US Jobless claims fall to 4 decade low

Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
Oh? What's the formula shadowstats uses for their unemployment rate?

45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
Here's another question you can't answer.... you'll notice that shadowstats mirrors the U-6 rate from 1994 only at a higher rate; but then deviates from the U-6 at around 2009...


... and now for the question you can't answer (at least not with any amount of lucidity) .... what changed in 2009 with the way the BLS collects CPS data to cause shadowstats to veer off into la-la land?

Anything that doesn't paint the Barrypuppet in a good light is going to piss of partisan shills like you. You kiss his skinny shanks when he has followed the orders of his puppetmasters to the proverbial "T" that has killed job growth. Part-time workers are counted as being "employed" and still the numbers suuuuuuck.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

I am sure it is. Because that is how your little mind works. You would believe jim the clown rather than a group of impartial professional economists. Makes sense to me, And explains why i so cherish your opinion. Dipshit.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

Of course I can show how the government comes up with their figures...

How the Government Measures Unemployment

If you weren't so full of shit and posting from a bullshit site like, you'd be able to do the same.
Thanks. I got lazy, and thought I remembered it being millions per month. Should have looked it up again. But at least the points I was making were correct:
1. The number of retirees is something like 12 times as great as new labor force entries.
2. The fact is, as shown, the talking point the con trolls are using are just that, talking points. They are not at all true, and there is no impartial source saying the talking points are true.
3. The participation rate does not show anything about the health of the job market, and certainly not about the economy.

The issue is brought up by every con tool. That is what they have to attack the good news about the job market, which they hate. It is a really sad thing when someone from the US hates it so much when things are not going really badly.
The difference between cons and rational beings is that rational beings admit their mistakes, while cons NEVER, EVER admit theirs.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

I am sure it is. Because that is how your little mind works. You would believe jim the clown rather than a group of impartial professional economists. Makes sense to me, And explains why i so cherish your opinion. Dipshit.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "impartial professional economists"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impartial economic "professionals" that are lying their asses off!!!!!!!!!LMAO
45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
You keep proclaiming superior knowledge; yet it's your very own posts which belie that delusion.
45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
Nice to know you have such a high opinion of yourself. You have no economic knowledge, me boy. That was proven by you when you referenced jim dipshit as your favorite source. And stand toe to toe with you? I am so impressed. And really worried. But then, it is probably because I respect you so much

Here is the thing, me boy. Seriously, I am pretty sure that you are congenital idiot. I learned all about it like you learn your economics, watching some quack on the internet. And sure enough, that is it . You are a congenital idiot. Which is a good thing for you. Cause it indicates it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

And I am completely certain that the only reason I would have any problem standing toe to toe with you would be that you must really smell. Is that it, dipshit?

I mean, really, trying to impress anyone with your obvious lack of knowledge and utter stupidity is simply indicating you have no clue.

So, me boy, we are still waiting for your proof of the ue rate you believe in. Or is simply that you like to believe it.
What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea ...
Holyfuckingshit! :eusa_doh:

If you have no idea how he arrives at 23% unemployment; then you have no idea that his site is "legit."

Thinking is clearly not your strong suit.

How does the Barrypuppet and crew come up with the figure that we only have 4.9 percent unemployment? If you actually believe that, it's not me that has an issue with "thinking". Personally, I believe that 23 percent is being generous to the Barrypuppet's term.

I am sure it is. Because that is how your little mind works. You would believe jim the clown rather than a group of impartial professional economists. Makes sense to me, And explains why i so cherish your opinion. Dipshit.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! "impartial professional economists"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Impartial economic "professionals" that are lying their asses off!!!!!!!!!LMAO

And I notice no proof, again. Yup, but not jim dipshit. So, good, you just proved you have no chance of making a rational argument. Got it.
And did you know, me poor ignorant tool, that laughing like that is a near certain indication that my diagnosis of you being a congenital idiot is likely true.
45 posts since I first asked Markle, "What's the formula shadowstats uses for their [23%] unemployment rate," and he still can't say. :ack-1:

I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.
Well maybe you can answer the question then that Markle could not ....

What's the formula shadowstats uses for their 23% unemployment rate?

I have no idea but the WH deducts those that no longer receive unemployment payments because it ran out as not counting on the roll. The numbers are totally "fudged" and do not represent the unemployment problem of DECENT paying jobs in this country.
Here's another question you can't answer.... you'll notice that shadowstats mirrors the U-6 rate from 1994 only at a higher rate; but then deviates from the U-6 at around 2009...


