US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.[/QUOTE]

I will take a look and respond on a seperate post shortly to the web sites you mentioned. In the interim, here is one I am sure of. is a completely impartial source and has been for years. And the issue here is actually easy to check:
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008
Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


"The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers.[/QUOTE]

You are such a fucking joke...Clinton didn't do squat. He simply rode the internet boom that crashed just before he left. The budget was never balanced because it CAN'T be blanced. Every dollar put into existence by the parasitic Federal Reserve banking oligarchs has usury attached to it so there is no fucking way to ever "balance" the budget or ever pay off the debt because debt is money and money is debt. How and the fuck do you not know this or understand how this fiat currency/debt slavery system works? If you were so fucking SMART you would have already figured this out. The ONLY time America ever ran a surplus was under President Andrew Jackson after he refused to sign off on another 20 year charter for the Rothschild central bank which was why the War of 1812 was fought. You have proven that you know nothing about the real history of this country or the history of our monetary/fiat currency go try and fool someone else that you are not an unmitigated fraud because I have exposed you "me leftard" for the knows nothing troll that you most assuredly are.[/QUOTE]

Wow. That was truly stupid. You really showed your ignorance.
Well, me boy, you lost your first effort at debating me. I provided an impartial source, you posted your opinion, which was drivel. So I, and others, have two choices. We could believe you, or we could believe Sorry, me boy, we will take the expert and impartial source every time. YOU LOOSE.

Posting well known and vetted con talking point is a really stupid way to argue anything. Apparently you never try to find facts, as long as the source says what you want to hear. And after getting your head beaten in, figuratively, you stupidly suggest that you have exposed me. What a dipshit you are, me boy.[/QUOTE]

I posted the real history and not the bullshit that you believe and it has no political affiliation whatsoever. I despise the neocons as much as I despise the leftard clown posse. I know more than you....infinitely more. You couldn't handle the things I know. The best part of all of this is that tomorrow, you will still be an ignorant dipshit while proclaiming you are making people "hip" to the greatness of the ways of leftardism with your ass showing and your pants down around your knees while looking like an idiot.You are the only one that thinks you know anything...and I proved that you don't.....
What's amusing is that the same guy who's excuse for writing like an eighth grader is that his "secretary" normally proofs his now telling someone else that he doubts they went to college? You can't help but laugh...

I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.

Well, let's see who the stupid fuck is. I stated and proved that there was a surplus under the clinton administration. The proof was in the form of an impartial and expert source. You said I was wrong, but provided NO PROOF. OF ANY KIND!
You loose, and have the stupid fuck award. Sorry about that. Actually, it was exactly what I expected. And I am not at all sorry about that.

On another note, what is your highest level of education? I'd guess 2nd grade. Ya stupid fuck.
That was then this is now. After that the bush family fucked up the Clinton surplus and Obama fixed the bush great recession.

There was no surplus under Bill Clinton. From what I heard, the Clinton administration used accounting practices that would have been illegal in the private sector to make it look like on paper that they had balanced the budget. It was all smoke and mirrors.

Problem is you heard wrong. Perhaps you could provide a link to an impartial source that backs you up. But of course you can not. Because you are simply posting con talking points. Which, me boy, are lies.

I don't know how to provide links. But I can give you the names of a few websites to look up. The first is, "Clinton's FY 1997 Budget:   The Era of big government lives on." The second is, "The untold story of how Clinton's budget destroyed the American economy." The third is, "The myth of the Clinton Surplus." You can decide for yourself how "impartial" they are.

I will take a look and respond on a seperate post shortly to the web sites you mentioned. In the interim, here is one I am sure of. is a completely impartial source and has been for years. And the issue here is actually easy to check:
The Budget and Deficit Under Clinton
  • By Brooks Jackson
  • Posted on February 3, 2008 | Updated on February 11, 2008
Q: During the Clinton administration was the federal budget balanced? Was the federal deficit erased?

A: Yes to both questions, whether you count Social Security or not.


