US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Still refusing to admit you don't have that formula, Georgie? The lie is that you ever had know it...I know it...anyone who's followed this joke of a thread knows it!

No one is paying attention. Do you have a mouse in your pocket, dipshit/
But no, I am not lying, as you well know. But truth is, you are refusing to honor the condition you agreed to. And, me boy, I am not making that up. I have already proven that I did require a condition, and you did agree to it. But, today, you are lying again. Really, me boy, have you no integrity?? Of course not.
Con tools are generally liars. And you help to prove that fact.

The only thing you've "proven" is that you were lying when you said you had the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved". All your bullshit about conditions and Con tools is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from your inability to provide that formula. You got caught telling another lie because that's what you DO!
Still refusing to admit you don't have that formula, Georgie? The lie is that you ever had know it...I know it...anyone who's followed this joke of a thread knows it!

No one is paying attention. Do you have a mouse in your pocket, dipshit/
But no, I am not lying, as you well know. But truth is, you are refusing to honor the condition you agreed to. And, me boy, I am not making that up. I have already proven that I did require a condition, and you did agree to it. But, today, you are lying again. Really, me boy, have you no integrity?? Of course not.
Con tools are generally liars. And you help to prove that fact.

The only thing you've "proven" is that you were lying when you said you had the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved". All your bullshit about conditions and Con tools is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from your inability to provide that formula. You got caught telling another lie because that's what you DO!
Got it. We now have a con tool again saying he is not a con tool.
We have OS, a proven liar, saying he does not lie. But you have recently been proven to have lied on multiple occasions. So, you lie but you are not a liar. Got it.

How do we know you are a con tool?:
1. You always, in every single case, pick the response provided in nearly every single bat shit crazy con web site.
2. You never pick a response that is different from the bat shit crazy con web sites.
3. You lie constantly, a trait well developed in the con tools.
4. You have done so consistently for years.

How do we know you are a liar:
1. You make statements that say you did not say something, but when your post is pulled forward and cited, you actually did say what you claim you did not say.
2. Your specific lies can be shown to have happened over and over.
3. You have been making the lies for years.

So, really simple, OS. You are at this point a known conservative tool, who lies constantly.
Still refusing to admit you don't have that formula, Georgie? The lie is that you ever had know it...I know it...anyone who's followed this joke of a thread knows it!
No one is paying attention. Do you have a mouse in your pocket, dipshit/
But no, I am not lying, as you well know. But truth is, you are refusing to honor the condition you agreed to. And, me boy, I am not making that up. I have already proven that I did require a condition, and you did agree to it. But, today, you are lying again. Really, me boy, have you no integrity?? Of course not.
Con tools are generally liars. And you help to prove that fact.

The only thing you've "proven" is that you were lying when you said you had the formula that the Obama Administration used to determine "Jobs Saved". So you are making an accusation that I lied, But you can not prove what you say. Because I never, ever lie. All your bullshit about conditions and Con tools is nothing more than a pathetic attempt to divert attention away from your inability to provide that formula. But I stated when this subject was brought up by you that I would provide the formula you so badly want when you provided what you agreed to do first. Which was to provide proof of a republican bill to address the problems caused by republicans by the Great Republican Recession of 2008 which they caused. As you know. So, me boy, you are lying. As I can prove again as you well know. But so far, I can find no one who is not satisfied by the post, under your name, which proves what I am saying, which I have already provided. You agreed to the condition required by me, but then could not meet the condition. So, as any slightly rational mind would understand, I owe you nothing. In fact, you are asking for something you have no right to. Because, again, you are lying. And I do not like liars. And I do not like YOU. So, if you could find a logical reason why I owe you an answer, I would change my mind. But as you know, there is no such reason. You simply lied about what you could provide, got caught in your lie, and are now having to play your little con tool games, while making a fool of yourself.
So, I am sure you have more personal attacks to make. But, you see, no one cares. If you could stick to the truth, stop the personal attacks, and make a single economic argument, it would be different. But so far, you have proven you can not.
Still pretending that you actually HAVE a formula? You're the biggest fraud on this board, Rshermr!