... and now for the question you can't answer (at least not with any amount of lucidity) .... what changed in 2009 with the way the BLS collects CPS data to cause shadowstats to veer off into la-la land?

Anything that doesn't paint the Barrypuppet in a good light is going to piss of partisan shills like you. You kiss his skinny shanks when he has followed the orders of his puppetmasters to the proverbial "T" that has killed job growth. Part-time workers are counted as being "employed" and still the numbers suuuuuuck.
The only thing I'm kissing is the proverbial paddle I'm kicking your ass with.

Here's yet another example... you go by, even though you don't have the foggiest clue how he arrives at the numbers he posts, and now you can't explain what the BLS changed in 2009 to inspire to go off the rails that year.

I see no good news whatsoever and it is only going to get worse. I love this country but I am not one to whistle past the graveyard and pretend that everything is better just because MY guy is in the is what it is and things totally blow in this country and with the Barrypuppet and the neocons pushing TPP down our throtas, shit will get even worse.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
You keep proclaiming superior knowledge; yet it's your very own posts which belie that delusion.

You have that right. The guy (or girl) is indeed delusional. And rather childish.
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"
I listen to economists on youtube all the time like Jim Willie that have been claiming the real Unemployment is over 20 percent if not higher for the last three years. I know that becasuse you are a shill for the Barrypuppet that you want to pretend like everything is great and wonderful but the fact remains is that things suck for 101 million people that are on some type of "gubermint" subsidy while Barrypuppet allows in illegals and flies in muslim refugees that WE have to pay for. Your rose colored glasses keep you from seeing the real truth....enjoy.

Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
Nice to know you have such a high opinion of yourself. You have no economic knowledge, me boy. That was proven by you when you referenced jim dipshit as your favorite source. And stand toe to toe with you? I am so impressed. And really worried. But then, it is probably because I respect you so much

Here is the thing, me boy. Seriously, I am pretty sure that you are congenital idiot. I learned all about it like you learn your economics, watching some quack on the internet. And sure enough, that is it . You are a congenital idiot. Which is a good thing for you. Cause it indicates it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

And I am completely certain that the only reason I would have any problem standing toe to toe with you would be that you must really smell. Is that it, dipshit?

I mean, really, trying to impress anyone with your obvious lack of knowledge and utter stupidity is simply indicating you have no clue.

So, me boy, we are still waiting for your proof of the ue rate you believe in. Or is simply that you like to believe it.

I know much more about the economy than you. I bet you believe that the Federal Reserve central banking system is a "good thing" and that their member banks that parctice "fractional banking" works as well....don't ya? Let's discuss how this works and how the Promissory Note system actually works and how it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933...I will bury your ass. Here is the first challenge for you...tell me why a central bank is a "good thing".
Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
You keep proclaiming superior knowledge; yet it's your very own posts which belie that delusion.

You have that right. The guy (or girl) is indeed delusional. And rather childish.
He's batshit insane. :cuckoo:

I demonstrated that over yonder --> How EVIL is liberalism anyway?
Seeing as how you're too deranged to even distinguish a network sign-off propaganda video from an Internet hoax, I see little chance beyond sheer coincidence that you will be right.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
Good deal. Jim Willie is recognized by everyone with a rational mind as a complete fraud, and a nut case. Kind of tells me what to expect of you.
So we have your opinion, and you must know how much we all respect your opinion. Dipshit.
I mean, economic information from Jim Willie. You would be an obvious nut case if you were just kidding. But you actually believe the dipshit. Making you one for certain.

Yeah, anyone that will not declare the greatness of the Barrypuppet and pledge allegiance to the leftard commie posse of sniveling pussies is a "nutcase". You are a blithering IDIOT or a shill if you actually believe that USA.INC is thriving, dipshit....seriously.
Wow. You are so profound. Barrypuppet. Leftard. Commie posse. Sniveling pussies. Sorry, me poor ignorant toad, you proved your relevance when you actually bragged (not admitted, but bragged) about listening to Jim Willie for his economic expertise. Do you get your political news from watching Sunday morning cartoons?
Got it. You are truly not relevant. Simple enough. Have you checked out the conspiracy section, me boy?

