US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
The LFPR started ascending in the early 60's as baby boomers began reaching working age; and began descending when they started hitting retirement age.


... to wingnuts, this is rocket science.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Unlike you, Sealy...we're not fooled by a "recovery" that has left much of the population behind and is buoyed by a stock market that more closely resembles a house of cards than a sturdy structure! Statistics are a wonderful thing unless you use them to deceive yourself.
if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!

You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
You will believe the government, but not Shadowstats. This clearly indicates you need help. You WANT to believe propaganda and denigrate the truth. Sadly, there are too many Americans like you.

I guess the Participation Rate means nothing to you. Statist dupes...they are everywhere.
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Can you enlighten me with what percentage of those 95 million represent the 'vast majority?'
Anybody with a domain name can post any nonsense on the internet. That doesn't make them legitimate. And unlike shadowstats, the government is actually collecting data on unemployment, so why would I believe shadowstats, who largely bases their figures on numbers they don't have; over the government, who bases their figures on numbers they do have?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Can you enlighten me with what percentage of those 95 million represent the 'vast majority?'
94% represents a "vast majority."

For a third time...

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah and the government can do the same thing, but in their case, you believe the government. It would never misrepresent or outright lie right?

The chart I posted is from the GOVERNMENT. You believe it now?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Can you enlighten me with what percentage of those 95 million represent the 'vast majority?'
94% represents a "vast majority."

For a third time...

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
where did you get the 94%?
Who said I don't believe that chart? Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Yeah...I forgot.

95 million working age Americans not working, has no effect on unemployment...:uhoh3::rolleyes:o_O:wtf::)
If they don't want or need to work, so what? And the vast majority of them don't want to.

Let's try this again, since you wouldn't answer the first time... Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Can you enlighten me with what percentage of those 95 million represent the 'vast majority?'
94% represents a "vast majority."

For a third time...

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
where did you get the 94%?
Not in Labor Force, Want a Job Now

Why are you avoiding answering...?

4th time....

Of what significance towards indicating the health of the job market do you delude yourself into believing the labor force participation rate plays?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!
OMG, I just said in another thread that the only reason you right wing assholes will admit that corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes is because the CEO of GE is Obama's Czar. The very next thread I see is this one? OMFG you guys are so predicable.

Remember before he was Obama's Czar and we were telling you GE paid no taxes and you guys denied that was true? Now you admit it? LOL. Now you have a problem with jobs going overseas? Now you don't like free trade? Fucking joke
if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!
OMG, I just said in another thread that the only reason you right wing assholes will admit that corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes is because the CEO of GE is Obama's Czar. The very next thread I see is this one? OMFG you guys are so predicable.

Remember before he was Obama's Czar and we were telling you GE paid no taxes and you guys denied that was true? Now you admit it? LOL. Now you have a problem with jobs going overseas? Now you don't like free trade? Fucking joke

Problem OS has is that admitting the truth would require posting something that is not a Right Wing Talking Point. Please, we must be realistic. Con trolls are not into rational thought.
Here are some actual facts, which are very, very simple to find for people with working minds. Which lets out Con trolls:

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates
Key Facts

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates
And all you ever here from con trolls is how corporations pay the highest rates of taxes of any country in the world. This shows you why they are lying, and why posted tax rates have nothing to do with tax rates paid.
Last edited:
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!
I remember telling you guys that corporations weren't paying taxes and it was only when Obama made GE CEO his czar that you finally admitted it. You guys are just silly.
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!
OMG, I just said in another thread that the only reason you right wing assholes will admit that corporations don't pay their fair share of taxes is because the CEO of GE is Obama's Czar. The very next thread I see is this one? OMFG you guys are so predicable.

Remember before he was Obama's Czar and we were telling you GE paid no taxes and you guys denied that was true? Now you admit it? LOL. Now you have a problem with jobs going overseas? Now you don't like free trade? Fucking joke

Problem OS has is that admitting the truth would require posting something that is not a Right Wing Talking Point. Please, we must be realistic. Con trolls are not into rational thought.
Here are some actual facts, which are very, very simple to find for people with working minds. Which lets out Con trolls:

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates
Key Facts

Fact Sheet: Corporate Tax Rates
And all you ever here from con trolls is how corporations pay the highest rates of taxes of any country in the world. This shows you why they are lying, and why posted tax rates have nothing to do with tax rates paid.

So let me get this're using GE as one of your examples of how "cons" are ruining the country? Did you not get the memo that the CEO of GE...the guy that off shored more jobs than just about anyone else in American the guy that Barry made his "Jobs Czar"? Kindly explain why this is a GOP thing...when one of the main characters if one of Barry's "best buddies"! Duh?
if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

Obama's "Jobs Czar", the CEO of General Electric, sent more jobs overseas than practically anyone I know...NAFTA was signed into law by Bill Clinton. It seems the only ones YOU'LL blame are Republicans!
I remember telling you guys that corporations weren't paying taxes and it was only when Obama made GE CEO his czar that you finally admitted it. You guys are just silly.

What's "silly" is a President who campaigned on "Evil Corporations" but then rewarded one of the worst CEO's when it came to job outsourcing and not paying taxes...a seat on his Cabinet!

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