US economy facing 'modest' recession next year, Fannie Mae says

The price of everything is up. Where have you been.

I can get a 5 pound bag of flour for less than 4 bucks. That is 9 batches of pasta.

A dozen eggs for 3.50 since I only by free range organic brown eggs.

So for 40 cents of flour and 80 cents of eggs I get fresh pasta that blows away anything you can buy in a store.
so your comment about the “sale being over” was just BS?

This hard times we are in is no joking matter
so your comment about the “sale being over” was just BS?

This hard times we are in is no joking matter

Oh come on.

A personal anecdote about prices going up 75 cents in 24 hour is just a meaningless unverifiable story.
i have no reason to think he lied. As you said prices are drastically climbing under this admin

Does not matter if he lied. If I went to the store and found some pasta cheaper than it was yesterday would you take that as a sign things are getting better?
No one can know for sure.
That's true, but one thing's sure, we won't have long to wait until we DO know. Meanwhile, the current admin is trying to revive a spending package in the neighborhood of 1+ TRILLION more dollars. Inflation at 8.5%, highest in 40+ years and they want to dump yet more cash into an economy that's ready to spontaneously burst into flames :(
Border is wide open, record numbers of unvetted migrants rolling across and Joe is intentionally making it EASIER for MORE illegals to stroll in and get government assistance. SOMEONE is actively trying to cause this nation to COLLAPSE. IMO, whoever it is deserves to be put against a wall.
as soon as the dembots took washington. we all realized we were headed to a recession, inflation, and misery.
Everyone I know understood this but I think the level of hate that has been created by media over the past 5 years is so strong that even if people understand that they're going to have a harder time, it's STILL acceptable to them as long as they can punish the supporters of the Bad Orange Man.
That's true, but one thing's sure, we won't have long to wait until we DO know. Meanwhile, the current admin is trying to revive a spending package in the neighborhood of 1+ TRILLION more dollars. Inflation at 8.5%, highest in 40+ years and they want to dump yet more cash into an economy that's ready to spontaneously burst into flames :(
Border is wide open, record numbers of unvetted migrants rolling across and Joe is intentionally making it EASIER for MORE illegals to stroll in and get government assistance. SOMEONE is actively trying to cause this nation to COLLAPSE. IMO, whoever it is deserves to be put against a wall.
What Biden is doing is treasonous!
Does not matter if he lied. If I went to the store and found some pasta cheaper than it was yesterday would you take that as a sign things are getting better?
Most likely near the sell by date.

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