All your conditions and declarations that "I NEVER LIE!!!!!" can't hide the fact that you lie constantly and get caught doing so regularly!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! That's the only formula you've ever had which is to've NEVER had one! You've been here for weeks now lying and saying you did.
What's laughable is your constant refrain that what you want to do is discuss economics! It's laughable because trying to discuss economics and pretending that you have a degree in the subject is what ALWAYS gets you into trouble. Why? Because you so OBVIOUSLY know so little about economics that whenever you try and talk about the subject you invariably say something that no economics major would EVER say, thus exposing yourself!
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Still pretending that you actually HAVE a formula? You're the biggest fraud on this board, Rshermr!

All your conditions and declarations that "I NEVER LIE!!!!!" can't hide the fact that you lie constantly and get caught doing so regularly!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! That's the only formula you've ever had which is to've NEVER had one! You've been here for weeks now lying and saying you did.
Still pretending that you actually HAVE a formula? You're the biggest fraud on this board, Rshermr!

All your conditions and declarations that "I NEVER LIE!!!!!" can't hide the fact that you lie constantly and get caught doing so regularly!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! That's the only formula you've ever had which is to've NEVER had one! You've been here for weeks now lying and saying you did.

Ok. How about a moment of truth, me boy. If you are capable.

If a person lies, over the years that you have discussed things with me, you should be able to prove that I lied at least once. Not claimed I lied, because you do that all the time.
Now with you, I have proven that you lied several times. See the difference. Because I never, ever lie.

Now, where is that economic argument. Lets start the count again, of consecutive posts by you without touching the subject matter of the thread. We got past 25 times last time. Want to break the record?
What's laughable is your constant refrain that what you want to do is discuss economics! It's laughable because trying to discuss economics and pretending that you have a degree in the subject is what ALWAYS gets you into trouble. Why? Because you so OBVIOUSLY know so little about economics. Whenever you try and talk about the subject you invariably say something that no economics major would EVER say, thus exposing yourself!

I want you to be certain that you know how sad I am that you do not think I have a degree in economics. I mean, I am totally devastated.
Because, os, I am sure that you know dish washing. I am certain you are a true expert on economics. I mean, it must be complete coincidence that your "knowledge" comes from bat shit crazy con web sites. So, I guess you would like everyone to believe that you are so disgusted with the process that you do not want to show your economics chops. And of course, we all believe you.
What's laughable is your constant refrain that what you want to do is discuss economics! It's laughable because trying to discuss economics and pretending that you have a degree in the subject is what ALWAYS gets you into trouble. Why? Because you so OBVIOUSLY know so little about economics. Whenever you try and talk about the subject you invariably say something that no economics major would EVER say, thus exposing yourself!

I want you to be certain that you know how sad I am that you do not think I have a degree in economics. I mean, I am totally devastated.
Because, os, I am sure that you know dish washing. And as a dishwasher, I am certain you are a true expert on economics. I mean, it must be a complete coincidence that your "knowledge" comes from bat shit crazy con web sites. It probably is just a coincidence.
So, I guess you would like everyone to believe that you are so disgusted with the process that you do not want to show your economics chops. And of course, we all believe you.
One question, me boy. If I did not believe you had a history degree, I would make you prove it on the basis that if you could prove it I would pay you big time, and if you could not, you would pay me big time. As I have offered you on all the accused lies you have made of me. I mean, I gave you the ability to make $10K, or more or less, if you would take the bet. And you could make the bet using an impartial source and escrow, to protect your investment. But you did not take the offer. Because you know you will lose. But you keep making the claim, knowing you do not believe it, because you have no integrity.
Got it. Big mouth. No balls.
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Still pretending that you actually HAVE a formula? You're the biggest fraud on this board, Rshermr!

All your conditions and declarations that "I NEVER LIE!!!!!" can't hide the fact that you lie constantly and get caught doing so regularly!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! That's the only formula you've ever had which is to've NEVER had one! You've been here for weeks now lying and saying you did.
Still pretending that you actually HAVE a formula? You're the biggest fraud on this board, Rshermr!

