US EXPELS 35 Russian diplomats, closes two compounds.

Breaking News.....

Trump declares: My friend Putin wouldn't do such a thing....Believe me
You seem to be basing your conclusions entirely on cyber data gathering and monitoring. US intelligence resources include far more than computer geeks sitting at computers.

When the government sends out something and tells me "Here this is what proves the Russian hacked us" I tend to go okay lemme have a looksee. However, when I, as a programmer and someone who has worked in IT, look at their evidence and conclude there is absolutely nothing tying it to Russia, I am going to call them out on their bullshit. ANYONE on the planet can download this malware program, in fact the link to do was in my post. You're going to tell me that a malware which is publicly available to the entire world could /only/ be used by Russian's when deployed against the US? Is that really the kind of "truth" you are willing to accept?

You realize that China was hacking the shit out of us during the same time period right? Obama worked out a diplomatic agreement with them with no sanctions or anything last year btw. I suppose it's just coincidence that both China and Russia were hacking us extensively at that time, but certainly it had to be Russia that tagged the DNC, right?

No, I do not just blindly trust our corrupt government, I expect proof and so far their "evidence" is bullshit that originates from a private company in California named CrowdStrike - they're the ones who started the Russian "rumor" saying that it "seemed like" what Russians do. Would you like to guess who this company has political ties to, or do you have enough critical thought to figure it out?

That said, if the government would like to produce some actual evidence, I'll be more than happy to say yep guess they did it, because I know damn well that every government on the planet and thousands, perhaps even millions, of unassociated hackers are trying to get information on the US every single day. I frequent NORSE, I get hundreds of phishing emails a day, I was a corporate executive, and I was a web developer - I most certainly know that hacking happens, in fact, I expect it.

Here's a question for you though, the malware was publicly distributed. What would happen if some random putz hacker's happened to have used this malware and gotten ahold of these DNC emails? You do know why random putz's hack, right? Money. So this random putz hacks the DNC and puts it up for sale on the underground. Is it an "attack on the US" if Russia bought it? What if Russia wasn't the /only/ country that bought it? After all this isn't really a sheet of paper here, it's reproducible data, billions of copies could be sold... How about if a Wikileaks supporter bought it? How about if a Bern supporter bought it? How about if a Trump supporter bought it?

In your honest opinion is it proper to nail /Russia/ to the wall in any of these scenarios?
I'm just saying you do have all the information because it's not going to be released. If the CIA has a mole that has confirmed the analysis or emails or phone taps or special techniques, equipment or software, do you think they're going to make that information available to the public? They are going to release information that can be safely released that will not compromise any part of their work. That information will be released only to people in the highest levels of government. What they release to the public may or may not be definitive proof.
We already have definitive proof of wrong doing in the Wikileaks e-mail revelations. I'd like to see our government investigate that.
If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.

I believe Obama stated they were going to release more information prior to Trump Inauguration. I think they're going to try & take him down before he's sworn in.

The Russians have been very busy this year.

1. Hacking the Pentagon to get into the Joint Chiefs of Staffs emails.
Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees

2. Hacking into the DNC databases, putting tons of FAKE news on social media outlets to elect Comrade Trump.

AND NOW THE LATEST--our electric power grids--they have found the same Russian malware.

Apparently the FBI has sent out a message to all power grids in this country to look for this Russian malware they've been using and one (so far) has been found in Vermont. They refer to this malware as the GRISSLEY STEEP MALWARE. This is the same malware that was used to hack DNC databases.

"The indicators from the malicious software found on a Burlington Electric Company laptop match those on malware found in the Democratic National Committee computers that the US government has blamed on Russians, the Department of Homeland Security said Saturday.

DHS spokesman Todd Breasseale said the department's investigation into the cyber intrusion on the computer is ongoing and he couldn't comment further.

The DHS's acknowledgment is the first such confirmation by the government that the malware is the same as the code used in malicious cyber activity that the US government has blamed on Russian hackers attempting to influence November's election.

It comes a day after Burlington Electric announced it found the malicious software on a computer that was not connected to its grid control systems. Both the Department of Homeland Security and the utility said Saturday there are no indications that the electric grid was breached.

