US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"

Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!

There is no such thing, me poor ignorant tool, as a leftard. Or leftardism. Those are simply irrational names by a conservative troll. So, since you are unable to ask a rational question, why do you think anyone would be able to explain anything to you. You are proven irrational. Nut case. Beyond hope. Delusional. We who are rational just like the truth. Which is not something you are familiar with.
Let me educate you, me boy. though I know you think you are very smart, I know from years studying economics in college and in serious reading, that you know nothing. But first, you have to understand something you do not. It is called belief systems. It is how people believe in anything. And as a con, you have a well understood belief system. It has been studied for years. Because, you see, there is a lot of money in being able to convince people of whatever you would like. And study after study has proven that cons are stupid. I can give you a few of them, but I am sure you do not like studies. As a con, you have several unique belief systems. They include:
1. Believing what they WANT to believe.
2. Belonging to a group with like beliefs (Group Think).
3. Anger is really important to you, makes you happy inside.
4. Believing you are smart, which is, interestingly, part of being stupid, is important to you.

So, you are pissed off, believe what your associates believe, want to believe what you do believe, need on proof of anything at all, and you are completely uninterested and unaffected by things like truth, evidence, impartiality, journalism, expert opinions, or credentials of the sources you peruse. You could care less about anything except what you want to believe and the belief of your group.
So, rational thought works for you, and it is really convenient to be able to believe what you want. Because you do not need to learn anything the hard way, by studying the subject. Because you can believe what you want.
So others can not pull off your little game. They believe what they can prove to be true. And look for evidence on both sides. And check out their sources of information for expertise and impartiality. Both of which you could care less about. We are, me boy, completely different entities. You are happy with who you are, and I would rather be shot than be what you want to be.

No such thing as a "leftard"? Of course there is...there are many of them in this may know them as "demcrats"...I know them as leftards and pseudo-liberals that are really nothing but communists and socialists at heart and they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how this debt based fiat currency even works.They are fucking CLUELESS about it and claim that if only people paid more in taxes that things would be better!! Leftards are not pissed off that some have it bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it "too good". Leftards willingly pick the pockets of others while using every avenue possible to keep from paying taxes to the Fed bankers, an international banking cartel that creates credit out of thin the way, a central bank and a graduated income tax are two of the planks of the communist manifesto. The very ones that you rail against are the same ones that have used those like you like a crack-addicted hooker to push their agenda.

I have no use for the neocons and they disgust me greatly, but they were late to the party. The liberal left has been the tool to every globalist's idea for "social engineering". Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more. You "studied" economics? Did they teach you about the Federal Reserve Act and it's history and how the internantional bankers took the bankrupt USA.INC into receivership in 1912 thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Did your economic classes teach you as to how the Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same group of theives that claimed the Fed Act of 1913 would prevent what happened in 1929? I doubt it. Did your "economics class" explain to you how after the orchestrated the Crash of 1929 that they coerced FDR into compelling the American people into turning in their gold under threat of imprisonment and a huge unpayable fine that the Fed bankers stole in a fiat debt note in exchange for REAL money with an intrinsic value??? I seriously doubt it. I could go on and on as to how you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, "me bitch". I know more than you...infinitely more. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight. You know nothing about usury and how the Fed attaches interst to every note and how their member banks practice fractional banking or the history of the Promissory note where your signature actually creates money as if it was a printing press and why that is. You don't even know that your labor and sweat equity were pledged as surety against the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933. You don't know diddly squat......I do.

Get it now, "me punkinpuss"?????
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"

Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!

There is no such thing, me poor ignorant tool, as a leftard. Or leftardism. Those are simply irrational names by a conservative troll. So, since you are unable to ask a rational question, why do you think anyone would be able to explain anything to you. You are proven irrational. Nut case. Beyond hope. Delusional. We who are rational just like the truth. Which is not something you are familiar with.
Let me educate you, me boy. though I know you think you are very smart, I know from years studying economics in college and in serious reading, that you know nothing. But first, you have to understand something you do not. It is called belief systems. It is how people believe in anything. And as a con, you have a well understood belief system. It has been studied for years. Because, you see, there is a lot of money in being able to convince people of whatever you would like. And study after study has proven that cons are stupid. I can give you a few of them, but I am sure you do not like studies. As a con, you have several unique belief systems. They include:
1. Believing what they WANT to believe.
2. Belonging to a group with like beliefs (Group Think).
3. Anger is really important to you, makes you happy inside.
4. Believing you are smart, which is, interestingly, part of being stupid, is important to you.

