Zone1 US has never been a racist country

You can't tell me anything. And neither can that racist el midgetron. You both ignore what whites have done to cause the animosity purposefully and that's always the problem when talking about race with some white people. Your racism shows here by the way you ignore things.

And there IM2 goes again, saying it’s “whites” not his usual hyphenated “racist-whites” that he tries to hide behind. IM2 is bigoted against white people and anyone who has read his words knows this.

He doesn’t care about black people, historic injustices, or fighting racism, he just hates white people. Once you understand IM2 in that context, the sometimes contradictory points and the double standards he seems oblivious to makes make more sense. He is arguing a sub-text that he clumsily dances around.

So, you believe racial abuse can be “earned” or justified….. that’s the same thing every racist ever has believed.

Using what a black woman did in New York has nothing to do with what happened in South Africa. And what whites have done to blacks in America cannot be compared to the response to what whites have done. But disingenuous white racists love trying to make totally opposite experiences the same to justify their own racism. The difference between your example and white racism is that whites commit violence against blacks just because they believe something about blacks that has no evidence in fact. Blacks like this woman act based on a documented record of abusive racist behavior by the NYPD. But whites like you are too stupid to see that. It's easier to make simple minded comparisons.
That you are a racist. 🫵
You cannot talk about the 100 years of white racism in South Africa and its affect on the black population of South Africa. It's like they don't exist or that the impact of that racism on them doesn't matter. And that's racist. These things don't appear to register with you and that's where your racism comes out.
More white fragility.
It’s your black fragility that keeps you from just admitting your own bigotry and racism.

Black fragility is when black people refuses to take any responsibility for themselves. Instead everything they do is credited to white people and being a victim. IM2 doesn’t even believe he can be a racist…… because he justifies his hate of white people as being deserved.
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Oh! Oh! How awful! :stir:
What's awful is how you ignored the trauma created by what whites did to blacks in South Africa. Therefore what whites did there was fine with you. So you're projecting your racism on to me.
You cannot talk about the 100 years of white racism in South Africa and its affect on the black population of South Africa. It's like they don't exist or that the impact of that racism on them doesn't matter. And that's racist. These things don't appear to register with you and that's where your racism comes out. What's awful is how you ignored the trauma created by what whites did to blacks in South Africa. Therefore what whites did there was fine with you. So you're projecting your racism on to me.
What's awful is how you ignored the trauma created by what whites did to blacks in South Africa. Therefore what whites did there was fine with you. So you're projecting your racism on to me.
Just like there were whites who opposed slavery and Jim Crow, there are whites in south Africa who were not complicit in Apartheid. Yet, you do not want to make a distinction in either case, you blame all white people. You justify racism, just like every racist ever has.
Check out these members of the victim class. They clearly take pleasure in touting what “victims“ they are. They can be seen smiling and happily snickering as they relate how oppressed by are because they cant find “hair products”.

Just like there were whites who opposed slavery and Jim Crow, there are whites in south Africa who were not complicit in Apartheid.
The "only" reason Apartheid was finally dismantled was because of the growing number of whites who joined the movement against it in very much the same way in which the civil liberty movement progressed in the US.
The "only" reason Apartheid was finally dismantled was because of the growing number of whites who joined the movement against it in very much the same way in which the civil liberty movement progressed in the US.
No, it's because whites were outnumbered in South Africa 9-1. Inevitably there would have been a very bloody revolution and many whites would have been killed. The entire world sanctioned South Africa and there were more non whites opposing Apartheid than whites. In America Reagan was not opposed to Apartheid.
:huh1: So genocide of the Indians never took place, huh?
Wasn't about race.
The Indians could have been green and on four legs and the European settlers would have still mass murdered them.
It is called expansionism. Which is how nearly every empire culture operated under for thousands of years.
America, post 1900s, is the first major empire that has not sought to expand it's empire. The first major military power that has not used it's military to invade and overtake it's neighbors.
You don't even know what time it is.
I do. That's why I have been a delegate at the African/ African American Summit, and have attended a number of meetings between Africans annd African Americans. I understand the animosity apartheid and colonization created in citizens in Afriica by talking to them about it. And I did this for more than 20 years.. So like I said, you don't want to honestly discuss this mattter.. It's easier and more comfortable for you to call me a raciist.
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