This chart, based on historical figures from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, shows the total deficit or surplus for each fiscal year from 1990 through 2006. Keep in mind that fiscal years begin Oct. 1, so the first year that can be counted as a Clinton year is fiscal 1994. The appropriations bills for fiscal years 1990 through 1993 were signed by Bill Clinton’s predecessor, George H.W. Bush. Fiscal 2002 is the first for which President George W. Bush signed the appropriations bills, and the first to show the effect of his tax cuts.


"The Clinton years showed the effects of a large tax increase that Clinton pushed through in his first year, and that Republicans incorrectly claim is the "largest tax increase in history." It fell almost exclusively on upper-income taxpayers.[/QUOTE]

You are such a fucking joke...Clinton didn't do squat. He simply rode the internet boom that crashed just before he left. The budget was never balanced because it CAN'T be blanced. Every dollar put into existence by the parasitic Federal Reserve banking oligarchs has usury attached to it so there is no fucking way to ever "balance" the budget or ever pay off the debt because debt is money and money is debt. How and the fuck do you not know this or understand how this fiat currency/debt slavery system works? If you were so fucking SMART you would have already figured this out. The ONLY time America ever ran a surplus was under President Andrew Jackson after he refused to sign off on another 20 year charter for the Rothschild central bank which was why the War of 1812 was fought. You have proven that you know nothing about the real history of this country or the history of our monetary/fiat currency go try and fool someone else that you are not an unmitigated fraud because I have exposed you "me leftard" for the knows nothing troll that you most assuredly are.[/QUOTE]

Wow. That was truly stupid. You really showed your ignorance.
Well, me boy, you lost your first effort at debating me. I provided an impartial source, you posted your opinion, which was drivel. So I, and others, have two choices. We could believe you, or we could believe Sorry, me boy, we will take the expert and impartial source every time. YOU LOOSE.

Posting well known and vetted con talking point is a really stupid way to argue anything. Apparently you never try to find facts, as long as the source says what you want to hear. And after getting your head beaten in, figuratively, you stupidly suggest that you have exposed me. What a dipshit you are, me boy.[/QUOTE] [/QUOTE]

I posted the real history and not the bullshit that you believe and it has no political affiliation whatsoever.
Sorry, you posted your opinion and were unable to prove it. You loose.I despise the neocons as much as I despise the leftard clown posse. I know more than you....infinitely more. Actually, you know less than anyone I have dealt with for decades. You couldn't handle the things I know.Yea, we all know you are a real winner. In your own puny little mind. The best part of all of this is that tomorrow, you will still be an ignorant dipshit while proclaiming you are making people "hip" to the greatness of the ways of leftardism with your ass showing and your pants down around your knees while looking like an idiot. You seem to have a high level of interest in naked males. Makes sense. You are the only one that thinks you know anything...and I proved that you don't...
Please tell us, oh master, how have you EVER proven anything. Except, of course, that you are a conspiracy theorist and a nut case.
I have kicked his ass so thouroughly and exposed him as a fraud........the ass kicking I put on him is gonna sting for awhile....LOL!

Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.
Rshermr is the biggest fraud on this board. He's always calling for discussions about economic issues here but if you notice...anytime there IS a serious discussion about economics, Rshermr is totally lost. He claims to have not only graduated with a degree in Economics but to have taught the subject at the college level...but didn't have the faintest idea what I was talking about when I asked him which school of economics he was basing one of his claims on! This board's answer to George Costanza thought I was referring to an actual brick and mortar college!

He told me that the "Jobs Saved" number put out by the Obama Administration was a verifiable statistic but when I asked him to provide the economic formula that was used to arrive at that number he seemed to have slowly realized that the number was a total fabrication...something the Obama folks simply made up to hide how few jobs they created with the Stimulus! Then he tried to bluff his way out of the corner he'd painted himself into by providing "A-B=Jobs Saved" as the formula. When he got laughed at for THAT farce...he came up with "conditions" that had to be met before he'd reveal the real formula...about as pathetic an attempt to hide his ignorance as I've ever seen!