So, you are pissed off, believe what your associates believe, want to believe what you do believe, need on proof of anything at all, and you are completely uninterested and unaffected by things like truth, evidence, impartiality, journalism, expert opinions, or credentials of the sources you peruse. You could care less about anything except what you want to believe and the belief of your group.
So, rational thought works for you, and it is really convenient to be able to believe what you want. Because you do not need to learn anything the hard way, by studying the subject. Because you can believe what you want.
So others can not pull off your little game. They believe what they can prove to be true. And look for evidence on both sides. And check out their sources of information for expertise and impartiality. Both of which you could care less about. We are, me boy, completely different entities. You are happy with who you are, and I would rather be shot than be what you want to be.

No such thing as a "leftard"? Of course there is...there are many of them in this may know them as "demcrats"...I know them as leftards and pseudo-liberals that are really nothing but communists and socialists at heart and they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how this debt based fiat currency even works.They are fucking CLUELESS about it and claim that if only people paid more in taxes that things would be better!! Leftards are not pissed off that some have it bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it "too good". Leftards willingly pick the pockets of others while using every avenue possible to keep from paying taxes to the Fed bankers, an international banking cartel that creates credit out of thin the way, a central bank and a graduated income tax are two of the planks of the communist manifesto. The very ones that you rail against are the same ones that have used those like you like a crack-addicted hooker to push their agenda.

I have no use for the neocons and they disgust me greatly, but they were late to the party. The liberal left has been the tool to every globalist's idea for "social engineering". Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more. You "studied" economics? Did they teach you about the Federal Reserve Act and it's history and how the internantional bankers took the bankrupt USA.INC into receivership in 1912 thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Did your economic classes teach you as to how the Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same group of theives that claimed the Fed Act of 1913 would prevent what happened in 1929? I doubt it. Did your "economics class" explain to you how after the orchestrated the Crash of 1929 that they coerced FDR into compelling the American people into turning in their gold under threat of imprisonment and a huge unpayable fine that the Fed bankers stole in a fiat debt note in exchange for REAL money with an intrinsic value??? I seriously doubt it. I could go on and on as to how you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, "me bitch". I know more than you...infinitely more. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight. You know nothing about usury and how the Fed attaches interst to every note and how their member banks practice fractional banking or the history of the Promissory note where your signature actually creates money as if it was a printing press and why that is. You don't even know that your labor and sweat equity were pledged as surety against the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933. You don't know diddly squat......I do.

Get it now, "me punkinpuss"?????

Yup. Got it. We all understand that you are a totally ignorant con tool, with no mental chops to carry on an argument or a discussion. That much is obvious. You have no knowledge, but lots and lots of talking points and drivel from baseless web sites. The fact that you believe yourself to be something special is amusing, but really just proof of numerous studies that show that stupid people like to have their knowledge spoon fed to them and be told what to believe, and then always think they are very smart. The fact that you even try to get people to believe that you have educated yourself is a joke. My guess is you never could get in to a college, because you are too stupid.
What is funny is that you traffic in non english based words that you and other con tools have made up, as though they are real and have meaning to rational people. They do not. But, on the other hand, your comment about not knowing diddly squat is kind of cool, and a true projection of the real you, me boy. You truly do know nothing, though your delusional mind apparently tells you that you do.

Be boy, you can no doubt cary on conversations with other conspiracy theorists, quoting sources that are not considered credible by anyone except other conspiracy theorists. You are part of your group, and you are great at finding your "truth" based on what you want to believe, group think, and being told by charlatans what to believe. But that is it. No one with a rational mind takes you seriously. At all. And no one listens when you puff up your chest and tell people how smart you are and how much you know. You are a simple joke, and are extremely irrelevant. Had you missed the fact that no one is paying attention to you? Or are you so delusional as to believe you make any difference at all? You simply prove in no uncertain terms that the studies about stupid people are true. You are an actual living example!

I never brag about how much I know. Others who are quite knowledgeable never brag about how much they know. Any person who has paid his dues to have a good deal of knowledge simply shows their knowledge, but NEVER try to tell people how much smarter than them they are. That, me poor ignorant boy, is proof positive of a stupid person with no background to play with those with understanding. It puts you firmly in the too stupid to bother with camp. And thanks for making that evident. Dipshit.
But what is cool for you is that your malady has a name:
Dunning–Kruger effect

You are, however, a number of things:
Immaterial, irrelevant, frivolous, inconsequential, useless, worthless, and more. I could go on, but you have already wasted several minutes of my time, and you are not at all worth the effort.
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Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"

Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!

There is no such thing, me poor ignorant tool, as a leftard. Or leftardism. Those are simply irrational names by a conservative troll. So, since you are unable to ask a rational question, why do you think anyone would be able to explain anything to you. You are proven irrational. Nut case. Beyond hope. Delusional. We who are rational just like the truth. Which is not something you are familiar with.
Let me educate you, me boy. though I know you think you are very smart, I know from years studying economics in college and in serious reading, that you know nothing. But first, you have to understand something you do not. It is called belief systems. It is how people believe in anything. And as a con, you have a well understood belief system. It has been studied for years. Because, you see, there is a lot of money in being able to convince people of whatever you would like. And study after study has proven that cons are stupid. I can give you a few of them, but I am sure you do not like studies. As a con, you have several unique belief systems. They include:
1. Believing what they WANT to believe.
2. Belonging to a group with like beliefs (Group Think).
3. Anger is really important to you, makes you happy inside.
4. Believing you are smart, which is, interestingly, part of being stupid, is important to you.