All your conditions and declarations that "I NEVER LIE!!!!!" can't hide the fact that you lie constantly and get caught doing so regularly!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! That's the only formula you've ever had which is to've NEVER had one! You've been here for weeks now lying and saying you did.

Ok. How about a moment of truth, me boy. If you are capable.

If a person lies, over the years that you have discussed things with me, you should be able to prove that I lied at least once. Not claimed I lied, because you do that all the time.
Now with you, I have proven that you lied several times. See the difference. Because I never, ever lie.

Now, where is that economic argument. Lets start the count again, of consecutive posts by you without touching the subject matter of the thread. We got past 25 times last time. Want to break the record?

Moment of truth? Is this where you finally provide the economic formula to determine "Jobs Saved"?
Integrity is a simple's backing up words with actions.

Moment of truth? Do you actually HAVE any integrity?
You know what's sad, Georgie? That I know so much more about economics from having taken two entry level courses in the subject decades ago...then someone who supposedly graduated with a college degree in economics! That's not a testament to my simply underscores your lack thereof.

I get a chuckle out of your continued attempts to get a rise out of me with the whole "dishwasher" thing! Sorry to disappoint you but I learned way back in elementary school to ignore stupid insults. Feel free to keep that one coming though, little's about all you've got at this point!
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You know what's sad, Georgie? That I know so much more about economics from having taken two entry level courses in the subject decades ago...then someone who supposedly graduated with a college degree in economics! That's not a testament to my simply underscores your lack thereof.

I get a chuckle out of your continued attempts to get a rise out of me with the whole "dishwasher" thing! Sorry to disappoint you but I learned way back in elementary school to ignore stupid insults. Feel free to keep that one coming though, little's about all you've got at this point!
I was not trying to get a rise out of you, dipshit. But relative to ignoring stupid insults, I think I will ignore you for a while.
Only you would deem asking for someone to provide an economic formula as an "insult"!

Not only do I think you should ignore me, Georgie...I'd suggest avoiding me at all costs! When you see that big red question mark? Tuck tail and run! If you don' ARE going to get more abuse for being a fraud! If you don't...then you ARE going to get exposed!
Only you would deem asking for someone to provide an economic formula as an "insult".
I did not ever say that asking for an economic formula was an insult. That is a really stupid statement, dipshit. But if you say I did, I would find the post and show it to everyone. Which, of course, you would if you could. But you can not, because I did not. Really, me boy, you should stop your lying. What I think you should do is provide me with the condition i required of you, the condition you said you would provide, which would then allow me to provide you with the formula. But again, you lied. You could not provide me with the republican bill that attempted to help reduce the damage of the great republican recession of 2008. And therefor I can not and will not provide you with the formula.

Not only do I think you should ignore me, Georgie...I'd suggest avoiding me at all costs! When you see that big red question mark? Tuck tail and run! If you don' ARE going to get more abuse for being a fraud! If you don't...then you ARE going to get exposed. Wow, now that was a cool post. I am so afraid of the big red question mark, And you sound so tough, me boy. Something tells me you have a very, very small life that you are trying to make up for. Did you think you were going to put the fear of god into me. Fat chance, me boy. I have spent my life dealing with people that have class. You are a simple and obvious fraud.
Perhaps you should expose me, dipshit. But you can not, because I never, ever lie. What you are really saying, of course, is that you are going to lie about me again. Got it. So what is new? Hell, oldstyle, you already started lying at the beginning of this post. Saying
"Only you would deem asking for someone to provide an economic formula as an "insult"." Which is something that I never said, ever. Making you a liar again, already. At least you are consistent. Do you see, oldstyle, I just proved you lied. Something you can not do, since I never lie.
But it is nice to see you admit that you can not argue economics. And that you can not address the subject ot this thread.
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[/QUOTE] You know what's sad, Georgie? Yes, indeed, Oldstyle. You are sad. Any other questions, me boy?
You know what's sad, Georgie? Yes, I just answered that question. See above, me boy You seem to be repeating yourself.
All that bluster and personal attack (dip shit? really? lol) and still no formula for "Jobs Saved"! Why do you even bother? It's obvious you were lying when you claimed to have the formula that was used to determine "Jobs Saved"...and it's obvious that you will continue to post garbage like the above in an attempt to save face!