But that's who Rshermr...IS! He's the classic internet blowhard that claims all kinds of degrees, jobs and wealth yet displays none of the intelligence required to get degrees, jobs and wealth...which is why I started calling him George Costanza in the first place! Be forewarned...if you call him on his fantasies...he rapidly becomes abusive.

I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.
I have already exposed him as a "knows nothing" internet blowhard. He avoids addressing any of the valid points I have made that are easily verifiable if one had any intellectual curiosity. It eats him up inside that we both know more than he does. That is why he writes these long, fact free posts. What he lacks in quality, he tries to compensate with quantity.

Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.

But Faun believes in the methodology of his beloved corporate federal "gubermint: that would never, EVER think about fudging numbers. Numbers that cannot be disputed is the low and dtagnant wahges where 71 percent that havbe a job make less than 50K a year, 51 percent make less than 30K per year and 38 percent make less than 20K per year. Leftards are about importing muislim refugees and leaving the southern border wide open....but leftards say??? "Times are great and how about that hope and change???? Jump on that train lest you be left behind!!"....Fuck Barrypuppet and fuck the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and is a big ol' loogie hocked from the lungs of which I will use to spit upon you.
Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.

But Faun believes in the methodology of his beloved corporate federal "gubermint: that would never, EVER think about fudging numbers. Numbers that cannot be disputed is the low and dtagnant wahges where 71 percent that havbe a job make less than 50K a year, 51 percent make less than 30K per year and 38 percent make less than 20K per year. Leftards are about importing muislim refugees and leaving the southern border wide open....but leftards say??? "Times are great and how about that hope and change???? Jump on that train lest you be left behind!!"....Fuck Barrypuppet and fuck the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and is a big ol' loogie hocked from the lungs of which I will use to spit upon you.
At least the BLS has a methodology. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. That's your opinion. But at least they have one.

Not only does shadowsstats have no specified methodology, you don't even care that they don't. You swallow their bullshit for the mere fact you like what they say. How they arrive at their figures doesn't even matter to you. That's how non-existent your principles are.
Wow, two sources that between them have a combined IQ of maybe 70. Please, you are the only person giving yourself any credit at all. The posts are not that long, but I suppose they are for a congenital idiot. But you, me boy, never try to argue my points. Cause you know you can not. Because, me boy, you are STUPID. Which, along with being a congenital idiot, is a tough row to hoe.
But for complete sport, name a "valid point" you say you have made. I must have missed it, dipshit. And we will see what you have. But one rule. Your opinion does not count for proof of any kind, as mine does not. Impartial sources are the only valid proof. Which will be a challenge for you, because I am still waiting to see a valid source from you, ever.
No conspiracy theorists, or right wing nut cases, or unheard of nut cases.

I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????
I never used loose. What i did was type lose. And the apple spell check on my mac turned it into Loose. Happens often, when I use the mac book. But i do indeed understand the difference.

1. It makes no difference how much new debt was created, as long as enough revenue came in. Dipshit.
2. You have not provided proof of anything. Just your "word" which has NO VALUE.
3. USA INC is not the federal government, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are talking about an entity that has nothing directly to do with the USA.

Let me inform you that your basic principle is nonsense. Bullshit. It was a surplus. As the source explained. Sorry, me boy. You lost. sorry you are a sore looser.

Some times it is difficult to accept that you have been wrong for years. But you have.
You need to look up the meaning of a surplus. It entails government assets and liabilities.
And if you could prove that the national debt was increased in net by 1.23 trillion dollars over the years that Factcheck shows a surplus, they will be very interested in finding out about it. Because it will mean that their economists and researchers made a really, really big mistake. And when they, as opposed to you, make a mistake, they quickly and thoroughly admit it. Admit. Look it up. But your word will mean as much to them as it does to me. You will have the same problem. Finding an expert and impartial source. Good luck with that. You have failed completely so far.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.

