US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

I'm going to say it again folks, the only way I can see for the US gov to be able to pin this on the Russians is for us to have stolen documents that conclusively show the two hacker agents were theirs...

Which could be true. However, the intel community cannot give out that info if it is true.
. And Obama knows this, and that is why he chose this. The implication they feel was enough.
What Obama did was the right thing to do. You don't give Russia a free pass. Politically it's also a good movie for Obama because it boxes Trump into a position of allying himself with Putin, a position that most his party does not support. The interest of US and Russian are about as far apart as you can get. Eventually Putin will turn on Trump.

Yeah, clearly Putin did not expect this kind of response. He wanted Trump expecting Trump would lift current U.S. Sanctions, and that has clearly backfired on him. The last thing Putin wanted was more U.S. Sanctions which Republicans in the Senate have already promised. Obama kicking out all Russian diplomats is historic. They go along with their families that may have been rooted in this country for decades. Prior to all this a Russian diplomat did admit that they had contact with the Trump campaign.

Putin has already stated that he won't kick out American diplomats. So he has to repair the damage done, because all gains over the last 20 years, or since the cold war are now GONE. He knows he did it by interfering in our National election, something they've never done before. But they went after the Pentagon recently.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It's going to be very interesting to see what Putin does over the next few weeks. Obama is to release more information over the next few weeks, but it looks like Obama and Senate Republicans are intent on diminishing the credibility of the Trump administration long before he is sworn in. Trump won't even be able to blink at Russia without suspicion.

Personally, I hope this ass clown gets impeached.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
. Regardless, if Russia or anyone else was able to influence an election here, and in the ways that are being claimed, then what does that say about how vulnerable the DNC was to becoming a victim of such a thing ?? Their weakness was exposed, and anyone that weak didn't deserve the presidency to begin with. Trump doesn't want to get all cozy with Putin other than usual deplomatic ties and issues, but he also doesn't want the Democrats to use Russia as a boogeyman in order for the Democrat operatives to have the freedoms to undermine his election or deligitimize his election in the way that it's currently attempting to do right now. Trump is no fool, and it's time for the democrats to learn this now.
I doubt Russian hacking played any major part in the Trump victory. If this is the issue you're concentrating on, you're missing the forest for the trees. The point is a foreign power has hacked into a private server of a US political party for the purpose of influencing the election. It doesn't matter whether it was a dnc server or an rnc server or that of a candidate or whoever. A foreign power can steer an election whichever direction they desire if they just have the right information.

In this election Clinton was the target since Putin clearly did not want her in the presidency. If Republican Senators open up an investigation of Russian hacking, they may be the target in midterm elections. If relations between Trump and Putin sour as they probably will, Trump may be the target in 2020.
Last edited:
Yeah, clearly Putin did not expect this kind of response. He wanted Trump expecting Trump would lift current U.S. Sanctions, and that has clearly backfired on him. The last thing Putin wanted was more U.S. Sanctions which Republicans in the Senate have already promised. Obama kicking out all Russian diplomats is historic. They go along with their families that may have been rooted in this country for decades. Prior to all this a Russian diplomat did admit that they had contact with the Trump campaign.

Putin has already stated that he won't kick out American diplomats. So he has to repair the damage done, because all gains over the last 20 years, or since the cold war are now GONE. He knows he did it by interfering in our National election, something they've never done before. But they went after the Pentagon recently.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It's going to be very interesting to see what Putin does over the next few weeks. Obama is to release more information over the next few weeks, but it looks like Obama and Senate Republicans are intent on diminishing the credibility of the Trump administration long before he is sworn in. Trump won't even be able to blink at Russia without suspicion.

Personally, I hope this ass clown gets impeached.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
. Regardless, if Russia or anyone else was able to influence an election here, and in the ways that are being claimed, then what does that say about how vulnerable the DNC was to becoming a victim of such a thing ?? Their weakness was exposed, and anyone that weak didn't deserve the presidency to begin with. Trump doesn't want to get all cozy with Putin other than usual deplomatic ties and issues, but he also doesn't want the Democrats to use Russia as a boogeyman in order for the Democrat operatives to have the freedoms to undermine his election or deligitimize his election in the way that it's currently attempting to do right now. Trump is no fool, and it's time for the democrats to learn this now.
I doubt Russian hacking played any major part in the Trump victory. If this is the issue you're concentrating on, you're missing the forest for the trees. The point is a foreign power has hacked into a private server of a US political party for the purpose of influencing the election. It doesn't matter whether it was an dnc server or rnc server or that of a candidate or whoever. A foreign power can steer an election whichever direction they desire if they just have the right information.