So, you are pissed off, believe what your associates believe, want to believe what you do believe, need on proof of anything at all, and you are completely uninterested and unaffected by things like truth, evidence, impartiality, journalism, expert opinions, or credentials of the sources you peruse. You could care less about anything except what you want to believe and the belief of your group.
So, rational thought works for you, and it is really convenient to be able to believe what you want. Because you do not need to learn anything the hard way, by studying the subject. Because you can believe what you want.
So others can not pull off your little game. They believe what they can prove to be true. And look for evidence on both sides. And check out their sources of information for expertise and impartiality. Both of which you could care less about. We are, me boy, completely different entities. You are happy with who you are, and I would rather be shot than be what you want to be.

No such thing as a "leftard"? Of course there is...there are many of them in this may know them as "demcrats"...I know them as leftards and pseudo-liberals that are really nothing but communists and socialists at heart and they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how this debt based fiat currency even works.They are fucking CLUELESS about it and claim that if only people paid more in taxes that things would be better!! Leftards are not pissed off that some have it bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it "too good". Leftards willingly pick the pockets of others while using every avenue possible to keep from paying taxes to the Fed bankers, an international banking cartel that creates credit out of thin the way, a central bank and a graduated income tax are two of the planks of the communist manifesto. The very ones that you rail against are the same ones that have used those like you like a crack-addicted hooker to push their agenda.

I have no use for the neocons and they disgust me greatly, but they were late to the party. The liberal left has been the tool to every globalist's idea for "social engineering". Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more. You "studied" economics? Did they teach you about the Federal Reserve Act and it's history and how the internantional bankers took the bankrupt USA.INC into receivership in 1912 thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Did your economic classes teach you as to how the Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same group of theives that claimed the Fed Act of 1913 would prevent what happened in 1929? I doubt it. Did your "economics class" explain to you how after the orchestrated the Crash of 1929 that they coerced FDR into compelling the American people into turning in their gold under threat of imprisonment and a huge unpayable fine that the Fed bankers stole in a fiat debt note in exchange for REAL money with an intrinsic value??? I seriously doubt it. I could go on and on as to how you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, "me bitch". I know more than you...infinitely more. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight. You know nothing about usury and how the Fed attaches interst to every note and how their member banks practice fractional banking or the history of the Promissory note where your signature actually creates money as if it was a printing press and why that is. You don't even know that your labor and sweat equity were pledged as surety against the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933. You don't know diddly squat......I do.

Get it now, "me punkinpuss"?????

Yup. Got it. We all understand that you are a totally ignorant con tool, with no mental chops to carry on an argument or a discussion. That much is obvious. You have no knowledge, but lots and lots of talking points and drivel from baseless web sites. The fact that you believe yourself to be something special is amusing, but really just proof of numerous studies that show that stupid people like to have their knowledge spoon fed to them and be told what to believe, and then always think they are very smart. The fact that you even try to get people to believe that you have educated yourself is a joke. My guess is you never could get in to a college, because you are too stupid.
What is funny is that you traffic in non english based words that you and other con tools have made up, as though they are real and have meaning to rational people. They do not. But, on the other hand, your comment about not knowing diddly squat is kind of cool, and a true projection of the real you, me boy. You truly do know nothing, though your delusional mind apparently tells you that you do.

Be boy, you can no doubt cary on conversations with other conspiracy theorists, quoting sources that are not considered credible by anyone except other conspiracy theorists. You are part of your group, and you are great at finding your "truth" based on what you want to believe, group think, and being told by charlatans what to believe. But that is it. No one with a rational mind takes you seriously. At all. And no one listens when you puff up your chest and tell people how smart you are and how much you know. You are a simple joke, and are extremely irrelevant. Had you missed the fact that no one is paying attention to you? Or are you so delusional as to believe you make any difference at all? You simply prove in no uncertain terms that the studies about stupid people are true. You are an actual living example!