But Faun believes in the methodology of his beloved corporate federal "gubermint: that would never, EVER think about fudging numbers. Numbers that cannot be disputed is the low and dtagnant wahges where 71 percent that havbe a job make less than 50K a year, 51 percent make less than 30K per year and 38 percent make less than 20K per year. Leftards are about importing muislim refugees and leaving the southern border wide open....but leftards say??? "Times are great and how about that hope and change???? Jump on that train lest you be left behind!!"....Fuck Barrypuppet and fuck the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and is a big ol' loogie hocked from the lungs of which I will use to spit upon you.
At least the BLS has a methodology. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. That's your opinion. But at least they have one.

Not only does shadowsstats have no specified methodology, you don't even care that they don't. You swallow their bullshit for the mere fact you like what they say. How they arrive at their figures doesn't even matter to you. That's how non-existent your principles are.

Poor boy is having all sorts of problems with his sources. He just lost a debate about whether B. Clinton had a surplus. Factcheck is adamant that he did indeed, but DS will not believe it, though he has no source to back him up. Poor guy is a clown.
I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????
I never used loose. What i did was type lose. And the apple spell check on my mac turned it into Loose. Happens often, when I use the mac book. But i do indeed understand the difference.

1. It makes no difference how much new debt was created, as long as enough revenue came in. Dipshit.
2. You have not provided proof of anything. Just your "word" which has NO VALUE.
3. USA INC is not the federal government, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are talking about an entity that has nothing directly to do with the USA.

Let me inform you that your basic principle is nonsense. Bullshit. It was a surplus. As the source explained. Sorry, me boy. You lost. sorry you are a sore looser.

Some times it is difficult to accept that you have been wrong for years. But you have.
You need to look up the meaning of a surplus. It entails government assets and liabilities.
And if you could prove that the national debt was increased in net by 1.23 trillion dollars over the years that Factcheck shows a surplus, they will be very interested in finding out about it. Because it will mean that their economists and researchers made a really, really big mistake. And when they, as opposed to you, make a mistake, they quickly and thoroughly admit it. Admit. Look it up. But your word will mean as much to them as it does to me. You will have the same problem. Finding an expert and impartial source. Good luck with that. You have failed completely so far.

First Rshermr claims the reason he can't spell is because his "secretary" always proofs his he claims that it's spellcheck that's screwing up...not him? There is a reason why he has the rating he does! He's not only an idiot and a poser but he always tries to pass the buck!
I am still WAITING on you to make a point that doesn't reek of partisan bullshit. You cannot refute a single point that I have made and it's all easily verifiable...ya stupid fuck.
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????
I never used loose. What i did was type lose. And the apple spell check on my mac turned it into Loose. Happens often, when I use the mac book. But i do indeed understand the difference.

1. It makes no difference how much new debt was created, as long as enough revenue came in. Dipshit.
2. You have not provided proof of anything. Just your "word" which has NO VALUE.
3. USA INC is not the federal government, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are talking about an entity that has nothing directly to do with the USA.

Let me inform you that your basic principle is nonsense. Bullshit. It was a surplus. As the source explained. Sorry, me boy. You lost. sorry you are a sore looser.

Some times it is difficult to accept that you have been wrong for years. But you have.
You need to look up the meaning of a surplus. It entails government assets and liabilities.
And if you could prove that the national debt was increased in net by 1.23 trillion dollars over the years that Factcheck shows a surplus, they will be very interested in finding out about it. Because it will mean that their economists and researchers made a really, really big mistake. And when they, as opposed to you, make a mistake, they quickly and thoroughly admit it. Admit. Look it up. But your word will mean as much to them as it does to me. You will have the same problem. Finding an expert and impartial source. Good luck with that. You have failed completely so far.
This article by Politifact sums up what took place during the Clinton years rather well.
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I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
Here's another question you can't answer.... you'll notice that shadowstats mirrors the U-6 rate from 1994 only at a higher rate; but then deviates from the U-6 at around 2009...