Awwww, did you get all "butthurt" because I don't pay homage to the Barrypuppet and his leftard commie followers? I know waaaaaaayyyy more than you. You couldn't stand "toe to toe" with me in a debate or discussion on the best day you ever had. You are are a partisan shill with no critical thinking skills chew on that, punkinpuss.
Nice to know you have such a high opinion of yourself. You have no economic knowledge, me boy. That was proven by you when you referenced jim dipshit as your favorite source. And stand toe to toe with you? I am so impressed. And really worried. But then, it is probably because I respect you so much

Here is the thing, me boy. Seriously, I am pretty sure that you are congenital idiot. I learned all about it like you learn your economics, watching some quack on the internet. And sure enough, that is it . You are a congenital idiot. Which is a good thing for you. Cause it indicates it is not your fault. Just plain bad luck.

And I am completely certain that the only reason I would have any problem standing toe to toe with you would be that you must really smell. Is that it, dipshit?

I mean, really, trying to impress anyone with your obvious lack of knowledge and utter stupidity is simply indicating you have no clue.

So, me boy, we are still waiting for your proof of the ue rate you believe in. Or is simply that you like to believe it.

I know much more about the economy than you. I bet you believe that the Federal Reserve central banking system is a "good thing" and that their member banks that parctice "fractional banking" works as well....don't ya? Let's discuss how this works and how the Promissory Note system actually works and how it goes all the way back to the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933...I will bury your ass. Here is the first challenge for you...tell me why a central bank is a "good thing".
Great, more deflection and strawmen. :eusa_doh:

This from the putz who swears by's unemployment number even though he admits he has no fucking clue how or why that figure is derived.

Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???
Yet more insanity from you. Is that all you have? Mind explaining what a video from decades ago has to do with "barrypuppet?"

You have no clue about MK-Ultra, MK -Naomi, or how the Tavistock and Brookings Institute and the Frankfurt School used propaganda, subliminal messaging and neuro-linguistic programming using not only visual images but mneomics as well. My knowldge of this topic is so over your head that it would be akin to trying to explain Boolean algebra to a's simply a waste of time. You are one of the brain dead sheeple....bottom line.
Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.

So, feel free to "school" me in the ways of leftardism...make your argument as to why I should become a leftard and grab onto collectivism instead of individual rights and how the "State" is always right.......convince me that communism is the wave of the future, "me boy". Here is your platform to tell me how you think the cow actually consumes the cabbage. I am open-minded which is why I know more than you but anyone can learn from "take it away"....convince me that I should become a leftard.......
Your inability to see how things actually are isn't my problem. Your beloved "gubermint" that you cling so tightly to is nothing but a fraudulent corporate entity that you pledge allegiance to.
It's true my ability to detect a hoax is not your problem; but your mental instability certainly is.

LMAO! Hey, it's not me that doesn't find it odd that out of all the cameras disposed of around the Pentagon on 9/11 that they have only released a few frames of footage. You don't believe that your beloved "gubermint" uses subliminal messages in order to steer the huddled masses and you don't believe that they would ever stoop to false flag attacks and events.....keep believing in Santa Claus.....ain't no sweat off of my balls.
And here folks, is dale's typical response when his idiocy is exposed under a spotlight... he deviates to another topic.

Along with the same tired strawman that since I proved his propaganda video containing subliminal messages was an Internet hoax, that I therefore believe the government is not capable of such deviousness; which of course is neither true nor ever stated. It's just more goo oozing from his deranged mind.

Actually, you proved nothing but we covered that but what you cannot admiot is that you are a shill for the Barrypuppet and anything that paints this fraud in a good light, you push with childlike faith and then swing your little cyber purse when others don't by the bullshit.......see how that works???

Your posts prove that there is nothing that can be proven to you. No possible way to talk rationally to a totally irrational tool. But you are funny, and that is worth something. So, you believe only numbers posted by sources totally partial. Good deal. And you do not believe in economics sources that are impartial. You must have had a difficult time in your econ classes in college. Oh, but then, why would anyone as smart as you believe yourself to be go to college. Hell, you could teach the class with all your knowledge.
We are all just so impressed, me boy. I mean, anyone who is as taken with them self as you and still is out of an institution is really impressive. To them self. Just remember, it is congenital. So it is not your fault.
You perfectly struck the nail with the hammer.... there is no way to prove anything to any of these rightard dots here. They reject all evidence they find inconvenient and cling to nonsense like, which they can't even explain how their numbers are derived. They live in some bizarre alternate universe where up is down, black is white, and the only "truth"s are those they get from the echo chamber.

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