US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats.
You know you're insane, right?
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.
Funny so far I agree with a lot of what you say.

Today I was listening to how India places tariffs on imports. Can you believe that? We should protect our vital industries too.

Sorry, I'll continue reading your post. I didn't want to forget my point. Yes the government is the referee or should be and not one that's paid off
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats.
You know you're insane, right?

Faun, to someone that is as ignorant as you are and to someone that has spent thousands upon thousands of hours researching the things I know? I am sure I sound "insane" to you...the problem for you is that I can back up what I point to your corporate "gubermint" for truth.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.
Funny so far I agree with a lot of what you say.

Today I was listening to how India places tariffs on imports. Can you believe that? We should protect our vital industries too.

Sorry, I'll continue reading your post. I didn't want to forget my point. Yes the government is the referee or should be and not one that's paid off

We should do the same thing...we should protect workers from having to compete with goods made from slave labor. I am not a neocon nor am I a "republican" since I woke up as to how things really work, btw. We had a good tariff system in place until the international bankers hijacked our monetary system in 1913. The global elites want "free trade" because they stand to make the most from slave made goods while beating down those that pay a living wage. I see what has happened to this country in the last 35 years. I have done ok...not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I am "ok" and I freely give away any excess. What does worry me is what I am leaving behind for my kids and all the children that are going to try and eek out a living and that is the burden I carry. This is a debt slavery system with foreclosures and bankruptcies built right into the system and the banking oligarchs end up holding hard assets from the extension of credit created by nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer and this system exists in very country but a few and ran by the same oligarchs.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.
Funny so far I agree with a lot of what you say.

Today I was listening to how India places tariffs on imports. Can you believe that? We should protect our vital industries too.

Sorry, I'll continue reading your post. I didn't want to forget my point. Yes the government is the referee or should be and not one that's paid off

We should do the same thing...we should protect workers from having to compete with goods made from slave labor. I am not a neocon nor am I a "republican" since I woke up as to how things really work, btw. We had a good tariff system in place until the international bankers hijacked our monetary system in 1913. The global elites want "free trade" because they stand to make the most from slave made goods while beating down those that pay a living wage. I see what has happened to this country in the last 35 years. I have done ok...not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I am "ok" and I freely give away any excess. What does worry me is what I am leaving behind for my kids and all the children that are going to try and eek out a living and that is the burden I carry. This is a debt slavery system with foreclosures and bankruptcies built right into the system and the banking oligarchs end up holding hard assets from the extension of credit created by nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer and this system exists in very country but a few and ran by the same oligarchs.
I completely agree Dale.

Reasons I'm voting hillary is I don't want trump rubber stamping ayn rand fan Paul Ryans legislation and I don't want trump appointing a conservative justice to the supreme Court.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats.
You know you're insane, right?

Faun, to someone that is as ignorant as you are and to someone that has spent thousands upon thousands of hours researching the things I know? I am sure I sound "insane" to you...the problem for you is that I can back up what I point to your corporate "gubermint" for truth.
Both parties know the federal reserve was taken over by private bankers in 1913 because guys like Rand Paul and Ron Paul have told them but they all know trying to change that is political suicide
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.
Funny so far I agree with a lot of what you say.

Today I was listening to how India places tariffs on imports. Can you believe that? We should protect our vital industries too.

Sorry, I'll continue reading your post. I didn't want to forget my point. Yes the government is the referee or should be and not one that's paid off

We should do the same thing...we should protect workers from having to compete with goods made from slave labor. I am not a neocon nor am I a "republican" since I woke up as to how things really work, btw. We had a good tariff system in place until the international bankers hijacked our monetary system in 1913. The global elites want "free trade" because they stand to make the most from slave made goods while beating down those that pay a living wage. I see what has happened to this country in the last 35 years. I have done ok...not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I am "ok" and I freely give away any excess. What does worry me is what I am leaving behind for my kids and all the children that are going to try and eek out a living and that is the burden I carry. This is a debt slavery system with foreclosures and bankruptcies built right into the system and the banking oligarchs end up holding hard assets from the extension of credit created by nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer and this system exists in very country but a few and ran by the same oligarchs.
I completely agree Dale.