The DHS and the FBI made a 13-page report public Thursday with information about the malware code -- which was found on Democratic National Committee computers -- and urged all entities to check for it.
Alleged Russian malware found on Vermont utility's laptop -

What does Comrade Trump say about all this--as of tonight December 31, 2016. "President-elect Donald Trump reiterated his doubts Saturday that Russia was behind cyber-meddling in the US election, saying such a crime would be difficult to prove."
Trump casts hacking doubts again -


Maybe not so hard to prove
. So Obama is using his office to destroy his political foe's eh ? Sort of like they were doing with the IRS, and with who knows what other tactic's they will use to try and keep some kind of control over their agenda ? Has Obama and the radical left become the enemy of this nation, and are they forcing the country to resort to counter intelligence tactics to try and break the grip that these people have on this country now ? Will Obama be arrested like Morsi in Egypt when all is learned about this stuff ? Has the left forced this nation to resort to using radical means to gain back the liberty and free elections of the nation ? Many interesting developments keep rolling on in this nashing and wailing of teeth that the left are engaged in over losing their power for the next 4 to 8 years.. It's as if they fear that all is lost for them.
You seem to be basing your conclusions entirely on cyber data gathering and monitoring. US intelligence resources include far more than computer geeks sitting at computers.

When the government sends out something and tells me "Here this is what proves the Russian hacked us" I tend to go okay lemme have a looksee. However, when I, as a programmer and someone who has worked in IT, look at their evidence and conclude there is absolutely nothing tying it to Russia, I am going to call them out on their bullshit. ANYONE on the planet can download this malware program, in fact the link to do was in my post. You're going to tell me that a malware which is publicly available to the entire world could /only/ be used by Russian's when deployed against the US? Is that really the kind of "truth" you are willing to accept?

You realize that China was hacking the shit out of us during the same time period right? Obama worked out a diplomatic agreement with them with no sanctions or anything last year btw. I suppose it's just coincidence that both China and Russia were hacking us extensively at that time, but certainly it had to be Russia that tagged the DNC, right?

No, I do not just blindly trust our corrupt government, I expect proof and so far their "evidence" is bullshit that originates from a private company in California named CrowdStrike - they're the ones who started the Russian "rumor" saying that it "seemed like" what Russians do. Would you like to guess who this company has political ties to, or do you have enough critical thought to figure it out?

That said, if the government would like to produce some actual evidence, I'll be more than happy to say yep guess they did it, because I know damn well that every government on the planet and thousands, perhaps even millions, of unassociated hackers are trying to get information on the US every single day. I frequent NORSE, I get hundreds of phishing emails a day, I was a corporate executive, and I was a web developer - I most certainly know that hacking happens, in fact, I expect it.

Here's a question for you though, the malware was publicly distributed. What would happen if some random putz hacker's happened to have used this malware and gotten ahold of these DNC emails? You do know why random putz's hack, right? Money. So this random putz hacks the DNC and puts it up for sale on the underground. Is it an "attack on the US" if Russia bought it? What if Russia wasn't the /only/ country that bought it? After all this isn't really a sheet of paper here, it's reproducible data, billions of copies could be sold... How about if a Wikileaks supporter bought it? How about if a Bern supporter bought it? How about if a Trump supporter bought it?

In your honest opinion is it proper to nail /Russia/ to the wall in any of these scenarios?
I'm just saying you do have all the information because it's not going to be released. If the CIA has a mole that has confirmed the analysis or emails or phone taps or special techniques, equipment or software, do you think they're going to make that information available to the public? They are going to release information that can be safely released that will not compromise any part of their work. That information will be released only to people in the highest levels of government. What they release to the public may or may not be definitive proof.
We already have definitive proof of wrong doing in the Wikileaks e-mail revelations. I'd like to see our government investigate that.
. Hopefully it will soon as a retaliation, because the leftist are becoming some of the craziest people this nation has ever encountered I do believe.
Actually I do and so half of Americans that voted believed that Putin hacked into our system in order to help Trump win. During campaign Trump invited the Russians to hack into DNC and continue admiring Putin. If you don't believe that...... Then you are insulting your own intelligence.
Hah, you're an idiot. Like half of Americans that think like you. Trump made a joke regarding Hillary's missing 33,000 emails saying if they had them. For you to not know or understand means you are hopelessly deranged and stupid. You really should not be voting.

Plus you can't understand the real problem for you is the emails showed how corrupt the Dems are. Russians or no Russians. Sucks to be you.

The disingenuous outrage over "Trump soliciting Russia to hack Hillary emails" is fucking retarded and part of the reason Trump won.

Many Americans are no longer listening to the lying snowflakes.

This election was a VERY FIRM "fuck off" to snowflakes.

It's possible to disagree with Obama on policy without being "RACIST". Snowflakes leveraged their racist bullshit into political hay, and many people had enough of that stupid shit.

I would classify it as more of a flaccid "fuck off"...given the popular vote and all.

(cue cries about illegal immigrant voting)
Is that different from whining about the electoral outcome?

Nope. It's the same thing. The election is done. Trump won the electoral college which is the DECIDING factor in our election. You ever hear me complaining about the EC? No. The left needs to quite quibbling and whining get over that and work on turning things around in 2018. Hillary won the popular vote - by a huge margin. It doesn't win her the Trophy but it does weaken any "mandate". The right needs to recognize that and pull the nation together instead of whining and creating conspiracy theories about illegals winning the popular vote for Clinton.

