US economy facing 'modest' recession next year, Fannie Mae says

It’s the truth. You libs just deny what’s happening.

Until you can actually support a single claim you make on here, I will keep assuming you are just making shit up.

Next time take a pic with your phone and support your claims.

Rising interest rates at the Fed and sky-high inflation could trigger a recession​

The U.S. economic outlook is dimming and a downturn could be on the horizon as the Federal Reserve moves to tame the hottest inflation in four decades, according to Fannie Mae economists.

The mortgage lender said in a new economic and housing forecast that the economy faces a "modest recession" in 2023 as a result of the Fed's aggressive monetary policy tightening trajectory, fallout from the Russian war in Ukraine and the worst inflation in a generation.

Be sure and pat yourself on the back if you voted democrat.-OG
Oh my fucking geezsus

fox business is predicting a mild recession maybe next year!!!!

Run for you freaking lives!!!!!

Rising interest rates at the Fed and sky-high inflation could trigger a recession​

The U.S. economic outlook is dimming and a downturn could be on the horizon as the Federal Reserve moves to tame the hottest inflation in four decades, according to Fannie Mae economists.

The mortgage lender said in a new economic and housing forecast that the economy faces a "modest recession" in 2023 as a result of the Fed's aggressive monetary policy tightening trajectory, fallout from the Russian war in Ukraine and the worst inflation in a generation.

Be sure and pat yourself on the back if you voted democrat.-OG
Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac CAUSED a recession.
Threads like this are fun because so many people come on them and show their ignorance of words.

Morons on here do not even know what a recession is
A recession is 6 months of negative growth......but you cannot say that growth is the only indication of an economic downturn.
And after the can throw just about all of the economic indicators out the window.....because they don't mean the same as a normal economy.
Biden used the vaccine to get rid of alot of the same time he's bragging about creating 6 million job. Not new jobs....but jobs that were lost because of the pandemic and because he fired millions of skilled workers due to his ridiculous vaccine mandates.
The pandemic caused a reset everywhere except in the stock market. And the stock market isn't an indicator of the economy, mainly because the government has invested heavily by monetizing the debt.
I don't trust the Fed Chairman because she talks about things she has nothing to do with.
Our current situation is the result of college students putting a criminal in the White House....who then used his powers to commit various illegal acts with the help of people he placed in key positions in the CIA, FBI, and the NSA. This is why putting a known born and raised communist in the Oval Office is the biggest mistake we ever made in our history. Communist murder their own people. It's what they do.

Inflation comes from a very hot economy. More demand and buyers than the supply available of the goodies that people want to buy.

Cheap money. Interest rates too low. And 3 stimulus checks, two under Trump and one under Biden, coupled with covid becoming a less deadly variant has put more buyers with money to spend out there with fewer goods to buy.

This shortage of goods to meet the demand, causes prices to rise.....inflation!!!!

A recession causes DEFLATION, the opposite of inflation, and is a means to control and diminish inflation.

It's a contraction in spending that will bring inflation under control. Raising interest rates, making money less cheap to borrow, will slow down the economy, is what they are counting on, to bring inflation under control.

A slight recession is what we hope for and need to decrease the inflation we are experiencing, is my understanding of it all????
Democrats are in charge. They won't speak of this. An election is coming
Yup. Bigtime denial. I reported how they were selling a packaged quesadilla at the grocery store - 3 triangles, enough for lunch - for $18. One of the irritating leftists on this forum jumped in to say I made it up.
Yea, because it’s not like the price of eggs hasn’t gone way up either.

That is what happens when there is a bad case of the bird flu happening and millions of chickens are being killed.

But I am sure that in your warped mind the bird flu is Biden's fault also
We're always heading towards a recession. No one can tell you when it will start, or how bad it will be, or how long it will last. NO one.

There are already signs that we may be closer to the end of this inflationary period than the beginning.

Those who are hoping for the worst can pick all the negative stories they want. No one can know for sure.
Thanks for that, Jen.
A recession is a recession...there is no such thing as a modest recession.....not unless you are rich like the Biden's....

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