US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

You have no clue. Everyone who has encountered you understand that. You really need to stop before your head blows up. I know you have been working to believe you are smart. But I know smart, and you are not it. No one who is smart brags about being smart. As all rational people know, smart people do not need to say they are smart. But dumb people? Ever been to a tea party rally? There is almost as much stupid in that crowd as in your little pea brain. And they, like you, think they are very smart.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

Yeah, Faun....."da gubermint" never fudges numbers. The current employment figures are an unmitigated JOKE. But I will give you the same opportunity that I hgave your pal....please make your case as to why I should become a lefard shill lioke you and embrace the ways of communism...because at the end of the day, that is EXACTLY what you come across as. What benefits are there to be had to be a leftard like you....totally open-minded here......make your case about the benefits of a statist controlled society.
LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

Yeah, Faun....."da gubermint" never fudges numbers. The current employment figures are an unmitigated JOKE. But I will give you the same opportunity that I hgave your pal....please make your case as to why I should become a lefard shill lioke you and embrace the ways of communism...because at the end of the day, that is EXACTLY what you come across as. What benefits are there to be had to be a leftard like you....totally open-minded here......make your case about the benefits of a statist controlled society.
You're too crazy and stupid to be on the left. And your mind is so open, all the gray matter leaked out.
LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

Yeah, Faun....."da gubermint" never fudges numbers. The current employment figures are an unmitigated JOKE. But I will give you the same opportunity that I hgave your pal....please make your case as to why I should become a lefard shill lioke you and embrace the ways of communism...because at the end of the day, that is EXACTLY what you come across as. What benefits are there to be had to be a leftard like you....totally open-minded here......make your case about the benefits of a statist controlled society.
You're too crazy and stupid to be on the left. And your mind is so open, all the gray matter leaked out.

If I was crazy and stupid, I would BE a leftard that believes in a benevolent communist "gubermint" would look out for me. You obviously believe that communism or socialism is the way to go and that make YOU "batshit crazy".
Last edited:
Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Actually, Faun is a seeker of truth. As am I. And having wondered about you, we both gave you a chance and you proved yourself to be a liar, or just plain delusional. In the end, you proved yourself to be both. Are you going for the trifecta, me boy"

Neither you or Faun would know "the truth" even if it came up and bit you on the ass. I asked you to make a case as to why people should be leftards and you bailed...wassamatter? No strength in your convictions? "School" me in the ways of leftardism and the benefits thereof...don't be shy nor ashamed of what you propose. You should be jumping at the opportunity to spread the word and message of the leftard....don't hold back!!!!!
Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
This is still my favorite post of the night.

G'head, dale.... tell me again how accurate and legit is even though you have no fucking clue how he derives at his figures....

To give you an idea of how stupid you are for posting such idiocy... that would be like me insisting the Chrysler building in NYC is the world's tallest building; and when asked how tall is it -- confessing I have no fucking clue how tall it is; but I still know it's the tallest!!

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

Yeah, Faun....."da gubermint" never fudges numbers. The current employment figures are an unmitigated JOKE. But I will give you the same opportunity that I hgave your pal....please make your case as to why I should become a lefard shill lioke you and embrace the ways of communism...because at the end of the day, that is EXACTLY what you come across as. What benefits are there to be had to be a leftard like you....totally open-minded here......make your case about the benefits of a statist controlled society.
You're too crazy and stupid to be on the left. And your mind is so open, all the gray matter leaked out.

If I was crazy and stupid, I would BE a leftard that believes in a benevolent communist "gubermint" would look out for me. You obviously believe that communism or socialism is the way to go and that make YOU "batshit crazy".
Ahh, the ever-popular pre-K rightard retort of, I know you are but what am I?

Yeppers, that sure does reveal your superior intelligence.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
This is still my favorite post of the night.

G'head, dale.... tell me again how accurate and legit is even though you have no fucking clue how he derives at his figures....