... and now for the question you can't answer (at least not with any amount of lucidity) .... what changed in 2009 with the way the BLS collects CPS data to cause shadowstats to veer off into la-la land?

Anything that doesn't paint the Barrypuppet in a good light is going to piss of partisan shills like you. You kiss his skinny shanks when he has followed the orders of his puppetmasters to the proverbial "T" that has killed job growth. Part-time workers are counted as being "employed" and still the numbers suuuuuuck.
The only thing I'm kissing is the proverbial paddle I'm kicking your ass with.

Here's yet another example... you go by, even though you don't have the foggiest clue how he arrives at the numbers he posts, and now you can't explain what the BLS changed in 2009 to inspire to go off the rails that year.


None of my business but this was so easy it is fun to make a fool of you and your kindred spirit Rsherme.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.

But Faun believes in the methodology of his beloved corporate federal "gubermint: that would never, EVER think about fudging numbers. Numbers that cannot be disputed is the low and dtagnant wahges where 71 percent that havbe a job make less than 50K a year, 51 percent make less than 30K per year and 38 percent make less than 20K per year. Leftards are about importing muislim refugees and leaving the southern border wide open....but leftards say??? "Times are great and how about that hope and change???? Jump on that train lest you be left behind!!"....Fuck Barrypuppet and fuck the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and is a big ol' loogie hocked from the lungs of which I will use to spit upon you.
At least the BLS has a methodology. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. That's your opinion. But at least they have one.

Not only does shadowsstats have no specified methodology, you don't even care that they don't. You swallow their bullshit for the mere fact you like what they say. How they arrive at their figures doesn't even matter to you. That's how non-existent your principles are.

I just gave you verifiable stats on what people that even have a job are making...38 percent making LESS than 20K? That is less than 10 bucks and hour and 52 percent make less than 15 an tell me how fucking great things are. I know how this all came to be and what was behind the downfall of the middle class but you want to make this about politics and political affiliations. You don't undertstand the underlying issues as to why things are like they are. I guess I really suck at communicating because I have been trying to explain the concept and the people behind oligarchy of elites that see a thriving middle class as a threat to their power...but too few even wish to listen. They think we are just one election cycle away from a return to propserity under this debt slavery system that depends on an independent central bank that is behind the demise of the serfs. I am running out of words to describe this...seriously.
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45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

As you know, I never posted anything from Shadowstats. But I'll bet that if you go to the website, they will educate you which is not my job.
You claimed they're a "legit" site. Only like Dale Smith, you can't explain their methodology which makes them "legit." Making such baseless claims when you can't back them up reflects more upon you than it does to show they're as legit as you claim them to be.

But Faun believes in the methodology of his beloved corporate federal "gubermint: that would never, EVER think about fudging numbers. Numbers that cannot be disputed is the low and dtagnant wahges where 71 percent that havbe a job make less than 50K a year, 51 percent make less than 30K per year and 38 percent make less than 20K per year. Leftards are about importing muislim refugees and leaving the southern border wide open....but leftards say??? "Times are great and how about that hope and change???? Jump on that train lest you be left behind!!"....Fuck Barrypuppet and fuck the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies and is a big ol' loogie hocked from the lungs of which I will use to spit upon you.
At least the BLS has a methodology. You may not like it. You may not agree with it. That's your opinion. But at least they have one.

Not only does shadowsstats have no specified methodology, you don't even care that they don't. You swallow their bullshit for the mere fact you like what they say. How they arrive at their figures doesn't even matter to you. That's how non-existent your principles are.

Poor boy is having all sorts of problems with his sources. He just lost a debate about whether B. Clinton had a surplus. Factcheck is adamant that he did indeed, but DS will not believe it, though he has no source to back him up. Poor guy is a clown.[/QUOTE]

Bill "drop trou" left us no "surplus", moron...and again I can't emphasize enough your IGNORANCE of how the privately owned central bank has been nothing but a parasitic entity just like it has been on every other country that is cursed with one anmd they are all owned by the same banking oligarchs. If you were so fucking smart, you would know this.,...but the fact is that you are a blithering idiot spewing shit that does not tell the true story of the mess this coroporate entity has put us in.