I never brag about how much I know. Others who are quite knowledgeable never brag about how much they know. Any person who has paid his dues to have a good deal of knowledge simply shows their knowledge, but NEVER try to tell people how much smarter than them they are. That, me poor ignorant boy, is proof positive of a stupid person with no background to play with those with understanding. It puts you firmly in the too stupid to bother with camp. And thanks for making that evident. Dipshit.
You are, however, a number of things:
Immaterial, irrelevant, frivolous, inconsequential, useless, worthless, and more. I could go on, but you have already wasted several minutes of my time, and you are not at all worth the effort.[/QUOTE]

Never has someone posted so much and yet said so little. You had no rebuttal nor could you refute what I wasted paragraphs of utter bullshit prose lamely attempting to demonize and marginalize what I know.... and needless to say? It gave me a good laugh. It rips you up inside that I know more than you....infinitely more because if you had any conviction of what you be believe as "fact"? You have have written something with more substance than that worthless excuse for a reply. Once again "me leftard"...I kick your ass and I kick it for the entire forum to see....bend over and offer me yet another target to hit on that bruised ass of yours. (snicker)
Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"

Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!

There is no such thing, me poor ignorant tool, as a leftard. Or leftardism. Those are simply irrational names by a conservative troll. So, since you are unable to ask a rational question, why do you think anyone would be able to explain anything to you. You are proven irrational. Nut case. Beyond hope. Delusional. We who are rational just like the truth. Which is not something you are familiar with.
Let me educate you, me boy. though I know you think you are very smart, I know from years studying economics in college and in serious reading, that you know nothing. But first, you have to understand something you do not. It is called belief systems. It is how people believe in anything. And as a con, you have a well understood belief system. It has been studied for years. Because, you see, there is a lot of money in being able to convince people of whatever you would like. And study after study has proven that cons are stupid. I can give you a few of them, but I am sure you do not like studies. As a con, you have several unique belief systems. They include:
1. Believing what they WANT to believe.
2. Belonging to a group with like beliefs (Group Think).
3. Anger is really important to you, makes you happy inside.
4. Believing you are smart, which is, interestingly, part of being stupid, is important to you.

So, you are pissed off, believe what your associates believe, want to believe what you do believe, need on proof of anything at all, and you are completely uninterested and unaffected by things like truth, evidence, impartiality, journalism, expert opinions, or credentials of the sources you peruse. You could care less about anything except what you want to believe and the belief of your group.
So, rational thought works for you, and it is really convenient to be able to believe what you want. Because you do not need to learn anything the hard way, by studying the subject. Because you can believe what you want.
So others can not pull off your little game. They believe what they can prove to be true. And look for evidence on both sides. And check out their sources of information for expertise and impartiality. Both of which you could care less about. We are, me boy, completely different entities. You are happy with who you are, and I would rather be shot than be what you want to be.

No such thing as a "leftard"? Of course there is...there are many of them in this may know them as "demcrats"...I know them as leftards and pseudo-liberals that are really nothing but communists and socialists at heart and they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how this debt based fiat currency even works.They are fucking CLUELESS about it and claim that if only people paid more in taxes that things would be better!! Leftards are not pissed off that some have it bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it "too good". Leftards willingly pick the pockets of others while using every avenue possible to keep from paying taxes to the Fed bankers, an international banking cartel that creates credit out of thin the way, a central bank and a graduated income tax are two of the planks of the communist manifesto. The very ones that you rail against are the same ones that have used those like you like a crack-addicted hooker to push their agenda.

I have no use for the neocons and they disgust me greatly, but they were late to the party. The liberal left has been the tool to every globalist's idea for "social engineering". Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more. You "studied" economics? Did they teach you about the Federal Reserve Act and it's history and how the internantional bankers took the bankrupt USA.INC into receivership in 1912 thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Did your economic classes teach you as to how the Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same group of theives that claimed the Fed Act of 1913 would prevent what happened in 1929? I doubt it. Did your "economics class" explain to you how after the orchestrated the Crash of 1929 that they coerced FDR into compelling the American people into turning in their gold under threat of imprisonment and a huge unpayable fine that the Fed bankers stole in a fiat debt note in exchange for REAL money with an intrinsic value??? I seriously doubt it. I could go on and on as to how you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, "me bitch". I know more than you...infinitely more. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight. You know nothing about usury and how the Fed attaches interst to every note and how their member banks practice fractional banking or the history of the Promissory note where your signature actually creates money as if it was a printing press and why that is. You don't even know that your labor and sweat equity were pledged as surety against the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933. You don't know diddly squat......I do.

Get it now, "me punkinpuss"?????

Yup. Got it. We all understand that you are a totally ignorant con tool, with no mental chops to carry on an argument or a discussion. That much is obvious. You have no knowledge, but lots and lots of talking points and drivel from baseless web sites. The fact that you believe yourself to be something special is amusing, but really just proof of numerous studies that show that stupid people like to have their knowledge spoon fed to them and be told what to believe, and then always think they are very smart. The fact that you even try to get people to believe that you have educated yourself is a joke. My guess is you never could get in to a college, because you are too stupid.
What is funny is that you traffic in non english based words that you and other con tools have made up, as though they are real and have meaning to rational people. They do not. But, on the other hand, your comment about not knowing diddly squat is kind of cool, and a true projection of the real you, me boy. You truly do know nothing, though your delusional mind apparently tells you that you do.

