US General comes down hard on Obama's strategy of a "clean war"


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Former US Army vice chief of staff General Jack Keane said the rules of engagement have been too restrictive.

And retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters called the ROE unrealistic.


'Our air campaign in Syria and Iraq has never been what it should be,' former US Army vice chief of staff Gen. Jack Keane told Fox News.

Keane criticized the US 'rules of engagements', which he claimed has let enemies escape because it takes too long to get approval for targets under the restrictions.

The currently imposed rules of engagements, which provide authorization and restrictions on the military's use of force, are no civilian deaths and to limit collateral damage, according to retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who called them 'unrealistic'.

'Obama believes in this illusion that you can somehow wage clean war,' he said. 'But you can't have a standard of no civilian casualties and expect to win like that. It never has and it never will.'

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