How much debt did each president leave for the country?
I made the point with proof in the form of an expert and impartial source. You said it was wrong, but offered no proof. Of any kind. YOU LOOSE. I say again, YOU LOOSE by the basic rules of debate.

On a side note, what was your highest level of education?

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????
I never used loose. What i did was type lose. And the apple spell check on my mac turned it into Loose. Happens often, when I use the mac book. But i do indeed understand the difference.

1. It makes no difference how much new debt was created, as long as enough revenue came in. Dipshit.
2. You have not provided proof of anything. Just your "word" which has NO VALUE.
3. USA INC is not the federal government, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are talking about an entity that has nothing directly to do with the USA.

Let me inform you that your basic principle is nonsense. Bullshit. It was a surplus. As the source explained. Sorry, me boy. You lost. sorry you are a sore looser.

Some times it is difficult to accept that you have been wrong for years. But you have.
You need to look up the meaning of a surplus. It entails government assets and liabilities.
And if you could prove that the national debt was increased in net by 1.23 trillion dollars over the years that Factcheck shows a surplus, they will be very interested in finding out about it. Because it will mean that their economists and researchers made a really, really big mistake. And when they, as opposed to you, make a mistake, they quickly and thoroughly admit it. Admit. Look it up. But your word will mean as much to them as it does to me. You will have the same problem. Finding an expert and impartial source. Good luck with that. You have failed completely so far.

First Rshermr claims the reason he can't spell is because his "secretary" always proofs his writing.I never said that, me boy. I said in the past she had done so. But as a dish washer you probably never he claims that it's spellcheck that's screwing up...not him? There is a reason why he has the rating he does! He's not only an idiot and a poser but he always tries to pass the buck
Like many, I find many of the clowns that I am responding to not worth the time of spell checking anything.

So often I do not spend any time on it. As many others don't. There are phd economists on the board, and they have the same problem. But very, very small minds do get concerned about the issue of spelling and typo's Poor little minds.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

First, anyone who uses derogatory names for a sitting president, either republican or democrat, proves that he has no class, no integrity. But then, it is common for you, me boy.
Second, if you would go to the BLS site you would find the definition of how they find it. But it is not controlled by the president, and it is not his crew. Just more of your bullshit. If you believe in 23%, using the same definitions as for the 4.7% number, you just lost another debate. Unless you can quickly come up with an expert and impartial source. Because here is the source that says 4.7% is the current ue rate:

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — MAY 2016 The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, and nonfarm payroll employment changed little (+38,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in health care. Mining continued to lose jobs, and employment in information decreased due to a strike."

So, you loose again. 2 for 2 for me. O for 2 for you.

My education is high enough to know the difference between "lose" and "loose"....which means my level of education is higher than yours. Clinton was just a puppet of the Rockefellers and international bankers that backed him and they were the same oligarchs thjat backed Bush in 1988...btw, it was agreed upon in advance that Bush would cede the presidency to Clinton because GH Bush was the one really running things during Reagan's presidency. Reagan was just a figurehead and this was decided in 1984. The system is totally rigged and idiots like you totally buy into this left versus right paradigm because you lack ANY critical thinking skills. The fact that you are claiming that Clinton left office with not only a zero balance but a SURPLUS shows just how fucking ignorant you are.

But, me boy, part of it was to see if you had any idea of how a debate works and what makes it valid. You could have learned that much in high school, but you did not.
Sorry, it was either believe you, who has been known to base things on stupid sources often, or to believe, who has been an unimpeachable source for YEARS. So you loose, me boy. Regardless of how much you protest. Your opinion is noted, but baseless and useless.
But in addition, you have proven yourself incapable of analyzing any subject, or of making valid points. Though they typically do not throw students out of debate in high school, I am completely certain they would have tossed you out. Cause you are a nut case.
By the way, since you had a problem with my typo of lose versus loose, perhaps you can tell me what "thiat" means. Since, after all, we should apparently check your spelling from here forward. Dipshit.

