte 'conservative' peers.

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