Zone1 US has never been a racist country

Black privilege

White privilege


Same shit
Responsibilities stated by you only reflect what you wish them to be. If anyone you are not supervisory to, does not wish to accept the responsibility you confer, there is little chance of it having effect, and very little you can do about it, at distance, if they are resistant to influence to your vision of your reality, as it is not universal.
These are not responsibilities I wish, these are equivalent to the same responsibilities blacks get told to take for our choices even as I grew up in a home and neighborhood full of black families with mothers and fathers living together, have never committed a crime, had no kids out of wedlock, stayed employed for 40 years, graduated from college and have never been on welfare. So if I have done all those things and get told how I need to fix the black "culture" you and other whites can be told what I said to you.
He actually does, and often, but always from his perspective, clouded or shaded by his goals in any debate. In his place, I am not sure I would not choose likewise, as goals are goals, and not worth having if not to be pursued.
You are responding to a guy that once had a black deaths thread and used an avatar of a dead black child to spews his racist bile. You don't know my goals and everybody here posts from their perspective. Simply put a lot of whites are not putting in the effort necessary to fix the problem of racism. That's not a only my opinion, but the opinion of other whites.

How Can Anyone Claim This Has Never Been a Racist Country?​

the phrase that comes to mind after hearing some people repeatedly deny America's legacy of racism. Of course, an English poet, Sir Walter Scott, first used this phrase when writing about betrayal in romance, but it can easily be applied to color-blind denials. America is "not a racist country" and has "never been a racist country," Nikki Haley, the former governor of South Carolina who is currently running for president as a Republican, claimed in front of a Fox News audience. Of course, this is an egregious falsehood. The White men who founded this nation maintained a racial hierarchy cultivated in the colonies, keeping a firm grip on social, economic, and political power by subjugating Black people.

Even this country's "founding fathers" understood that America was a nation created for the benefit of White men. Thomas Jefferson, the third president, once argued that White people living in Virginia "would not be able to live peacefully with once enslaved people who are freed because they would always view them as inferior," according to historian David Waldstreicher. Furthermore, Jefferson clarified that "the same old stereotype of blacks as inferiors" was "deeply engrained in the philosophy and practice of this nation." Either Nikki Haley is not well-versed in American history, or she's intentionally spinning yarn with lies. After all, this is the same woman who struggled to admit the Civil War was fought over slavery. What we learn from Thomas Jefferson's musings is that early White Americans were astutely aware that racist stereotypes shaped the cultural and legal practices of this nation. They weren't in denial about it.

These are not responsibilities I wish, these are equivalent to the same responsibilities blacks get told to take for our choices even as I grew up in a home and neighborhood full of black families with mothers and fathers living together, have never committed a crime, had no kids out of wedlock, stayed employed for 40 years, graduated from college and have never been on welfare. So if I have done all those things and get told how I need to fix the black "culture" you and other whites can be told what I said to you.
I do not quibble of your right to say what you think.
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I do not quibble of your right to say what you think.
This is not about what we think. This country has got to change. Look at this forum as an example. And whites must do their part. Lying to yourselves about race, doing the bare minimum and acting like you can't do much more isn't good enough. Me and you disagree on things but I respect you. You seem to be fair, but on matters of race you ignore important things that just can't be ignored. This doesn't make YOU a racist, but it does show that there are things that non whites tell you that you disagree with and you really have not articulated a defense for your disagreement except "I'm white and I say so." Unlike some others here, I don't think that is your intention.
This is not about what we think. This country has got to change. Look at this forum as an example. And whites must do their part. Lying to yourselves about race, doing the bare minimum and acting like you can't do much more isn't good enough. Me and you disagree on things but I respect you. You seem to be fair, but on matters of race you ignore important things that just can't be ignored. This doesn't make YOU a racist, but it does show that there are things that non whites tell you that you disagree with and you really have not articulated a defense for your disagreement except "I'm white and I say so." Unlike some others here, I don't think that is your intention.
Go for it. Go change them dude. I did my part, by example back in the day, and probably taught more classes than most people you have met. It was necessary for a smooth effective unit and I continued to set the example in civilian supv/mgt roles, as no place for racist bs in a well run workplace. The rest I will leave to you. That is me, in the T-Shirt and cap profile pic. Read the T-Shirt. I bought it on purpose.
Go for it. Go change them dude. I did my part, by example back in the day, and probably taught more classes than most people you have met. It was necessary for a smooth effective unit and I continued to set the example in civilian supv/mgt roles, as no place for racist bs in a well run workplace. The rest I will leave to you. That is me, in the T-Shirt and cap profile pic. Read the T-Shirt. I bought it on purpose.
Lol! We're never off duty until we die. I've taught too. But we can't quit.
The country made racist laws that applied to every citizen.
True. The signs said "Whites Only" not 'only whites'. I lived in Rhodesia while Apartheid was still the law in South Africa. On a visit, I was tossed off of the "black" upper deck of a city bus in Cape Town. The driver stopped the bus, pulled on the hand brake, came up the stairs, and told me I had go down to the "white" lower deck. I was bewildered but the Africans thought it was funny.
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True. The signs said "Whites Only" not 'only whites'. I lived in Rhodesia while Apartheid was still the law in South Africa. On a visit, I was tossed off of the "black" upper deck of a city bus in Cape Town. The driver stopped the bus, pulled on the hand brake, came up the stairs, and told me I had go down to the "white" lower deck. I was bewildered but the Africans thought it was funny.
Those Africans should not have been laughing.
True. The signs said "Whites Only" not 'only whites'. I lived in Rhodesia while Apartheid was still the law in South Africa. On a visit, I was tossed off of the "black" upper deck of a city bus in Cape Town. The driver stopped the bus, pulled on the hand brake, came up the stairs, and told me I had go down to the "white" lower deck. I was bewildered but the Africans thought it was funny.
Those Africans should not have been laughing.
They were laughing at my confusion. They could tell that I didn't know what was going on. When I came to the border of Transkei there were two long queues of people waiting to show their ID. I approached the one on the left but when the border guard saw me (a white person) he closed the left line forcing everyone to double up on the right one. I figured 'This is going to take a lot of time'. I was wrong. As soon as the Africans on the left went to the end of the queue on the right the border guard motioned for me to come forward to the now 'closed' window. He stamped my passport (allowing me to enter the fake country of Transkei) and then immediately opened the left queue again so half of the Africans could shift back. As before, I was bewildered but the Africans thought it was funny. It was my face of confusion that they thought was funny. Looking back on it I wonder why they didn't just tell me to come to the front of the queue (as they did in shops all over the country) rather than go through the charade of 'closing' the window. :dunno: I never understood the Apartheid laws. It was crazy.
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They were laughing at my confusion. They could tell that I didn't know what was going on. When I came to the border of Transkei there were two long queues of people waiting to show their ID. I approached the one on the left but when the border guard saw me (a white person) he closed the left line forcing everyone to double up on the right one. I figured 'This is going to take a lot of time'. I was wrong. As soon as the Africans on the left went to the end of the queue on the right the border guard motioned for me to come forward to the now 'closed' window. He stamped my passport (allowing me to enter the fake country of Transkei) and then immediately opened the left queue again so half of the Africans could shift back. As before, I was bewildered but the Africans thought it was funny. It was my face of confusion that they thought was funny. Looking back on it I wonder why they didn't just tell me to come to the front of the queue (as they did in shops all over the country) rather than go through the charade of 'closing' the window. :dunno: I never understood the Apartheid laws. It was crazy.
Now that’s what I would consider white privilege. Not the esoterica “white privilege” of the US grievance class.

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