You used "loose" over lose multiple times....I made a believe that "loose" = lose thus you LOSE yet again. I want you on record as saying that USA.INC was totally out of debt and was left a surplus by Bill "drop trou"....can ya do it? Because I can prove that Bill "drop trou" added an additional 1.23 TRILLION dollars to the national debt because it is UNAVOIDABLE when you have a central bank that attaches usury to every dollar and the fuck do you not get that basic principle?????
I never used loose. What i did was type lose. And the apple spell check on my mac turned it into Loose. Happens often, when I use the mac book. But i do indeed understand the difference.

1. It makes no difference how much new debt was created, as long as enough revenue came in. Dipshit.
2. You have not provided proof of anything. Just your "word" which has NO VALUE.
3. USA INC is not the federal government, no matter how badly you want it to be. You are talking about an entity that has nothing directly to do with the USA.

Let me inform you that your basic principle is nonsense. Bullshit. It was a surplus. As the source explained. Sorry, me boy. You lost. sorry you are a sore looser.

Some times it is difficult to accept that you have been wrong for years. But you have.
You need to look up the meaning of a surplus. It entails government assets and liabilities.
And if you could prove that the national debt was increased in net by 1.23 trillion dollars over the years that Factcheck shows a surplus, they will be very interested in finding out about it. Because it will mean that their economists and researchers made a really, really big mistake. And when they, as opposed to you, make a mistake, they quickly and thoroughly admit it. Admit. Look it up. But your word will mean as much to them as it does to me. You will have the same problem. Finding an expert and impartial source. Good luck with that. You have failed completely so far.

First Rshermr claims the reason he can't spell is because his "secretary" always proofs his writing.I never said that, me boy. I said in the past she had done so. But as a dish washer you probably never he claims that it's spellcheck that's screwing up...not him? There is a reason why he has the rating he does! He's not only an idiot and a poser but he always tries to pass the buck
Like many, I find many of the clowns that I am responding to not worth the time of spell checking anything.

So often I do not spend any time on it. As many others don't. There are phd economists on the board, and they have the same problem. But very, very small minds do get concerned about the issue of spelling and typo's Poor little minds.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

First, anyone who uses derogatory names for a sitting president, either republican or democrat, proves that he has no class, no integrity. But then, it is common for you, me boy.
Second, if you would go to the BLS site you would find the definition of how they find it. But it is not controlled by the president, and it is not his crew. Just more of your bullshit. If you believe in 23%, using the same definitions as for the 4.7% number, you just lost another debate. Unless you can quickly come up with an expert and impartial source. Because here is the source that says 4.7% is the current ue rate:

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — MAY 2016 The unemployment rate declined by 0.3 percentage point to 4.7 percent in May, and nonfarm payroll employment changed little (+38,000), the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Employment increased in health care. Mining continued to lose jobs, and employment in information decreased due to a strike."

So, you loose again. 2 for 2 for me. O for 2 for you.

Hey , dumb ass...they do not count those that are no longer collecting unemployment....once it runs out, you are no longer counted as being "unemployed" fucking difficult is that concept (that alludes you) so hard for you to accept? You are out of your ever loving mind if you believe that only 4.7 percent of the population is looking for a job. You are beyond stupid if you don't understand that 101 million people depend on some type of "gubermint" subsidy in order to get by....what color is the sky in your world because it's not the same as mine....but then again I don't wear rose colored glasses because some socialist clown like the Barrypuppet is the figurehead of see? I know more than you.....infinitely more....not braggin'...just fact. BTW, PLEASE learn the differenece between "loose" and "lose"'s kinda important if you wish to be taken somewhat seriously.

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