To give you an idea of how stupid you are for posting such idiocy... that would be like me insisting the Chrysler building in NYC is the world's tallest building; and when asked how tall is it -- confessing I have no fucking clue how tall it is; but I still know it's the tallest!!


Tell me how the Barrypuppet and friends calculate that the unemployment rate is only 4.9 percent while we have 101 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while 38 percent of the populace that even have a job make less thjan 20K a tell me again how great things are under the Barrypuppet........sell me on leftardism!!!! (snicker)
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.

What I thought was cute was when the clown suggested there were televisions in Nazi Germany. In the 1930's. He must have been kidding, eh? The first German tv was state controlled and went no where, after being introduced in 1935. It was on air only three times per week, and had no capability to do anything at all lie what our delusional boy thinks. It was trashed in favor of radio, and then the war pretty much ended any intent to develop tv for years. What is most problematical was that there were very, very few tv's to receive the broadcast. Funny.
Nice job of proving the extremely smart self promoting tool to be what he is, which is simply stupid.
Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

Yeah, Faun....."da gubermint" never fudges numbers. The current employment figures are an unmitigated JOKE. But I will give you the same opportunity that I hgave your pal....please make your case as to why I should become a lefard shill lioke you and embrace the ways of communism...because at the end of the day, that is EXACTLY what you come across as. What benefits are there to be had to be a leftard like you....totally open-minded here......make your case about the benefits of a statist controlled society.
You're too crazy and stupid to be on the left. And your mind is so open, all the gray matter leaked out.

If I was crazy and stupid, I would BE a leftard that believes in a benevolent communist "gubermint" would look out for me. You obviously believe that communism or socialism is the way to go and that make YOU "batshit crazy".
Ahh, the ever-popular pre-K rightard retort of, I know you are but what am I?

Yeppers, that sure does reveal your superior intelligence.

I know more than you...infinitely more. You are a mere child when compared to the things I with it.
Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.

What I thought was cute was when the clown suggested there were televisions in Nazi Germany. In the 1930's. He must have been kidding, eh? The first German tv was state controlled and went no where, after being introduced in 1935. It was on air only three times per week, and had no capability to do anything at all lie what our delusional boy thinks. It was trashed in favor of radio, and then the war pretty much ended any intent to develop tv for years. What is most problematical was that there were very, very few tv's to receive the broadcast. Funny.
Nice job of proving the extremely smart self promoting tool to be what he is, which is simply stupid.

Here is another kick in your ass. There are plenty more links that back up my to be you "me boy"....(snicker)

Adolf Hitler 'planned propaganda cable TV'
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.
Lying doesn't help you since the subliminal message in the hoax video were also detectable at regular speed. And I showed you how I found that video with bing, no conspiracy website needed.
Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.

What I thought was cute was when the clown suggested there were televisions in Nazi Germany. In the 1930's. He must have been kidding, eh? The first German tv was state controlled and went no where, after being introduced in 1935. It was on air only three times per week, and had no capability to do anything at all lie what our delusional boy thinks. It was trashed in favor of radio, and then the war pretty much ended any intent to develop tv for years. What is most problematical was that there were very, very few tv's to receive the broadcast. Funny.
Nice job of proving the extremely smart self promoting tool to be what he is, which is simply stupid.

Here is another example of just how badly I kicked your ass yet again.....ya kinda walked into this one. (snicker)
Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.

What I thought was cute was when the clown suggested there were televisions in Nazi Germany. In the 1930's. He must have been kidding, eh? The first German tv was state controlled and went no where, after being introduced in 1935. It was on air only three times per week, and had no capability to do anything at all lie what our delusional boy thinks. It was trashed in favor of radio, and then the war pretty much ended any intent to develop tv for years. What is most problematical was that there were very, very few tv's to receive the broadcast. Funny.
Nice job of proving the extremely smart self promoting tool to be what he is, which is simply stupid.