"Mr. A-B=Jobs Saved"...that's who you are...a fraud who hides behind "conditions".
All that bluster and personal attack (dip shit? really? lol) and still no formula for "Jobs Saved"! Why do you even bother? It's obvious you were lying when you claimed to have the formula that was used to determine "Jobs Saved"...and it's obvious that you will continue to post garbage like the above in an attempt to save face!

"Mr. A-B=Jobs Saved"...that's who you are...a fraud who hides behind "conditions".

What does "hide behind" mean to you?

Did you notice I provided the condition for your equation when first asked for that equation, by you?

My condition is quite simple, why do you refuse to meet it as you said you would?

So, since you will not meet the condition, may I assume that you can not?

Is that what you are doing, OS, saving face since you can not meet the condition as you claimed you could?

I made a deal with you, os. I said if you would produce the bill by republicans, as I requested, I would provide the formula. You did not. Now you are trying to blame me. It is, obviously not my fault, but yours.

Do you enjoy playing this game you are playing, OS?

If anyone but you is paying attention to this, they must be bored as hell. Do you enjoy boreing others, OS?
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You stated that you had the formula. When I asked you for it first you gave me A-B=Jobs Saved. Then you gave me "conditions".

What's obvious is that you never had the formula and lied when you said you did.

Now run along, Georgie. You've embarrassed yourself once again...
OS, do you have a serious drinking problem? Maybe you should go get help. Look at your post:
You stated that you had the formula. When I asked you for it first you gave me A-B=Jobs Saved. A-B=Jobs Saved obviously does not give you all the detail you need, as a stupid con tool. You have proven incapable of actually reasoning. Then you gave me "conditions". Untrue, me lying con tool. The condition was provided when I first stated I would give you the formula. I said, initially, when I first stated that there was a formula which I had, that I would give it to you ONLY if you agreed to and provided that which was the condition. And you know what the condition was, and you agreed to provide it in exchange for the formula. Since then, you have done nothing but lie, and lie, and lie. The condition is still the same, OS. No change. I stand ready to honor the deal. I refuse to play your games. You, on the other hand, want to play games. Because that is all you have. And you love wasting people's time.

What's obvious is that you never had the formula and lied when you said you did.
Ah, but I did have the formula. And I do have the formula . And you want it to bad. Keep begging, because it shows the real you, OS.
Now run along, Georgie. You've embarrassed yourself once again...
I am not embarrassed, because I am simply trying to honor our agreement. Honor, me boy. Look it up. You should be embarrassed, but as a lying con tool, you are not. You are part and parcel of the dishonor that you represent. You are trying to steal the formula without paying, paying being providing the condition you agreed to.
By the way, me boy. You have no power to tell me, or anyone, to run along. That is simply more of your delusion.
By the way, you stated the following, in a post you made yesterday:

Yesterday at 6:26 PM#1493
Not only do I think you should ignore me, Georgie...I'd suggest avoiding me at all costs! When you see that big red question mark? Tuck tail and run! If you don' ARE going to get more abuse for being a fraud! If you don't...then you ARE going to get exposed!
So, apparently you think you are a superhero, with the "big red question mark". Just wondering:
1. Are you a child, or do you just act like one?
2. Did you get the idea some time that the "big red question mark" was an indication of something other than your ignorance?
3. What makes you think you are capable of handing out abuse?
5. Why do you prefer to play your child's game rather than discuss something?
6. Are you incapable of reason?
7. When do I get to see the abuse from you, since you are a child?
8. Why do you like wasting people's time, OS?
9. Is your life really so empty that you love this game playing?
10. Is your delusional behavior long standing or has it developed recently in your child's mind?
It's so painfully obvious that you DON'T have the formula used to determine "Jobs Saved" that you're embarrassing yourself each time you make that claim!

You're "Mr A-B=Jobs Saved"! You're George Costanza. You're a poser. You're a liar.

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