US Generals Lied, Lost Wars, And Looted Those They Claimed To Serve

1) No nation declares war anymore.
2) There is more than one way to win a war.
I was there in January of 2003 and those guys were done..... they had been stomped flat.
We should have gone home and left all the bodies laying there and all the rubble smoldering, and told the world; "This is what happens if you harbor our enemies."
It would have gone down as a win, and served as a lesson to other countries. We call it an "educational beatdown" in the street.

But the contractors wanted to keep the money flowing and the higher ups wanted to milk it for promotions and follow on jobs after they retired.

So instead, the Afghans get to beat yet another empire.
Not for the tax payer. You wanna check KBR? Blackwater? McDonnell Douglas? Boeing? Raytheon?
They have made many many billions off of our backs. Fighting these bullshit wars for THEIR profit.
Then why does McDonnell Douglas not even exist any more?
And fast food workers don't work really hard to get you to eat a balanced diet (unless, "Do you want fries with that?" is an attempt to add more carbs to your burger meal).

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It's a general's job to fight the war that politicians start. Within the restrictions that politicians create.
Kinda...Combatant CC's, Command CC's advise JCS, and CJCS, whose job is to advise SECDEF, and POTUS. So...they have massive input.

Once again, military leadership doesn't just sit as a separate entity, isolated from D.C. apparatus taking orders orders filed down the pipeline.
whitehall that wasn't even a loss
mission: to eject the North from the South-accomplished
China accomplished their mission: UN off the border/kept the North
South Korea mission accomplished - not over run
North = LOSS
''''' U.S. resolution calling for an “immediate cessation of hostilities” and the withdrawal of North Korean forces to the 38th parallel'''''.
Mac did fk up--big time
Flash I posted numerous links and facts .......just because you were there, doesn't mean you know about the politics/etc---McNamara was the SOD!!!!!! had much more information than you---and HE said it was unwinnable
Flash I posted numerous links and facts .......just because you were there, doesn't mean you know about the politics/etc---McNamara was the SOD!!!!!! had much more information than you---and HE said it was unwinnable

So? McNamara had no special qualifications. He was strictly a numbers man.
Dayton3 hahahhahahaha =
1.we did not win, or did France
2. he wasn't the only one to say that or infer it --all in my thread
Dayton3 even LBJ was very confused/DOUBTFUL
all in my people have never proven or even given a HALF credible scenario for winning
Dayton3 even LBJ was very confused/DOUBTFUL
all in my people have never proven or even given a HALF credible scenario for winning

The fact that it is "all in your thread" doesn't mean anything.

Neither North Vietnamese resources or will were infinite.
Dayton3 yes, in my threads/thread I post links/evidence--you post nothing
---and guess what---still--we DID NOT WIN--doesn't matter wtf the politicians did or did not do --they are part of the equation
Flash I posted numerous links and facts .......just because you were there, doesn't mean you know about the politics/etc---McNamara was the SOD!!!!!! had much more information than you---and HE said it was unwinnable

I understand that being a grunt didn't give me the political knowledge. I make no claim to that.

I simply respectfully disagree with your analysis and I don't think your references proved the point you were making. .
1.give me a half credible scenario for winning
2. we did not win -we did not win....we did not win ...what don't you people understand about that?
3. just like in Afghanistan, they waited for YEARS, until the US was is not WW2--no where close to that
Flash and--we didn't win---
We won the military campaign when Nixon forced the Gooks agreed to allow the South to be sovereign and lost the political campaign when the Democrats refused to allow us to support our allies.

Two different things.
Flash it's just like Afghanistan .....both are HUGE red flags--and you people are blind to see it .......the Russians couldn't win in Afghanistan ---very similar to Vietnam
..this is very simple to understand---just like Afghanistan-- these are not total where close
1.give me a half credible scenario for winning
2. we did not win -we did not win....we did not win ...what don't you people understand about that?
3. just like in Afghanistan, they waited for YEARS, until the US was is not WW2--no where close to that

OK you are getting confused now. Vietnam was nothing like Afghanistan.

Vietnam was a proxy war between the US and the Soviets of the Cold War. The politicians (rightly or wrongly) were trying to to stop the international spread of Communism. That mission was achieved when the Communists agreed that the South would not be Communist when they signed the Paris Peace Accord after Nixon kicked their ass. That was the victory.

The loss was when the Democrats decided that it was unacceptable for the Communists to lose and defunded military help to South Vietnam. That gave the green light to the Communist to undo the tready and invade.

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