ROTFLMFAO...not only at Joe, "The World's Dumbest Politician, and Sexual Abuser" Biden, but at the above :ahole-1:

AND THIS is going to take the Hindenberg's place when she is arrested? ROTFLMFAO!!!
Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.
Lying doesn't help you since the subliminal message in the hoax video were also detectable at regular speed. And I showed you how I found that video with bing, no conspiracy website needed.

Nope, it did not and you showed nothing about how you found anything. You simply "Googled" National Anthem Debunk" and found some post on a conspiracy website. I did the same thing and found the link that you posted because it wsas the first one. Why lie about it? What is so funny is that it proved NOTHING at all.....
45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
This is still my favorite post of the night.

G'head, dale.... tell me again how accurate and legit is even though you have no fucking clue how he derives at his figures....

To give you an idea of how stupid you are for posting such idiocy... that would be like me insisting the Chrysler building in NYC is the world's tallest building; and when asked how tall is it -- confessing I have no fucking clue how tall it is; but I still know it's the tallest!!


Tell me how the Barrypuppet and friends calculate that the unemployment rate is only 4.9 percent while we have 101 million people on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while 38 percent of the populace that even have a job make less thjan 20K a tell me again how great things are under the Barrypuppet........sell me on leftardism!!!! (snicker)

Based on what you just posted, you are way too stupid to be helped. Perhaps, since you believe yourself to be of such superior intelligence, you should follow Faun's advice and go to the BLS site where they explain how the numbers are derived. But that would be too simple for a really smart guy like you, eh. I am sure you are going to provide an answer to how shadowstats get their numbers, right? No?
here is an actual impartial analysis:
Deconstructing ShadowStats. Why is it so Loved by its Followers but Scorned by Economists?
EconoMonitor : Ed Dolan's Econ Blog » Deconstructing ShadowStats. Why is it so Loved by its Followers but Scorned by Economists?
An analysis by a real economist, if you were interested. Which I am sure you are not. But it allows others to see your delusion closeup,
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Again, to highlight your insanity.... those were clandestine government programs that your deranged brain thinks the government revealed to the public in a network sign-off video. Meanwhile, I found, and showed you the same video which did not contain the subliminal messages that were added to create an Internet hoax.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they coul

Like I said.... you're batshit insane. :cuckoo: Completely bonkers.

Ummm, it was played at regular speed, dumb ass. You found that web site by going to a conspiracy website where someone thought they could debunk it by playing iit t regular speed whioch made no sense. You would have never found that piece done at regular speed had you not done a "Google" search and then click on the fist site that you thought could debunk itr which WAS a conspiracy website. You can lie as much as you want but I know differently. Like I stated before, I know more about this topic than your little brtain could even fathoim or comprehend.

What I thought was cute was when the clown suggested there were televisions in Nazi Germany. In the 1930's. He must have been kidding, eh? The first German tv was state controlled and went no where, after being introduced in 1935. It was on air only three times per week, and had no capability to do anything at all lie what our delusional boy thinks. It was trashed in favor of radio, and then the war pretty much ended any intent to develop tv for years. What is most problematical was that there were very, very few tv's to receive the broadcast. Funny.
Nice job of proving the extremely smart self promoting tool to be what he is, which is simply stupid.

Here is another kick in your ass. There are plenty more links that back up my to be you "me boy"....(snicker)

Adolf Hitler 'planned propaganda cable TV'
Actually, you're kicking yourself in the ass now. All we're doing is sitting back and enjoying the show.

Let the readers here know that your claim was that Hitler was using TV to spread propaganda...

"Nazi Germany had television and used it for propaganda purposes back in the mid 1930's. They didn't reach that many households but they were working on flicker rates to send subliminal messages up until they bugged out for the United States under Operation Paperclip in 1947."

... but now you post a link stating it was something they were planning on doing; not something they had actually done, as your delusional mind once again tricked you.

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