Be boy, you can no doubt cary on conversations with other conspiracy theorists, quoting sources that are not considered credible by anyone except other conspiracy theorists. You are part of your group, and you are great at finding your "truth" based on what you want to believe, group think, and being told by charlatans what to believe. But that is it. No one with a rational mind takes you seriously. At all. And no one listens when you puff up your chest and tell people how smart you are and how much you know. You are a simple joke, and are extremely irrelevant. Had you missed the fact that no one is paying attention to you? Or are you so delusional as to believe you make any difference at all? You simply prove in no uncertain terms that the studies about stupid people are true. You are an actual living example!

I never brag about how much I know. Others who are quite knowledgeable never brag about how much they know. Any person who has paid his dues to have a good deal of knowledge simply shows their knowledge, but NEVER try to tell people how much smarter than them they are. That, me poor ignorant boy, is proof positive of a stupid person with no background to play with those with understanding. It puts you firmly in the too stupid to bother with camp. And thanks for making that evident. Dipshit.
You are, however, a number of things:
Immaterial, irrelevant, frivolous, inconsequential, useless, worthless, and more. I could go on, but you have already wasted several minutes of my time, and you are not at all worth the effort.

Never has someone posted so much and yet said so little. You had no rebuttal nor could you refute what I wasted paragraphs of utter bullshit prose lamely attempting to demonize and marginalize what I know.... and needless to say? It gave me a good laugh. It rips you up inside that I know more than you....infinitely more because if you had any conviction of what you be believe as "fact"? You have have written something with more substance than that worthless excuse for a reply. Once again "me leftard"...I kick your ass and I kick it for the entire forum to see....bend over and offer me yet another target to hit on that bruised ass of yours. (snicker)[/QUOTE]

You are, of course, simply posting from an empty mind. Please look up Stupid People Studies. It would help if you could understand your malady.
Relative to refuting what you say, you need to understand the rational mind, which you obviously neither have nor comprehend. To make a rebutal of a post by someone who is stupid, and provides no proof of their contention, is a total waste of time. And tends to put you on the same level as the person making the baseless post. That, me boy, is a total waste of time. So, in technical terms, stop wasting peoples time with baseless drivel that you have NO proof of. No one, myself included, pays any attention. You are like a dog barking, and those who have ever listened to you have long ago stopped paying attention. For instance, I just scanned your paragraph, saw no links to prove your contentions, and say the following for your help. Though I know it is a waste of time.
Get Help Before You Hurt Yourself
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What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...
Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!

There is no such thing, me poor ignorant tool, as a leftard. Or leftardism. Those are simply irrational names by a conservative troll. So, since you are unable to ask a rational question, why do you think anyone would be able to explain anything to you. You are proven irrational. Nut case. Beyond hope. Delusional. We who are rational just like the truth. Which is not something you are familiar with.
Let me educate you, me boy. though I know you think you are very smart, I know from years studying economics in college and in serious reading, that you know nothing. But first, you have to understand something you do not. It is called belief systems. It is how people believe in anything. And as a con, you have a well understood belief system. It has been studied for years. Because, you see, there is a lot of money in being able to convince people of whatever you would like. And study after study has proven that cons are stupid. I can give you a few of them, but I am sure you do not like studies. As a con, you have several unique belief systems. They include:
1. Believing what they WANT to believe.
2. Belonging to a group with like beliefs (Group Think).
3. Anger is really important to you, makes you happy inside.
4. Believing you are smart, which is, interestingly, part of being stupid, is important to you.

So, you are pissed off, believe what your associates believe, want to believe what you do believe, need on proof of anything at all, and you are completely uninterested and unaffected by things like truth, evidence, impartiality, journalism, expert opinions, or credentials of the sources you peruse. You could care less about anything except what you want to believe and the belief of your group.
So, rational thought works for you, and it is really convenient to be able to believe what you want. Because you do not need to learn anything the hard way, by studying the subject. Because you can believe what you want.
So others can not pull off your little game. They believe what they can prove to be true. And look for evidence on both sides. And check out their sources of information for expertise and impartiality. Both of which you could care less about. We are, me boy, completely different entities. You are happy with who you are, and I would rather be shot than be what you want to be.

No such thing as a "leftard"? Of course there is...there are many of them in this may know them as "demcrats"...I know them as leftards and pseudo-liberals that are really nothing but communists and socialists at heart and they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to how this debt based fiat currency even works.They are fucking CLUELESS about it and claim that if only people paid more in taxes that things would be better!! Leftards are not pissed off that some have it bad as they are pissed that some seem to have it "too good". Leftards willingly pick the pockets of others while using every avenue possible to keep from paying taxes to the Fed bankers, an international banking cartel that creates credit out of thin the way, a central bank and a graduated income tax are two of the planks of the communist manifesto. The very ones that you rail against are the same ones that have used those like you like a crack-addicted hooker to push their agenda.