Reasons I'm voting hillary is I don't want trump rubber stamping ayn rand fan Paul Ryans legislation and I don't want trump appointing a conservative justice to the supreme Court.

I don't blame you in the slightest given the legacy of the last president that was a neocon. In a perfect world, both GW, GH Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Condi Rice would stand before a Nuremeburg like trial for crimes against humanity. With that being said? The Clintons are thicker than thieves with the Bush crime family and the Clintons are tied at the hip with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Hillary and Bill belong to the CFR and have attended Bilderburg meetings where the most elite of elites meet. I would have been prone to support the Libertarian candidate until he selected a globalist and CFR member to be his VP. Trump is the he the fly in the ointment of the establishment since they have landed on him with both feet? I don't know....I simply know that nothing will change with Hillary and the global elites would rig the voting system if Trump was legit since there is no paper trail and the Diebold machines have backdoored softare tht can change the outcome.

Change is only going to come when enough people like you and me see the scam of a system for what it is and stand up against it. Since I had my awakening 4 years ago, I have had the opportunity to come across like-minded thinking people and I see a mass awakening happening. I appreciate the really do care about this country and the people as do I.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Work eligible is someone that is in their 80's??? Do tell???? Work participation rate is at it's lowest in 37 years and you want to blame that on "baby boomers"?? Who is the idiot now?
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.
Funny so far I agree with a lot of what you say.

Today I was listening to how India places tariffs on imports. Can you believe that? We should protect our vital industries too.

Sorry, I'll continue reading your post. I didn't want to forget my point. Yes the government is the referee or should be and not one that's paid off

We should do the same thing...we should protect workers from having to compete with goods made from slave labor. I am not a neocon nor am I a "republican" since I woke up as to how things really work, btw. We had a good tariff system in place until the international bankers hijacked our monetary system in 1913. The global elites want "free trade" because they stand to make the most from slave made goods while beating down those that pay a living wage. I see what has happened to this country in the last 35 years. I have done ok...not rich by any stretch of the imagination but I am "ok" and I freely give away any excess. What does worry me is what I am leaving behind for my kids and all the children that are going to try and eek out a living and that is the burden I carry. This is a debt slavery system with foreclosures and bankruptcies built right into the system and the banking oligarchs end up holding hard assets from the extension of credit created by nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer and this system exists in very country but a few and ran by the same oligarchs.
I completely agree Dale.

Reasons I'm voting hillary is I don't want trump rubber stamping ayn rand fan Paul Ryans legislation and I don't want trump appointing a conservative justice to the supreme Court.

I don't blame you in the slightest given the legacy of the last president that was a neocon. In a perfect world, both GW, GH Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Condi Rice would stand before a Nuremeburg like trial for crimes against humanity. With that being said? The Clintons are thicker than thieves with the Bush crime family and the Clintons are tied at the hip with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Hillary and Bill belong to the CFR and have attended Bilderburg meetings where the most elite of elites meet. I would have been prone to support the Libertarian candidate until he selected a globalist and CFR member to be his VP. Trump is the he the fly in the ointment of the establishment since they have landed on him with both feet? I don't know....I simply know that nothing will change with Hillary and the global elites would rig the voting system if Trump was legit since there is no paper trail and the Diebold machines have backdoored softare tht can change the outcome.

Change is only going to come when enough people like you and me see the scam of a system for what it is and stand up against it. Since I had my awakening 4 years ago, I have had the opportunity to come across like-minded thinking people and I see a mass awakening happening. I appreciate the really do care about this country and the people as do I.
Now let's get the idiots to show up every 2 years not 4. Midterms are the bilderbergs secret weapon.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Typical of Progressives. Facts and the truth cause them to break out in cold sweats, get light headed and fall over like a log. Shadowstats is a legitimate website and we understand that you know that as well. If you did not, you wouldn't have to make such a fool of yourself with all you ridicule.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Work eligible is someone that is in their 80's??? Do tell???? Work participation rate is at it's lowest in 37 years and you want to blame that on "baby boomers"?? Who is the idiot now?
Plenty of blame to go around. How about companies who refuse to hire the unemployed?
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
You like many on this forum, are stuck in partisan mode.