Clinton did not win the Presidency.
Trump did not win the People.
The presidency does not give out partication trophies.
Where was this outrage when Sony Pictures was hacked by North Korea because of the movie, "The Interview" about Kim Jong un?

Or when the Federal Employee database containing my 20 page security file with my life history was stolen by the Chinese??? Along with MILLIONS of other sensitive Govt employees ??

Where were the snarly investigations and sanctions and demonization then??
Where was this outrage when Sony Pictures was hacked by North Korea because of the movie, "The Interview" about Kim Jong un?

Or when the Federal Employee database containing my 20 page security file with my life history was stolen by the Chinese??? Along with MILLIONS of other sensitive Govt employees ??

Where were the snarly investigations and sanctions and demonization then??

You know what - those are very good questions. But you are approaching it from the wrong end.

There WAS outrage and anger. The Sony hack was big time in the news.

The question to ask is: where were all the outraged claims demanding EVIDENCE before doing anything? We ACCEPTED what the intelligence agencies determined, and we allowed our president to react.

And keep in mind two additional things:
- the reaction, this time, was not the first time the White House has reacted to Russia's hacking, Russia has been warned several times, leading to this - not a knee jerk reaction, but a measured response after we have had an intelligence consensus on it.

- secondly, it targeted our electoral process, I think the timing of the released information ( compared to when the hack occurred) supports this - the motivations (ie - wanting a Trump win) maybe be less supported, but claiming it had nothing to do with our elections is weak. Shouldn't we be outraged that a foreign entity is so blatently attempting to disrupt our elections? Regardless of which candidate was the target I find it mindboggling that people are not angry about it. the same people who are denanding stringent voter ID laws, pass this off - excuse it - demand more "proof". I simply don't understand it.
Where was this outrage when Sony Pictures was hacked by North Korea because of the movie, "The Interview" about Kim Jong un?

Or when the Federal Employee database containing my 20 page security file with my life history was stolen by the Chinese??? Along with MILLIONS of other sensitive Govt employees ??

Where were the snarly investigations and sanctions and demonization then??
Who did not get notified of the Sony Pictures hack and the corresponding compromise of the personal information?
LOL - North Korea blasts U.S. over release of 'The Interview' -

"If the U.S. is to persistently insist that the hacking attack was made by the DPRK, the U.S. should produce evidence without fail, though belatedly," said the North Korean Defense Commission statement carried Saturday by the state-run Korean Central News Agency.

"If the U.S. persists in American-style arrogant, high-handed and gangster-like arbitrary practices despite the repeated warnings of the DPRK, the U.S. should bear in mind that its failed political affairs will face inescapable deadly blows."

The FBI has said that the code of the malware used in the attack on Sony is similar to what North Korea has used in other attacks. But that code was leaked a long time ago, cyberexperts say, and any hacker around the world could have used it. Some U.S. cyberexperts say the evidence the FBI has presented isn't enough to isolate North Korea as the culprit. "It's clear to us, based on both forensic and other evidence we've collected, that unequivocally they are not responsible for orchestrating or initiating the attack on Sony," said Sam Glines, who runs cybersecurity company Norse. CNN has reached out to the FBI for comment on such doubt, but has not heard back.

Obama: North Korea's hack not war, but 'cybervandalism' -
U.S. slaps new sanctions on North Korea after Sony hack -
If Trump tries to cover up his involvement with Putin or bury information about the hacking, he will end up going the same way Nixon did. Republicans in congress would be perfectly happy with Pence as president, he would be far easier to deal with than Trump and lot less likely to do something really stupid that would hurt the party in the midterms.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.
Sounds like more speculation based on absolutely no credible evidence of any kind.
Only if you consider US intelligence agencies not creditable. Trump may choose to ignore them which will only hasten his exit from office.
I wonder when we can have some indication that an actual secret report even exists? Maybe we could get at least one of the seventeen intelligence agencies to provide the public with a secret summery of the secret report. Some kind of verification of at least that much would be nice. Or are we just supposed to take their word for it?
It is posted jointly by the Dept of Homeland Security's National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) and the FBI. Since it's a joint report it may be available from other participating agencies. If that's not good enough for you, I suspect nothing would be.

The joint report is a summary. Although it does contain an example of code and names common to both the current hacking and previous know Russian hacking, it does not contain details of the underlying analysis. Such details are not and should not be made available to the public. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf
So in other words: The Russians have been hacking US government communications for years; as have the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Israelis, ect. I wonder when we get to see something definitive regarding the election?
I'm not sure what you mean by something definitive.