In this election Clinton was the target since Putin clearly did not want her in the presidency. If Republican Senators open up an investigation of Russian hacking, they may be the target in midterm elections. If relations between Trump and Putin sour as they probably will, Trump may be the target in 2020.
. Why is it that the Americans are not allowed to learn the truth, and this regardless of what form it comes in as long as it's the truth ??.

Because a lot of it is fake news. DOn't believe me? The guy who is about to be sworn in is a birther. It is a FACT that Obama was born in Hawaii. Fact. Yet, on this very board people still call him a Muslim and Kenyan. If that is your starting point, then you are not interested in the truth. Just partisan hackery. I'm not even going to go into the Washington DC pizza parlour that has a pedi ring run by Clinton. I mean it is ridiculous.
. He is called a Muslim and Kenyan due his actions over the years, and his connections, and his background in that respect. You are the one that can't see beyond your biased partisan bull crap. Give us a break already. I think it amazing that you people think that you can continue to fool this country with the bull crap you spew right on and on.
What Obama did was the right thing to do. You don't give Russia a free pass. Politically it's also a good movie for Obama because it boxes Trump into a position of allying himself with Putin, a position that most his party does not support. The interest of US and Russian are about as far apart as you can get. Eventually Putin will turn on Trump.

Yeah, clearly Putin did not expect this kind of response. He wanted Trump expecting Trump would lift current U.S. Sanctions, and that has clearly backfired on him. The last thing Putin wanted was more U.S. Sanctions which Republicans in the Senate have already promised. Obama kicking out all Russian diplomats is historic. They go along with their families that may have been rooted in this country for decades. Prior to all this a Russian diplomat did admit that they had contact with the Trump campaign.

Putin has already stated that he won't kick out American diplomats. So he has to repair the damage done, because all gains over the last 20 years, or since the cold war are now GONE. He knows he did it by interfering in our National election, something they've never done before. But they went after the Pentagon recently.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It's going to be very interesting to see what Putin does over the next few weeks. Obama is to release more information over the next few weeks, but it looks like Obama and Senate Republicans are intent on diminishing the credibility of the Trump administration long before he is sworn in. Trump won't even be able to blink at Russia without suspicion.

Personally, I hope this ass clown gets impeached.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.
. He is called a Muslim and Kenyan due his actions over the years, and his connections, and his background in that respect. You are the one that can't see beyond your biased partisan bull crap. Give us a break already. I think it amazing that you people think that you can continue to fool this country with the bull crap you spew right on and on.

Are you reading what you type?? He is called a Muslim and a Kenyan because people 'genuinely' believe he is a Muslim and a Kenyan. Period.

What bias? I have said on more than one occasion Rubio and Katisch were probably the best out of a bad bunch. I even liked Jeb Bush but am not a fan of dynasties running countries.
You seem to be basing your conclusions entirely on cyber data gathering and monitoring. US intelligence resources include far more than computer geeks sitting at computers.

When the government sends out something and tells me "Here this is what proves the Russian hacked us" I tend to go okay lemme have a looksee. However, when I, as a programmer and someone who has worked in IT, look at their evidence and conclude there is absolutely nothing tying it to Russia, I am going to call them out on their bullshit. ANYONE on the planet can download this malware program, in fact the link to do was in my post. You're going to tell me that a malware which is publicly available to the entire world could /only/ be used by Russian's when deployed against the US? Is that really the kind of "truth" you are willing to accept?

You realize that China was hacking the shit out of us during the same time period right? Obama worked out a diplomatic agreement with them with no sanctions or anything last year btw. I suppose it's just coincidence that both China and Russia were hacking us extensively at that time, but certainly it had to be Russia that tagged the DNC, right?

No, I do not just blindly trust our corrupt government, I expect proof and so far their "evidence" is bullshit that originates from a private company in California named CrowdStrike - they're the ones who started the Russian "rumor" saying that it "seemed like" what Russians do. Would you like to guess who this company has political ties to, or do you have enough critical thought to figure it out?

That said, if the government would like to produce some actual evidence, I'll be more than happy to say yep guess they did it, because I know damn well that every government on the planet and thousands, perhaps even millions, of unassociated hackers are trying to get information on the US every single day. I frequent NORSE, I get hundreds of phishing emails a day, I was a corporate executive, and I was a web developer - I most certainly know that hacking happens, in fact, I expect it.

