US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

So true....

So true....

the beauty of our mixed capitalist economy is that 10,000 corporations go bankrupt each month proving that laws and regulations have a long way to go before they truly protect corporations. Its totally Marxist and stupid to pretend our corporate slaves are somehow protected by laws and regulations.
So true....

the beauty of our mixed capitalist economy is that 10,000 corporations go bankrupt each month proving that laws and regulations have a long way to go before they truly protect corporations. Its totally Marxist and stupid to pretend our corporate slaves are somehow protected by laws and regulations.

So true....


Quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?

I guess you guys missed all the bailouts and the massive regulatory state that protects large corporations.

Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.
So true....

the beauty of our mixed capitalist economy is that 10,000 corporations go bankrupt each month proving that laws and regulations have a long way to go before they truly protect corporations. Its totally Marxist and stupid to pretend our corporate slaves are somehow protected by laws and regulations.

So true....


Quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?

I guess you guys missed all the bailouts and the massive regulatory state that protects large corporations.

Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.
Ed misses everything. For him, the cool part is that he never notices that he missed anything. Just part of being stupid.
So true....

the beauty of our mixed capitalist economy is that 10,000 corporations go bankrupt each month proving that laws and regulations have a long way to go before they truly protect corporations. Its totally Marxist and stupid to pretend our corporate slaves are somehow protected by laws and regulations.

So true....


Quite a few fries short of a Happy Meal aren't you?

I guess you guys missed all the bailouts and the massive regulatory state that protects large corporations.

Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.
Ed misses everything. For him, the cool part is that he never notices that he missed anything. Just part of being stupid.

Missing something? You mean like the economic formula to determine "Jobs Saved"?

Funny how you always whine about personal attacks, Georgie...but you're never shy about making them yourself!
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession
if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

I wasn't in this forum in 2008 so I do not fit into that category. Neither party is worth a fuck and they are simply different sides of the same coin when the rubber meets the road. All of this is nothing but theater because they are nothing but corporate officers of USA.INC that is a foreign owned corporation by the international bankers. Until we stand up as one voice and declare that we no longer wish to be under their Universal Commercial Code and debt slavery system? It doesn't mean a flying fuck as to whom is president. The last president that actually tried to help us was JFK and that same corrupt system that killed him has only gotten stronger over the last 52 plus years. The demise of the middle class was an orchestarted move by the power elite and the machinations of that plan were put in place by the Club of Rome starting in 1970 when the middle class reached it's apex and it has been all downhill since then.
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
What would you tell someone who has a history or communications degree who can't find a job?

And I remember telling you guys about real unemployment in 2008 but you guys said we were just making excuses and go back to school or start your own business and anyone who couldn't find a job was making excuses.

You also said manufacturing workers made too much so you sent their jobs overseas. What did you think all those blue collar workers would do? Work at Walmart for $10. And is it their fault, Republicans who created NAFTA and sent their jobs overseas? Obama and Clinton's and the government's fault or is it that person and their parents fault.

Seems the only ones you'll never blame are Republicans

I wasn't in this forum in 2008 so I do not fit into that category. Neither party is worth a fuck and they are simply different sides of the same coin when the rubber meets the road. All of this is nothing but theater because they are nothing but corporate officers of USA.INC that is a foreign owned corporation by the international bankers. Until we stand up as one voice and declare that we no longer wish to be under their Universal Commercial Code and debt slavery system? It doesn't mean a flying fuck as to whom is president. The last president that actually tried to help us was JFK and that same corrupt system that killed him has only gotten stronger over the last 52 plus years. The demise of the middle class was an orchestarted move by the power elite and the machinations of that plan were put in place by the Club of Rome starting in 1970 when the middle class reached it's apex and it has been all downhill since then.
We need to tea bag the democratic party. And the masses need to start voting every 2 years. When everyone votes the two parties cater to the middle. When only extreme right and/ or left vote in midterms the politicians only cater to the extremes. It's how we get Michelle bachman or Ted Cruz.

Yes we know the whole system is corrupt and bankers control it. Not one politician has a plan to pay off our debt.

Other than trump. He'll just renig or go chapter 11. He knows a thing or 3 about that.
Our central government runs a protection racket for our largest corporations. Very much like the Mafia.

if so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Just posting the truth as I see it.

if govt is protection racket for corporations so why are you so afraid to present your best example for the whole world to see? What do you learn from your fear?
Hey guys. I just found a thread I started in 2008 called us jobless claims rise to a 5 year high. Keep in mind Republicans at the time said things were great bush was great vote for McCain.

But today they aren't happy that jobless claims have now fallen to a 4 decade low?

That's brainwashed pure and simple.

Actual unemployment is around 23 percent. The stats are are only for those still collecting unemployment. When they can no longer collect benefits, they no longer count as being "unemployed". Wages are totally stagnant. 51 percent that even have a job make less than 30K which is 15 buck and hour. 38 percent make less than 20K which is ten bucks an tell me oncer again how great a job the Barrypuppet has done????
Your figures are wrong. I heard unemployment is closer to 426%.
Tale of the tape right here, folks......

Alternate Unemployment Charts
Shadow gov stats?

Do you realize a lot of former workers have taken your advice and started their own companies? If they are a painter carpenter landscaper chances are they are working under the table so you won't see them on the books.

You're also counting baby boomers who are retired.

You didn't care about the unemployed in 2008 why you blaming government now? I thought government didn't have much to do with the economy? You're using all my 2008 arguments but bush was handed a surplus. Obama was handed a great recession

People that are of retirement age are not counted in the stats. IF we had a legitimate "gubermint", they would act as the referees to insure that free trade practices placed everyone on an equal footing and prevent monopolies.. What we have now is a huge corporate conglomerate that actually runs the very corporations that people complain is running "gubermint" when it is actually the other way around.Composit "gubermint" is actually the majority shareholders of every Fortune 500 corpotation and their subsidiaries. You can find all these out by learning how to to read the CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report) which is required by every corporate entity and SINCE every city, town, country and state is merely a subsidiarie of USA.INC, they have to file a CAFR. USA.INC has over 185,000 subsidiaries all of which can be looked up on the DSun and Bradstreet website. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more money per year via their investments than the entire private GDP. They own amusement parks, golf courses, real estate, race tracks, etc, etc along with the stocks they have and they don't pay a single dime in tax. I found that The Sate Of Texas INC (my state) is sitting on over a trillion dollars in hard assets...and that is just the state offices. That doesn't even include the holdings of the huge cities like Dallas, Houston, Ft Worth, etc,'s all a huge scam and they pass their corporate credit card off on us to pay via taxes, licenses, fines and fees. Houston, Texas, for instance, is sitting on so much cash and stocks that it could fund the essential services for the next 17 years without collecting one dime in property taxes, fines or fees.

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