I have no use for the neocons and they disgust me greatly, but they were late to the party. The liberal left has been the tool to every globalist's idea for "social engineering". Yeah, I know more than you...infinitely more. You "studied" economics? Did they teach you about the Federal Reserve Act and it's history and how the internantional bankers took the bankrupt USA.INC into receivership in 1912 thus the Federal Reserve Act of 1913? Did your economic classes teach you as to how the Crash of 1929 was orchestrated by the same group of theives that claimed the Fed Act of 1913 would prevent what happened in 1929? I doubt it. Did your "economics class" explain to you how after the orchestrated the Crash of 1929 that they coerced FDR into compelling the American people into turning in their gold under threat of imprisonment and a huge unpayable fine that the Fed bankers stole in a fiat debt note in exchange for REAL money with an intrinsic value??? I seriously doubt it. I could go on and on as to how you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground, "me bitch". I know more than you...infinitely more. You couldn't walk 100 feet in my shoes without your frail shoulders falling underneath the weight. You know nothing about usury and how the Fed attaches interst to every note and how their member banks practice fractional banking or the history of the Promissory note where your signature actually creates money as if it was a printing press and why that is. You don't even know that your labor and sweat equity were pledged as surety against the debt due to the bankruptcy of 1933. You don't know diddly squat......I do.

Get it now, "me punkinpuss"?????

Yup. Got it. We all understand that you are a totally ignorant con tool, with no mental chops to carry on an argument or a discussion. That much is obvious. You have no knowledge, but lots and lots of talking points and drivel from baseless web sites. The fact that you believe yourself to be something special is amusing, but really just proof of numerous studies that show that stupid people like to have their knowledge spoon fed to them and be told what to believe, and then always think they are very smart. The fact that you even try to get people to believe that you have educated yourself is a joke. My guess is you never could get in to a college, because you are too stupid.
What is funny is that you traffic in non english based words that you and other con tools have made up, as though they are real and have meaning to rational people. They do not. But, on the other hand, your comment about not knowing diddly squat is kind of cool, and a true projection of the real you, me boy. You truly do know nothing, though your delusional mind apparently tells you that you do.

Be boy, you can no doubt cary on conversations with other conspiracy theorists, quoting sources that are not considered credible by anyone except other conspiracy theorists. You are part of your group, and you are great at finding your "truth" based on what you want to believe, group think, and being told by charlatans what to believe. But that is it. No one with a rational mind takes you seriously. At all. And no one listens when you puff up your chest and tell people how smart you are and how much you know. You are a simple joke, and are extremely irrelevant. Had you missed the fact that no one is paying attention to you? Or are you so delusional as to believe you make any difference at all? You simply prove in no uncertain terms that the studies about stupid people are true. You are an actual living example!

I never brag about how much I know. Others who are quite knowledgeable never brag about how much they know. Any person who has paid his dues to have a good deal of knowledge simply shows their knowledge, but NEVER try to tell people how much smarter than them they are. That, me poor ignorant boy, is proof positive of a stupid person with no background to play with those with understanding. It puts you firmly in the too stupid to bother with camp. And thanks for making that evident. Dipshit.
You are, however, a number of things:
Immaterial, irrelevant, frivolous, inconsequential, useless, worthless, and more. I could go on, but you have already wasted several minutes of my time, and you are not at all worth the effort.

Never has someone posted so much and yet said so little. You had no rebuttal nor could you refute what I wasted paragraphs of utter bullshit prose lamely attempting to demonize and marginalize what I know.... and needless to say? It gave me a good laugh. It rips you up inside that I know more than you....infinitely more because if you had any conviction of what you be believe as "fact"? You have have written something with more substance than that worthless excuse for a reply. Once again "me leftard"...I kick your ass and I kick it for the entire forum to see....bend over and offer me yet another target to hit on that bruised ass of yours. (snicker)

You are, of course, simply posting from an empty mind. Please look up Stupid People Studies. It would help if you could understand your malady.
Relative to refuting what you say, you need to understand the rational mind, which you obviously neither have nor comprehend. To make a rebutal of a post by someone who is stupid, and provides no proof of their contention, is a total waste of time. And tends to put you on the same level as the person making the baseless post. That, me boy, is a total waste of time. So, in technical terms, stop wasting peoples time with baseless drivel that you have NO proof of. No one, myself included, pays any attention. You are like a dog barking, and those who have ever listened to you have long ago stopped paying attention. For instance, I just scanned your paragraph, saw no links to prove your contentions, and say the following for your help. Though I know it is a waste of time.
Get Help Before You Hurt Yourself[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I "get it" have no "rebuttal" so you lamely hide behind worthless and useles rhetoric. You could never defeat me in a debate which is why you have been avoiding the facts that I posted..........lame move on your part but then again? It was the only move you had, "me boy".....(snicker)
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Glad to see you are happy. Stupid, but happy. And, me poor ignorant con troll, you could beat no one in a debate. Takes something you are missing: A BRAIN.
Google it.