Here's a question for you though, the malware was publicly distributed. What would happen if some random putz hacker's happened to have used this malware and gotten ahold of these DNC emails? You do know why random putz's hack, right? Money. So this random putz hacks the DNC and puts it up for sale on the underground. Is it an "attack on the US" if Russia bought it? What if Russia wasn't the /only/ country that bought it? After all this isn't really a sheet of paper here, it's reproducible data, billions of copies could be sold... How about if a Wikileaks supporter bought it? How about if a Bern supporter bought it? How about if a Trump supporter bought it?

In your honest opinion is it proper to nail /Russia/ to the wall in any of these scenarios?
I'm just saying you do have all the information because it's not going to be released. If the CIA has a mole that has confirmed the analysis or emails or phone taps or special techniques, equipment or software, do you think they're going to make that information available to the public? They are going to release information that can be safely released that will not compromise any part of their work. That information will be released only to people in the highest levels of government. What they release to the public may or may not be definitive proof.
If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
. Regardless, if Russia or anyone else was able to influence an election here, and in the ways that are being claimed, then what does that say about how vulnerable the DNC was to becoming a victim of such a thing ?? Their weakness was exposed, and anyone that weak didn't deserve the presidency to begin with. Trump doesn't want to get all cozy with Putin other than usual deplomatic ties and issues, but he also doesn't want the Democrats to use Russia as a boogeyman in order for the Democrat operatives to have the freedoms to undermine his election or deligitimize his election in the way that it's currently attempting to do right now. Trump is no fool, and it's time for the democrats to learn this now.
I doubt Russian hacking played any major part in the Trump victory. If this is the issue you're concentrating on, you're missing the forest for the trees. The point is a foreign power has hacked into a private server of a US political party for the purpose of influencing the election. It doesn't matter whether it was an dnc server or rnc server or that of a candidate or whoever. A foreign power can steer an election whichever direction they desire if they just have the right information.

In this election Clinton was the target since Putin clearly did not want her in the presidency. If Republican Senators open up an investigation of Russian hacking, they may be the target in midterm elections. If relations between Trump and Putin sour as they probably will, Trump may be the target in 2020.

Obama bugged Merkel's phone
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
. Regardless, if Russia or anyone else was able to influence an election here, and in the ways that are being claimed, then what does that say about how vulnerable the DNC was to becoming a victim of such a thing ?? Their weakness was exposed, and anyone that weak didn't deserve the presidency to begin with. Trump doesn't want to get all cozy with Putin other than usual deplomatic ties and issues, but he also doesn't want the Democrats to use Russia as a boogeyman in order for the Democrat operatives to have the freedoms to undermine his election or deligitimize his election in the way that it's currently attempting to do right now. Trump is no fool, and it's time for the democrats to learn this now.
I doubt Russian hacking played any major part in the Trump victory. If this is the issue you're concentrating on, you're missing the forest for the trees. The point is a foreign power has hacked into a private server of a US political party for the purpose of influencing the election. It doesn't matter whether it was an dnc server or rnc server or that of a candidate or whoever. A foreign power can steer an election whichever direction they desire if they just have the right information.

In this election Clinton was the target since Putin clearly did not want her in the presidency. If Republican Senators open up an investigation of Russian hacking, they may be the target in midterm elections. If relations between Trump and Putin sour as they probably will, Trump may be the target in 2020.

Obama bugged Merkel's phone
. Had to apologise to didn't they ? Hmmm. No sanctions ??
Yeah, clearly Putin did not expect this kind of response. He wanted Trump expecting Trump would lift current U.S. Sanctions, and that has clearly backfired on him. The last thing Putin wanted was more U.S. Sanctions which Republicans in the Senate have already promised. Obama kicking out all Russian diplomats is historic. They go along with their families that may have been rooted in this country for decades. Prior to all this a Russian diplomat did admit that they had contact with the Trump campaign.

Putin has already stated that he won't kick out American diplomats. So he has to repair the damage done, because all gains over the last 20 years, or since the cold war are now GONE. He knows he did it by interfering in our National election, something they've never done before. But they went after the Pentagon recently.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It's going to be very interesting to see what Putin does over the next few weeks. Obama is to release more information over the next few weeks, but it looks like Obama and Senate Republicans are intent on diminishing the credibility of the Trump administration long before he is sworn in. Trump won't even be able to blink at Russia without suspicion.

Personally, I hope this ass clown gets impeached.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.

I believe Obama stated they were going to release more information prior to Trump Inauguration. I think they're going to try & take him down before he's sworn in.

The Russians have been very busy this year.

1. Hacking the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

2. Hacking into the DNC databases, putting tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to elect Comrade Trump.

AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

Apparently the FBI has sent out a message to all power grids in this country to look for this Russian malware they've been using and one (so far) has been found in Vermont. They refer to this malware as the GRISSLEY STEEP MALWARE. This is the same malware that was used to hack DNC databases.