Clearly both parties are corrupt and criminal. It matters not which one did what.
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
You like many on this forum, are stuck in partisan mode.

Clearly both parties are corrupt and criminal. It matters not which one did what.
I understand facts frighten you. Does the truth hurt? Fact is you voted for McCain even though jobless claims were high and now you complain about Obama when jobless claims are at a 4 DECADE low. Now who's a partisan again?

And don't ask us libs to play checkers while you play chess.
if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
You like many on this forum, are stuck in partisan mode.

Clearly both parties are corrupt and criminal. It matters not which one did what.
I understand facts frighten you. Does the truth hurt? Fact is you voted for McCain even though jobless claims were high and now you complain about Obama when jobless claims are at a 4 DECADE low. Now who's a partisan again?

And don't ask us libs to play checkers while you play chess.
You think you know who I voted for. This too indicates a serious mental problem. I have not voted for an R or D for a long long you clearly are delusional.

You think Obama has done a great job on the economy, which again indicates a serious mental problem.

Do you understand what this chart means?

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
You like many on this forum, are stuck in partisan mode.

Clearly both parties are corrupt and criminal. It matters not which one did what.
I understand facts frighten you. Does the truth hurt? Fact is you voted for McCain even though jobless claims were high and now you complain about Obama when jobless claims are at a 4 DECADE low. Now who's a partisan again?

And don't ask us libs to play checkers while you play chess.
You think you know who I voted for. This too indicates a serious mental problem. I have not voted for an R or D for a long long you clearly are delusional.

You think Obama has done a great job on the economy, which again indicates a serious mental problem.

Do you understand what this chart means?

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
As long as you aren't suggesting I vote GOP and as long as you aren't we're cool. You essentially don't vote. It's like I'm arguing with someone who doesn't vote
if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
You like many on this forum, are stuck in partisan mode.

Clearly both parties are corrupt and criminal. It matters not which one did what.
I understand facts frighten you. Does the truth hurt? Fact is you voted for McCain even though jobless claims were high and now you complain about Obama when jobless claims are at a 4 DECADE low. Now who's a partisan again?

And don't ask us libs to play checkers while you play chess.
You think you know who I voted for. This too indicates a serious mental problem. I have not voted for an R or D for a long long you clearly are delusional.

You think Obama has done a great job on the economy, which again indicates a serious mental problem.

Do you understand what this chart means?

Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population Survey

Series Id: LNS11300000
Seasonally Adjusted
Series title: (Seas) Labor Force Participation Rate
Labor force status: Civilian labor force participation rate
Type of data: Percent or rate
Age: 16 years and over
As long as you aren't suggesting I vote GOP and as long as you aren't we're cool. You essentially don't vote. It's like I'm arguing with someone who doesn't vote
WTF...I don't care who you vote for. Have I demanded you vote for anyone? WTF man!!!
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts


Faun SEZ?????? "If my hgubermint tells me that unemployment is under 5 percent then you can believe that I believe it because my beloved "gubermint" would never lie to me because I am too important do you hear me?????" (snicker)

BTW, Faun, shadowstats is a legit website and has no political affiliation.....
"shadowstats is a legit website"


Their numbers are bullshit. Hardly a legit site. He bases his numbers from the U-6 rate and then adds in more folks he thinks want a job. Magically, he comes up with a rate 2½ times higher than the U-6. Keep in mind, if you factor in every soul in the U.S. aged 16 and over who is not working, they represent 37%. That includes folks who retire, stay at home moms/dads, independently wealthy who don't want to work, folks collecting government checks who don't want to work, high school students who don't want to work, people actually working in the shadow economy, etc...

But I'm explaining this to a fucking moron who thinks senior citizens are not counted in unemployment statistics; so there's no chance you will understand any of this. Which leads me to point out that I'm not posting this for you -- you're beyond help. I'm posting this for the benefit of others so they too can see just how flippin' insane you are.

Work eligible is someone that is in their 80's??? Do tell???? Work participation rate is at it's lowest in 37 years and you want to blame that on "baby boomers"?? Who is the idiot now?
There are about 9 million seniors working....

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

.... and get this... despite your idiocy to the contrary, they're all counted in the labor force.

Guess that makes you the idiot.

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