And thanks Obama.

If a Republican were in the white house conservatives wouldn't be making excuses for the people who've given up
America has 5.8 million job openings

Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Republicans so dishonest. The base votes for the very people who screw them over.

'Frightening' number of unemployed have stopped looking for work

"This is a tale of two economies," Express CEO Bob Funk said in a statement. "It's frightening to see this many people who could work say they have given up."

The results come just a few days after a government report showed that the unemployment rate fell to 4.7 percent in May, but the drop came primarily because of a sharp decline in the labor force participation rate. The number of people of all ages whom the government considers "not in the labor force" swelled by 664,000 to a record 94.7 million Americans, according to Labor Department data.

Job creation, after averaging over 200,000 for much of the recovery, has slowed considerably this year. May saw just 38,000 new jobs, part of a trend in which payrolls have grown an average of 116,000 over the past three months and less than 150,000 for all of 2016.
Look at the rest of your article:

The greatest concentration of unemployment is in the 18-29 age group, which comprises one-third of all the jobless:

Other highlights of the poll:

83 percent say economic benefits are skewed to the rich
66 percent say they don't apply for minimum-wage jobs because the pay is too low
The unemployed are spending just 11.7 hours a week looking for work.
More than half — 51 percent — say they haven't had a job interview since 2014.

And then add in this fact:

America has near record 5.8 million job openings

And you have to wonder if people even want jobs?

Of course, congress could make education both affordable and within reach. I mean a Democratic Congress. This kind of help is something Republicans would NEVER, EVER do. It's simply not who they are.
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.
Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.

That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.
So when Bush, campaigning for president in 2000, ran on the platform that we had a surplus, that it was the government overcharging us, and because of that he was going to give us a tax rebate and rax cuts -- he was lying?

"Today, our high taxes fund a surplus. Some say that growing federal surplus means Washington has more money to spend.

But they've got it backwards.

The surplus is not the government's money. The surplus is the people's money.

I will use this moment of opportunity to bring common sense and fairness to the tax code.

And I will act on principle.

On principle ... every family, every farmer and small businessperson, should be free to pass on their life's work to those they love.

So we will abolish the death tax.

On principle ... no one in America should have to pay more than a third of their income to the federal government.

So we will reduce tax rates for everyone, in every bracket.

On principle ... those in the greatest need should receive the greatest help.

So we will lower the bottom rate from 15 percent to 10 percent and double the child tax credit."

Of course Bush was lying.
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic
It is but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Another lie, me boy. I stated I would provide the formula you say does not exist, yet spend tons of time trying to get. However, as you well know, and as I have proven, you agreed to a condition for the formula. You did not keep your end of the bargain and provide the required republican bill name or number, and then suggest that I will not provide the formula, which is simply another lie.the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce..No one, me boy, laughed. Another lie..he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula Another lie, as you know, and as I have proven....about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees,(I have two college degrees, which I can prove, and have offered you a bet that you will not take If I am not telling the truth, you could have made good money, but you would not, because you know better) jobs and wealth Never any claim of wealth, me boy. Never told you what my job titles were. So, two more lies. yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth.That would be your opinion, and you know how much your opinion is appreciated...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive. Never, me boy. But I do strike back when you lie about me.
What is that, me boy. The thirtieth straight post that has NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT AT ALL. And simply a number of personal attacks, based on lies. Same lies as always. Did you yet notice that there is no one paying attention?
Not that this is new, but you said above that I prosed to unconditionally provide you with the formula, the one you say does not exist. And that there was no condition till later. Here is the problem, me boy. Here is a post where I offered to provide you the formula, complete with the requirement for the condition:

May 5, 2016 #732
RshermrVIP Member

Gee, what a surprise! George Costanza the economist can't come up with a formula!

Oldstyle, it would be so easy to see the formula that is SOOOOO important to you. All you need to do is tell everyone what the republicans did to help create jobs during the Great Republican Recession of 2008. Or, simply admit that they did NOTHING.
Nah. You are not into truth, me boy. Not at all
Uh, by the way, your economic knowledge is highly limited. I have yet to see an economic argument from you. Simple denials are not economic arguments. Now history, yep. If you can make an argument using economic history, that would be an improvement.