"The indicators from the malicious software found on a Burlington Electric Company laptop match those on malware found in the Democratic National Committee computers that the US government has blamed on Russians, the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday.

DHS spokesman Todd Breasseale said the department's investigation into the cyber intrusion on the computer is ongoing and he couldn't comment further.

The DHS's acknowledgment is the first such confirmation by the government that the malware is the same as the code used in malicious cyber activity that the US government has blamed on Russian hackers attempting to influence November's election.

It comes a day after Burlington Electric announced it found the malicious software on a computer that was not connected to its grid control systems. Both the Department of Homeland Security and the utility said Saturday there are no indications that the electric grid was breached.

The DHS and the FBI made a 13-page report public Thursday with information about the malware code -- which was found on Democratic National Committee computers -- and urged all entities to check for it.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

What does Comrade Trump say about all this--as of tonight December 31, 2016. "President-elect Donald Trump reiterated his doubts Saturday that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election, saying such a crime would be difficult to prove."
Trump casts hacking doubts again -


Maybe not so hard to prove
I'm going to say it again folks, the only way I can see for the US gov to be able to pin this on the Russians is for us to have stolen documents that conclusively show the two hacker agents were theirs...

Which could be true. However, the intel community cannot give out that info if it is true.

You don't see any trouble with sanctioning another nation for hacking when we've stolen documents from their highest levels do you?

Nothing like being known as shit-hole hypocrites! I suppose it'll reflect the dishonesty of the 65m who only care about pay to play schemes and confidential information security when its the "other" candidate...

It's time for them to give up on blaming Russia for the election. They have even failed to prove Russia had anything to do with hacking the DNC. White House fails to make case that Russian hackers tampered with election

I think there is some confusion amongst you Putin lovers. Those investigating the hacking don't believe that Russia physically hacked voting machines or that the amount of people that voted for Trump would have changed the outcome. They are saying that hacking govt email servers and releasing the content affected who people saw the candidates.

Prove it. I was pissed that the Wikileaks release was met with such ignorance. No one even gives a shit that their political party is fucking corrupt on the left - its as if they don't understand that if leaders of a political party are wagging their own supporters, they're damn straight wagging the rest of the world. And now the entire fucking planet knows that the majority, 65m, American people don't give two shits that their political system is corrupt.

But yea, lets talk about how horrible it is that the former KGB might have put that information out there - because America of course is sooo much better than the USSR these days, you know, with our political party controlled media (under the hand of a fucking former Nazi no less) and indifferent population, and now, war hawks pushing for a war with a nuclear power over hacking, just to save their dear leaders face. Beautiful.
Last edited:
I doubt Russian hacking played any major part in the Trump victory. If this is the issue you're concentrating on, you're missing the forest for the trees. The point is a foreign power has hacked into a private server of a US political party for the purpose of influencing the election. It doesn't matter whether it was a dnc server or an rnc server or that of a candidate or whoever. A foreign power can steer an election whichever direction they desire if they just have the right information.

In this election Clinton was the target since Putin clearly did not want her in the presidency. If Republican Senators open up an investigation of Russian hacking, they may be the target in midterm elections. If relations between Trump and Putin sour as they probably will, Trump may be the target in 2020.

You might want to notify your pet media to stop lying because they are attempting to convince the world that it did indeed get Trump elected, in a partisan effort to de-legitimize the election, and worse. A surprisingly large block of the left right now are even proclaiming that Trump cannot be elected, they want him arrested for treason, and they think he should be assassinated to "save us from Russian control"
Yeah, clearly Putin did not expect this kind of response. He wanted Trump expecting Trump would lift current U.S. Sanctions, and that has clearly backfired on him. The last thing Putin wanted was more U.S. Sanctions which Republicans in the Senate have already promised. Obama kicking out all Russian diplomats is historic. They go along with their families that may have been rooted in this country for decades. Prior to all this a Russian diplomat did admit that they had contact with the Trump campaign.

Putin has already stated that he won't kick out American diplomats. So he has to repair the damage done, because all gains over the last 20 years, or since the cold war are now GONE. He knows he did it by interfering in our National election, something they've never done before. But they went after the Pentagon recently.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

It's going to be very interesting to see what Putin does over the next few weeks. Obama is to release more information over the next few weeks, but it looks like Obama and Senate Republicans are intent on diminishing the credibility of the Trump administration long before he is sworn in. Trump won't even be able to blink at Russia without suspicion.

Personally, I hope this ass clown gets impeached.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.
Sounds like more speculation based on absolutely no credible evidence of any kind.

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