US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Can you enlighten me with what percentage of those 95 million represent the 'vast majority?'
94% represents a "vast majority."

For a third time...

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
where did you get the 94%?
Not in Labor Force, Want a Job Now

Why are you avoiding answering...?

4th time....

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Not accepting your 94% number. It is BS. If you believe it, you might be a statist dupe.
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

As if it matters whether you accept it or not. :rolleyes:

The numbers are what they are. And I also note, that 94% is based on the same numbers from the same source YOU referred to when you pointed out there are 95 million people not in the labor force.

That leaves you picking and choosing BLS figures; in typical rightard fashion, ignoring the ones you find inconvenient.

This too might explain why you are incapable of understanding the relationship between the unemployment rate and participation believe the lying State.

From Forbes:
The drop in labor force participation rates concerns economists for several reasons. First, it depresses economic growth, which is already at anemic levels of 0.5%. Second, it puts pressure on the federal budget at a time when we are facing historic fiscal constraints. The less workers there are, the more the tax base shrinks. And third, any time out of the labor force impacts workers’ future earnings trajectories should they return to work, due to lost training and on-the-job experience.

While part of the decline in workforce participation is the result of an aging population and increased schooling for young adults, this is far from the full story. The employment rate of 25 to 54 year olds has also dropped since 2000. This suggests that other factors – such as low wages or work disincentives in government benefits – are also responsible.

The Concerning Drop In Workforce Participation And Role Of Family-Friendly Policies
More nonsense. You'll have a hard time convincing anyone with a functioning brain that the concern is a shrinking tax base when tax revenues have increased every year since 2009 and are currently at an all time high...


What you're too ignorant to comprehend is that the labor force participation rate is not an indicator of the health of the job market. How could it be? It's pressured mostly by demographics. The biggest increases to it were the result of baby boomers hitting working age, civil rights, and the women's lib movement. Those demographics pushed it up and now, as baby boomers are retiring at record numbers, they contribute heavily to pushing it down. Even worse for your defunct argument, if the current labor force participation rate was an indicator of the health of the job market or the economy, then that would mean the economy now is better than the economy was at any time prior to 1978, which is ludicrous. It would also mean the economy during the height of Bush's Great Recession was better than almost all of the years Reagan was president, which is also ludicrous.

In terms of the percentage of the population that is working, which actually does measure the health of the job market, that has barely dropped since Obama's been president; and that's entirely due to the decrease of government employees, which has fallen by ½ million (more about this in a moment). The percentage of the population working in the private sector has risen under Obama from 47.5% to 48.1%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

.... private sector growth since the recovery began following the Great Recession has been steady. The annualized increase as percentage of the population going as far back as BLS data goes...

Clinton .... +0.68%
Carter ..... +0.63%
Reagan ... +0.50%
Obama .... +0.44%
Bush41 .... -0.32%
Bush43 .... -0.60%

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

... and here's the worst part for your position ... the only reason the overall employee/population ratio has dropped negligibly (3/10ths of one percent) is due to Bush's Great Recession and the decrease of government employees. You're so blinded with rightwingnut talking point, you're a conservative who's actually arguing against conservative policies ; namely, the shrinking of the government. Because you have no idea what you're arguing, you're pissing and moaning about the LFPR which doesn't indicate the health of the job market while your ignorance prevents you from understanding the decrease in government employees (a conservative position) is largely attributable for the overall drop in the employee/population ratio.

Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.

The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.

If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?

This has been explained to you many time but you continue to pretend you are ignorant..or are you really that ignorant?
Really? Then either you can show any post between post #1565 (where I asked for the first time) ... and post #1590, where gipper finally tried to explain it.

If you don't show such a post, you expose yourself as just another lying con tool like your
brethren, Oldstyle.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.

The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.

The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.
Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?
You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.

The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.

The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.
Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
The mammoth effort of Progressives to live in a world of untruths is awesome to behold.

Here...AGAIN we have Progressives pointing to baby boomers who are retiring...though more are working later in life.

What they want you to ignore is that tens of thousands of SIXTEEN YEAR OLDS ENTER THE JOB MARKET EVERY DAY.


Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Poor try. Failure again for you, dipshit. And I am not a friend of yours, either good or bad. Because I dislike liars. What you ignore, of course, is that Millions of older workers retire every single month. Older retirements are increasing much faster than new entrants are entering the work force. Which you would know if you read the information available to you. But then, as a con troll, you do not like facts.
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.
Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?
Don't be a Markle. Millions of seniors are not retiring every month. :eusa_doh:

Last year, there were slightly more than a million for the entire year.

2014: 39,008,771
2015: 40,089,061

Social Security Beneficiary Statistics

Total increase of folks retiring and collecting SS was 1,080,290 for the year ... or about 90,024 per month.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
Here's another question you can't answer.... you'll notice that shadowstats mirrors the U-6 rate from 1994 only at a higher rate; but then deviates from the U-6 at around 2009...


... and now for the question you can't answer (at least not with any amount of lucidity) .... what changed in 2009 with the way the BLS collects CPS data to cause shadowstats to veer off into la-la land?

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