We may see some additional information before Obama leaves office but I doubt it. Probably the next major release will come from Trump after the inauguration. He may reverse course in regard to Putin after he sees the details of the hack or he may bury it. If he buries it, there will probably be a Senate investigation committee. It's already being discussed.
Sounds like more speculation based on absolutely no credible evidence of any kind.
Only if you consider US intelligence agencies not creditable. Trump may choose to ignore them which will only hasten his exit from office.
I'll consider them credible on this issue when we see some kind of actual evidence.
Submit evidence to who? It's foolish to think that security agencies or the administration would or should reveal information often acquired clandestinely from human or technical sources or information that would compromise current operations.

Damaging current operations, connections with valuable sources, or revealing technical capabilities for the sake of satisfying critics would be truly unwise. Supporters of the administration need only assurance from the president. Those that oppose the administration would never have enough information.

There are times when sensitive or secret information has to be released to the public regardless of what it might do to current operations. I doubt that this is one of those times.
Last edited:
Submit evidence to who? It's foolish to think that security agencies or the administration would or should reveal information often acquired clandestinely from human or technical sources or information that would compromise current operations.

Damaging current operations, connections with valuable sources, or revealing technical capabilities for the sake of satisfying critics would be truly unwise. Supporters of the administration need only assurance from the president. Those that oppose the administration would never have enough information.
Who could possibly imagine anyone being skeptical about the veracity of an anonymous secret report that can't be verified.
Submit evidence to who? It's foolish to think that security agencies or the administration would or should reveal information often acquired clandestinely from human or technical sources or information that would compromise current operations.

Damaging current operations, connections with valuable sources, or revealing technical capabilities for the sake of satisfying critics would be truly unwise. Supporters of the administration need only assurance from the president. Those that oppose the administration would never have enough information.
Who could possibly imagine anyone being skeptical about the veracity of an anonymous secret report that can't be verified.
And which starts with a disclaimer stating the info is not 'guaranteed'. Lol.
Submit evidence to who? It's foolish to think that security agencies or the administration would or should reveal information often acquired clandestinely from human or technical sources or information that would compromise current operations.

Damaging current operations, connections with valuable sources, or revealing technical capabilities for the sake of satisfying critics would be truly unwise. Supporters of the administration need only assurance from the president. Those that oppose the administration would never have enough information.
Who could possibly imagine anyone being skeptical about the veracity of an anonymous secret report that can't be verified.
If you bothered to look at the report, you would see two seals at the top, FBI and Homeland Security. I suppose you consider these organizations lacking in any creditably. You will also see at the end of the report who to contact with questions.
Where was this outrage when Sony Pictures was hacked by North Korea because of the movie, "The Interview" about Kim Jong un?

Or when the Federal Employee database containing my 20 page security file with my life history was stolen by the Chinese??? Along with MILLIONS of other sensitive Govt employees ??

Where were the snarly investigations and sanctions and demonization then??

You know what - those are very good questions. But you are approaching it from the wrong end.

There WAS outrage and anger. The Sony hack was big time in the news.

The question to ask is: where were all the outraged claims demanding EVIDENCE before doing anything? We ACCEPTED what the intelligence agencies determined, and we allowed our president to react.

And keep in mind two additional things:
- the reaction, this time, was not the first time the White House has reacted to Russia's hacking, Russia has been warned several times, leading to this - not a knee jerk reaction, but a measured response after we have had an intelligence consensus on it.

- secondly, it targeted our electoral process, I think the timing of the released information ( compared to when the hack occurred) supports this - the motivations (ie - wanting a Trump win) maybe be less supported, but claiming it had nothing to do with our elections is weak. Shouldn't we be outraged that a foreign entity is so blatently attempting to disrupt our elections? Regardless of which candidate was the target I find it mindboggling that people are not angry about it. the same people who are denanding stringent voter ID laws, pass this off - excuse it - demand more "proof". I simply don't understand it.
Y'all keep saying that Putin wanted Trump to win as if he is a weak lame duck President right out of the gate, but you people are so wrong about it all, and it all leads back to the Democrats in the end, and how they are behind this whole debacle that is going on here in all of this.
Submit evidence to who? It's foolish to think that security agencies or the administration would or should reveal information often acquired clandestinely from human or technical sources or information that would compromise current operations.

Damaging current operations, connections with valuable sources, or revealing technical capabilities for the sake of satisfying critics would be truly unwise. Supporters of the administration need only assurance from the president. Those that oppose the administration would never have enough information.

There are times when sensitive or secret information has to be released to the public regardless of what it might do to current operations. I doubt that this is one of those times.
. You all are giving Trump so much power with your bull crap, that one just has to love it. LOL.

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