US insulin charges are the highest in the world

Specifically, the agency took issue with the requirement that health centers would need to create and maintain new practices to determine patients’ eligibility to receive drugs at or below the discounted price paid by the health center, plus a minimal fee. HHS also noted its belief that the implementation of the Rule would have resulted in “reduced resources available to support critical services to health center patients – including those who use insulin and injectable epinephrine.

So, our President replaced a restricted insulin decrease with low priced insulin for all


I dont get this. The $35 was too expensive and the GOP crushed that.
Why do US diabetics get punished for their illness like this ?

Is it because big pharma owns the politicians ?

If they can offer insulin to the rest of the world at a reasonable price why cant Americans get it ?
It looks very much like a "free market" stitch up to me. My insulin is made by a |French company called Saniflo. They are listed on nasdaq as well.

How can they afford to sell it to the NHS at next to nothing and yet charge $90 a phial in the US ?

Somebody is protecting them. As ever the public pays the price, There doesnt seem to be any interest in a regulated market because politicians do not profit from that..
Americans consume too much starch and sugar. Too many obese people with a variety of health issues. Proper diet and nutrition would help solve the Diabetes problem.
Specifically, the agency took issue with the requirement that health centers would need to create and maintain new practices to determine patients’ eligibility to receive drugs at or below the discounted price paid by the health center, plus a minimal fee. HHS also noted its belief that the implementation of the Rule would have resulted in “reduced resources available to support critical services to health center patients – including those who use insulin and injectable epinephrine.

So, our President replaced a restricted insulin decrease with low priced insulin for all

Xiden just followed President Trump lead.....he has done a good job of that in some cases
I consume foods low in sugar and high in protein. Fruits, nuts, and fish are a big part of my diet.
/---/ Me too, but I'm careful with the fish because of mercury. I live on Long Island so fresh fish is available and reasonably priced.
A major victory for President Biden
how so?.....i use tresiba the Cadillac of insulins and i have been paying 25 a month for the last 3 years...trump or biden wasnt responsible for political party did evil ins co and the evil pharma company that makes it made that possible......
Americans consume too much starch and sugar. Too many obese people with a variety of health issues. Proper diet and nutrition would help solve the Diabetes problem.
many people not overweight get diabetes too....
how so?.....i use tresiba the Cadillac of insulins and i have been paying 25 a month for the last 3 years...trump or biden wasnt responsible for political party did evil ins co and the evil pharma company that makes it made that possible......

What Government insurance do you have?
I have GEHA
What Government insurance do you have?
I have GEHA
BC/BS......still the govt had nothing to do with it....when i was first prescribed this it was like 300 a month,couldnt afford that so my doctor started this with a form asking BS to put me on a lower tier which they did and then came a coupon from the company Novo Nordisk and it went to 25 a month.....
BC/BS......still the govt had nothing to do with it....when i was first prescribed this it was like 300 a month,couldnt afford that so my doctor started this with a form asking BS to put me on a lower tier which they did and then came a coupon from the company Novo Nordisk and it went to 25 a month.....

What the insurance pays for insulin is not included in the low cost you brag about paying
The majority of type II diabetes is caused by poor nutrition although there are some people whose genetics make them more prone to getting it.
thats me,family on my mothers side had it yet i still got it........when i was carrying mail i used to walk 15 miles a day up and down stairways carrying a satchel with anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds on it depending on the day....
What the insurance pays for insulin is not included in the low cost you brag about paying
it isnt?....who is paying for it then?...the point is RW biden and the govt had jack shit to do with what i am paying for it......and regular insulin is pretty weak compared to the better ones....and remember many diabetics use the non insulin injectors like trulicity which will not be affected by this and many of the pills for it are still pretty expensive and they wont be affected some diabetics will continue to pay more than what they should...

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