Clear back on May 5, me boy. There are at least 40 other similar posts. And in each one you forget to mention that there was a condition. Lying is your thing, me boy. You simply lie, post dogma, and post personal attacks. ALL YOU HAVE EVER HAD TO DO IS MEET THE CONDITION YOU AGREED TO, AND THAT YOU MADE FEEBLE AND UNSUCCESSFUL EFFORTS AT MEETING. AND YOU HAVE GIVEN UP MEETING THE CONDITION, AND NOW LIE, SAYING THERE WAS NEVER A CONDITION.
I know of no person ever who posts lies over and over and over and over. And pretends that you did not have the lie proven before. . And then lie again, over and over. You are a true example of a worthless human.

But here is the thing. Try as you have, you have never been able to show me lying. Which is no surprise, of course, BECAUSE I NEVER, EVER LIE. EVER. Just like the majority of people in this world.
Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.[/QUOTE]

I will take a look and respond on a seperate post shortly to the web sites you mentioned. In the interim, here is one I am sure of. is a completely impartial source and has been for years. And the issue here is actually easy to check:
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008
Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


"The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers.
Last edited:
Last time it was this low was 1973

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

Right, until the democrat President Jimmy Carter took over in 1974, whereas the Republican President was in office in '73.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can deside for yourself how "impartial" they are.[/QUOTE]

The first link, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on.", is an article by The Heritage Foundation, which is a far right wing web site. Nothing ever impartial about that one.
The second, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy.", was a piece written for the New York Post by Charlie Gasparino, a Fox business celeb. Far, far from rational and impartial, both the NY Post and the author.
The third, The myth of the Clinton Surplus, was written by Craig Steiner, a conservative columnist for Townhall, a bat shit crazy con web site. Very, very partial
So, three for three conservative and partial sources. You picked the trifecta.

There are many sources that discuss the Surplus during the clinton years. There are no impartial sources that agree with the con talking points that you have posted. In general, you can be sure they were simply conservative attacks and totally untrue.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.[/QUOTE]

I will take a look and respond on a seperate post shortly to the web sites you mentioned. In the interim, here is one I am sure of. is a completely impartial source and has been for years. And the issue here is actually easy to check:
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008
Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


"The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers.[/QUOTE]

You are such a fucking joke...Clinton didn't do squat. He simply rode the internet boom that crashed just before he left. The budget was never balanced because it CAN'T be blanced. Every dollar put into existence by the parasitic Federal Reserve banking oligarchs has usury attached to it so there is no fucking way to ever "balance" the budget or ever pay off the debt because debt is money and money is debt. How and the fuck do you not know this or understand how this fiat currency/debt slavery system works? If you were so fucking SMART you would have already figured this out. The ONLY time America ever ran a surplus was under President Andrew Jackson after he refused to sign off on another 20 year charter for the Rothschild central bank which was why the War of 1812 was fought. You have proven that you know nothing about the real history of this country or the history of our monetary/fiat currency go try and fool someone else that you are not an unmitigated fraud because I have exposed you "me leftard" for the knows nothing troll that you most assuredly are.
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.[/QUOTE]

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.[/QUOTE]

I will take a look and respond on a seperate post shortly to the web sites you mentioned. In the interim, here is one I am sure of. is a completely impartial source and has been for years. And the issue here is actually easy to check:
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008
Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


"The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers.[/QUOTE]

You are such a fucking joke...Clinton didn't do squat. He simply rode the internet boom that crashed just before he left. The budget was never balanced because it CAN'T be blanced. Every dollar put into existence by the parasitic Federal Reserve banking oligarchs has usury attached to it so there is no fucking way to ever "balance" the budget or ever pay off the debt because debt is money and money is debt. How and the fuck do you not know this or understand how this fiat currency/debt slavery system works? If you were so fucking SMART you would have already figured this out. The ONLY time America ever ran a surplus was under President Andrew Jackson after he refused to sign off on another 20 year charter for the Rothschild central bank which was why the War of 1812 was fought. You have proven that you know nothing about the real history of this country or the history of our monetary/fiat currency go try and fool someone else that you are not an unmitigated fraud because I have exposed you "me leftard" for the knows nothing troll that you most assuredly are.[/QUOTE]

Wow. That was truly stupid. You really showed your ignorance.
Well, me boy, you lost your first effort at debating me. I provided an impartial source, you posted your opinion, which was drivel. So I, and others, have two choices. We could believe you, or we could believe Sorry, me boy, we will take the expert and impartial source every time. YOU LOOSE.

Posting well known and vetted con talking point is a really stupid way to argue anything. Apparently you never try to find facts, as long as the source says what you want to hear. And after getting your head beaten in, figuratively, you stupidly suggest that you have exposed me. What a dipshit you are, me boy.

So, you think you are so smart that what you say should be taken as truth? Are you that stupid. I saw your quotes, and know plenty enough to be certain that your sources are bullshit. You could not win a debate of any kind ever. Cause you are too stupid.
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.

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